
时间:2022-08-26 13:26:38 | 来源:语文通



We see the sun every day. I believe everyone has appreciated the magnificent landscape of the sunset, but there should be many people who have never seen the majestic and magnificent scenery of the sea sunrise.


Watching the sunrise by the seaside, you will feel that you can see more excitement from the sunrise, the scenery is more dazzling, and it is more impatient.At more than three o'clock in the morning, the mist hugged the ground, and the mist floating on the sea, only the sound of the waves shocking the stone.Time slowly moved, the mist gradually hidden, the sea water decrealed, and crabs and shells were left on the beach.At this moment, people are not in a hurry to pick up, but look at the place where Haitian is connected unexpectedly and wait quietly.


At more than 4:30, a red fireball showed up, and people raised their hands excitedly, picked up the camera to shoot this magnificent scene.At 4.40, the sun was half exposed. It was like a child, peeping into the distance, as if observing the world.The vast sea surface appears reflection, and the fire is dyed with orange -red, with the color from deep to shallow, like a oil painting.Suddenly, a red fireball appeared. Due to the reflection and setting of the seawater, a kind of noble was showed.


The rising sun did not burn in the evening, no one's regrets on sunset, and no one's attachment to the sun.There is only a spirit of hard work, aggressive, and accumulated. This spirit encourages everyone to work hard and inspire our students to work hard at all times.


On the broad sea plane such as Bohai, he tried his best to show his best posture, letting other stars and moon envy, just because it is the ability of the sun.This also indicates that people use their own skills to go to the biggest stage and show their talents to the world.


I am so popular today, only one day to become the C position on the stage.



Listening to the rain overnight, not sleeping.Get up and look at the balcony railings.The hazy cold rain floating in the air, covering the mysterious thin clouds everywhere.I don't know when the rain stopped, and there was a layer of wet, quiet green fog in the heavens and the earth, magical.


On the sky, the thick clouds had not yet spread, and the eaves pressed lowly.Everyone is silent.Dawn, too quiet, too quiet.Quiet mystery and strange.The east is gradually giving birth to the white, and the dawn of Tianlu.The sky is reflected in the light blue sky, and it is pure, showing a thick and peaceful anger.In the blink of an eye, the fish belly white became pink, and the clouds in the sky gradually spread out.Suddenly, a red line appeared on the top of the mountain, slowly stretching.A solemnity of Hongri rose from the east.Dawn dawn, there was no urgent urgent, nor did it rose like this.Suddenly, Xia Guangwan, Tianguang Yunying.Chaoxi stood in the blue -gray clouds, flashed with golden light, and passed through the gap of blue clouds, leaping out -crystal bright and dazzling, bright red, and fierce.The sun looks like an elder, serious and affinity, overlooking Chenhuan, replaced the moon, irradiated the clouds of clouds, and there is a layer of tulle -like pale golden trim around the clouds.Essence


The birds took the lead in expressing the joy of the sun, and they broke the silence of dawn.At first, it was a bit timid, but gradually became bold, and it was a lively concert!Tree flowers are listeners.In the morning wind, the branches and leaves rang between the leaves and leaves, applauding the bird's outstanding performance.



I like to watch the sunrise, not only because of the magical scenery of Zhongyi, but also because of the rising sun full of vitality, I have a kind of joy and excitement.


I remember when I was a kid, my parents took me to the sea to stay at the hotel.I got up early in the morning, and went to the beach to pick up the shell at 6 o'clock and play with sand.At that time, the sky was gray, and the moon and stars could see it! After I played for a while, I suddenly felt that the sky became colorful: red and orange.I stood up to see the sea, and the sun in the clouds on the water emitted hazy, soft red, orange light, and the sky and the sea were red.The sun slowly drilled out of the clouds and jumped out with a blushing light.I was shine by this sun and felt very warm, just like my mother's love, which made people feel safe and comfortable.I suddenly felt that my whole body was full of strength.At this time, many people took out the camera to take a picture.I think: the best camera could not take the effect of the sun, warm overflowing, and courage to burst out ...


A few years ago, I spent the Spring Festival in my rural hometown in Hubei and saw the sunrise in winter.The chickens there often started to cry in the early morning, "Oh oh -oh oh-" I got up very early.There is no toilet in the second floor where I live, and I must go to the first floor to facilitate it.Winter morning is very cold.The steam in my mouth became white smoke.On the corridor on the second floor, watching the sky outside is dark, and the large piece of vegetables in front of the house covered a thin layer of snow.The sun hadn't come out, and sporadic snowflakes continued to float.Everything is gray, making people feel desolate.I got up for the second time and saw that the red sun was hung on the sky. The white snow covered a little green vegetable land.I clearly see: The crystal clear little snowflakes seemed to be shining and slowly falling.Thanks for the sunrise, let me see a completely different scene!


This is the sunrise! This is the sunrise impression deep in my heart!



In the early morning, I was boringly looked at Feng Zikai's "Art Night Tan". Suddenly, the big painter Crodmon's "Sunrise · Impression" came into my eyes, so thatMy heart trembled.


The sun rose slowly in the water mist, and the morning light reflected the water surface, and Jin Hui, which flashed the sun in the water, sparkled.The light blue mist and orange -yellow dawn are harmoniously blended and permeated, and everything is immersed in morning light and fog.In the distance, a small boat is moving forward to the water and heavenly phase ...


Yeah, although the fog in front may still be in crisis, but we cannot shrink and cannot be confused. For the future, we must keep moving forward!


The whole painting is natural, and its authenticity makes me really in the painting, and I can't extricate myself for a long time.Monet, like a superb filmmaker, fixed these fleeting and patient beauty accurately in the painting.He uses short and powerful brush strokes to match various colors together to make people have endless fantasies.The little dark green in the water is like swimming fish, playing in the water, as well as ripples, rolling towards the shore; as a duckweed, adding color to the monotonous water surface, can be gathered together, and it looks like it is like it, but it looks like it is like it.The fishing net left by the fisherman on the ship.From different visual viewing, with different thinking, this painting can always bring me endless feelings.


Although I just appreciated from the book, I have not seen the true style of the "Impression", but I can see this beauty in the painting, I am satisfied!



Sunrise is also a beautiful scenery in nature.In order to see the spectacular sunrise, I came to the beach by the sea early to wait for the sunrise.


This morning, it was slightly dim, her eyes were hazy, her eyes were blurry, and they could not see clearly.I found a place, sat down, ready to watch the sunrise.


I looked up and concentrated on the horizon of the east. The sun had not yet come out, and the sea was like a mirror, reflecting a round of moon in the sky, a bit blurred.


I was anxiously waiting, waiting, my eyes stared loudly, for fear of missing the opportunity to watch the sunrise once.I waited for a while, the sky finally glowed with white belly, and the sun exposed her head.


I waited happily because I chose the way, and I had to finish the desert.I am anxious.I think: I will see the sunrise soon.Time passed by every minute.The feeling of waiting is really uncomfortable!


I looked at the sea of the east intently.Suddenly, ecstatic, the sun had jumped out completely, and replaced the moon to work.It emitted a dazzling light, and it couldn't open its eyes.Hey, the process of this sunrise is really long, but how spectacular!There are many changes in nature, with a variety of beautiful wonders, which is enough to dazzle you and overwhelmed it.Ah, sunrise is so beautiful!Ah, nature is so beautiful!



Sunrise always gives a sense of mystery, Huangshan's sunrise is magnificent; the windy clouds of the sunrise of Yunshan ... but the sea sunrise has its unique charm.


In the morning, before my parents woke up, I couldn't wait to get up.I quickly finished doing everything in the morning.I like a happy bird, quickly "flying" to the sea.


I came to the beach, piled up the sand castle, and waited quietly for the sunrise.The sea is dark.I want to see how beautiful the sea sunrise is, so my eyes are lingering greater than the bell, I am afraid to miss the opportunity.I have piled up a few sand castles, but I have no trace of the sun. I think: The sun should be too shy.


After a few hours, I saw a fiery red moon on the sea on the east.I thought: What is this?It was a half of the sun, and I cheered happily.The clouds on the east became red and bright.After another half an hour, a red, large ball rose from the east side of the sea, and had completely appeared over the east side, and handed over the moon.At this time, the sun was like a shy little girl, hiding behind the back of the clouds, the sun was like a shy little girl, and the red clouds were red like fire.


After a while, the sun was like a shy little girl, and it slowly drilled out from the morning glow.The sun is sprinkled on the ground, making the big ground more shiny.


I see it into being intoxicated, and I can't help but say, "Observation of the sun at sea is really a great spectacle!"



I like the lively and cheerful stream, the calm and gentle lake, the magnificent Yangtze River, and the broad and boundless sea.


During the holiday, my parents took me to the beach, where it was endless.I couldn't wait to run towards the beach, and the delicate sand flowed across my toes, leaving a string of footprints on the soft sandy beach.


I sat on the soft sandy beach, the sea breeze blowing my cheeks, and the waves stroked the beach gently. I picked up a shell, listening to the sound of the sea, and enjoying the end of the sea to bring me endless fun.


When the sea was calm, it was like a quiet and beautiful girl. On the sparkling sea, the clear and blue sky was cloudless, like jasper.We played at the calm seaside, and a small crab running quickly ran through my feet. I squeezed it with my hands, haha!Catch it, see where you are running.Maybe our laughter is too cheerful, and from time to time, there will be a few seagulls flying to make fun.


Sometimes the sea is like an angry lion, and the white waves are rolling on the sea, as if tens of millions of war horses rushed to the coast.At this point, my mood was as choppy as the sea surface.The waves came from a distance from the distance, and it seemed to be inlaid with a white skirt on the beach, making the sea more charming.


The sea is your strength, giving me joy, and giving me a broad mind.I have infinite nostalgia and longing for you.



I wanted to see the sea very early. This summer, I finally had a chance to play at the beach for three days this summer. I was fascinated by the scenery there as soon as I arrived at the sea.


Wow, the sea is so beautiful!


Under the blue sky and white clouds, the blue waves are vast.Silver -white seagulls soared freely on the sea.The seawater on the sea is five colors and colorful.There are light green, light green, and tender yellow, dark blue.Blue makes people feel that the color of jadeite is light, and the color of sapphire is too darker. In short, it is difficult for masters to describe.There is also a pilot lighthouse on the sea, which is purple and red, and look far away, like a rainbow floating on the sea.Can be called the world.


The sea breeze rushed with the unique freshness and humidity of the sea., The white waves that are open.When the wind is quiet, overlook and rest on the calm beach.I accidentally found that the small stones on the beach were white like pearls, red red, and green like cat eyes.


My father and I went to the sea to swim, and a wave came, which made me drink a lot of saliva.Mom and dad laughed, and the tourists around him also laughed,


The sea, the sea.You are so beautiful, whoever watches will be dumped by her beauty.


Time has passed for a long time, but my heart is still there.



Last year's National Day, my father, mother, and Uncle Ding family drove to Rizhao, Shandong.Along the way, although I always sat in the car made me feel boring, but when I thought of seeing the endless sea, I was very excited.


It was night in Rizhao City, and we had to find the hotel to stay first.Early the next morning, we went to the beach to play.I finally saw the sea!From a distance, it is really the sky connecting the sea, the sea is connected to the sky, and it is impossible to distinguish where the border of the sea is, where it is the boundary of heaven.I just watched it!The blue seawater is like a large piece of endless silk, rippling in the sea breeze, just like someone waved her with a pair of huge hands, waves after another, waves and waves.Coast.


Tourists are everywhere on the coast. Adults are walking. Children are happy to see the beach!Ding Ding and I immediately took off my shoes and socks and rushed towards the sea.Unfortunately, the water is a bit cold and we can't play as much as possible. We have to play sand on the beach.We attacked each other with sand shovels, piled the castle together with sand, and bury our little feet ------ fun!Later, we became interested in the waves, and we deliberately stood on the beach. In the face of the waves, when the waves came, we felt scared, so we hurriedly retreated, and felt scared and exciting, and laughed happily.


Unconsciously, the sun went down, and we were leaving.I said to the sea in my heart, "Goodbye, the sea! I will come again!"



In my eyes, the sea is a beautiful place, will anyone like it?


On a clear day, I and my parents went to the golden beach on the mountain road to see the sea.I ran around and picked up many shells.What's more interesting is that I walked to the sea and touched the sea water. I felt very ice, and there was an unknown smell.


I was lying on the golden sandy beach, looking at the boundless sky, a few white clouds floating in the sky, some like cats, some like dogs, really like "white clouds".I also saw a few beautiful seagulls. They were white, with sharp mouths, stopped on the shore, and flew freely at sea for a while.


So I sat up, and I saw the golden beach, and under the sun's illumination, it seemed like a pile of golden yellow diamonds shining in that.I stood up and saw that the ferocious waves were higher than the waves, just like I played the piano with rhythm and melody.I also heard the sound of the waves beating on the rock, as if a person was playing drums, "slap, slap, pop" was extremely good!


What is the sea in your minds?Is it the same as I said?