
时间:2022-09-17 13:22:15 | 来源:语文通



开学典礼观后感 篇1开学典礼观后感 篇2开学典礼观后感700字 篇3开学典礼感想作文 篇4开学典礼观后感 篇5开学典礼观后感 篇6开学典礼观后感 篇7

开学典礼观后感 篇1


As a new student at Mao Sui Middle School, I deeply feel pride and pride, and deeply feel my mission and sense of responsibility. After listening to the speech of the school teacher at the opening ceremony, I felt a kind of"I am proud of one middle school today, and I will be proud of tomorrow."


From a few leaders, I learned that Mao Sui Middle School was a good reputation and teaching priority to higher education institutions; I know that my dream will be realized. I will carry this sailing boat to find the dream in my heart.I can better appreciate the teacher's entrustment and ardent expectations for the new life.What the teacher said even more moved me and encouraged me. They used the hoarse sound left by the education cause for many years, and told us that students must first locate their own lives; secondly, we must plan the big life goals in the future;Eventually, the school was used as a carrier, and paid a step step by step to prove it to others and self.


When I heard it, my mood was very excited, and I felt that this was not like a school ceremony in the general sense. There were no big words, no words, no slogans, as if the lamps and indications of our lives.The teacher's representatives are also very practical. They use their own experience and experience to tell us that we must be familiar with the school as soon as possible to adapt to the environment and not let the environment adapt to you.The representative of the freshman is also very exciting. From his mouth, I heard the voice of myself, and depths in my heart, an indescribable trust and infinite expectation.Summer vacation has passed.Want to throw them all into the recycling station and clear it.Hehe ... In the new semester, I have to study hard and return to my parents and teachers with my grades.


I am very unforgettable today's opening ceremony.

开学典礼观后感 篇2


It is another new semester.The sultry of the two months on campus was replaced by a lively scene, and everyone was brand new.


At 8 o'clock, the opening ceremony started at the end!Look!On the podium, the principal, director, and student representatives beckoned us with a smile on the front!


After a while, I only heard Director Liao Zhen Zhen's words: "At this moment of the opening ceremony of the Experimental Primary School. The first, the national flag is raised."On the top of our heads, countless eyes stared at the national flag, and our hearts were tightly connected to the flag.The playground was very quiet, and only the national anthem echoed over the campus, and only heard the breeze blowing the flag to make a "rustling" sound.I looked at the national flag, as if seeing the battlefield, fighters bravely fighting against the enemy, competing for the territory occupied by the enemy ... The national flag gradually rose!It's up!How solemn and bright the teaching building is!The flag rose to the sky of the motherland and rose in our hearts.


Later, President Hu swayed the flag of the young headquarters to Xie Xiaochen, the head of the young headquarters.After the student representative Yin Yan Xia Lu made a holiday summary and the new semester planned speech.The sweet tone really brought everyone's thoughts to a wonderful state.In the end, Director Wang made a new semester work arrangement ...


The opening ceremony ended like this.Looking forward to the new semester, I must not live up to the expectations of parents and teachers, and make my grades go to the next level.


In this opening ceremony, I understand that "a little progress every day and accumulation will get good results. If you are not proud, you must work hard to become a good student who is good at surpassing and cultivating personality.In the zero semester, my plan is: "I want to learn my English well, because English is the language of international communication at this moment.I was very happy that day, I returned to the classroom with excitement. On the way I was walking, I felt that I had grown up and hoped that in the new semester, I had the most gains because I had made up my mind to ask me to be responsible.I can do it, I am happy. At the opening ceremony, my biggest gain is every word that the principal said to me. This opening ceremony really made me unforgettable!

开学典礼观后感700字 篇3


It is another new semester.The sultry of the two months on campus was replaced by a lively scene, and everyone was brand new.


At 8 o'clock, the opening ceremony finally started!Look!On the podium, the principal, director, and student representatives beckoned us with a smile on the front!


After a while, I only heard Director Liao Zhen Zhen's words: "The opening ceremony of the experimental primary school starts now. The first item, the national flag."On the top of our heads, countless eyes stared at the national flag, and our hearts were tightly connected with the national flag.The playground was very quiet, and only the national anthem echoed over the campus, and only heard the breeze blowing the flag to make a "rustling" sound.I looked at the national flag, as if seeing the battlefield, fighters bravely fighting against the enemy, competing for the territory occupied by the enemy ... The national flag gradually rose!It's up!How solemn and bright the teaching building is!The flag rose to the sky of the motherland and rose in our hearts.


Then, President Hu shook his mind and granted the banner of the young headquarters to Xie Xie.Immediately after the student representative Yin Yan Xia Lu made a holiday summary and the new semester plan.The sweet tone really brought everyone's thoughts to a wonderful state.In the end, Director Wang made a new semester work arrangement ...


The opening ceremony ended like this.Looking forward to the new semester, I will not live up to the expectations of parents and teachers, and make my grades go to the next level.


In this opening ceremony, I understand that "improved a little bit every day and accumulated over time, you will get good results.In the semester, my plan was: "I want to learn my English well, because English is now the language of international communication.Today I am very happy. I returned to the classroom with excitement. On the way I was walking, I felt that I had grown up. I hope that in the new semester, I have the most harvest, because I have already made up my mindOkay, I am happy. At this opening ceremony, my biggest gain is every word that the principal said to me. This opening ceremony really made me unforgettable!

开学典礼感想作文 篇4


It ushered in the annual opening ceremony.We welcomed this morning style to the gymnasium. I entered the familiar and unfamiliar gymnasium. The scene of the opening ceremony last year suddenly echoed in front of my eyes.Everything is the same as the original, familiar field, familiar leadership.The difference is that we are familiar with each other in the opening ceremony of the 20xx school year, and will not be like helplessness and inferiority at the opening ceremony last year.Everyone has my own dream, and I am also an exception. The defeat of the entrance examination is now my motivation to move forward.


I felt that the passage of time was so fast, and the scene when I first entered the job was vivid. In a blink of an eye, I am a school sister in a high school. At the opening ceremony, the teacher's speech was always so boring. But the general manager's speech made me remember. He said that if a person wants to succeed, he must do the following four points: First, there must be a dream. Remember the words he gave us, "People have to have dreams, but the dream of no tears and sweat is just empty or messy. I think this is very reasonable. I have made my ideal results in the college entrance examination and admitted to the ideal university. I will fight for my dream. Second, we must know the value of the individual and the value of the enterprise. Third, there must be a skill. Very important, the sand table competition in the summer vacation, we passed more than a month of team training, and finally won the first prize in the sand table simulation business competition in Zhejiang Province. This is the power of cooperation. In the future study life Such team activities. Enhance my team cooperation ability. I will ask myself to make myself more perfect with the above four points.


Suddenly, I paid a lot for a year, and received a lot of honors.I have the care of the teacher, the expectations of my parents, and the help of my classmates. I am very happy.But what we once had should still be, the glory is no longer the past, but our future.


New semester, new start.Do I want to work hard for my dream? I have failed in the middle school entrance examination. I don't want to make mistakes again. I know that the loss can never be made up, but I must cherish the opportunity of existence.No matter how slim hope for the future, I will work hard and take every step well.

开学典礼观后感 篇5


On September 2nd, on the first day of school, he returned to the campus. He was extremely excited in his heart. He couldn't bear the joy of his heart.


When I walked into the classroom, facing the familiar faces, the last month's schooling career seemed to appear in front of my eyes.With a cheerful rhythm, I walked to the seat and watched the same table of the same semester. After the part of the summer vacation, the third met, and my heart came with a trace of nostalgia.


Suddenly a piece of music played, interrupted my thoughts, and watched my classmates put the school uniforms in a hurry, and I reacted to the opening ceremony today.The classmates, across the neat rhythm, marching towards the playground and reaching the playground. The principal has stood under the national titles, and it looks so solemn and solemn."Look forward, look left, a little, stand up," how the principal's voice spreads throughout the campus, 'Today is the opening ceremony of everyone's school. In the face of such a beautiful day, students should report to their hearts.After learning ... After the speech of the principal, a thunderous applause striked, and the class returned to the classroom in an orderly manner.


The well -known ringtones also began to make a sound. The docile historical teacher slowly walked in from the door. Opening the first page of history started a new chapter of everyone's learning.Out of mind, the sunlight in the early spring emit a warm glory through the window, and it is shining on the desk, on the blackboard, and the hair room of the classmates adds a little agility to the seriousness of the classroom.The ringtone sounded tightly, and the classmates looked up at the teacher. The look in the eyes looked at the teacher's look at the teacher. After getting the teacher's approach, he stood up and bowed.I can't wait to play with students who have a good relationship with good relationships, and the sound of playfulness.


In the afternoon, the sun was gradually heated, and the students lost a little vitality. The classroom was also rare leisure. When I arrived at the last lesson in the afternoon, I felt that it was usually beckoning from school.After scrambling, the teacher looked at everyone with surprise, and carried a mighty color in silence. In a blink of an eye, the students were on the schoolbags and embarked on the path of home.


In the new semester and new weather, I think everyone will flourish up and actively grow in the future.

开学典礼观后感 篇6


Today is our opening ceremony. Today is also a very important and meaningful day. The seven -day military training results. Seven -day sweat torment will be displayed on this day. We will be in front of the teachers and students of the school.In front of the instructors who taught us seven days to show all the seven days of learning.


The music rang, this is a magnificent scene. The teachers and students of the school are watching us, and parents are watching us. When the music reached the climax, we faced the teachers and students of the whole school, walking up, the wind blowing, and people walking. What a glorious and proud feeling! At this moment, we seemed to become a soldier in an instant, which made me feel proud and proud! At this time, I am very grateful to the instructors. It was his candle for us and illuminated the road for us. Although we have worked hard in this road: how many helplessness and how many punishments, we need to know that our military training is not particularly good, the instructor punish us angrily, but it is still not good. This makes the instructor helpless. , The instructor is angry and helpless. You have been silently giving us. You punish us to let us not shame for the class, train us, and remember that it is a hot day. Many classmates have heat strokes. You are supporting us to support us. After this day, these seven days you accompany us with sun and rain.


Although we did not win honor, we still want to thank you. When we want to thank you, you left. The instructor "Spring silkworms are all dead, and wax torches become ash tears." Instructor, thank you!

开学典礼观后感 篇7


On the playground, people are like the sea, and the song is like a dynasty. The principal announced on the stage: "The opening ceremony officially started, and the artillery sounded!" The tutor teacher said, "Play the national anthem." The school teacher made a gift, and the classmates set up a team ceremony. After that, Secretary Chen had new requirements and expectations for the new semester. The most exciting thing is to praise the double eugenics of the last semester. Each classmate was very nervous. The venue was quiet. Everyone raised ears and watched the counselor Mr. Zhang. When I was in my class, Zhang Ru Tian ran back to the podium to hold back the thick prizes. Understand "Ru Tian said. I found it carefully, and finally found it. I opened my brows and smiled happily. Next, Teacher Zhang announced the winning list of the county's writing competition. "Xu Ping, the third prize!" I cheered happily, "I won two awards!" Run, oops, forgot to salute Mr. Zhang. The classmates laughed and said, "You only have the third prize." I still proudly replied: "It is already good to participate in the writing competition in the county." Essence The school ceremony was over, and everyone returned to the classroom happily.