
时间:2022-12-01 13:03:16 | 来源:语文通





The March 15 party is over, but many things still impress me. At the party, there were four symbols: question mark for questions, exclamation mark for exclamation, ellipsis for omission, and equal sign for equality. I put the thousands of words after reading into two symbols: exclamation point and ellipsis. Because I think these things should be taken seriously and this activity should continue.


There were four events in the March 15 party, including the vehicle event, the Apple event, the advertising event, and the KOOKIES event. The event that impressed me most was the vehicle event, which told that FAW Volkswagen used unqualified gear shift technology to make the car faster and slower at one time; Jianghuai Automobile uses substandard steel, which makes the automobile rusty. These are all related to our life!


I hope those bad manufacturers can correct it as soon as possible!



The annual March 15 has come. Every year, on March 15, the country will expose some companies on TV, and this year is the same.


After watching the 3.15 program for more than two hours, I learned that in the future, when I buy something, I should consider whether the price and quality are reasonable according to "my rights and interests are my own". The question mark, exclamation mark, ellipsis and equal sign were mentioned in the party. The question mark mainly talks about why it is possible to replace the whole phone in a foreign country, but only the software can be replaced in China, not the back cover? This makes me think it is unfair; Gold is a precious thing, but the Chinese people cannot be honest with others. Adding iridium and other substances to gold is because it is not pure enough. The exclamation point tells us that the poor quality of Volkswagen and JAC cars makes people often have faults when driving, which is mainly caused by the "DSG" transmission. The ellipsis refers to the false advertisement of "Old Lady Gao" and the forced pop-up advertisement of broadband operators. The equal sign talked about the mobile phone "Android" system to steal user information and illegally capture the user's "COOKIES"


After watching this party, I learned that everyone should "make my own decisions" in life.



3.15 Although the party is over, many things still haunt me. My feeling is a "!" A "...." sign is added to the "...." sign.


Boys and girls, if the IPAD in your parents' hands is broken, you can use the warranty card to repair it under specific conditions. However, the so-called complete machine replacement of the IPAD company does not change the phone cover for you, and the warranty date is not recalculated after the replacement of the phone. Isn't that bullying our consumers? For 99.9% of the gold, the black heart merchants added the element "iridium" in order to make money. Isn't that fooling our consumers? FAW Volkswagen uses unqualified gear shift technology to make the car faster and slower at one time; JAC cars use substandard steel, which makes cars rust. Aren't these two things playing tricks on our consumers' lives? "Old Lady Gao" and other false advertisements simply sold the plaster at the cost of 3 yuan to 99 yuan. Isn't that cheating our consumers? If you use some software on your computer or mobile phone, your privacy will be exposed. Isn't this forcing consumers?


There are four symbols in the March 15th party this year. They are "?" number; “!” number; "..." and "=". “?” It is torture conscience; “!” Is in the exclamation dark curtain; "..." represents the defects of the system and planning; "=" indicates fairness and justice. Here, I hope that in the future, there will be no "black hearted businessmen" in our country to make money, and no businessmen who violate the regulations to save money. I hope again that all businessmen who violate the regulations will change their mistakes and let our country be full of integrity!