
时间:2022-11-28 12:50:20 | 来源:语文通









You can choose any topic such as "my way home", "my hometown beauty", "my father and my mother", "my Spring Festival couplets", "my New Year's Eve dinner", "my memory of the Spring Festival", etc. to write written works, take pictures and videos, share happiness, family affection, convey warmth and love, express gratitude for a happy life, and yearn for a better future.


(1) My way home


Going home during the Spring Festival is the eternal theme of Chinese culture. Going home is the way to family and reunion, to help each other, to connect, to enjoy family ties, to experience happiness, and to look forward to happiness. The author can use mobile phones and other devices to capture, depict and record the touching stories, wonderful moments, moving moments, picturesque scenery, etc. that happened during the Spring Festival transportation, especially on the way home (including the return trip).


(2) My hometown is beautiful


Nostalgia is a thread of concern, a feeling, a memory of a better life, and a vision of a bright future. People in their hometown are left in memory, including respectable local sages, amiable neighbors and lovely partners; The landscape, wind and rain, and development of hometown make people proud. You can write down your love for the beautiful hometown in words, and record the changes of your hometown in pictures and videos.


(3) My father and my mother


We grow up and our parents grow old. The entries can be a group photo of parents, or a group photo of yourself and your parents, or a family photo, or take and upload parents' photos, family photos, etc. on behalf of others to beautify their smiling faces and record valuable family relationships.


(4) My Spring Festival couplet


Red Spring Festival couplets decorate the door lintels with gorgeous Spring Festival couplets; Delicate words and sentences, repose the happiness and satisfaction of life; Beautiful writing conveys the warmth of civilization in winter. The Spring Festival couplets at your home, or those you saw, organized by relevant units, or written by relatives and friends, should be recorded.


(5) My New Year's Eve dinner


The New Year's Eve dinner is reunion, happiness, expectation and warmth. Shoot and record the scenes and pictures of their families eating New Year's Eve dinner, or a special dish, or the New Year's Eve dinner of people working in the front line during the Spring Festival.


(6) My Spring Festival memory


Anyang people, people who have been to Anyang and people who have left Anyang can recall their impression of the Spring Festival and express it in words, pictures and videos.



February 12 to March 6, 2015



Award evaluation method: The first prize, the second prize, the third prize and the excellent prize will be selected by combining online friend selection with expert evaluation. For works that are shared, praised, widely spread and influential by online friends, appropriate consideration will be given to the award.


Awards: 2 first prizes, 5 second prizes, 8 third prizes and 20 excellent prizes, all of which will be awarded with prizes or prizes.


All entries can also participate in the prize collection of "Civilized Henan · Warm New Year" activity, and have the opportunity to win provincial awards. Awards offered by the Provincial Organizing Committee: 2 first prizes, 5 second prizes, 8 third prizes, and 30 excellent prizes, each of which will be awarded 10000 yuan, 5000 yuan, 2000 yuan, and 1000 yuan.


Participation awards: The provincial organizing committee will set 200 participation awards, each of which will be awarded with a prize of 100 yuan. Anyone who forwards the excellent works displayed by the organizing committee in his own microblog or WeChat can participate in the lottery.


Organization Award: Those who actively organize and participate in the activities in counties (cities), districts, units, official WeChat and WeChat official account with remarkable results are expected to win the organization award.