主持人演讲稿 篇1主持人演讲稿 篇2主持人演讲稿 篇3主持人演讲稿 篇1
Dear leaders:
Time is in a hurry and summer, the flowers are like a brilliant!Today we gather here to witness and celebrate the glorious moment of the 20xx graduates of Dongcheng District!Here, on behalf of the school teachers, I would like to extend the most enthusiastic congratulations to your classmates and your family!
Two years ago, all students ran in their posts, but they always burned their dreams of going to college. It was just the help plan of the union to promote good dreams.Let's get together in Dongcheng.
Your arrival adds the vitality of the school, and you can see you diligently studying. Work on weekdays, study on weekends, work during the day, and class in the evening. Students use their time to study and entertain their studies. Some students need to squeeze the bus from foreign branches at 5 o'clock in the morning. The students' enthusiasm for learning deeply infected each teacher, and we continued to carry forward the school motto of "learning and teaching to far away." Design the teaching content of each course to help students improve theoretical literacy and expand their practical experience. For more than two years, not only can I see everyone participating in classroom discussions and group PK in the classroom, but also in computer rooms, sand table simulation training rooms, and control training bases, and see everyone's creativity. In order to expand the communication between the students and the industry, the students went to the cooperative companies to visit and communicate and broaden their horizons. Of course, what moves us is that your work units, such as Hongyuan Catering Management Co., Ltd., Jindingxuan Catering Management Co., Ltd., etc., have given strong support for everyone's learning. The understanding of your work has promoted the practical work of the professional transformation of our school.
非常感谢同学们给我们带来的新鲜活力!在这依依惜别之际,有两个词与大家分享:自信、包容。 首先,希望同学们以自信立身。
Thank you very much for the fresh vitality of our classmates!On the occasion of Xie, there are two words to share with you: confidence and tolerance.First of all, I hope that students will stand up with confidence.
Xiao Bernard said, "A self -confident person can turn small as great, and Hua is mediocre."Self -confidence is a self -determination from the heart that allows us to obey the inner summoning in various noisy voices, bravely face doubts, and correctly grasp the direction.Once, everyone obeyed the summoning of my heart and entered the University of East City. This year, I got this long -awaited diploma, which will insert a stronger wings for your dream of life.At the same time, a self -confident person must be a self -knowledgeable person.It will not be arrogant, nor proud.To recognize yourself, you can ensure that you take less detours to better accept yourself; of course, a confident person must be a person who pays attention to learning.The foundation of self -confidence lies in ability, and the fundamental to improving ability is learning.
In the future, we will always maintain a sense of knowledge that is virtuous and realistic. In work, in work, learning from books, learning from others, learning from others, and learning to make learning a habit and cultivation.
Secondly, I hope that students will be tolerant.
"Be tolerant to diversity, tolerance is a virtue".Tolerant is the most beautiful flower in human nature, a lofty state, and a wisdom of survival.It not only contains understanding and forgiveness, but also shows the atmosphere and mind.A tolerant person must be good at appreciation. For the people around us, the things around us must be good at discovering their beauty, appreciate their beauty, and don't praise them at the same time.There is a director who is short and inch. To be stronger than himself, he must be good at learning from him. You must be able to hear opinions, criticize, and even blame them. A tolerant person must be kind with others.Not only is he good at discovering the strengths of others, but also forgive others' faults.
Classmates, the time of getting together is always so short, and the moment of being separated is unavoidable!However, during this time when Dongcheng University, it is destined to be so different in your life. Presumably many years later, in a sunny afternoon or rainy night, the school experience in Dongcheng Vocational University becameThe best memories!
It can be described as the end of the song, but the heart can be continued!
Alma mater Dongcheng Vocational University always cares about you!bless you!
主持人演讲稿 篇2
Dear.Dear leaders, all employees:
大家下午好!伴随着收获的喜悦,满怀着奋进的豪情,我们已经忙碌而又多姿多彩的行走在了XXXX的年尾,将信心百倍地迎来充满生机的XXXX年。在我们已经走过的这一年里,酒店经受住了一次次严峻的考验,但是经过广大员工的共同努力,酒店各项工作都取得了稳步的发展。今天我们在这里欢聚一堂,召开XXXX年第X季度酒店全体员工大会;旨在回忆这一年以来我们的工作进程,经验总结及应吸取的教训,借以共商酒店未来发展大计。动员全体员工进一步认清形势,增强信心,开拓进取,奋力拼搏,扎实工作,确保完成酒店在新一年里确定的各项目标任务,推进酒店全面、协调、可持续发展。现在我宣布:XXXX年XX酒店第四季度全体员工大会现在正式开始:首先,为大家介绍出席本次会议的各大部门负责人分别有:酒店总经理XX女士,行政部总监XX先生,行政办主任XX女士,人事部总监XX女士,财务部总监XX先生,市场部总监XX先生,房务部经理XX先生,餐饮部经理XX先生,工程部经理XX先生。 副经理XX先生
good afternoon everyone! With the joy of harvest and full of progress, we have been busy and colorful at the end of XXXX, and we will usher in the vitality of XXXX. In the year we have gone through, the hotel has undergone severe tests again and again, but after the joint efforts of the majority of employees, the work of the hotel has made steady development. Today we are here to gather together to hold all the staff members of the hotel in the XXXX quarterly season; we aims to recall our work process, experience summary and lessons that should be absorbed in this year, so as to discuss the future development plan of the hotel. Mobilize all employees to recognize the situation further, enhance confidence, pioneer enterprising, hard work, and work hard to ensure the completion of various goals and tasks determined by the hotel in the new year, and promote the comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of the hotel. Now I announce: all employee conferences in the fourth quarter of XXXX, XX Hotel, now officially started: First of all, the heads of the heads of the major gates attending the meeting are: Ms. XX, general manager of the hotel, Mr. XX, Director of the Administration Department, and the Administrative Office of the Administration Office Director XX, Ms. XX, Director of Personnel Department, Mr. XX, Director of Finance Department, Mr. XX, Director of Marketing Department, Mr. XX, Manager of Housing Department, Mr. XX, Manager of Catering Department, and Mr. XX, Manager of Engineering Department. Deputy Manager Mr. XX
今天到会的还有酒店各部门管理层人员和酒店全体同仁们。 在此,让我们用最热烈的掌声向他们的到来表示最热烈的欢迎。
Today, there are also staff members of the hotel departments and all colleagues in the hotel.Here, let's show the most warm welcome to them with the most warm applause.
Now, ask all the staff to stand up, let us precipitate the past, and with longing for hope, we will create a beautiful tomorrow with a gratitude.Please do "Thanksgiving Heart" sign language exercises together.
主持人演讲稿 篇3
Female: Children love mother because the mother gave us selfless mother love
Male: We love the family because the family gave us a tranquil harbor.
Female; we love the motherland because
Male; without the motherland, there is no place for our Anqi
Female; without the motherland, there is no dignity of our human being;
Male: Without the motherland, there will be no childhood and healthy childhood!
Female: Standing under this flag today, every classmate in our five -year -old class is particularly excited and proud.
Male: Because, today, we have to raise the five -star red flag for ourselves
男:担任本次升旗手的是踏实细致,全心为同学服务的好班长[ ]同学。
Male: Those who served as the flag -raised bearer are a good class director who serves the classmates [].
女:担任本次护旗手的是认真负责的大队委[ ]同学,全心全意为同学服务的卫生委员[ ]同学,品学兼优、严于律已的[ ],[ ]同学。
Female: The team committee committee members [] who are serious and responsible for this flag guard, the health committee member of the students who serve the classmates wholeheartedly, [], [], [], [], who has good quality and strict law.
Male: Below, I announced that the flag -raising ceremony was started, and the flag bearer was in place.
Raise the national flag, play the national anthem, and salute the national flag.
女:礼毕,唱国歌,指挥,[ ]。
Female: Li, sing national anthem, command, [].
Woman: Tomorrow is May 12th, the first anniversary of the Wenchuan earthquake.At that moment, the mountains were shaking, and the eight hundred Shu land turned the ruins. The 100,000 souls were coated with charcoal.
Male: In the face of disaster, love is boundless, Huaxia is in one heart, and all ambitions become a city.Let's take a while with the most devout heart, silently mourn for a minute of mourning in the earthquake!
Female: Only when you have experience. After we cry, let us wipe out tears and bravely look up!
男:逝者安息,生者奋发!相信新的生活会更美好!下面请优秀青年教师[ ]老师讲话。
Male: The deceased rests, and the life is struggling!I believe that new life will be better!The excellent young teachers [] teacher [] is requested below.
Woman: I announced that the flag -raising ceremony of the six -year six -year class, please summarize the work of Mr. Zhou on duty.
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