
时间:2022-09-19 13:22:15 | 来源:语文通



水浒传读后感 篇1读水浒传有感 篇2读水浒传有感 篇3读《水浒传》有感 篇4读水浒传有感 篇5水浒传读后感 篇6读《水浒传》有感 篇7读水浒传有感 篇8水浒传读后感 篇9读水浒传有感 篇10

水浒传读后感 篇1


This summer, I finished reading "Water Margin".The hero spirit in "Water Margin" deeply attracted me.

《水浒传》讲述了108个梁山好汉反抗政府的故事。南宋时期,政府腐败,官员压迫百姓。这吸引了无数英雄来到梁山公园。最后要做的事情是抵制腐败官员,并最终找到和平。角色是:“适时下雨。宋江,“绿面兽“杨志。黑色旋风”李悝jy 。.。.。.

"Water Margin" tells the story of 108 Liangshan Haohan resisting the government.During the Southern Song Dynasty, the government was corrupt and officials oppressed the people.This attracted countless heroes to Liangshan Park.The last thing to do is to resist corruption officials and finally find peace.The character is: "Rain in time. Song Jiang," Green Beast "Yang Zhi. Black Whirlwind" Li Yan JY.....Then, then, then


Song Jiang is the great leader of Liangshan.He was born in a government family since he was a child. He was smart and capable, and he liked to make friends with heroes in the world.It is a model of "loyalty to both parties".Song Jiangzhong fought against Liao Bing and fought in Fang La.But in the end he was hurt by the adulterer, which was really regrettable.


Among the many Liangshan heroes, I still prefer Song Wu.He played tigers in Puyang Port, fighting happily in the forest, drunk in Jiangmen Shen, hate the newlywed couple's apartment...This can reflect the characteristics of Song Wuwu's high, good and evil, and chivalry.Later, he became the 14th hero of Liangshan.In Fang La's heroic battle, it can be said that Song Wu is an impressive warrior in "Water Margin".What impressed me the most was the chapter "" Snow Hate the Tower ", but Song Wu wrote on the wall: Hei Zi Song Wu. This is because he does not want to cause trouble to others, so that the government has a account to rush to him to rush to him.. Many people show like a person.


After reading "Water Margin", I have a deep feeling.Although most of the 108 heroes eventually died.However, they do not succumb to the spirit of evil forces, fighting for justice and money, always exist in people's hearts.

读水浒传有感 篇2


During the summer vacation, I read a world famous book called "Water Margin".It tells the 108 good men on Liangshan to eliminate harm to the people and make blessings for the people.Although each chapter is wonderful, my favorite is the chapter of "Wu Song Jingyang Gang".


This chapter wrote that Wu Song accompanied Song Jiang for a few days, and left Song Jiang because he missed his brother.I drank eighteen bowls of wine on the road, ate a few pounds of meat, and did not listen to the owner's advice.Just when he was hot and ready to rest, a tiger suddenly emerged, and Wu Song's wine turned into cold sweat. He picked up the stick stick and hit it. As a result, he was anxious.With all the power of life, he barely fist, killing the tiger, and finally Wu Song became a hero of a tiger.


But why did Wu Song kill the tiger?In addition to his strength, he still has the courage.The old saying is good: the weak enemy must not be light, and the enemy must not be afraid.For example, there are often senior students who bully the lower grades in the school. Do not fear their intimidation and scold each other loudly.


Seriously, courage is really important.A group of people went to play at the haunted house. As soon as they went in, one of them was afraid of darkness, and they screamed out of the entrance, and the rest came over with their own courage, and finally came to the exit smoothly.


In life, as long as we face it bravely, everything can be successful.

读水浒传有感 篇3


In this particularly long holiday, I read the Water Margin in the four classic masterpieces.


The wonderful story in the book is full of heroes and heroism.The image of a distinctive personality left a deep impression on me, such as the timely rain Song Jiang, Hua Monk Lu Zhishen, Walker Wusong, Black Whirlwind Li Yan, Leopard Head Lin Chong, Xiao Li Guanghua Rong, etc., are very good allusions.Some of them are rough and generous, irritable; some are deeply righteous and upright; some are smart and wise; some are righteous and loyal.... In short, in Liangshan, that one is "one man is a man, Wanfu Mo Kai" is a real hero, a good man!


There are so many things worth learning in "Water Margin", wit and bravery, can change the wrong, can change the money, etc. These are the excellent qualities we need to learn.However, I think the most valuable spirit in Water Margin is "lecture".In the story of "Drunk Chiangnam God", Wu Songfa was equipped with the camp in Mengzhou, and the son of the campaign, Shi En, worshiped his name.Shi En's hotel was occupied by the bully Jiang Men Shen, and Wu Songwen was furious. He rushed to the Forest Forest with the wine, hit Jiang Men Shen, and recaptured the hotel!


After reading this book, I can't help but admire the resistance of the heroes and the spirit of justice, the hero of the Water Margin, you are great!

读《水浒传》有感 篇4


Composition children, don't close your eyes, motherland mothers save you!The 500 -word composition "good or loses do not die" means to review the failure with the correct eyes, and to reverse the failure with unwavering actions. This failure is called success.Looking up at the sun, so dazzling, I put my hand index, and the winter was about to pass, and I finally passed.It turns out that spring is such an eternal season. It has never stayed away. It is always when we need it.


Li Yan in the book is a anxious temper, straight temperament, and more in line with my character, so I prefer him.The two small stories to be told below are also about him.


The first one was the story of Li Yan's revenge for his mother -Li Yan missed his mother after going to Liangshan, so he went to the county seat to pick up his mother.When they arrived at the wild countryside, he went to find water for his mother. After he didn't want to go back, his mother had been eaten by the tiger. In order to avenge his mother, he killed both of them and two small tigers.


What kind of power is the four tigers that make Li Yan have the courage to face the four tigers?It's filial piety.At that time, his mother was definitely full of his mother to him, and he couldn't let his mother die like this.If you change to us, will you kill Tiger to revenge?I think I will go.Let's take advantage of our parents to be better, and be better for them!It was too late to wait until "the child wants to raise and kiss is not there."Don't let yourself have such regrets, otherwise you will regret it.


Although the ancients said, "Loyalty and filial piety are all dilemma", I think Li Yan is an exception. I do n’t believe you to see the second story: Li Yan ’s death -after the court recruited Ann, he appreciated a pot of wine in Song Jiang.After the death, Li Yan made trouble, so he called Li Yan and asked him to drink poisonous wine.He knew that the wine was poisonous and said, "It's okay, it is a big deal after his death, the elder brother's little ghost → www..cn ←."


What did the last sentence he said?It reflects his loyalty.Some people may say, "What is the use of loyalty? Are those loyal people who are sacrificed?" But although they were sacrificed, all of them were named, and those traitors and traitors were not scolded and stink for thousands of years.


Zhongxiao is located in front of Baishan, indicating that the ancients attached great importance to them and regarded them as traditional virtues. We must continue to carry forward.

读水浒传有感 篇5


I read the beginning of "Water Margin" today, and the origin of the 108 Horizable was called out.During the period of Song Renzong, Guotai Min'an was prosperous and prosperous, and the wind was smooth. After the three boards, the things must be reversed.Thirty -six members of the sky, seventy -two grounds, a total of 108.


The beginning of this article describes the poetry of the battle, the characters are meticulous.The image, really the writing of the masterpieces is not only colorful, the writing is also very exciting.


The writing of the story often starts with "unbelieving evil".Just like many TV movies, someone always has to find out and start the prelude to the story.And the ancients wrote books, always paying attention to the beginning. The Dream of Red Mansion started from the narrative of the two fairy.


Song Renzong, from the recent "Qingpingle", has a certain perceptual understanding of the emperor. He also had a certain rational understanding of the emperor through the text of the emperor before.He restrained, Li Xian's scholars, in his dynasty, there were selfless Bao Zheng, "the worry of the world, the joy of the world, and the joy of the world" Fan Zhongyan, the poet's prime minister Yan Shu, Han Qi and so on.He respects the literati, respects the ancestral training of Song Taizu's no murderer, and treats the courtiers with an open mind. Even the concubine does not surpass the ancestral system.The last dynasty jumped the sea, and there were 100,000 military and civilians followed. It can be seen how good the Song Dynasty was in the eyes of the people at that time.


Three boards, one boarding in nine years, each of the world's peace, the grains are rich, all the people are happy, the road does not pick up, the night does not close the household, and Tian He is familiar.


Perhaps the joy is very sad, and the life journey is many, and it is always good or bad. The article starts with Song Renzong Sanzheng.Therefore, you need to be cautious when you are proud, you must be indifferent when you are frustrated, do not fluttering at the high place, and do not blame yourself at the low place.Furthermore, life is originally ups and downs.

水浒传读后感 篇6


Hello everyone!Reading a good book is to talk to a noble person.Let's read "Water Margin"!Every time I read, I always get some new experiences and feelings.


"Water Margin" tells the story of 108 good Han assembly of peasant uprising, but in the end, he ended up with failure. Seeing this, I sighed involuntarily, and was disappointed with the failure of these 108 heroes' uprising. But when I thought of Wu Song's heroic scene, I couldn't help but admire it. I saw Wu Song drunk and drunk, and staggered up to work. I was in a hurry. A colorful tiger rushed to Wu Song hungry, and I shouted, "Wu Song! Be careful!" The body jumped over, the tiger turned around, Wu Song raised his whistle and hit the tiger. I did not expect to hit the dead wood. The whistle rushed towards the tiger and hit fifty or sixty fists. The tiger's whole body burst into blood. Wu Song was afraid that the tiger would not die, and he hit a while with a discounted whistle. There are also many heroes like Wu Song in "Water Margin", who are fighting for wealth and wealth, and often applies to "timely rain" Song Jiang to the poor; The dragon "Shi Jin; the" black whirlwind "Li Yan, who is loyal and filial piety, is really fascinating.


"Luo saw a rush, and it was time to shot when it was time." In ancient times, it was a hero in ancient times.In modern society is to see righteousness, with the premise of respecting the law and not illegal, in order to better carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues.

读《水浒传》有感 篇7


There is a book, which portrayed 108 good men, and tells the stories one by one, "Water Margin".


The 108 good men in "Water Margin" all have different qualities, the flowers and monk Lu Zhishen who see the righteousness, the heroic leopard head Lin Chong, the resourceful and multi -star Wu Yong, the evil and evil Song Jiang ... they are also very morale.


In life, some people do not talk about righteousness.


I remember one time, I went out to play with a few good friends, my schoolbag was placed on the ground, and I played with my partners to hide the cat.We were tired and prepared to drink water, but found that our bag was gone.I stomped my feet in a hurry. When I saw a few friends, I helped me find it, but there was only one partner. He found an excuse for himself. He also said that he was going home and didn't help me find it.Later, it was good to help me find me!


Another time, I went to RT -Mart interview with my classmates, and we were a little scared.When it was my turn, I took the initiative to ask an aunt.When I was asking, I looked at them with Yu Guang, and they had run away without a trace.They did not come out until my interview.I think: They are too impressive, and they are clearly talking about interviews and taking pictures together, but they escape and ignore me.


It can be seen that the spirit of righteousness is also very important. The 108 Hao Han Duo in "Water Margin" speaks of righteousness. If you agree with others, you must say that someone will trust him and become a good brother with them.I also hope that my good friends can speak like 108 good men.


I want to learn from the 108 good men in "Water Margin" and learn their lectures ...

读水浒传有感 篇8


Finally ushered in the New Year. In this "year" atmosphere, CCTV's drama "New Water Margin" was released solemnly, and immediately set off a boom.In the play, the deeds of the characters are all popular, making me a crime of filming. In addition to joy, I re -examined the "Water Margin".


I remember that when I picked up "Water Margin" for the first time, it was in elementary school. At that time, there were 108 good men's introduction cards in the snacks, so I was interested at the time.I started to read "The Water Margin", clapped with Kansai in the town of Ruda Boxing, and was pleased to Wu Song Dou Ximen Qing, and was surprised by Song Jiang's anger to kill Yan Po's daughter -in -law.Many.Now I have another idea of watching "Water Margin".


If Song Jiang does not insist on recruiting, then there will be no many brothers to fight Fang La, maybe Liang Shanbo will replace the Song Dynasty.If Song Jiang continued to be his king of mountains, after the Dan Song, I do n’t know if there are us. If the cover is not dead, can the 108 good guys in Liangshan still gather?Native


Imagine that if the prodigal son Yan Qing failed to say that Master Li, Master Li would not be a media from it, and Emperor Zhao would not know the fact that Song Jiang was thrived.I was afraid that the Hero Hero would no longer exist at that time.If Shi Xiu Yang Xiong did not go to Liang Shan, then he was caught after being caught by Zhu Biao.If, the leader of Lin Jiao continued to endure the resistance, what was the "Temple of the Wind and Rain Mountain" and what was mistakenly entered the White Tiger Hall, which became a joke. Lin Chong was not going to Liangshan to continue to be the official.


But these were fabricated. When I saw Lin Chong left because of the killing of Gao Yan, he felt sorry. When Lin Chong came back to help Song Jiang collect Zhang Qing, he was particularly happy.When Song Jiangyi attacked Fang La on behalf of the Song Dynasty, there seemed to be a killing of tens of millions of people in front of me.The horn sounded, as the heroes left one by one, my heart became more and more tragic, and I did not want to watch it again.The rest is only heartache. These iron bones are not afraid of it, but they only listen to their elder brother. The only big brother is willing to present his head with both hands.I think that's the same.


Song Gongming, what magic you are, can you gather this group of unruly men, let them listen to you, but you will live.In a word, they sprinkled blood and rushed forward without fear of death!What kind of luck is this!


Now that I look at "Water Margin", I just look at a spirit, a spirit of pride, chivalry, and gallbladder.The spirit of brave charge, this spirit, now, who still has it?


Four masterpieces, I love the Water Margin alone.

水浒传读后感 篇9


The cover pattern of "Water Margin" is a mighty big man who is pulling down the willow. Soon, I looked at this book with a question.


I learned that the author of this book was Shi Nai's in the Qing Dynasty.There are many protagonists in this book, such as: "Timely Rain" -Song Jiang, "Flower Monk" -The Lu Zhishen, "Bai Li Bai" -Zhang Shun ... A total of 108 good men gathered.


After reading this book, I think the most interesting article should be "Wu Song fights tigers".The protagonist in this article is Wusong.One day, when Wusong returned, he was very thirsty. It was found that a tavern walked in in front of the shop. The shop was filled with three bowls of wine and two pounds of cooked beef. Wu Song drank the wine for three or two times.But it was not given. The original store was written with three bowls of nothing.Wu Song also had to drink, and the manager had to continue drinking for him, drank eighteen bowls, and Wu Song slowly walked towards Gangli. The manager hurriedly stopped it because there was a tiger who often hurt his life.Wu Song did not believe in evil, and continued, Wu Song sat next to a stone with a stick, and after a while, the wine came up.At this time, a big tiger came out, and Wu Song quickly picked up the stick and hit the tiger. This time he didn't hit the tiger, but he hit the tree. Wu Song rode on the tiger's neck and beat dozens of punch. The tiger finally died.It is said that Wu Song is a hero of a tiger.


This book is very interesting, there are many wonderful stories in it, I suggest you go to see it!

读水浒传有感 篇10


"Water Margin" mainly tells the team of farmers' uprising participated in the Northern Song Dynasty in the late Northern Song Dynasty. They struggled with the court and carried out a series of uprising incidents.


I like Lu Zhishen, who is jealous. He was formerly known as Luda. When he was in his jurisdiction, Lu Yueshi and Li Zhong drank together. He was talking about his heart. Someone was crying. Luda asked the reason. Zhen Guanxi, Sanquan settled the Zhenguanxi twice. After killing the town Kansai, he had been fled. He met a woman he had helped on the road to escape, so the woman's family put him in the temple, but Lu Zhishen was unwilling to the Buddha, drinking meat every day, and the monk in the temple endured to endure Without him, he entrusted him to another monk and asked him to manage the vegetable garden. Once a group of little gangsters came to tease Lu Zhishen. They stepped forward and cheated Lu Zhishen in front of the septic tank. Like a pillar standing. Suddenly he kicked the person holding his thigh into the septic tank, threw the pulling people in, and the little murdered buns begging for mercy, and Lu Zhishen let them go. The next day they took the wine and meat to serve Lu Zhishen. When he heard the crow's chaos, he dismantled the bird's nest, then held the willow tree, and instantly raised the willow tree. This is the origin of "inverted willow".


I also like Song Jiang, who is well -known, Wu Yong, Wu Yong, Wu Song, and the loyalty of Li Yan, who is really Li Yi ... The wonderful stories of them are amazing, as if they are immersive.They have blood, flesh, and righteousness, fight for the dark society at that time, adhere to justice, and pursue light.


After reading "Water Margin", I was moved by their loyalty and righteousness. They could fight for justice and truth for justice. They used their justice to wake up those aspirations."There is no such thing as a thousand miles, no small flow can not become the river," we should also be down -to -earth.One step at a time, start with small things, and be an upright person.