
时间:2022-11-29 13:01:14 | 来源:语文通





In ancient times, people had to endure one long night after another in the boundless darkness before they had fire to light them


One day, a giant named Kuafu came from somewhere and claimed that he could catch the sun alone and fix it firmly in the sky. People clapped their hands and cheered. A few days later, Kuafu went to the forest to cut down a big poplar. After removing the leaves and crown, after several days of careful polishing, a walking stick came into being.


The next day, Kuafu packed his bags, took the cane, said goodbye to the people, and went on his way. Kuafu went over mountains and mountains all the way, never stopping to chase the sun. Kuafu ran and ran. His crutches knocked on the ground to help him. He shouted: "Sun, stop for me quickly."


In the evening, when Kuafu ran to the place where the sun was setting, he was ready to stretch out his hand to catch the sun. However, the sun skillfully dodged and sent out thousands of degrees of heat, making Kuafu thirsty and sweating. He even had no strength to reach for the sun. Unable to help, Kuafu had to turn around and drink water.


Kuafu came to the Yellow River and stooped down to hold a handful of water in his hands, which alone weighed 1.5 tons! Kuafu drank it without hesitation. However, the 1.5 tons of water could not alleviate Kuafu's thirst in any way. So Kuafu scooped up a handful of water to drink, but the water was not enough. Kuafu then went to the middle of the river with the water of the Yellow River, which was submerged in his calf. He plunged into the water and drank it. In a blink of an eye, the surging Yellow River water was drained by Kuafu, and even the fish in the river were wiped out by Kuafu.


Kuafu licked the water at the corners of his mouth and muttered, "It's really not satisfying. I have to drink all the water in the Weihe River." Then Kuafu left with great strides. After a while, the water of Weihe River was also drunk, but I still felt not satisfied, so I was ready to turn around and go to the north to drink the water in the big river.


However, things were not always smooth. Kuafu died of thirst on the way to the north river. His walking stick has become a peach forest. In summer, the peaches in this peach garden are very sweet and delicious, fresh and juicy. People happily danced and sang around the peach garden, saying that Kuafu did it for them.



Kuafu was once a very tall giant.


It was a long time ago that he lived in a large ethnic group, but their residence was in the cold zone. Therefore, there were few warm days in the year. The sun always came to visit them slowly, but always left early without looking back, unwilling to stay for a while. Bright, why can't you accompany us more? All the clansmen say so. But because the cold didn't do them any harm, they had a good life for hundreds of years.


However, suddenly one year, many people suffered from a strange disease. Once they were exposed to the sun, they would recover. Once the night comes, the pain will be unbearable, and the skin will be swollen all over. But the sunshine here is too little, and the sunshine here is too short. Many people can't bear the pain of illness and die one after another. Kuafu was very distressed when he saw such a scene. He said to the tribal leader, "If our people continue like this... I hope to give everyone enough sunshine to save them." "What can you do?" "I am tall and the fastest runner in my family, so I want to catch up with it before sunset and bring it back!" Kuafu said firmly. The tribal leader looked at him and was very surprised at his courage, but worried about him, but nodded and agreed.


Kuafu went on his way like this. He looked at the high sun and thought, "The high sun, I must catch up with you and take you away!"! Unexpectedly, he quickened his pace, but the sun seemed to hear his voice in the sky, and mischievously raised his pace. Kuafu kept chasing after him. He was sweating all over, but he didn't stop; The sun dodged for a moment, speeding up.


Kuafu was finally tired. He stopped and went to the Yellow River to drink water, but suddenly he drank all the water from the Yellow River. The sun did not hurry to run, and walked slowly on Kuafu's head. Kuafu didn't think it was enough, so he drank the Weishui River all at once. He braced himself up and went after the sun. Seeing himself slowly approaching the sun, but the sun was about to set, Kuafu felt exhausted and worried. He was so thirsty that he hoped to go to Daze Lake to drink water in the north again, have a good drink, and come back again to catch the sun. But he was so tired that he died of thirst before he got there.


Strange things happened. Kuafu's body turned into rivers, lakes and seas, running all the time. His walking stick also became a peach forest, like providing water for the descendants chasing the sun. Kuafu gave his last things to others.


The sun was finally moved. He returned to the sky above the tribe and wanted to warm their hearts with light and heat.

  他被这个勇敢而具有奉献精神的人打动了--是的,每一份 美好都来自于奉献。

He was moved by this brave and dedicated person -- yes, every good thing comes from dedication.