
时间:2022-08-19 12:14:56 | 来源:语文通



Today, we came to the Indian Museum next to Zhongshan Park by West Lake.


At the door, we saw a white seal, with 3 or 4 meters high, with 5 large characters engraved on it: the Museum of India.I heard that this was the founder of the Museum of India, and the president of Xiling Yinshe wrote.


Entering the museum, the cabinet was placed in a variety of seals.Some are the size of the fingers, some are generally large, some are round, some are square, some are smooth, and some of them are strong.All kinds of seals are dazzling.


I saw a large number of blood -red stones in a large cabinet. Is this a valuable chicken blood stone? It's so beautiful.


On the second floor, a square seal attracted my attention.This is the seal of Grandpa Qi Baishi! It turns out that he not only painted his paintings, but also engraved so well.At this time, I couldn't help thinking of a legend: Grandpa Qi Baishi wanted to invite a Mr. who was famous for engraving the seal to the house and sent the stone to the house. After half a month, Grandpa Qi came to take it, and the stone had not been engraved.The gentleman said, "The stone has not been polished yet." Grandpa Qi had to take the stone back to polish.After polishing, I sent it to the gentleman's house and took it again half a month later. The stone hadn't moved yet. The gentleman was still the same. Grandpa Qi was very angry and determined to learn seal carving himself.He went to the mountain and picked a burden of stone to go home, engraved, grinded, and engraved all the burdens of stones! Finally, he became a seal carved man.


I was still immersed in this story, everyone had gone, and I had to say goodbye to the Indian Museum.


Chen Xiaobo



south of the lone mountain, beside Xiling Bridge, set up two -story buildings in a green tree into a yin. This is the purpose of our autumn tour -the Indian Museum.


A large piece of white jade in front of the architecture reads the seven characters of the "Chinese India Museum", which is amazing and given a solemn feeling.The Indian Museum is mainly divided into two halls of the seal halls and genre seal halls of the past.


Entering the Xi Yin Hall from the main entrance, in this small hall, the essence of three thousand years of printing and science seemed to enter the space -time passage of the development of Indian studies.The light in the hall is dim, making an ancient seal, the more mysterious and far away.Looking at these seals from a distance, the vagueness seems to be good or not, but as soon as he approaches to watch, he finds that the seals are all exquisite.A big "bamboo" is engraved with red on the seal. It is vigorous and powerful. I look at it as if there is a lush and straight green bamboo in front of my eyes.The carving styles of each era are also different, some love abstract, and some love exquisite ...


The seal hall on the second floor mainly shows the works of the famous figures of the major genres.The seal here is higher than downstairs.In the middle of the hall, there are ten seals discharged, which must be the best! Among them, I like the "horse" carved by modern painter Qi Baishi.This "horse" is simple and bright, with a lot of swords. Although there is no exquisite feeling, it has a hearty feeling.There is also Ding Jing engraved one dragon. This dragon is three -dimensional. It is very careful and delicate. The dense scales on the dragon are engraved with a clear scales. How much time does it take!Through spirituality.On the whole, this dragon is full of domineering and majesty, and a high -top momentum is painted by Master Ding.


In addition to the seal seal hall, seal hall, the seal hall and the seal hall.In the middle of the fourth hall, there is a promenade, with heavy eaves and corners, red pillars, and green tiles, all of which exude a breath of ancient cultural relics.


This autumn tour has given me a lot of knowledge about printing, and benefit a lot!