
时间:2022-09-26 13:31:19 | 来源:语文通



演讲稿 篇1演讲稿 篇2分钟演讲稿 篇3

演讲稿 篇1


Hello, everyone, everyone!


I, He Chengyu, 11 years old, from Class 5 (1).


Now I will sing a paragraph for everyone here. Please guess the name of the song.


Dahe's stars to the east of the world ginseng to the north Douwa said, let's go, let's go, you have all the way to see the rumors \ When you take the shot


Yes, its name is "Good Han Song".Whenever I hear this powerful singing voice, there is a resourceful and multi -star Wu Yong in my mind, the timely rain and Songjiang of Guangnan sage, the rude black whirlwind Li Yan, the wise and decisive Tota king coverWalker Wusong, the leopard head Lin Chong, who is the head of Hong, is like a bullish flower monk Lu Zhishen, and the gods who walk such as flying are so well -known heroes. These familiar heroes appear in the same book "Water Margin".Today I will tell you a special talk ————————


Heroes of the Water Margin in my heart -Longzi Yan Qing


Yan Qing is a "small fresh meat".


He "lips like Zhu, his eyes are painted, and his face looks like a pile of Qiong."That is to say, Yan Qing's lips are red teeth, eyes are black, and face is like white jade.Think about it, among the heroes of the water margin, either a tiger back, or a beard full of face, and Yan Qing, which can be described as Yushu Linfeng, is different, why not make people love!


"The ancient tone of Yizhou, singing the sound of the beams ...; listening to the drums, the sound of the sky, the sound of the sound, and the quiet love."The song played by Yan Qing, the sound was high, and it was endless, and it could make people feel the depths of the heart.It sounds pleasant and remembered.How can I not let me admire this artistic accomplishment?


"Stick sticks, fist flying, four hundred army states are shocked everywhere."Yan Qing is also martial arts!Yan Qing's martial arts are different.Lin Chong and Hu Yanzhuo, immediately, led the three armies; Lu Zhishen, Li Yan and others, waving the instruments, brute force.Yan Qing's martial arts are not suitable for battle, only one -on -one heads -up.He "followed Lu Yuan from a child to learn this sumo, and he never met his opponent on the rivers and lakes."Qingtianzhu was one foot long, and his appearance was like King Kong, and he had thousands of pounds. He had not encountered his opponent in Tai'an for two years.Of course, Yan Qing also had a masterpiece: holding a crossbow, three short arrows, and a hundred steps to wear Yang, and the arrows were falling.You say, never?


All in all, Yan Qing is a handsome and versatile hero in my mind. Such heroes are countless in "Water Margin". Do you want to know more heroes?Want to feel the charm of more classical literature?Let's start with "Water Margin"!


thank you all!

演讲稿 篇2


Dear leadership and archives colleagues:


Hello everyone!


I am a newcomer who has just been working on archives for half a year. In my practical work in the past six months, I deeply realized that as an ordinary extraordinary as a archive worker. Today I can stand here to express my love for archives work.I feel very glorious by the archives workers. The topic of my speech is the name of "Lan Terrace", which is well -known, and settled to Wanjia.Ye Li contains righteous qi, and Huayan does not float flowers.Evergreen is cold, with laughter in midsummer.The true gentleman in the flower, the style is elegant.


This is the "Yong Orchid Poem" of the young handsome Zhang Xueliang, orchid, elegant and clean, known as the "gentleman in the flower".Confucius is "the fragrance of the king", and the literati often uses Lan Yuzhi to borrow orchid lyric.During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there was both the "Palace of Orchids" and Wangwen Shengyi was the orchid platform.Lantai, from the Han Dynasty, has been the central archives and classics libraries in the Han Dynasty. It is used to collect archives and books and books and books. It was also a place of Confucianism at that time. According to historical records, as early as the Western Han DynastyThe disposal of orchids, one shows the elegance of its place, and the fragrance can be deworming and sterilizing and preventing the classics from being damaged. Therefore, it is called "orchid".After more than two thousand years of evolution, the term "Lantai" has become synonymous with archives storage agency and archives;"Lantai" and "Lantai people" are the best praise for archives work and archives workers.


The expensive orchid is "the incense of the king"; the residence of Lantai lies in the preciousness;


For thousands of years, "Lantai" and "Lantai people" have been respected by people of insight.This is because gold is valuable and the archives are priceless.The file -shaped fossil, it interprets the vicissitudes of history and the glory of creation.People regard it as the treasure of the country, and "Lantai" is regarded as a sacred hall.


Archives are the memory of history, the cornerstone of the future, and an important material for "can know ancient, later can be used".Archive work is a work that "responsible for history, service for reality, and thinking for the future", the highly dedicated spirit and serious and responsible attitude of Lantai people adhere to the fertile soil of Lantai all year round, and use the attitude of "responsible for history".Organizing a paner of cases with a usual heart, their arrangement makes these archives a national treasure.It is this ordinary work that has a extraordinary life that shows the style of Lantai workers. It is this obscure work and accumulate human history.


Looking at the "Lantai" today, the orchid blooms, and the fragrance is beautiful.


"Responsible for history, thinking for reality, and thinking for the future" is the mission of today's "Lantai people"."Lantai people" know how big this responsibility is, and how much this burden is; "Lantai people" understand that only hard work will gain harvest. Only by keeping with the times and reform and innovation can we keep up with the pace of progress in the new era.Manageing and preserving files to prevent corrosion damage is a major problem placed in front of the "Lantai people".In order to overcome difficulties, they carefully figured out and repeatedly explore, and strived to seek an effective way to be suitable for both local conditions and saving costs and reducing fiscal burdens.Archives workers, serve the society, serve the people as their responsibility, and spare no effort to build a harmonious society.Over the years, the "Lantai people" have devoted themselves to cultivation, and they have been funded and educated.Some people say that silence is not necessarily golden, but I am silent alone, recording the heavy footprints of history, and inheriting the valuable spirit of the nation.


Some people say that history is just a scenery, but I firmly believe that it is permanently preserved. Storage memory benefits to her children and grandchildren.


I am a splendid history of the long history in the long river of history. Although it is not dazzling, this drop of huge waves is merged.


I am a silent grass in all sentient beings. Although small, I put this a little bit of green into the chorus of spring.


I am a first orchid in the orchid. I would like to use my youth to add a touch of color to Lantai; I would like to use my fragrance to dedicate a vein for Lantai.A wall; I would like to use my enthusiasm to inject a ray of sunlight into Lantai.


Engaged in archives is a special mission to us. As a archiver, I feel extremely proud, without the glory, I whispered for Lantai, I sing for Lantai!May the flowers of orchids bloom forever, and the incense of orchids will be in Lantai.


My speech is over, thank you!

分钟演讲稿 篇3


Hello everyone!

人生的扉页一张张撕去,要把握好每一天却很不容易,人生苦短,用心过好每一天,把它当成生命中的最 后一天。你会发现,每一分每一秒都是那么美好,那些平常看似很平淡无奇的小快乐,原来对你是那么的重要。拥有当下好好珍惜,不要等失去后追悔莫及。与其回忆过去,不如把握现在,展望未来。

The title page of life is torn away one by one. It is not easy to grasp every day. Life is short, live with your heart every day, and treat it as the last day of life.You will find that every minute and every second is so beautiful, those small happiness that usually seemingly bland and unpretentious, it turned out to be so important to you.Have a good cherishment at the moment, don't regret it after losing.Instead of recalling the past, it is better to grasp the present and look forward to the future.


No longer coming, it is difficult to get in the morning for a day.Encourage in time, not to treat people in time.

人生的快乐,在于活 m.paomian.net 出一个真性情的自我。花有花的美丽,草有草的碧绿,水有水的柔韧,云有云的飘逸。不要去刻意迎合别人,而去随意改变自己,我就是我,一个不一样的我,一个独一无二的我。要善于发现别人的优点,要学会欣赏别人的长处,弥补自己的不足,这样就不会迷失了自我,又能不断的完善自我。功名利禄都是身外之物,物质文明固然重要,而精神文明更是必不可少。

The happiness of life lies in living m.paomian.net a true temperament.The flowers are beautiful, the grass is green, the water is flexible, and the clouds are elegant.Don't deliberately cater to others, and change yourself at will, I am me, a different me, a unique me.To be good at discovering the advantages of others, learn to appreciate the strengths of others and make up for your shortcomings, so that you will not lose your self and continuously improve yourself.Famous fame and fortune are all things outside the body. Of course, material civilization is important, and spiritual civilization is essential.

走过繁华万千,最 后终究成为过眼云烟,人生不过一场梦,浮云散尽万里空。活在当下,珍惜拥有,人生的历程,一路风景一路泥泞,赏尽一程好风景,逆境不拒,美景尽收。携一份优雅,挽一束明媚,度一路从容。用一颗欢喜之心,笑看人生。

After passing through the prosperity, after all, he became a cloud of smoke. There was no dream in life.Live in the present, cherish the possession, the course of life, the scenery all the way all the way, enjoy the good scenery for a long time, do not refuse adversity, and the beauty is exhausted.Take a piece of elegance, hold a bunch of bright, and calmly.Use a happy heart to look at life with a smile.


The heart window is opened to let the sun come in.Put down those fantasies, pick up the floral fragrance all the way, put into the bag, poetic life, and sing and do it.Give people roses, and there is a fragrance of hands.


There is no fragrance of real water, and the water flows deeply. Some things, after years of precipitation, know what you want.The happiness of life is a calmness, a calmness.Do what you like, no matter what others think of you, you are happy in a happy, gained different joy.


Make the sun full of atrium, bright all the way, and fragrance.


thank you all!