
时间:2022-12-01 13:03:13 | 来源:语文通





Today is a fine day. All our teachers and students went to Dongshan Park for a spring outing. We were very happy. On the way, some sang, some talked and laughed all the way, and some jumped and jumped


When we went to Dongshan Park to taste something, I found a small ant entering a hole and a group of ants came out. I deliberately crushed a potato chip to the ant to observe its action. After they took away some food, they came out again. This time, I didn't give them anything to eat, but they ran into the bag containing potato chips and stole them. I angrily threw the potato chips into the trash can.


After a while, an ant came out and stole some biscuit stuffing. I pretended not to see it because I didn't like biscuits. The ant entered the hole and never came out again.


In this spring outing, I found that when ants found something delicious, they would inform other partners, and they would not eat it alone. They were united and selfless.


  星期二,我们要去云台花园春游。一想到这个,星期一的晚上,我就激动地睡不着觉,脑袋总想着:云台花园风景是怎么样?估计是很漂亮。 第二天一大早,我就起床了。我在家里不断说着:“老天爷,请你今天不要哭!”到了学校,旅游公司已经开了一辆很大很大的大巴来到学校。我和同学们排队上了车。一路上,导游告诉我们云台花园的风景是多么美丽:树林里面有好多雕像;树上还有好多知了;还有很多鲜艳的花朵……。她还提了一个问题:“木棉花有三种名称叫法,分别是红棉花、木棉花,还有一种是什么?”,好多同学都回答错了。导游就说:“你们没答对,就要把你们带的全部零食都给我。”我就说:“那我们中午的时候不是就饿扁了吗?”过了一会,我想到了,原来导游是想逗逗我们。最后导游告诉我们:还有一种叫法是英雄花。

On Tuesday, we are going to Yuntai Garden for a spring outing. At the thought of this, on Monday night, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep. My head always wondered: What is the scenery of Yuntai Garden? I think it's very beautiful. The next morning, I got up. I kept saying at home: "God, please don't cry today!" When we got to the school, the travel company had already driven a very big bus to the school. My classmates and I lined up to get on the bus. Along the way, the guide told us how beautiful the scenery of Yuntai Garden is: there are many statues in the woods; There are still many cicadas on the tree; There are many bright flowers. She also asked a question: "Kapok has three names: red cotton, kapok, and what is the other one?", Many students answered incorrectly. The guide said, "If you don't answer correctly, you will give me all the snacks you brought." I said, "Then we will be hungry at noon." After a while, it occurred to me that the tour guide wanted to tease us. Finally, the tour guide told us that another name is Hero Flower.


After a while, the guide informed us that Yuntai Garden was here. When we got out of the car, I saw Yuntai Garden at the foot of Baiyun Mountain. There was a big sign on the gate, which said "Yuntai Garden".


We followed the guide into the gate and first came to a glass room. The glass room is made of a lot of glass, which looks like an Asian Games venue. There are countless cacti in it: some are as long as giraffe's neck, some are like pen box models, some are like stars, and some are like round leather balls. The cactus has many thorns. I said to He Jiantao, "Be careful to stab your hand, or you will be poisoned." We both studied which cactus was poisonous and which cactus was not... I also saw a green rockery with many paper butterflies hanging on it and water flowing under it.


Then we went to the Rose Garden, where there were many colorful roses: yellow, red, purple, blue and so on. We saw many paper heart-shaped wreaths beside the path, and we shouted together: "Enter the big circle!"


When we got to the downhill place, we sat on the ground, drank water, had a rest, and started again. We came to a place that looked like a big egg and a big water tank. We ate in groups around the tank. I gave a lot of snacks to another group of children, and everyone was very happy. Our group also played games, including stone, scissors and cloth. We had fun, talked and had a snack together. After a while, the teacher said, "Gather!" We lined up. The teacher took us to a place with two fake tigers. On the way, we saw a couple getting married. They walked around. At the destination, Mr. Deng said, "Now start playing games.". We played the game of being a little caterpillar, which was divided into four groups. We were very happy.


It was late. We lined up and went home. Out of the gate of Yuntai Garden, I thought: Next time, please ask my mother to take me to Yuntai Garden to play.



We went on a spring outing along the path, humming a tune against the spring breeze.


When we came to the field, birds were chirping and seemed to welcome us; The wild flowers are smiling, as if calling us to the fields. We rushed into the fields to breathe the breath of nature and look for the footprints of spring. Nature has given us a lot of "music": a piece of green grass has become a harmonica, and the rattle grass has become a bell, forming a natural music.


Suddenly a classmate said, "Snake!" Suddenly, the timid female students ran to the teacher, one by one, and we boys were not afraid! We walked past and saw a brown snake wriggling its young body. A naughty classmate was there, giving orders: "Step on it! Kill the people!" Several of our classmates stepped on it with all their hands and feet. The snake lay dying on the ground, unable to move at all


Our spring outing was about to end, and we sat down on the ridge of the field dejectedly. The teacher asked us to go back, and we had to leave reluctantly