
时间:2022-12-01 13:03:15 | 来源:语文通





Dear teachers and students

  今天国旗下讲话的主题是 “三爱三节”。

The theme of today's speech under the national flag is "Three Love and Three Festivals".


Save water, electricity and grain.


Learning is our students' greatest responsibility and obligation. As the old saying goes, "Books can cure fools by good reading". Students have been studying for more than ten years. They have learned knowledge from books, improved their quality, enlightened their minds, and distinguished right from wrong. In our study, we have benefited a lot from the "poor" children to the school.


Labor is the source of everything we create. Labor is by no means indecent or vulgar. On the contrary, labor is a kind of realm, a kind of sublimation. If we understand it, we will know more about hard work and hardship.


Patriotism is even more glorious. From beginning to end, we are proud that we are a Chinese. China, she is the greatest pride in our hearts. We love our country, we love her vast land, we love her wonderful culture, and we love her constantly.


Students, thrift is everywhere around us. Everyone has the obligation to take economy as a duty and a habit. Saving can start from small things and from the side. We should strictly ask ourselves to save all the time without wasting: when leaving the classroom, please stretch your hand and turn off the light; When washing dishes and rags, remind the students around you to turn down the tap and check whether the tap is tightened before leaving. Save food, don't be picky, and don't leave any food. When you go out to eat with your parents, you should order an appropriate amount of food. If there is any surplus, you should pack it and take it home. Everyone has the awareness of saving. In fact, saving is not difficult. It's a piece of cake. There is still much we can do.




Students, let's take action! More articles to share:




Dear teachers and students


Good morning, everyone!


The topic of my speech today is "Practice" Three Love "and" Three Holidays "and strive to be the pillar of the motherland".


Young students are the future and hope of the motherland We young students must remember the sacred mission of "everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world", strive to practice "three love" and "three festivals", and strive to be the future pillar of the motherland.


1、 Fully understand the importance of carrying out the education of "Three Love and Three Holidays". Love learning, labor, and the motherland. Saving water, electricity, and food clearly and concisely defines the requirements for the healthy growth of young people. This is the basic requirement for the comprehensive implementation of quality education and the conscientious implementation of the task of building morality and cultivating people. It is also an important measure to cultivate and practice socialist core values and deepen the education of the Chinese Dream.


2、 Vigorously create an atmosphere of "Three Love and Three Holidays" education. Each class should carry out the theme activity of "Three Love and Three Festivals" according to the actual situation of the class. Focusing on the rich connotation of "Three Love and Three Festivals", a colorful theme class team meeting was held, and efforts were made to create a good public opinion atmosphere by elaborately designing hand copied newspapers, blackboard newspapers and other forms. Let the "Three Love and Three Festivals" education be available everywhere and learned at any time, so that the "Three Love and Three Festivals" education continues to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

  三、将“三爱三节”活动真正贯穿于我们的生活实践中。 “爱学习”,认识到“不学无以成才”;“爱劳动”,认识到只有劳动才能创造美好的生活和美好的未来;“爱祖国”,认识到祖国是创造幸福生活和实现个人理想的依靠。“节水、节电、节粮”,树立勤俭节约意识,自觉肩负起“厉行节约、反对浪费”的社会责任。把“三爱三节”教育摆在重要位置,每位同学都要结合自身实际,努力践行“三爱”“三节”,争做一个德才兼备的人,争做祖国未来栋梁。

3、 The activity of "Three Love and Three Festivals" really runs through our life practice. "Love learning", realize that "no learning, no talent"; "Love labor", recognizing that only labor can create a better life and a better future; "Love the motherland", recognizing that the motherland is the basis for creating a happy life and realizing personal ideals. "Save water, electricity and food", establish a sense of thrift, and consciously shoulder the social responsibility of "practicing strict economy and opposing waste". Put the education of "Three Love and Three Holidays" in an important position. Each student should combine his own reality, strive to practice "Three Love" and "Three Holidays", and strive to be a person with both ability and virtue, and strive to be the future pillar of the motherland.


Thank you!