中秋节的日记 篇1中秋节日记 篇2关于中秋节的日记 篇3中秋节的日记 篇1
Life passed day by day, and came to the Mid -Autumn Festival again.The teacher asked us to watch the moon every day and observe the footsteps of the changes in the moon. Therefore, I lay on the window sill every day to see the moon. The changes in the moon let me know that the Mid -Autumn Festival is coming!
On Thursday afternoon, the teacher smiled and walked into the classroom with a composition book. At the beginning of the party, everyone began to lose the ribbon, which made our classroom full of joy.A cake, a person in our class actually brought an egg cake.When we started, our group of classmates had to help me cut it, and some people borrowed my widow to let me cut moon cakes.Because there is no place to put it, I put it on the composition book. After cutting, my composition book is already full of the aroma of grapefruit and moon cakes!
After eating and drinking, we started to clean up. The teacher asked the boys to move the table out of the classroom and the girls to sweep the floor. It was so fun to take a vegetable cloth without garbage. It was so fun.In order to maintain neat, the teacher also wants us to enter the classroom in the future.
This year's Mid -Autumn Festival is really special. I usually spend time with my family. It is rare to spend this year with my classmates. It is really the most special Mid -Autumn Festival.
中秋节日记 篇2
Monday is the Mid -Autumn Festival, the day of family reunion.
Dad worked in Jiangsu without going home. There was only me, brother and mother at home. I always felt unhappy at all, but fortunately, my cousin and mother -in -law came to play.We walked around the street and came to my house together. We ate moon cakes and fruits together. I was very happy. From time to time, I teased my cute little sister. She also liked me very much and played with me.
My sister is accustomed to speaking in Sichuan, and also with the accent of the countryside, and loves angry, from time to time, says: Huh!It sounds like she is an adult and is reprimanding the child.
We are happy, but there is also a little sad, and we have spent the Mid -Autumn Festival.
关于中秋节的日记 篇3
× month × day week × weather × weather ×
The Mid -Autumn Festival is round.My good friend and I are playing, the moon follows us.My friend said, "The moon follows me." I said, "The moon follows me." I said, "The moon follows you in your heart, and I will go with me in my heart, okay?" She said, okay, okay?We started to play the game happily.
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