
时间:2022-12-31 12:58:34 | 来源:语文通



绿水青山就是金山银山作文500字 篇1绿水青山就是金山银山作文 篇2青山绿水就是金山银山 篇3作文 篇4绿水青山就是金山银山 篇5绿水青山就是金山银山作文 篇6绿水青山就是金山银山作文 篇7

绿水青山就是金山银山作文500字 篇1

是什么让祖国变得如此美丽?是科技还 是人才?不,不仅是这些,更重要的是环境。美丽的青山绿水如果环境整治不好,也会逐渐消失,筑梦路上让我们从保护环境做起,为祖国增添一份美丽!

What makes our motherland so beautiful? Is it technology or talent? No, not only these, but also the environment. The beautiful green mountains and green waters will gradually disappear if the environmental management is not good. Let's start from protecting the environment and add a beauty to the motherland on the way to building dreams!


As the saying goes, "Green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains." Before, I didn't know that environment was so important, but after reading the book "Dream Building Road", I fully understood that a beautiful environment can make money from green. Looking out of the window, the river opposite seems to be crying, and all kinds of garbage are floating on the water. I seem to see people throw away the garbage without even looking. I really cry for the river. On the river, it is often seen that the worker uncles remove the rubbish bit by bit from the river. Looking at the worker's uncle who is busy and sweating, I think litterers are the most hateful. The beautiful environment depends on the joint efforts of everyone. I want to learn from the worker uncle, learn to pick up the garbage at my feet, and protect the environment from me. On the way to dream, there are me, you and everyone.


Seeing the river, I thought of the green mountains. On the beautiful green mountains, there are beautiful mountains and clear waters. Although there are beautiful scenery, there are also garbage. Walking on the mountain path, I can always see the workers' uncles constantly cleaning up the garbage on the ground and carrying away the buckets full of garbage. Seeing this, I asked my mother, "Where has all the rubbish gone?" Ma Yima smiled mysteriously and replied, "Some are reused, some are buried..." I think the country will be more beautiful if garbage can be reused.


For the sake of the beauty of our motherland, let's establish a "dream of environmental protection", be a small defender of environmental protection, and let green mountains and green waters surround us forever.

绿水青山就是金山银山作文 篇2


With the continuous development of science and technology, many cities have undergone tremendous changes, so our hometown is also undergoing further changes, but the most beautiful is the original hometown.


With the continuous development of modern science and technology, our life has also undergone great changes. In the past, we could only eat enough and wear warm clothes. Now we need to eat well, wear well, and wear fashionable clothes. A person must at least have a house and a car. Now people like to keep up with the Joneses. But people in the past lived more freely. The house has changed from a bungalow to a building, Cars have changed from bicycles to cars, and water has changed from well water to tap water. Rivers in the past are crystal clear. Rivers in the present are more and more polluted due to more and more factories. Rivers become more and more turbid. Forests in the past have also become less and less because of the need for modernization, so the number of animals is gradually decreasing.


Compared with the present, I prefer my hometown in the past, because people at that time lived very freely, without any problems, and did not have to worry about their lives. In the past, people could sit on the land and grow some cabbages, pick them and cook them when they were hungry, but now it is difficult to see these fields, which are covered by some high-rise buildings, but from another perspective, if there is no high-tech, Without China's rapid development and leading level, will China not be invaded by foreign countries? Are we still such a backward country?

青山绿水就是金山银山 篇3


Man and nature develop harmoniously and prosper together. Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets.


Our ecological environment was once on the verge of collapse. We need to take action. Tree planting is one of them. Do you know what month and what day Arbor Day is? Yes, it is March 12. On this day, people will plant a small tree to add a little green to the earth. Although one cannot plant many trees, many people can plant trees together to make a big forest.


In today's cities, neon lights have replaced the towering trees, tall buildings have replaced the green grass, and swimming pools have replaced the clear rivers. Only the last few strands of green look sad and desolate in the colorful city. In the earth and city where we live, it is almost a luxury to see green. The trees are gone, leaving bare stumps; The old brook has disappeared, only a stinking brook full of dead fish and garbage. With the loud noise of "coax" [WWW.. CN], a towering tree that has lived for thousands of years fell down, and a group of small animals rushed away. The forest no longer exists, and it looks sad and desolate in the colorful city.


Now our earth is not as good as before. I hope everyone can selflessly contribute their own modest efforts to the earth. It's OK to plant a tree, a flower, or even a grass. This is a small piece of green in the motherland. I will plant a tree on the Arbor Day in the future. I can also call my family and friends when we finish planting a tree, The green mountains and green waters are the golden mountains and silver mountains, and the green mountains and green waters in the distance will never stop.

作文 篇4


The busy streets, tall and magnificent buildings, busy life and fast passage of time are the symbols of the city. It is also very delicious to have some vegetables and tofu occasionally when you eat too much fish and meat. This is also true in cities and villages.


It was late autumn before the cold winter. We rode a bicycle with our father to the aunt's house in the village. Although the journey is not far away, it has a different style.


A gust of fresh wind filled me with the fragrance of flowers. It was soft and warm with a refreshing fragrance. I greedily sucked the fragrance and drove along the winding path. Although it is late autumn, the wild flowers on the roadside are still not bright but elegant, which adds to the beauty of Ya.


Autumn is a season of harvest and joy. The sun is shining on the earth. The farmer uncle in the golden wheat field is waving and smiling at us with rice. The withered and yellow skin is integrated with the wheat field. Looking far ahead, the stream comes out of the woods in the north and winds through the rocky valley, through the rocks, across the grassland, through the lush reeds, all the way to the vast lake. You must stop and walk. Seeing the crystal clear stream, I couldn't help but take off my shoes and put my feet into the stream - good ice, cool ice. Someone said, "Water is the soul of mountains." Yes, there is always an aura where there is water. People can't help loving and kissing it. However, water is more than the soul of mountains? It is simply the life of nature.


Leaving the brook, I saw an ancient pavilion, and I couldn't help thinking of a song "Outside the pavilion, beside the ancient road, the grass is green..." I sat down with my father to have a rest and enjoyed the unique peace and affinity of the mountain village. Neither my father nor I spoke but just stayed quietly.


The green mountains and the green water are the real wealth. Their incomparable gentleness doesn't tell you what they are just looking at quietly, softly and beautifully. It is unhurried, not anxious, not hurried, slowly flowing. The green mountains and green waters are the real gold and silver mountains of our mankind.

绿水青山就是金山银山 篇5


Time inadvertently changes the seasons.


An autumn rain has wetted the lintel of autumn, and the dewdrops no longer love Cangtai. The thousand leaves are fluttering with thousands of voices, all of which are a leisurely prelude to autumn.


Autumn comes early.


The drizzle drizzled the cool sky. When the wind blows, it is as cool as water. Overnight, the tenderness of summer has faded, the bamboo beats the autumn rhyme in the wind, and the rain beats the autumn leaves


When I get up in the morning, I always pass by a small garden, where there are several osmanthus trees. I always like to have a look at them when I walk by. Even in the summer when I know there are no flowers, I like to jump in my eyes unconsciously.


This morning, in the drizzling rain, I held an umbrella and searched for the hibiscus that always bloomed first in the past years. I stood quietly under the tree, took a deep breath, and then slowly calmed myself, slowly closed my eyes, and gently smelled the faint scent of grass and trees


Only the fragrance of damp soil, the faint smell of rain water, and the fragrance of flowers have not arrived for a long time.


I carefully looked for the bright pink, and found no fruit in the stacked green pieces. I waited and looked forward to the autumn day when the city was filled with hibiscus fragrance


The news came that the garden was demolished. Or I cried for the sake of new words, and a good place in my heart was gouged out. I once regarded that small courtyard as a small fortune. Now, I can only call it a good memory. No matter how beautiful things become memories, there is a layer of gray sadness.


There are no trees, no flowers. This autumn, there is only dust flying, machinery roaring, and there is only rust on the way to school.


I don't often climb mountains, go to forests and ecological parks. But the murmuring streams, green lawns and pink flowers in the small parks tell me that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains.

绿水青山就是金山银山作文 篇6


This passage gives us great inspiration.


Since the reform and opening up, China has made great achievements in all walks of life, and the "Oriental Dragon" has also soared to the top of the world! But at the same time of success, we also paid a big price - the blue sky and white clouds disappeared, replaced by billowing black smoke; Green water and green mountains have disappeared, and instead they are desolate; The red flowers and green willows have disappeared. Instead, nothing is left. A few years ago, the green water and green mountains, the blue sky and white clouds seemed like a world away. What remains is the huge ecological damage caused by urbanization!


In the morning before, when the sun rose slowly from the east, the soft light shone on the river, sparkling. From a distance, it looked like a golden ribbon around the town, adding infinite vitality to the town. Now, in the courtyard, piles of construction waste are everywhere, including steel bars and broken bridge fences; Near the north wall of the residential building in Danhua Community, a local toilet and a vegetable plot were built; In the northwest corner of the compound, a group of goslings are also kept in captivity. In the courtyard, mosquitoes and flies fly around, and I can smell a bad smell from time to time.


Resources are limited, both renewable resources and non renewable resources are very valuable, so we should strive to promote low-carbon life, green travel, less or no disposable chopsticks, etc. As the teacher said, "We should carry out reasonable development and utilization on the basis of protecting the ecological environment".


At first glance, these seem to have little to do with us as teenagers. But if you think like this, you are totally wrong. We are the flowers of the motherland, the future of the motherland, and the baton of the times will be handed over to us sooner or later. We should take the root of protecting ecology in our hearts and firmly while receiving education now.

绿水青山就是金山银山作文 篇7



When I returned to my hometown, my parents took me to the Dongshan Mountain to visit the Guwenchang Memorial Hall. I was both excited and curious. "Mom, where is it fun? Where is it?" Mom said impatiently, "I will know when I see it tomorrow."


The next day, before I came to look around, I saw a lot of people around a sister guide. Listening, I learned that the Dongshan Mountain used to be plagued by sandstorms, and the people lived in extreme poverty. Since Gu Wenchang became the secretary of Dongshan County Party Committee, he has led Dongshan people to fill earth, bury sand, and plant trees to block sand. Although he failed again and again, he has not shaken his faith. He continues to take Dongshan people out of poverty and become rich... "Go!" urged his mother. I quickly walked along with the flow of people and watched. The stories of Gu Wenchang were vividly introduced on one panel after another. I could not help but salute and my eyes were moist. How can we Dongshan people not be proud of him?


Standing in front of the statue of Gu Wenchang, I was full of thoughts. In his bright eyes, he had been sad, happy and hopeful... He was ugly, but he did earth shaking things. How can we not be convinced by his spirit of removing mountains and his determination to win the day? "Mom, take a picture of me quickly!" I leaned over and looked at him, smiling happily.


Walking out of the memorial hall and looking at the beautiful things in front of me, I was filled with emotion and couldn't help saying: Thank you, Grandpa Gu Wenchang! It was you who made Dongshan people live a good life


"What are you thinking?" Dad interrupted my thoughts. I've just come to my senses, yes! Only green water and green mountains can lead to prosperity, and only green water and green mountains can lead to golden mountains and silver mountains!


Today, we should, like Grandpa Gu Wenchang, build an ecological home and create a green earth!