
时间:2024-02-17 13:11:29 | 来源:语文通



We have been learning English for over 6years and really love it. English is one of the most important langnages in the world. It’s necessary for us to learn it well .How do you study? Everyone learns English in different ways. I think the best way to improve your English is to improve your English skills. They are/include listening reading and writing. We should practice them every day.

we should remember more words and grammar. Reading more English story books or novels Watching more English cartoon TVs or moves.Listening English tapes and repeating after the speaker. Second you are not afraid to make any mistakes you speak English as much as possible.Third you ask the teachers when you don’t understand any knowledge .It’s very good for you if you are interested in Egnlish . You will find studying Egnlish is interesting and helpful. One more thing remember“Practice makes perfect”! I hope everyone makes progress. Thanks!


City Problems Nowadays, millions of migrant workers flock into cities in search of jobs and better living. However, with the sharp rise in the urban population, many problems arise in the development of cities.

Firstly, cities become more and more crowded, putting much pressure upon transportation, housing, sanitation, education, employment and so on. City services and facilities have been strained to a breaking point. Secondly, a growing number of private cars emit huge amount of carbon dioxide, leaving the air mercilessly polluted. What is more, the city is also threatened by rising crime. Not a single day passes without the report of someone being robbed, kidnapped or murdered.

Last but not least, city-dwellers are not only separated from the natural world but also isolated from each other, even not knowing the name of their next-door neighbor.

All these problems have harmed the attractiveness of the city. Unless there is some improvement, more and more people may seek to live in the suburbs.


earning English just like learning any other language, is hard work so we should spend time practicing using English. Besides, we should listen to the teacher carefully,review what is learned regularly, prepare each lesson carefully before class, do our homework carefully, copy good sentences and recite them and attend English debbates and speech contests. What's more, be patient and confident.

Don't be shy and don't be afraid of making mistakes. We must understand that mistakes are unavoidable. So be patient with your mistakes and try to awoid them other time. I believe" practice makes perfect". If we study hard, we will learn English well.


I think the best way of learning English is speaking as much as possible.here is some advice for you.

First, We should try to listen to the teacher carefully . After class we should go over the lessons. And do our homework on time carefully.If we have any time ,we can read some English news and learn some useful words.

Besides,we should ask teacher for help when we have any problems. Don’t worry about make mistakes.To believe ourseleves is important.


Firstly, fall in love with English. There is a good saying that interest is the best teacher. As long as you love something, we would like to figure it out deeply. So does English. Once you development your interest in English, you definitely will want to learn it by heart no matter how many difficulties you meet. Your interest is the biggest motivation to learn, which will force you to find some effective ways to learn.


Secondly, make a good plan for your study and practice it strictly. Learning is a long and tough journey that needs patience as well as methods. A good plan is one of the most effective methods. Learning schedule, content, step, target and so on are included in a plan. Besides, you should pay attention to the mistakes you make. In your plan, you should set sometime aside to correct the mistakes you make and make sure that you would never make such mistakes again.


Finally, make good use of all materials you can get. Nowadays, there are plenty of materials for us to learn English, such as newspaper, magazine, radio, TV, the internet and many other media. They contain almost all information in the world. We can get news as well as knowledge when we use them. Besides, the knowledge we get in the class is far more enough, so that it’s necessary for us to broaden our knowledge after class by using various learning materials.



Study English,You need to use English with speakers who are not teachers of English. This isn't easy, since everyone feels constrained speaking English with friends with whom it would be natural to use a shared mother tongue. Joining an English Club is a good idea and joining a club with an international membership (where English is in use at least some of the time) is, for many people, even better. If nothing like this is accessible, you might consider what would be involved in getting something going。



I will be in the third grade now,Since the highschool entrance examination is ing soon, there is a great need for me to make a precise plan of my studies.

From September to November,I will follow the teachers in the new lessons learning, and after class , the contemporary exercises are necessary.Before the end of the first term, I will review all the lessons from beginning again.From March to April, review all I have learned a second time.Beginning from April, models tests should be the all.Several days before the exam, I will go over all the mistakes in the papers and have a good rest for the exam.I hope this plan can further my studies.


When I was a little girl, I always wanted to go to college. Now I am a freshman of a key university. I have asked myself the same question so many times:Why I go to college? You may say: you go to college just because you want to have a good job after graduation. Well, why I come to college is not for one single reason, but for many.

The major reason is that I need to further my education and know more about the outside world. In high school, I was always feeling not enough to get knowledge from the textbooks and I didn’t have enough time to travel to see the outside world. But in the college, I have abundant time to read the books I’m interested in and travel to different places to broaden my horizon.

Moreover, college is such an ideal place to make new friends who come from different places and I can learn about the different culture. As I am a typically southerner, I find there are many differences between north and south after I come to college, such as the way they talk, and the food they used to eat. Before I went to college, I admit I never pay attention to these. And I don’t want to be a person with a tunnel vision; I want to make more friends during the four years.

Last but not least, staying the university can give me enough time to prepare when I step into the society, I can do some part-time job and get myself ready. With the working experience and degree, I can find an ideal job. I know it is going to be harder when I graduate from college, but I’m not afraid. I’ll spare no efforts to make my dream come true.

I really enjoy the life in college. And I will learn experience and challenge myself in this four year and be a better man.







From the picture given above, we can observe that there are two young men using different ways to show admiration towards their role model. By writing Beckham on his face, the man on the left picture expresses his intense enthusiasm for Beckham. Meanwhile, to make himself resemble his idol, the man on the right picture spends 300 RMB making a Beckhams hairstyle.

The cartoon aims at informing us of the phenomenon that many adolescents admire their role models in an excessive and blind way. Quite a few reasons can account for this: for one thing, with the mass media spreading the positive image of superstars, young people can hardly resist the charm of them. They regard superstars as their examples and desire to be people like them. For another, youngsters craze for superstars can also be attributed to the influence of the force ofgroup dynamics :when members of their social networks show great enthusiasm for some idols, young people are so easily influenced by their friends or classmates and then imitate the behavior they see. This could be a subtle form of peer pressure.

We cannot draw an absolute conclusion whether idol-worship is good or bad. Simply imitating role models dresses or behaviors, youngsters may lose themselves and it will definitely interfere with their personal life or studies. However,when learning idols diligence, spirit and ambitions, young people can transform their worship towards idols into the passion for life, the stimulus to success and the driving force of struggling. Hence, whether idol worship is positive or negative is up to youngsters themselves.


Women seemed to be the least important creatures in the world in ancient times.At that time the criterion whether a woman is good or not is obedience. A woman was to be obedient to her parents in her youth, to her husband once she got married and to her children in her old age.At that time, women were subordinate to men, having no humanity at all, not to mention the so-called liberty or equality.

As time goes by,tremendous changes have happened to women's status, from women being permitted to receive education together with men to being able to go out to work in the society. Nowadays, such cases are ordinary that women compete with men,work with men,and even take the leadership.Wornen's status arrives at an unprecedented high level, which can be called as equality to some extent.

However, the situation is not so optimistic as the majority of women think. In effect, women are far from equal to men.Actually, men's superiority is inveterate, which can't be shaken overnight. Though the society keeps on saying women should be treated equally as men, the idea that men are better than women still exerts a subtle influence on people's minds. When opening newspapers, how many "only men are eligible" are there in advertisements for employees? That is the reality.People tend to value men, not women, at least subconsciously, men are super I don't think the concept is based on science. It can't be denied that men take a dominant position in strength, logical thinking etc., but there are characteristic advantages women have anyhow, in which men fail to contend with them. Consequently,men are no better than women. Policewomen, women pilots,and women astronauts... all these will prove the ability women own to the public. As a result, women get more and more aware of their own values. Despite its hardships and high costs, lots ofthem are trying their best to change the prejudice of the society.

However, what I want to point out here is that not only men have the prejudice, but some women themselves do too. Eyen those who claim to long for equality with men have the double standard of equality. On one hand, they demand equal opportunity; on the other hand, they take "lady first" for granted,considering that it is perfectly justified for men to open door for them, offer their own seats to them, pay for dinner for them.Does it make sense? How can you ask others to treat you equally while you yourself have admitted the inequality in advance?

In short, I think as long as our sense doesn't completely change, the real equality between men and women won't come.