
时间:2022-12-31 12:58:34 | 来源:语文通


小小动物园作文把家人比喻成动物 篇1小小动物园作文把家人比喻成动物 篇2小小动物园作文把家人比喻成动物 篇3小小动物园作文把家人比喻成动物 篇4小小动物园作文把家人比喻成动物 篇5小小动物园作文把家人比喻成动物 篇6小小动物园作文把家人比喻成动物 篇7小小动物园作文把家人比喻成动物 篇8

小小动物园作文把家人比喻成动物 篇1


Wu Bing


Our family is like a zoo. Everyone is like an animal. Now let me introduce our "zoo" to you.


My mother is like a tigress. She is only angry with me all day long. One day in the holiday, my mother asked me to recite the text at home, and she went downstairs to buy things. When I heard that I had to recite the text, I felt as if I had been pressed by a big stone. I was very depressed. After my mother went out, I began to recite the text. However, after only a short time of reciting, I couldn't help the playfulness in my heart. I had to go to my cabin to play. I closed the door tightly for fear that my mother would break in.


I didn't know how long I had been playing, but I heard a "squeak" and the door was opened. I saw a black shadow slowly coming towards me. My heart suddenly lifted to my throat. I thought: No... I was thinking that the shadow had arrived behind me. I suddenly turned around and found my "mother tiger" mother behind me. My mother looked at me with her hands crossed, staring at the brass bell, and scolded me with her tiger like voice: "Have you recited the text?" I hesitated and said, "No... no back." Mother added her voice again, "Don't go back quickly!" I hurried to my desk and recited the text carefully.


My father is like a bear with infinite strength. Once, three of us went to buy rice, but we bought too much. My father took some heavy things on his own initiative and walked forward with difficulty. I looked at my father and thought he was my role model.


I sometimes like a cat that likes to eat, sometimes like a naughty monkey. Once, I saw the red mountain reds in our community grow big and red, like mini lanterns. I saw that I wanted to eat very much, so I climbed up the flower bed and picked several red mountain reds. After picking, I left contentedly.


I like my "zoo". If you like it, welcome to my "zoo".

小小动物园作文把家人比喻成动物 篇2


My home is really like a small "zoo". There are several kinds of "rare animals" living in it.


My mother is like a parrot. Every morning, she begins to perform her oral skills. For example: Good to get up! Move fast! Don't wait... In fact, all the broken thoughts are love. Whenever I am intoxicated in the sea of books, a word will ring in my ear. Needless to say, you know, that is: "Ann, I have dinner." Every time I focus on something, she will take the trouble to ask me to respond, otherwise she won't give up. I really admire my mother's perseverance. Does my mother look like a talking parrot. In fact, she is also a very cute "parrot". Sometimes I don't have time for breakfast. Sometimes I feel sick. I can see that my mother loves me very much.


My father is like a big tiger. Once, when my father was not at home, I secretly played with the computer and forgot everything while playing. Suddenly, I saw my father's shadow in the mirror. I quickly shut down the computer and turned around. Sure enough, he was eyeing me. He was breathing heavily and his eyes were staring like a copper bell. I knew that Dad was trying to suppress his anger. He said in a high voice, "Have you finished your homework?" I gave my father a wry smile. "Don't write yet." I hurriedly went to do my homework. I was secretly glad that I ran fast and escaped from the tiger's palm.


In the eyes of my parents, I am just like a little mouse. Every time they teach me a lesson, they seem to eat me up. However, my poor little mouse is still rare. Many times, I am happy. I know that my parents are strict with me for my good. Now that I grow up, I can understand them.


This is our small "zoo". Occasionally full of smoke, but more often full of warm love.

小小动物园作文把家人比喻成动物 篇3


Some people say that home is a warm harbor to protect you from wind and rain; Some people say that home is a standing beacon, illuminating your way forward. And I said, home is a funny zoo. Add endless fun to you. Don't believe it? Look at my house.


Grandpa "Pig" snoring


"Snorr..." Look, my grandpa "pig" is snoring again. I hate my grandpa's snoring, because his snoring is very penetrating and can pass through several walls.


But my mother said that grandpa was old, so he often snored. We should be considerate of him. I hope Grandpa is as strong as a pig!


Hard working "cow" father


My "Niu" father is very hardworking. Look, my father is helping my grandfather repair the recorder again. My father is tall and strong, with dark skin and simple appearance, much like a black ox. Every day, my father gets up and goes to work before dawn. I haven't eaten breakfast yet.


My father doesn't rest at weekends. My bike is broken. My father repaired it. My grandfather's pipe is broken. My father repaired it. My grandmother's table is broken. My mother's kettle is broken. My father repaired it.


Sometimes my mother asked, "Aren't you tired?" Dad always replied with a smile: "Not tired, for the sake of family, this pain is nothing!"


Every evening, Dad would work in the study. The keyboard "crackled" and often pulled me out of my sleep. When I got up in the middle of the night and saw the lights in my father's study, I was really happy because I had such a hardworking "cow" father!


A nagging "chicken" mother


This day I brought some friends to my house to play. We had just arrived at the door when we heard my mother's nagging voice, which made us tremble all over. Only my mother said, "This kid doesn't see anyone every day. He plays outside every day." I sneaked in and took out the football and went out with my friends.


When I came back from playing football, I was sweating all over my head. As soon as I got home, I blew the electric fan. As a result, I caught a cold. When I saw a doctor in the hospital, my mother began to nag again: "Look, you are sweating all over your head. I told you not to blow the fan. You won't listen to me. You have a cold. It's not a good feeling......"


My mother is so nagging! But I know my mother cares for me just like a hen cares for a chick. That's my mother's love for me!


Naughty "monkey" children


I, a "monkey" child, never stop at home, touching here and playing there.


I broke Grandpa's radio again! My grandparents criticized me, and my mother beat me up. Finally, my father repaired the radio. I really thank my father!


Is my little "zoo" very interesting?

小小动物园作文把家人比喻成动物 篇4


I have a home. Some people say that home is a bright sun, others say that home is a bright moon, but I think my home is a lively "zoo".


Grandpa - a furious lion. Because grandpa loves meat, and another reason is his loud voice. Once, Grandma said that Grandpa would never change his bad habit of drinking and smoking when he died. At this time, Grandpa began to get angry, and the roaring of the lion exploded in our ears. This is my grandpa. When he gets angry, he will roar like a lion.


Grandma - old hen. My grandmother loves to nag. Every time I do my homework, my grandmother repeatedly tells me to write neat words, not empty questions, and not write wrong questions. After writing, I should carefully check to see if there is anything wrong... Every day I listen to my grandmother's nagging, as if there is a cocoon in my ears. Every time I closed the door to do my homework in the room, Grandma would come to the door without knowing anything and quietly open the door to see if I had done my homework. If I had not done my homework, Grandma would have been nagging for a long time.


Mother Peacock, my mother chooses a beautiful dress every morning. I just got up and saw my mother holding many clothes in front of me and asking me, "Honey, when you wake up, which clothes do you think my mother looks good in?" I said impatiently, "Everything looks good!" After selecting a dress that she thought looked good, she began to make up, apply lipstick and foundation make-up, and then began to cook with satisfaction. I didn't forget to apply hand cream when I cooked. As a result, our breakfast smelled of hand cream. I don't know if it was harmful to our health.


My father is a pig. My father is like a lazy pig. Once, at eight o'clock, he was still sleeping in beauty sleep. In order to wake him up, I first used my method A. I took out my smelly socks and came to Dad. He was still asleep! I put my sock in front of my father's nose. My father sniffed it, scratched it with his hand and went back to sleep. I want to say, Dad! You can stay awake, but can you not insult my socks. I had no choice but to come up with method B. I found my mother. Mom stared at Dad, turned around and took out the broom from the kitchen. She knocked the bed with a stick. Dad woke up with a start and saw her fierce eyes. He said quickly: "My wife, I was wrong. I will get up now." I burst out laughing.


I am like a little squirrel, happy every day, jumping around. Like a squirrel, I like to eat pinecones.


My home is such a happy "zoo". If you want to see it, we don't charge you any tickets!

小小动物园作文把家人比喻成动物 篇5


He Yiyao


Let me tell you a little secret. My home is a small "zoo". How can my home be a zoo? If you don't believe me, let me take my time.


Let's talk about my father first. As soon as I mentioned my father, I felt unspeakable. My father was a big lion. I still remember that my father once tutored me to write math homework, and I couldn't do one problem. So I shook my hands and asked, "Dad, I can't do one problem. Can you tell me the answer?" "What? Didn't you listen carefully in class?" My father glared, raised his hair and shouted at me. It doesn't matter if I yell. I'm so scared that I can't even breathe. I forget all the questions I asked. Finally, my mother saved me.


Say again my mother, my mother is a peacock, why? There are two main reasons. First, my mother likes dressing up very much. One time when I went to an outside class, I saw that I was going to be late, but my mother was still wearing lipstick. She was still hesitant to choose a dress until she was late. My mother not only likes dressing up, but also likes tossing me around. Today, she put on a green coat and red shorts for me. The second reason is that my mother also loves chasing stars. Every time she enters the elevator and sees the poster of Xiao Zhan or Wang Yibo, she will shout "How handsome!"! Like a peacock, it unfolds its feathers to show its most beautiful side.


My brother is a little pig. Once, we went to a buffet together. My brother mentioned how happy he was. After eating for more than an hour, he didn't have enough. Besides, he loves sleeping and is late for every class.


As for me, I am a little pug, because sometimes they are not at home, I will watch the door at home alone, and when I see them back, I will rush to them happily, excited.


This is my home, a small zoo with love.

小小动物园作文把家人比喻成动物 篇6


Everyone should have been to the zoo, right? There are smart monkeys, industrious and busy bees, lively and lovely rabbits... Do you know? There is also such a "zoo" in my home. Why? Please listen to me slowly.


My father is resourceful, knowledgeable and agile, just like a "monkey". My father's bookshelf is full of all kinds of books, including history, science and technology, literature and technology... My father often tells me some historical stories. If I don't understand anything, my father will patiently explain to me. On weekends, my father often takes me to play badminton outdoors. My father likes sports very much. It's not difficult for him to play play badminton. My father will catch every ball steadily.


My mother is like a diligent and busy bee. My mother goes to work early every day. When I finish school in the afternoon, she comes back from work and checks my homework for me. What a hard-working bee!


What am I like? It should be "Little Rabbit"! I like sports as much as Little Rabbit. In a physical education class, we had a class relay match, and the teacher gave orders. I rushed forward like an arrow leaving the string, kept ahead and left my opponent far behind. Therefore, I am often selected by physical education teachers to participate in grade relay competitions, and I am also selected to join the school martial arts team.


This is our "zoo", a "zoo" that makes me happy!

小小动物园作文把家人比喻成动物 篇7


I have a happy home, which is more like a small "zoo".


Mother is a diligent bee. She always gets up early to prepare breakfast for us every day. She is very clean and cleans the house. The clothes in the wardrobe are neatly arranged. Mother is busy from morning to night. She not only takes care of the family's daily life, but also is busy with her own work. Mother "Bee" always gives sweetness to her family, but leaves hard work and busyness to herself. But bees also have thorns. Sometimes when I do something wrong or don't study hard, "Bee" mother will "buzz..." constantly criticize and educate me.


My father is like a sheep with a gentle personality. Every time I make a mistake, he will gently say to me: "It's OK, as long as you don't do it again next time.". In my spare time, he would accompany me to play the poker game "24 points". When I couldn't think of it, he would patiently tell me the algorithm.


I'm like a little fish. Why do you say I'm a little fish? Because I like swimming very much. During the summer vacation, I spent almost every day in the community swimming pool, diving into the water and swimming from here to there.


This is my "little zoo", a happy "little zoo".

小小动物园作文把家人比喻成动物 篇8


I have a home like a zoo. In this "zoo", there are different "animals" with different personalities and sizes. Now, let me introduce the "animals" in the "zoo" to you!


My mother is a hardworking cow. The digestive function of mother's stomach is relatively weak. She usually eats less. Besides eating time, she works more. She worked very carefully. I called her several times, but she didn't notice. She worked for hours until the evening. I remember one time, there was little homework assigned after school. I walked to my mother's company and finished my homework. When I sorted out my schoolbag and stood up to tell my mother the good news, I found my mother was still working. I thought to myself: In the past, when there was little homework, my mother did it faster than me. Why is it slower than me today? With this doubt, I walked to my mother and looked at her quietly. It turned out that BOSS had assigned her a new task to count up the number of people who had signed up for the past few days. This kind of statistical work is a very simple task for my mother. It took me 20 minutes to find out the answer and solve the puzzle I had: my mother did the statistics very carefully and methodically, and made the tables very carefully, so this time it was slower than me.


My father is a fat panda with a round belly. He gets up before 8 o'clock every morning and drives to an old restaurant in a small lane for breakfast. To tell the truth, Dad's kung fu in looking for food is really excellent. The breakfast there is even more delicious than I thought. It's delicious! Every morning, Dad gets up with dark circles under his eyes, and his belly is round no matter in the morning or in the evening. The "black and white" look is really like a panda. I remember one time, the three of us agreed to run in a race. As a result, I won the first place and my mother was the second. Obviously, my father was the third. After this running competition, my father's "clumsy" appearance is closer to the panda! My father has tried many ways to lose weight, but he didn't stick to it until the end, so he hasn't lost weight. On the contrary, because he has consumed too much energy after losing weight, he eats more and is fatter, so this lovely giant panda has been living in my heart.


I am a sensitive cheetah. I especially like sports, such as running, long jump, high jump, sit ups, etc. Among them, my favorite sport is running! Running can not only relax my body, but also bring happiness to my soul and make me happy physically and mentally. Moreover, I run almost like the wind. I won glory for my class in the previous school sports meeting!


This is my little "zoo" and the only warm home in my heart! I love my father and mother just as they love me.