
时间:2022-11-28 12:50:20 | 来源:语文通





(1) Effectively address the expectations of the masses for the construction of the work style of the organs under the new situation


First of all, we are looking forward to solving the problem of "four styles" of Party members and cadres. At present, the most prominent problem is that cadres are divorced from the masses, have insufficient and unimpeded contact with the grassroots, and there are serious problems in the style of bureaucracy, extravagance, hedonism, extravagance and waste. Secondly, it is expected to strengthen the management and supervision of party members and cadres. In view of the "three difficulties" and "face project" that are difficult to enter, face and deal with, the masses and party cadres generally believe that the most effective subject of supervision is to strengthen public supervision and media supervision. The third is the problem of "laziness and levity" existing in the cadres of the Party and government organs. There are too many examination and approval items, too many procedures, too many links, too long cycle, low administrative efficiency, inaction, disorderly action, mediocrity, procrastination, negligence, and a series of "strange appearances" and problems of organs. In particular, we ignored the reasonable demands of the masses, and failed to solve the practical problems that strongly reflected on the masses and related to the vital interests of the masses in a timely and effective manner, which affected social stability and seriously damaged the prestige of the party and government organs and the trust of the people.


(2) Effectively apply new methods for cadres of Party and government organs to do a good job of mass work under the new situation


The people are the main objects of our Party's social service and social practice activities. In order to improve the efficiency of working for the masses and do a good job in mass work, government officials should innovate the "six methods" of mass work. Namely: First, we should stick to the method of employing people to keep close contact with the masses. First, Party members and cadres should be selected from the grassroots and from the masses; Second, we should select the right people for the grassroots to go to the masses and take root in the grassroots. The second is the method of organizing the masses. We should adhere to the line of "everything is for the masses, everything depends on the masses", actively mobilize the masses, and mobilize everyone's enthusiasm and enthusiasm for entrepreneurship. The third is to effectively use up and down communication methods. First, we should be a loyal audience of the masses, listen to the good and bad words of the masses with an open mind, use the mass language in a timely manner, and properly communicate with the masses; Second, we should strengthen upward communication, timely reflect the people's thoughts, needs, words and expectations to their superiors, and play a good role in advising and making suggestions for their superiors. The fourth is to help the masses solve their difficulties. The masses may have different difficulties and problems in production and life, so we should distinguish the priorities of the difficulties and solve the difficult problems closely related to people's livelihood. The fifth is the way to help the masses progress. Focusing on the fundamental needs of the masses to "seek knowledge, skills, prosperity, development, stability, and happiness", we broke through the short-term assistance method of giving money and things. With the idea of "teaching people to fish, it is better to teach people to fish", we cultivated a new type of modern masses with "new knowledge, new ideas, familiar business, high skills, and good law-abiding" by means of on-site education, class training, classified guidance, on-site practical training, and field trips, Let the people make progress as soon as possible. The sixth is to increase people's sense of happiness. From political progress, economic development, cultural prosperity, social prosperity, ecological civilization and other aspects, we should maximize the participation of the people, share the "development dividend" brought by reform and development, and strive to achieve the ability to double the happiness of the people. The "six abilities" are full of challenges and methods. Under the new situation, they have become the "hard topic" and "real battlefield" of Party building for cadres of Party and government organs.


(3) Establish and improve a new mechanism for Party and government cadres to closely contact and serve the masses under the new situation


The first is to establish and improve the mechanism of serving the masses. Standardize office discipline, strictly enforce procedures, and adhere to the principle of assigning responsibilities to individuals, so as to effectively improve the efficiency and quality of agency services. The second is to establish and improve the mechanism for Party members and cadres to go deep into the front line of the masses and serve the masses. We should earnestly implement that government officials go deep into the masses, investigate and study the situation of the people and people's livelihood, and actively work for the masses, so that solving problems for the masses, doing practical things, and doing good deeds become an important part of the daily work of government officials. Finally, we should establish and improve the mechanism to encourage Party members and cadres to participate in voluntary activities. Party members and cadres with intention and expertise shall be selected to form a team, actively go deep into the grassroots, carry out service activities, and strictly follow the activity process to ensure the smooth implementation of volunteer activities and play an effective role.



In order to cooperate with the Party's mass line education and practice activities, enrich the carriers of grassroots Party organizations and party members and cadres' participation in activities, and broaden the channels of learning, education and interaction, according to the spirit of the Central Organization Department's notice, the Party's mass line discussion and essay solicitation activities were carried out on Hunan Red Star Network.

  1、研讨征文主题及主要内容。 以“马克思主义唯物史观和党的群众路线”为主题开展研讨,自拟题目撰写文章。重点围绕树立马克思主义群众观点,贯彻党的群众路线,保持党同人民群众的血肉联系,落实中央八项规定精神,反对形式主义、官僚主义、享乐主义和奢靡之风,树立为民务实清廉形象和深入开展党的群众路线教育实践活动等,畅谈认识体会,总结经验做法,提出意见建议。

1. Discuss the theme and main content of the essay. With the theme of "Marxist historical materialism and the Party's mass line", we conducted research and wrote articles on our own topics. Focusing on establishing a Marxist mass perspective, implementing the Party's mass line, maintaining the flesh and blood ties between the Party and the people, implementing the spirit of the eight point rule of the Central Committee, opposing formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance, establishing a pragmatic and honest image for the people, and deepening the Party's mass line education and practice activities, we talked freely about our understanding, summarized our experience and practices, and put forward suggestions.

  2、参与对象。 各级党组织和广大党员、干部、群众均可参与。

2. Participants. Party organizations at all levels, Party members, cadres and the masses can participate.

  3、投稿方式。 请登录湖南红星网(www.hnredstar.gov.cn),进入“党的群众路线研讨征文活动”或者“深入开展党的群众路线教育实践活动”专题网页,点击“研讨征文”,按照提示在线提交稿件,完整填写作者姓名、联系电话、工作单位等真实信息,并在征文中标明。投稿时间为2013年8月至2014年10月。

3. Submission method. Please log on to Hunan Red Star Network (WWW.HNREDSTAR.GOV.CN), enter the special webpage of "Party's mass line discussion and essay solicitation" or "Deeply carry out the Party's mass line education and practice activities", click "Discussion and essay solicitation", submit the manuscript online according to the prompts, fill in the author's name, contact number, work unit and other real information completely, and indicate it in the essay solicitation. The submission time is from August 2013 to October 2014.

  4、征文要求。 文章须主题鲜明,思路清晰,内容真实,文风朴实,具有一定的思想性、针对性、创新性,一般不超过2000字。

4. Soliciting requirements. The article must have a clear theme, clear thinking, true content, simple style, and a certain ideological, targeted, innovative, generally not more than 2000 words.

  5、作品使用。 优秀作品在湖南红星网“深入开展党的群众路线教育实践活动”专题网页发表,并向有关媒体推荐刊发。

5. Use of works. The excellent works were published on the special website of "Deeply carry out the mass line education and practice activities of the Party" of Hunan Red Star Network, and recommended to the relevant media.


Organizations at all levels and grass-roots Party organizations are invited to organize Party members, cadres and the masses to actively participate in, contribute to, and participate in the "Party's Mass Line Discussion and Essay" (QZLX.12371. CN/YTZW) and "Party's Mass Line Knowledge Contest" (QZLX.12371. CN/ZSJD) on the Communist Party website.


CPC Hunan Provincial Committee Organization Department Party Member Education Center


August 15, 2013


The Party's mass line is the fine tradition of our Party and the lifeblood and fundamental working line of our Party. Therefore, Party organizations at all levels must fully realize the importance of practicing the Party's mass line for tempering the scientific level of Party building, and strive to implement the mass line of "all for the masses, all rely on the masses, come from the masses, and go to the masses" under the new situation, so as to make every effort to build a modern life rich in material and spirit for the people. This article discusses how the Party and government organs can practice the mass line of the Party in the new situation to improve the scientific level of Party building, hoping that our Party can assume more responsibilities and make steady progress in the future journey to realize the Chinese Dream.



(1) Unreasonable phenomena in the reform process have damaged the interests of the masses


In order to speed up the process of reform and opening up, all major cities in China are carrying out urbanization and urbanization construction in full swing. There are some activities to develop local powerful resources, such as purchasing land for investment attraction and urban demolition, but in these activities, people's interests have been harmed to varying degrees. For example, in some places, urban demolition and resettlement, rural land acquisition compensation, etc. have not been fully compensated, which has damaged the vital interests of the people. The local government has not given enough care to the people, and has not dealt with their demands in a timely manner, or even treated them coldly, This has triggered a large area of public interest disputes. In fact, this is due to the fact that the local government officials did not fully consider the problem, and some of the policies and systems adopted were unreasonable, which not only damaged the interests of the people, but also weakened the Party's position and prestige in the minds of the people, resulting in a tense and contradictory situation between the cadres and the masses.


(2) Unfair treatment in social development causes mass psychological imbalance


Nowadays, with the rapid development of economy, science and technology, education and so on, the masses' awareness of being treated fairly by others is gradually increasing. However, in daily life, some people are often treated unfairly, such as public education, health care, registered residence housing, income gap between the rich and the poor, and employment, which are necessary for the masses to contact in social life, When people are treated unfairly, their vital interests are damaged, and they cannot get timely help from the relevant government, it will cause psychological imbalance. This not only affects the relationship between cadres and the masses, but also causes social instability and social chaos.


(3) In economic construction, the actions of a small number of government officials are dissatisfied with the masses


For a long time, the actions of party members and cadres, such as corruption and bribery, "four conducts", crimes of dereliction of duty, and life style, have become an important aspect of the rectification and supervision of the party and government organs, and also the focus of the society. In the development of economic construction, although the government has strengthened its efforts to severely punish the unhealthy tendencies of government officials, corruption and corruption of government officials are still common in recent years. For example, serious phenomena such as "four evils" and "six diseases of organs" have caused great dissatisfaction among the people. In addition, with the development of modern network technology, the unhealthy tendencies of government officials will spread rapidly, resulting in serious negative effects, which makes the masses have a rising tendency to hate government officials.


(4) The new characteristics of the cadre mass problem


With the continuous development of social economy, the problem of cadres and the masses has shown new characteristics of concern on the original basis: first, the number of mass emergencies has increased, and secondly, the scope of problems has become wider, not only limited to the economic field, but also in the political, cultural, ideological and other aspects. Finally, the number of subjects involved in the problem has gradually increased, that is, from the original retired workers, landless farmers, enterprise restructuring personnel and other subjects to on-the-job workers, veterans, grass-roots cadres, college and technical secondary school graduates and other groups. In the face of the new characteristics of the cadre masses problem, it is no doubt that it has set a greater difficulty for the government cadres to deal with the cadre masses problem.



Adhering to and practicing the Party's mass line is the basis and fundamental requirement for all construction activities of the Party and government organs. We can understand it from the following three aspects:


(1) Marxist Mass Viewpoint is the Fundamental Viewpoint of Party Building in Party and Government Organs


Since its establishment, our party has always adhered to Marxism and taken it as the guiding ideology of production practice. And many years of practice have proved that only by adhering to and practicing the Marxist mass perspective, proceeding from the fundamental interests of the people, and unswervingly serving the people, can our party achieve a series of victories in revolution, reform and opening up, and social construction. Therefore, in today's rapid socialist construction, Party and government officials should internalize the Marxist views of the masses into their own ideas, values, and ideas of governance, adhere to their job responsibilities, and strive to "use power for the people, tie feelings to the people, and seek benefits for the people".


(2) To realize, maintain and develop the fundamental interests of the people is the fundamental purpose of strengthening the Party building


The fundamental interests of the people are closely related to the Party's all-round development and construction. Serving the people wholeheartedly is the eternal purpose of our Party. It comes down in one continuous line with the Party's construction and keeps pace with the times. Therefore, when carrying out Party building, Party and government organs should seriously consider the fundamental interests of the people, whether it is the Party's line, guidelines, policies, or the decisions and arrangements of Party committees and governments at all levels, They are carried out closely around the interests of the masses. In fact, in order to improve the scientific Party building work of the "six in one" party and government organs, including ideological construction, organizational construction, style construction, system construction, anti-corruption and integrity building, and purity building, and build a high-quality party member cadre team that is honest, upright, and able to govern for the people, its fundamental purpose is to strive to achieve, maintain and develop the fundamental interests of the people, with a distinctive party spirit and practicality.


(3) The Party's mass work method is the fundamental method to strengthen the Party building work


Over the years, the Party's social practice and history have proved that keeping close contact with the people and adhering to the Party's mass work methods are the greatest political advantage and fundamental method for our Party to win. For example, in order to practice the mass line, adopt the mass work method, and always adhere to the fundamental principle of "coming from the masses, going to the masses", our party and government officials actively carried out a number of activities to go deep into the people, understand their lives, encourage and support the development of township enterprises, and timely solve the outstanding problems reflected by the grass-roots people. As a result, we not only learned about the people's situation, narrowed the distance with the people, and gave play to the power of the people, To a certain extent, it has also strengthened the thought of serving the people and the sense of responsibility of government officials, and eliminated the unhealthy style of work.



At this stage, the problem of cadres and the masses has seriously affected the effective operation of the Party and the government's decision-making and deployment. The only way to effectively solve this problem is to strive to implement the Party's mass line, take the interests of the masses as the core, closely contact the masses, constantly improve the level of government cadres to contact the masses, organize the masses, and serve the masses, and strive to improve the scientific level of Party building under the requirements of the Party's mass line. The following are the specific measures to implement the Party's mass line and solve the problems of cadres and the masses:


(1) Always adhere to the concept of people-oriented and governing for the people, and strengthen the sense of service


Our party's years of governing history has proved the profound truth that "the people are the foundation of the country, and the country is solid and peaceful". Therefore, Party and government officials should always adhere to the concept of people-oriented and governing for the people, internalize it into the Party's governing concept, always put the interests of the masses in the first place, and closely link the development of the people with their own development, so that they can be loved, supported and supported by the masses. By establishing an opportunity for leading cadres to serve the people, we will take prescriptive measures to implement the service work, that is, every cadre must achieve the "three musts": must truthfully reflect the problems of the masses, must solve the difficulties of the masses, and must participate in service activities. Let cadres really go deep into the masses, understand their lives, listen to their opinions, and gather their opinions, so as to take corresponding measures to solve the problems of the masses in a timely manner, do a good job of practical affairs, and seek benefits for the people, strive to enrich the mass line, and improve the scientific level of Party building.


(2) Deeply implement the working method of "coming from the masses, going to the masses"


The wisdom and strength of the working people are great. In every historical stage, the strong mass base has always encouraged our Party to march forward bravely, thus making our Party win again and again. In the new situation of social development, our Party should fully rely on the masses, trust the masses, unite the masses, and thoroughly practice the working method of "coming from the masses, going to the masses". Every government official should take the mass line as an important magic weapon to improve the level of party building, stimulate the power of innovation, draw wisdom and strength from the masses, constantly improve the thinking of party building, improve the working methods, and improve work performance. In practical work, we should let the people be the masters of the country, formulate and improve the democratic participation system, ensure the people's right to know, choose and supervise the implementation of policies and work of the party and government organs, be able to listen to suggestions, opinions and criticisms from the people patiently, actively improve deficiencies, and improve work efficiency and service quality.


(3) Organ personnel must correctly understand the relationship with the people and correct their service attitude


The key to practicing the mass line of the Party and improving the level of Party building is to make government officials correctly understand the relationship with the people, clarify their position with the people, their attitude and feelings in work, their responsibilities and roles. Only in this way can we guarantee the correct and effective implementation of the mass line. As long as any member of the Party and government organs puts himself in a correct position with the masses, corrects his attitude towards the masses, reassures the masses, treats the masses as relatives, and maintains his sincerity towards the masses, he can win the trust and respect of the masses in his work, handle the relationship between the Party and the masses, and between individuals and the masses, become one with the masses, stick together, and follow the broad mass line. The goal of continuously improving the scientific level of Party building is to treat the masses correctly and strengthen the flesh and blood ties between cadres and the masses.


(4) Practically rectify the atmosphere, eliminate discipline and seek practical results, and strive to set an example for the people


The style of the Party and government organs has always been a top problem that plagues Party building. As the people are most aware of the outstanding performance of the "four styles" of Party members and cadres and the harm of the "six diseases of organs", the people also have the most right to speak. Therefore, if we want to eradicate the problem of cadres' style of work and conscientiously implement the principle of upholding good conduct and eliminating discipline, we must adhere to the mass line, go deep into the grassroots to listen to the opinions and suggestions of the masses and dig deep into the root causes of the problem. Specific measures can be taken from the following aspects:


First, start with details and pay close attention to daily behavior management. The details of life can best reflect a person's moral problems, so we must start from the details and strictly manage the daily behaviors of the officials. For example, in the details of the position words and deeds, life details, late arrival and early departure of the government personnel, once they find any misconduct, they must severely crack down and try to catch it as early as possible, so as to establish a good image of the government party members and cadres.


The second is to increase the density and intensity of overt and covert investigation. The density, strength and depth of the investigation and covert investigation can be adopted for the behavior of government personnel, and the channels of social supervision, network media supervision and mass supervision can be unblocked, and the timely response and protection can be given. Criticize, warn and urge the minor to correct the nonstandard official behavior, improper manners, listlessness and degeneration, improper style and impurity of government functionaries; Serious cases will be severely punished according to law.


The third is to strengthen the ideological education of government personnel and improve their ideological awareness. Ideology guides action, so we should strengthen the education of government personnel and improve their ideological and political awareness. First of all, regular education on the Party spirit and style of Party members and cadres can keep them pure in political thought. The second is to strengthen the organization and management to maintain purity, strictly enforce the organizational life within the organ, and resolutely maintain the purity of the party members. Finally, we should increase the efforts to combat corruption and promote integrity. By establishing and improving the corruption prevention system and system, we should always maintain the high pressure to combat corruption, so as to promote the government officials to strive to be fair, clean and efficient.


To sum up, only by unswervingly practicing the Party's mass line and taking the interests of the masses as the starting point and foothold of the Party building work can we continuously promote the scientific level of the Party building work.