
时间:2022-12-31 12:58:36 | 来源:语文通



雨露优秀作文 篇1关于雨露的`作文 篇2雨露优秀作文 篇3关于雨露的作文 篇4雨露优秀作文 篇5雨露优秀作文 篇6雨露优秀作文 篇7雨露优秀作文 篇8雨露优秀作文 篇9

雨露优秀作文 篇1


When a seed is buried, the rain and dew awaken it. The rain and dew accompany its growth, and the rain and dew accompany its aging. When it disappears, it will turn into thousands of rain and dew to nourish all things.


When I was a child, every evening, I would put up a chair and hurry out with my grandparents who were also holding the chair. What are you going to do? Go to the theatre! Every March to September, different troupes come to the town to perform. Although I was not very familiar with the content of the play when I was young, I found it very interesting to watch the characters with painted faces dancing on the stage. Last year, after many years, I went to the theater with my grandmother again. This time, I understood the content of the play. The play was called Qin Xianglian, which told the story of a faithless man who abandoned his wife and son for glory and wealth. The characters on the stage cried and laughed, and I couldn't help clapping my hands when they performed wonderfully; When the plot develops to a low ebb, I can't help but feel sad.


Grandma told me that when they were very young, there was a theatrical troupe here to perform. The content of the play is a story handed down through the ages, formed by the people in the long and hard years of sun and moon cycles. The content of the story is mostly about punishing evil or pursuing good love stories, and the content is optimistic. At that time, drama was of great significance to Grandma's generation, leading their generation to grow healthily and encouraging them to work hard.


Although my love for drama is not as strong as that of Grandma's generation, I love it very much. For me, drama is rain and dew, which has been nourishing my tree of life. When I am frustrated, a small play cheers me up; When I am sad, a small play will eliminate thousands of worries in my heart; When I was confused, a small play was like a lighthouse, guiding me home.


I think when I have children, I will tell them the story of their father and the play. If I have a chance, I will also take them to a play myself. Let them reflect on the life in the play, and let the rain and dew nourish their hearts. This is also a kind of inheritance of the play.

关于雨露的`作文 篇2


I am a little rain in the morning.


The spring rain last night brought me to this beautiful world. I condensed into a crystal dewdrop, lying on the leaves quietly in the sun. Under my nourishment, the trees are greener, the flowers are more colorful, and the grass is greener. In the valley, twittering birds were flying in the morning sky. A small bird landed on the branch and picked up a green insect under the leaf. Looking at all this, I unconsciously slipped from the tip of the leaf and drew a beautiful arc. Under the tree, a small flower about to wither stood on the ground dejectedly, surrounded by some grass stained with moisture. I suddenly fell on the little flower, splashed, and sent a cool, invisible spray to the dying life. Countless small water droplets converged into drizzle in the air, scattered on the grass, gathered into big drops along the leaves, and rolled to the ground. Suddenly, I knocked my head, and scattered a nest of ants in a neat queue.


Later, I gently returned to the embrace of the mother earth, hissing into the earth, and completed the mission of a drop of rain and dew. I moistened the earth with my body and mind. Like a baby in my mother's arms, I fell asleep sweetly.

雨露优秀作文 篇3



Beating the bell of the passage of time, full of that passion, that hope for the future.


Lying in the bed, the house was quiet and lonely, sometimes confused, sometimes giggling, sometimes lonely and crying... It was dark all around, looking at the stars in the sky, smiling kindly at me. "I wonder if these stars are shining so that everyone can find their own one one day." Yes, on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, there is a person who misses me at the computer, reads my words, and secretly cries for me. "Not happy. When you miss me, look at the sky. One day, you will find the star that belongs to you and me!" Light the candle, let its light surround me, lift the candle, put it on your mouth, take a deep breath, blow it out...... And then tell yourself: Happy birthday!


A candle, a miss, a share of ignorance...... Along with my growth years.




Walking on the street where people come and go, strangers came one after another... In the years when I was growing up, it was you who told me that "people can live without hope." The flying feathers bear the sweat of generations. They all have a common hope and goal - the championship. He sweated like rain every day and worked as hard as Lin Dan, the "boss", but got the name of "Millennium Second". How worthless is that? However, Bao Chunlai never complained and had no choice. Keep training, training


When I couldn't hit some balls, I would just drop my racket there and cry helplessly. And have I summarized why?



It is you who make me feel confident and hope again. Every day is a new beginning. The past is just the fallen leaves. And we, living in the world, can only be worthy of yesterday's efforts if we live today with heart.



Again and again confused, again and again failed, again and again strong to regain hope


Don't be confused


Don't linger


Don't let the clouds cover your eyes


Don't let the weak overcome the strong


Let your heart fly




Not far away!

关于雨露的作文 篇4


I am just a drop of rain and dew in the morning.


A torrential rain last night has gone away from the heat of the past few days, and has also washed the world in front of us very bright and clean. The heavy rain has stopped. As the embodiment of rain, I lie on a green leaf and wait for the dawn.


A bird song broke the silence of dawn, and more and more birds began to fly in this small forest. A ray of sunlight shines through the gap of the leaves and on the leaf I am lying on. My whole body is warm and comfortable. The sun has put on a colorful coat for me. I think from a distance, I must shine like a diamond. A little sparrow was attracted by the sudden brilliance. It flew over and landed on the branch beside me, looked at it with its head tilted, and sometimes called softly "haw" twice. At a close distance, I found that this little creature, who usually looks inconspicuous, is actually very beautiful. He bent down and pecked me gently with his mouth. I immediately itched and rolled. I didn't want to slip down from the leaves.

树下的一根不知名的小草发现了我的失足,他伸出不太宽阔的叶子接住了我,我就激流勇进,顺着它的茎 www.shubaoc.com 叶一路直下。“咣”,我一头撞到了底部,一直还在睡懒觉的毛毛虫被我浸没,它从梦中惊醒,慌乱地伸腿挣扎,我看得出它对这个突如其来的冷水澡的愤怒。我的身体被叶子底部的缝隙挤得细长,如一丝银线顺着主干留下,在最后一刻我看到那只可怜的毛毛虫还惊魂未定的四处张望。我深感歉意,真心希望它能开心的度过这一天。

An unknown grass under the tree found my misstep. He held out a not too wide leaf to catch me. I rushed forward bravely, following its stem WWW.SHUBAOC COM leaf straight down all the way. "Bang", I hit the bottom with my head, and the caterpillar that has been sleeping in was submerged by me. It woke up from the dream and stretched its legs and struggled in a panic. I can see its anger at the sudden cold bath. My body was squeezed thin by the gap at the bottom of the leaves, like a silver thread left along the trunk. At the last moment, I saw the poor caterpillar still looking around in horror. I am deeply sorry and sincerely hope that it can spend this day happily.


The earth caught me steadily, and I was lying on its thick chest, soaking in the size of nails that can be ignored. I don't know when there are many more brothers and sisters around me, who are just as insignificant as I am.


I finished my day's journey before the sun rose completely. The flowers washed by me are more colorful, the leaves are greener, and the air I take away the dust is more fresh. For the sake of the beauty of the world, I will do my best.


I'm just a drop of dew in the morning.

雨露优秀作文 篇5


Hey, dear friend, I guess you will like this vibrant strawberry. Unexpectedly, you would say to me, "The fruit is full and red, but I really like it. But the rain and dew of the green leaves catch people's eyes first."


I smiled and stared thoughtfully at the crystal clear drops of "small things". I could only hear you say: "Everyone loves strawberries, but maybe I just want to be a drop of clean rain and dew."


After you said that, you walked away. Looking at your back, I couldn't help thinking: "You want to be a raindrop, can you afford the life of rain and dew?"


If you want to be a raindrop, you should be selfless and do not like to boast. The color of the night slowly faded, the newborn sun showed its tender face, and the small rain and dew moistened all creatures. All creatures began to grow slowly, and people were attracted by it, ignoring the clear and clean figure under the leaves. I only heard people praise the flowers, green leaves and rich fruits, but I never heard anyone praise the little rain and dew. They were forgotten like that, but there was no complaint.


If you want to be a drop of rain and dew, your time on earth will be extremely short. The sun rises higher and higher, and the rain and dew will disappear slowly. The rain and dew are no longer forgotten, but have disappeared in the world and no one can find them. But the life of rain and dew continues on all creatures. The green leaves and red fruits are the life of rain and dew. It dedicates its life to all creatures, and its life continues on the creatures. The flowers bloom and fall, and the origin and extinction never go far.


If you want to be a raindrop, you need to endure the endless darkness. When the sun goes down, the stars climb all over the sky. The rain and dew quietly lie between the flowers and leaves, quietly counting the stars. The time at night can only boil quietly, endure, endure, wait for the day to come, and then go to moisten everything, and then gradually disappear.


Friend, do you still want to be a raindrop? The rain and dew will disappear on the earth, but they will exist in everything in the form of nothingness. Are you still willing to be a drop of crystal clear rain?

雨露优秀作文 篇6


Who conceived our lives in October? Who takes care of us and our growth carefully? Who is always there when we are most helpless and need help? The answer is undoubtedly mother.


In order to escape from her mother's constraint, Hu Xiaoxiao signed up for the summer camp. During this period, Hu Xiaonao met a pair of "strange" mothers and daughters. Her daughter, Xiao Xiao, was very thin and suffered from liver cirrhosis. She needed liver transplantation and could only sit in a wheelchair every day. In order to give a small liver transplant, the little mother with severe fatty liver decided to lose weight. She only ate rice with big fists every day, "stormed" for 10 kilometers, rain or shine... This love between mother and daughter deeply moved me and made me feel the holiness and greatness of maternal love. Because of love, she can walk 10 kilometers a day without fear of the scorching sun, but she doesn't care if she sweats like rain; Because of love, she can still persist in "violence" when she is ill; Because of love, she is no longer ordinary.


The small transplant operation was very successful. The first thing Little Mom did when she woke up was to beg the nurse to take her to see Little. Little Mom was lying on the hospital bed, twisting her head, and pressing her hand tightly against the window, as if she could get closer to Little and touch her... Time seemed to stop, and the air was also stagnant. Only a series of crystal tears fell down Little Mom's face!


At this moment, Hu Xiaoxiao woke up. Mother's love is not a constraint, but a "rain and dew of love" that moistens her heart and warms her life. It melts in her tears and becomes the strongest, bravest and fearless force in the world!

雨露优秀作文 篇7


She can always guess my careful thinking and understand what I am thinking. My inner world is always comforted by her, so who is she?


After school, I walked out of the school dejectedly, holding the test paper that I had failed in the exam while running. I was depressed. It seemed that I could not find the north and south to judge the direction. I forgot to remember the exclusive sky in June. The white clouds were like black clouds. The birds also chirped along with me. Their eyes looked askance at me who lost the direction, as if laughing at me again.


The big tree straightened up, but under the wind, it was shaking its head and tail with the grass. The flower reluctantly raised her head, which made my heart more upset and sad.


I hurriedly ran home, unwilling to see the scenery, slowly opened the door, ran to the sofa and directly sat down to throw away my schoolbag. After a while, my mother came down the stairs and looked at me with her kind eyes, which seemed to penetrate my inner world. Then he turned his eyes to my angry face and seemed to see through everything about me. "What makes my baby unhappy?" Mother smiled gently. I looked at her and said, "It's nothing. I just can't take it easy." "I heard that the test scores in the class have come out. Boy, did you do poorly in the test?" I felt uncomfortable and said softly, "Hmm!"


She looked at me again and said, "It's OK. It's OK if your grades are not good. Don't lose heart. We just need to do our best." Then Mom went out.


Really, my mother is like this. I thought about her words and ran out. She can always see through my inner world, and I feel relieved.


The sun is bright and the clouds are clear. The birds smiled at me and then chirped and sang to me. The big tree waved to me again under the wind, and the grass and flowers raised their heads, as if waving to me and smiling at me.


Yes, you guessed right. She is my mother. She cares about me every time I feel sad. Use her gentle hands to comfort my heart. This is like rain and dew moistening my injured heart.

雨露优秀作文 篇8


The intermittent raindrops fall and sprinkle on all things intensively, moistening things silently, as if floating into my heart, drip and drip, condensed into crystal clear rain and dew.


In the autumn of that year, the fallen leaves were flying. When I put the report card into your hands with trepidation, my hands clenched, my head shrugged, and I dared not face you. It was like the quiet before the storm. You were silent a little, but the situation I was worried about didn't happen. You put your generous palm gently on my head and looked at me kindly. Instead of scolding and abusing, you gave me encouragement and love. My frozen heart had some cracks.


You always put me first, just like the earth cannot leave the sun, and flowers cannot leave the land. When I was a child, I always liked to ride on your head. You took me everywhere, exhausted but still smiling. You also had Lingyun's ambition to take me all over the country and eat all the delicacies. When you enter the middle age, you always look like you won't admit defeat. You always strive for the best when doing things. You have a great spirit of "time flies but I don't want to".


Later, when you were ill, you lay on the hospital bed and stared at the ceiling. Your hair is getting thinner and thinner, and I can also pick out some white hairs that I don't want to see. Finally, I hope you are well, but your spirit is not as good as before. Your legs and feet are inconvenient. You never complain, but you just silently endure all this.


Until one day, it was raining heavily, but I was trapped in school because I didn't bring an umbrella. When I was at a loss, I saw you slowly coming to me with a big dark green umbrella. The wind and rain can not stop you, my eyes will be wet, the frozen heart will be broken, I rushed to you, the rain washed my face, body, also washed my dusty mind. I hold you tight, and two rows of muddy tears fall from your eyes, on my shoulders, and in my heart.


When I was a child, I was like a seedling. I needed your tall shade to protect me. I condensed the rain into dew and nourished me. And I was like you at that time, looking at your dry branches, I used my shade to block the rainstorm for you, leaving only rain and dew to nourish your heart, and to be the person who accompanied you to the end, father!

雨露优秀作文 篇9


In summer, when the pouring rain just stopped, I closed my umbrella full of rain and dew, shook off the crystal rain and dew on it, and let them return to the embrace of nature.


I stood quietly in the wet grass, enjoying the fresh air after the rain. The sun shines on the earth through the clouds in the sky. The sun shines brightly on the grass through the leaves. Squatting down, the grass that had just been washed by the rain glowed and made every tree green. At this time, I found that on the tip of the grass leaves, on the leaves and on the stems, there were many big transparent 'rain and dew' hanging from the beans. Some of the rain and dew hung on the tip of the leaf for a long time and did not want to leave, while others slowly slid into the center of the leaf along the curved leaf.


With the day getting brighter and brighter, the sunshine makes the rain and dew appear particularly clear and transparent. No, the rain and dew seem to be shrinking slowly. No, the rain and dew seem to be smiling at the sun, enjoying the sunshine, as if the sun is its mother. Immerse in the warmth of love together, and do your best to make a contribution to the world before leaving. This is the best reward for my mother!


For some time, rain and dew disappeared. The sun hung anxiously in the air, emitting a strong light, waiting for the return of rain and dew. Everything is also looking forward to their mother and daughter's reunion. My dejected and sympathetic eyes are looking at the sun. I stand on the river bank and look south. Suddenly, the sky is full of dark clouds, rain and wind, lightning and thunder, and rain pours down from the sky. The rain seemed to be the happy tears when the sun and rain met, and the thunder was like the happy cry when they met. I stood in the rain with tears in my eyes, moved by their reunion.


Sunshine, rain and dew, if there is no sunshine, there can be no light of rain and dew; Sunshine and rain, if there is no sunshine, there is no crystal rain; Sunshine, rain and dew, if there is no sunshine, how can the life of rain and dew be valuable? Sunshine, rain and dew, if there is no sunshine and selfless love, how can there be rain and dew? Then, the love of the sun needs the return of rain and dew, but the love of the sun, rain and dew can return! Yulu has to do her best to repay.


Sunshine, rain and dew are an inseparable whole.