
时间:2022-11-04 13:16:43 | 来源:语文通



曹禺《雷雨》优秀启发 篇1曹禺《雷雨》优秀启发 篇2曹禺《雷雨》优秀启发 篇3

曹禺《雷雨》优秀启发 篇1


After reading this play, my biggest emotion is that every wrong thing you do may become the straw that kills you.


Take Zhou Puyuan as an example. First, he drove away his beloved Shi Ping on the eve of the New Year's Eve, forcing her to leave her eldest son, despair, and commit suicide by diving. Their love did not break through the prison of feudal class consciousness after all. The love of Zhou Ping and Sifeng, his next generation, is different. They are also masters and servants. They are not imprisoned and decide to live together. However, their love and life were destroyed by the failed marriage of the previous generation. How pathetic. The solidification of ideas can not be thawed in a short time. It needs the sacrifice and failure of several generations to eliminate it.


Second, Zhou Puyuan married Fanyi, the eldest daughter of his own family. At that time, he was ruthless, ruthless, bossy, and had a strong desire for control, which made the family like a coffin, forcing Fanyi and his sons not to leave. Fanyi is not a humble wife at heart. She has a rebellious mind, but her resistance in this hopeless family is ineffective. Zhou Puyuan does not treat her as a wife, but as a psychotic patient, forcing her to drink medicine, see a doctor, suffocate her, and drive her crazy. Finally, because of Fanyi's despair and anger, the tragedy curtain in the thunderstorm opened.


Speaking of this, I thought of the sons of Qi Xianggong in the Spring and Autumn Period. He violated his father's commitment to "replace the enemy with his father", which angered the two generals. They united with Gongsun to seize the throne and killed Qixiang Duke. In addition, he had an affair with his sister and had his brother-in-law Lu Huangong killed. Such a "failure of Ned to repair, failure of foreign affairs" finally led to his death.


Zhou Puyuan is just like the Duke of Qi Xianggong, who oppressed and exploited the workers externally, leading them to strike; Internally, he is ruthless and drives his family crazy. But he did not realize his mistake, instead, he made it worse, and finally ended up with a tragic ending of "eating all the birds and throwing them into the forest, and the vast white land is really clean".


The truth, love and hope were all destroyed by a thunderstorm. The thunderstorm was Zhou Puyuan's ruthlessness, the collapse of numerous ripples, Zhou Ping's despair and pain, the persistence of Sifeng, Zhou Chong's obsession, Shi Ping's shock and self blame, and even the stubbornness of feudal thought.


Everyone seems to be wrong, and everyone seems to be right. The long sigh in the thunderstorm shocked the audience.


This is the first time I have read this play. I think my thinking is a little confused and my understanding is not deep enough. I'm going to watch it several times in the future. I hope I can have more profound feelings.

曹禺《雷雨》优秀启发 篇2


What is tragedy? Tragedy is the destruction of the most beautiful things for people to see.


Closing the last page of Thunderstorm, my heart is undoubtedly complex and heavy. I looked up at the dim starlight in the sky, but the image in my mind was lingering for a long time. I don't know whether it is also on such a night, when the wind is sweeping the sky and earth, as if to destroy everything; Thunderstorms overlap, playing the last sad music. Sifeng, who is looking forward to a better life, learns that it is his own brother who is going to spend his life with him. He can't bear to be hit and rushes into the rain, but unfortunately gets electrocuted. I wonder if she regretted it at the last moment? Her pure fantasy of sweet love is full of enthusiasm for the future. To the extent that she was bent on sketching the blueprint of happiness, she ignored the turbulent waves under harmony. But when the cruel reality is uncovered layer by layer like a scar being opened, I believe that her pain is not only skin and flesh, but also unspeakable pain pouring into her heart.

同样是一个为爱情撞得头破血流的女人,疯了才是她——蘩漪最终的归宿。蘩漪惹人怜楚的外表下,有着一种极端, 敢爱敢恨的性格,从骨子里流入出了无法抑制的蛮力,这使她忽然做出了不顾一切的决定。为了留住心爱的人——周萍,她将自己与继子畸形的恋情告诉了自己的亲身儿子——周冲,那她还有什么不敢做的呢?蘩漪的一生是由爱恨交织而成,对周萍的爱,对周朴园的恨,一点一点编织成了蘩漪破碎的人生。她就像是一朵摇曳的罂粟,周身无不透着冷漠,妖娆,诡异的气息,散发着最凄美的寒冷,直逼进你的灵魂,寻找苦海中最深处的共鸣。正如曹禺先生评价的那样:“蘩漪是个最动人怜悯的。女人,她不悔改,她如一匹执勤的马,毫不犹豫的踏着艰难的走道。她抓住周萍不放手,想重新拾起一堆破碎的梦而救出自己,因这条路也引向了死亡。”

She was also a woman who was beaten to death by love, and the ultimate destination of Fan Yi was that she was crazy. Fan Yi has an extreme character of daring to love and hate under her appealingly pitiful appearance, and her uncontrollable brute force flowed from her bones, which made her suddenly make a desperate decision. In order to retain her beloved, Zhou Ping, she told her own son, Zhou Chong, about her deformed relationship with her stepson. What else could she not do? Fan Yi's life was interwoven by love and hate. His love for Zhou Ping and hatred for Zhou Puyuan gradually weaved into Fan Yi's broken life. She is like a swaying opium poppy, with cold, enchanting and strange breath all around her, emitting the most beautiful cold, pressing into your soul to find the deepest resonance in the sea of suffering. As Mr. Cao Yu said, "Fan Yi is the most pitiful person. A woman, she does not repent. She is like a horse on duty. She does not hesitate to step on the difficult walkway. She grabs Zhou Ping and does not let go. She wants to pick up a pile of broken dreams to save herself, because this road also leads to death."


Zhou Puyuan is undoubtedly the maker of the whole tragedy. Thirty years ago, he fell in love with her privately. They had the fruit of love and gave birth to two sons, but because of the opposition of the Zhou family's parents, they forced her away. Shiping left her eldest son with full of grief and indignation, and threw herself into the river with her youngest son in her arms... Cause and effect cycles, and fortune plays tricks on people. If there is no such cause, there will be no bitter consequences of later tragedies. The shaping of Zhou Puyuan's image undoubtedly represents the ruthless bourgeoisie and is the spearhead of the whole story.


Just as others praised the works of Judy Picot, Cao Yu's family alienation, emotional betrayal and the fearless but panic subtle psychological changes in the old society's big family made him feel thousands of people. What is more commendable is that with his unfeigned words and heartbreaking plots, he made a story full of twists and turns, which made the reader's appetite last, but I cried alone...

曹禺《雷雨》优秀启发 篇3


Comedy brings people, mostly a short laugh. Tragedy often brings people deep sorrow and thinking. And Thunderstorm is such a thought-provoking drama. It "froze" all the beautiful, pure and sacred things in front of the audience one by one, and gave each piece of their flesh and blood to the audience, so that everyone could reflect in the strong breath of death - how did such a messy tragedy bury its roots and sprout?


In my opinion, reflection is the value of most works of art. From ancient times to the present, people have been reflecting. According to the Fu on A Fang Palace, "If future generations mourn without learning from it, they will also mourn for future generations." Mr. Lu Xun once said, "There is no road in this world. When there are many people walking, it becomes a road."


Reflection can make people avoid detours and mistakes. Then we will conduct an "introspection" of ourselves through the absurd tragedy of Thunderstorm.


What is the tragedy of thunderstorm? It was the death of three young people that led to the disillusionment of two families. What causes the death of young people? It is the love between brother and sister, mother and son. How did such a love affair arise? It was Zhou Puyuan's strong desire to control and imprison Zhou Fanyi and his abandonment of Lu Shiping. However, Fanyi is not a traditional Chinese woman. She dares to love and hate. Although she is imprisoned in such a strict family, her thoughts and love are not. After being driven away, Lu Shiping did not commit suicide, but got married again. It happened that fortune had destroyed the hopes of the two families. I think that the end point of the fuse that caused the conflict was the uncontrollable desire of people and the obstinacy of feudal class thought. The former leads to the love between the young master Zhou Puyuan and the maid Lu Shiping, while the latter obstructs their love. Imagine that if Zhou Puyuan and Lu Shiping did not fall in love, or if Zhou Puyuan and Lu Shiping broke through the traditional love concept of the feudal class and chose to live together, there would be no such amazing ethical conflict and no tragedy that would destroy life.


This tells us that there are still some pedantic and outdated ideas in our society. As a member of the new era, we should get rid of these harmful ideas and not be controlled by them. In addition, we should become more rational. We should not be completely controlled by desire. We should think twice before acting. We should not act blindly and impulsively.