
时间:2022-12-31 12:58:36 | 来源:语文通


我的理想作文500字 篇1我的理想作文 篇2我的理想作文 篇3

我的理想作文500字 篇1


My ideal

My ideal


Li Chengqi


Ideal, for many people, is a distant and ethereal word. But Mr. Lin Yutang said that no matter how vague the dream is, it always lurks in our hearts. In my heart, I have already hidden an ideal - to be a writer.


One of the reasons why I like this profession is that I like writing. I think as long as I observe carefully, many trivial things around me will give me many new ideas.


I like this profession, not only because I like writing, but also because the work form of this profession is quite free. As long as I have a pen, a notebook, or a laptop, I can work anywhere I want. I have fantasized about the situation when writers work for countless times: they can go to a quiet coffee shop, order a cup of coffee, look at people of different shapes on the road, and write down what they see and think of... How nice it would be!


Although the work of a writer seems easy, the efforts behind it are also indispensable. In order to write a good article, I must read widely and be good at observation. I must pay attention to the trees, weather, people, news, etc. around me, and record what I think at any time. For example, when you observe a person, you should understand his profession and pay attention to his manner, tone of voice and body movements. These observations and findings are slowly deposited into the brain. When writing, open the gate of memory, the images of these characters will naturally emerge from the pen, and the characters will become full and vivid!


Maybe this ideal can only last for a period of time, maybe it will be my lifelong pursuit. But, at least now, it is very important to me, and I am willing to work hard to write for it!


My ideal

My ideal


House right


A famous person once said, "The ideal of life is to live an ideal life." People in the world have different ideals, and I am no exception. However, my ideal is simple, ordinary and simple - to be the owner of a convenience store.


Maybe some people will ask me, why do you want to be such an inconspicuous career when there are so many brilliant careers in the world? I would say: "The passers-by are thirsty, so they can come to me to buy a bottle of water; children are tired of playing games, so they can buy a small toy here; students need exercise books or pens, and they can also come to me to buy stationery." In short, this is a convenience store serving the public.


Now that the goal has been set, I will work hard to achieve it from now on. I will listen carefully in class and learn math well so that I can change money more quickly and accurately for customers in the future; Learn Chinese well so as to better communicate with customers in the future; Learn English well so that we can have a normal conversation with foreign friends in the future. Learning knowledge of various cultural courses is the foundation, and more important is to exercise well and have a healthy body. Because to run a good convenience store, you need to get up early and work hard in the dark. You also need to move and sort out goods at any time. You must not lose a minute. It requires a strong body. So from now on, I must exercise well, run, jump rope, walk every day, and actively participate in various sports activities organized by the school. Be a healthy person with flexible mind and well-developed limbs! Socrates said, "The happiest thing in the world is to strive for ideals."


From now on, I will begin to fight for my ordinary but beautiful ideal - the convenience store! come on.

我的理想作文 篇2


Stone like ice


The famous Russian writer Lev Tolstoy once said: "Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no firm direction, and without direction, there is no life." Ideal is so important, so everyone has his own ideal. Some want to be a teacher, some want to be a policeman, and my ideal is to be a doctor.


A sudden epidemic broke people's peace, and the whole country was in fear. At this time, the angels in white came forward and started a war without fireworks with the god of death. Watching angels saving lives on TV every day, I feel awe inspiring. I can't help thinking how wonderful it would be if I could protect people's health and contribute to the motherland like angels!


If one day I become a doctor, I will be able to put on my holy white coat and go against the current to the front line of fighting against the virus in such a disaster.


If one day I become a doctor, stand on the operating table, and see the patient's eyes in a little panic, I will use my superb medical skills and fearless attitude to help them in time of need, and give them hope and confidence to overcome the disease.


If one day I become a doctor, I will feel the pain of patients when they are worried, even desperate, and patiently dispel their doubts with my professionalism and kindness.


If one day, if my dream comes true, I want to sow the warm sunshine of "benevolence of doctors" for the whole China.


Of course, ideals are not enough. I cannot go to the battlefield with my bare hands. In order to achieve my goal, I must work hard to learn knowledge, learn every lesson well, and exercise my health, so as to shed sunshine and rain for my ideal tree and help it to bear fruitful results as soon as possible.

我的理想作文 篇3


As the saying goes: "People do not stand without ambition." Each of us has his own ideal. Ideals are the direction of life and the driving force of progress. My goal is to become a calligrapher.


Three years ago, my mother took me to visit Xi'an Forest of Steles. I was deeply attracted by Wang Xizhi's elegant handwriting, Ouyang Xun's vigorous handwriting, and Yan Zhenqing's dignified and majestic regular script. An idea occurred to me: I want to be a calligrapher.


Because I was a beginner, my mother bought me a set of calligraphy notes written in water. My mother went to work after telling me about sitting posture and pen holding posture. I thought it was easy for me to think of the uncle who writes couplets for others. He pretended to dip the brush in water and scribbled on the copybook. Mom came in and saw my "masterpiece". She scolded angrily, "It cost money to buy the calligraphy. You want me to buy it for you, but you can see what it is!" After listening, I threw away my pen and said, "Hum! I won't learn!" Mother said with great sincerity, "You need to be down-to-earth in everything you do. No one can casually succeed. Tu Youyou won the Nobel Prize at the age of 85!" I benefited a lot from my mother's words. I picked up the brush and practiced again.


Now I'm still practicing calligraphy, and the words I still write are like an 80 year old grandfather, but I believe that as long as you keep working hard, you will succeed one day.