
时间:2022-11-29 13:01:12 | 来源:语文通





By a clear river, there is a short thatched house with three or two pumpkins hanging on the eaves; Beside the house, under the dense trees, a group of roosters were walking around with their heads held high; In front of the house, there are countless lotus leaves in the brook, on which the crystal dew is still rolling; Behind the house, green bean sprouts are thriving in the spring breeze.


In the thatched cottage, there is a couple with white hair. The old man is drinking a little wine leisurely, while the old woman is threading a needle and thread, embroidering a picture of mandarin ducks. At this time, she put down her needle and thread and said to the old man, "Old man, this wine is good, but don't be greedy. Look at your face." The old man was drunk. He touched his beard and said with a smile, "OK, OK, I will listen to you when I finish this drink." After that, he sifted a full glass of wine and smiled out of the window while drinking


Outside the window, the eldest son was weeding the bean sprouts. He was bare armed, bent, and buried his head. He was weeding carefully. The hot sun was shining on his dark and shiny skin, and sweat was dripping into the ground. He raised his head and looked at the growing seedlings, with a pleased smile on his face.


Under the tree, the second son sat cross legged, and his hands kept threading the bamboo strips. The chickens on one side were turning around him, making "chirping" sounds from time to time. But this did not distract the second son, who was still skillfully weaving chicken cages.


At the head of the stream, the naughty little son was lying on the ground, peeling the lotus, and his feet were swinging proudly. At this time, an old hen came to him and stole lotus seeds. As soon as it started to bite, the youngest son quickly reached for the lotus seed. Although the youngest son caught the lotus seed, the chicken's beak pricked his hand, causing him to leave the lotus seed in pain. At this time, the hen quickly took the lotus seed and ran away.

  好一幅清新的农家田园图啊!真是“茅檐低小,溪上青青草。醉里吴音相媚好, 白发谁家翁媪. 大儿锄豆溪东, 中儿正织鸡笼。 最喜小儿无赖, 溪头卧剥莲蓬。”

What a fresh rural map! It's really "the thatch eaves are low and small, and the brook is covered with green grass. When drunk, Wu Yin flatters each other. The white haired old man is old. My eldest son hoes the east of Douxi, and my youngest son is weaving a chicken coop. I like children rascals best, and they peel lotus tents at the head of the brook."



In the afternoon, I walked slowly with a leisurely mood, and accidentally saw a low and small hut. Behind the hut, there are tall and straight bamboos and rolling mountains, which reveal the tranquility of the countryside. There is a stream beside the hut. The river is clear and transparent, and you can see all the fish in the river clearly; Under the sunshine, the river looks sparkling. A gentle wind blew and rippled the river. There are several beautiful and moving lotus flowers on the stream, some of which are in full bloom; Some are in bud; Others seem to have been put away. White powder,


The powder is red, like a shy girl with a veil. Beside the brook, there are clusters of green and dripping grass, which grow very luxuriantly, and look more green and lovely against the backdrop of the brook and lotus.


There was an old couple with white hair in front of the hut. They had just drunk some wine. It can be seen from their red faces that they were slightly drunk. They leaned together and talked with each other in the dialect of Wu. The second son next to them also occasionally interposed a few words!


The elder son of the old couple is weeding hard in the bean field east of the brook. How hard he is working! And the second son is not idle, he is carefully weaving chicken coops with bamboo grass, very focused. The younger son, who is not yet an adult, can do nothing but lie on the side of the stream, playfully playing with fish and eating while peeling lotus seeds. The way he shakes his feet is really adorable!


What a happy family! I was so intoxicated that I stood there for a long time, unwilling to leave