
时间:2022-11-25 13:10:59 | 来源:语文通


Railway soldiers, a special troops, for the liberation and development of New China. They conquered countless cliffs, broke through the Taoist Quick Dangerous Beach, defeated thousands of difficulties, and established immortal merits for the construction of the motherland.


Although the 35 -year history of the railway soldiers has become the past, the universal military soul is in mind in the hearts of the railway buildings, destined to be the legend of the railway soldiers and the China Railway construction.In the cold winter, the launch of the large -scale TV documentary "Forever Railway Soldiers" that China Railway Construction and CCTV cooperated with CCTV, let us review history together, understand the hardships of the older generation of railway soldiers and the railway soldiers.The heroic deeds that were not hindered in front of the water frame warmed up the hearts of each of our iron builders, reminding us that as iron builders should not be afraid to go forward.


Forever Railway Opinion Views_Pour Chapter 1


"Back on that dress and pick up that gun ... The majestic team is mighty, comrades, you want to ask me where to go, we have to go to the most needed place in the motherland." Listening to this tall song that makes people feel tremendousIt seems that I have seen the liberation and construction of the New China. They are not afraid of sweating and bleeding.


I was fortunate to watch "Forever Railway Soldier", which gave me a clearer understanding of the railway soldiers. From a Northeast People's Liberation Army Railway Column in 1948, to the official establishment of the Railway Corps in 1954, and then in 198466 years have passed. This is a team that was born and expanded from the war. He made an indelible contribution to the cause of liberation and liberation after the New China.The fearless revolutionary spirit of the railway soldiers, the perseverance of overcome difficulties and stubborn hard work is the magic weapon we continue to inherit today. As iron builders, we must never forget the material wealth and spiritual wealth left by the older generation.According to the fire, the military soul is staying forever. They are still soldiers when they take off their military uniforms. Farewell to the military flag is still a strong brigade. It is this spiritual force that will always inspire the new generation of iron builders.


Yang Lian's brother, who has the title of "Heroes of the High -tech" in the film. He created a single scaffolding with his extraordinary courage and perseverance, climbed 45 meters high pier, and carried out blasting more than a hundred times in a row.There are a lot of heroic figures like Yang Lian's brother. They always put national interests first in their hearts. With this kind of courageous spirit, in the war years when the war of liberation and the war against the United States and the North Korea, and the Chengdu -Kun Railway and Xiang of the New China railway constructionThe Chongqing Railway, the Beijing -Kowloon Railway, the Nankun Railway, the Qinghai -Tibet Railway, the Beijing -Shanghai high -speed railway and other national major projects created an amazing move.


The youngest railway soldiers around me are now in their fifty years. Whenever they talk about young, they are still wearing military uniforms.At that time, the conditions of all aspects of their lives could not be compared with now. When the construction of Turpan to the Korla section in the South Xinjiang Railway, the conditions in all aspects were very poor. Each of the tunnels were dug 123 meters, and a martyr fell down, but they did not retreat. They did not retreat. They did not retreat.Inherited the spiritual power passed down from the railway soldiers, lofty and virtue, and to give up my heroic spirit.


As a new generation of iron builders, the older generation has created such a good condition for us.Contribute to the realization of iron building dreams as soon as possible.


Forever Railway Opinion Views_Perants 2


The large -scale documentary film "Forever Railway Soldier", the film is based on the projects such as the Chengkun Railway, the Qinghai -Tibet Railway, etc., describing the railway soldiers who are not afraid of danger, move forward, stubbornly fight, attack and danger, and complete everything that the party has given to the party.The task is difficult for the team to take off the military uniforms and move towards the market for 30 years of reform and development.


The Chinese People's Liberation Army's railway soldiers have gone through the glorious journey.The railway soldiers have built more than 30 dry branch railways, up to 10,000 kilometers, accounting for one -third of the mileage of railway mileage in the same period.The film collected a large number of historical records of the historical records at the time, and adopted the scene reproduction, which made our employees in the new era feel the spiritual style and fighting spirit of the people in the era of passion.Essence


The spirit of railway soldiers made with hard -earned and wisdom, the spirit of "stubborn hard work, selfless dedication, hard work and hard work" is deeply inspired in the hearts of our new generation of employees.The red flag that fluttered in the wind still welcomed the wind.


During the new era, from the highest altitude Qinghai -Tibet Railway, to the national key projects such as growing up tunnels, the older generation of railway soldiers continued to maintain a revolutionary spirit of hard work in work and made an example at work, just like "Railway RailwaysThe military songs of Bingzhi in the Quartet "spread widely.


All employees of our project department, through watching documentaries, propaganda exhibition boards and other activities, we must use the old railway soldiers as an example to inherit the spirit of the noble morals of the railway soldiers, setting off a wave of learning railway soldiers and helping to develop corporate development. We must carry forward this kind of kindThe fearless revolutionary spirit can overcome difficulties in work, ensure the professional quality of one -line, love one, and a dedication, and contribute to the development and construction of enterprises.


Forever Railway Opinion Houfenfire


The ten -episode TV documentary "Forever Railway" was broadcast in the ten central exploration columns. The film was built from the war of liberation, the anti -US aid to the DPRK to the New China, and returned to the hard work of the railway soldiers.From the continuous bombing of the Liaoning and Shen Dynasty, the continuous bombing in the anti -US aid, and the crashing railway transportation line to the Lihan Railway, the Eaglexia Railway, the Chengkun Railway, and the introduction of Jinjin, even Western countries are regarded as impossible construction tasksUnder the embarrassment of the railway soldiers, the soldiers and equipment were extremely scarce, the New China was involved, and the people's production and life was poor and backward, they turned one thing "impossible" into "possibilities".Today, our living conditions are so superior, the supply of supplies is so abundant, and the construction conditions are getting better and better. Compared with it, as the heirs of the spirit of the railway soldiers, what kind of posture should we face work and deal with difficulties.I couldn't help but let me fall into my long contemplation.Inheriting the tradition of iron soldiers and inspiring employees' enthusiasm, I believe that we should start from the following aspects:


The first is to firm conviction


Nowadays, most of our companies, most of the railway soldiers have gradually entered the ranks of retirement, and there are also a few veterans who can still feel their thick, simple, tough and fearless from their vicissitudes.Some of them have been engaged in a post repeatedly in a lifetime without regrets; some have adhered to at the grassroots level, fighting at the front line of construction is not humble;Belief, separated from the family for many years until retirement.


At that time, under the harsh conditions of the railway soldiers beyond imagination, they always maintained a strong fighting spirit, adhered to their faith in adversity, overcome all difficulties, insisted on being afraid of suffering, and not afraid of death.The road to the road, successfully complete the task of the country's assignment.Railway soldiers thought that the motherland was proud of the contribution of the motherland, with a good way to cultivate the road, fight the tunnel, and the bridge was the highest glory. Their glory was reflected in these railways, in tunnels, and stone bridges.In exchange for one miracle in human history.


Nowadays, with the change of social value orientation, the thoughts of some of our internal personnel have caused great fluctuations, and unswervingly adhere to the railway soldiers and dare to fight, do not talk about conditions, do not humiliate the mission, and correct the benefits.The disadvantages of the center's thoughts, establishing the correct outlook on life, values, and serving enterprises and socialist construction. In any environment, we must maintain it.Qi, integrate the spirit of railway soldiers who can suffer, be able to endure, be patient, and fight specially into the development and construction of the enterprise. No matter what difficulties and tests are facing, they must not escape or push.From self -do, we can maintain our company's prosperity and sustainable development.


The second is to dare to challenge


"The sweat is dissolved in thousands of rocks, and the wind gun opens through the thousands of mountains." This is the magnificent words that the railway soldiers have refined in different environments."Where does the army fight and where the railway is repaired?" This is the vow from the first generation of railway soldiers."Can't fight bad, the frying steel transport line" is the lament of US imperialism on the battlefield of the United States and aid North Korea.


The 316 kilometers of Lihan Railway took only 9 months; the 697 -kilometer Yingxia Railway also took only one and a half years.Then from Guikun, Chengkun to Xiangyu, and southern Xinjiang, what they suffered and tired, what they experienced and compared with the current construction environment, what can we eat?Some comrades are afraid of the project construction in the project construction when they are in urgent, difficult, dangerous, and heavy tasks. They cannot give full play to the spirit of the railway soldiers who dare to fight and challenge.Get up and retreat, there are too much dependence on the organization. If you have problems, you will pay it. It requires tasks, funds, and finally to achieve grades, which seriously damages the interests and reputation of the enterprise.


The spirit of inheriting and carrying forward the courage to challenge the railway is to learn that the railway soldiers were loyal to the country and served the people in the unusually difficult and difficult environment.Character and interpretation of the true love of the world.In the face of difficulties, dare to face, persevere, and move forward, and be happy with suffering."When the road is chisen, there is no danger in front of the railway soldiers in the waterfront.Summary.This "brave and fearless" spirit must be solidified in our hearts, inherited from generation to generation, and condensed into our new generation of iron builders, and even the entire nation, overcome difficulties, break through danger, and never give up.


The third is to endure hard work


In the 1960s, the railway soldiers worked in a difficult and dangerous environment for a long time. The work intensity was large, the material conditions were poor, and the income was low.By the early 1970s, their allowances were about 7 yuan a month. They ate for a long time to compress dry vegetables. Every day, they dried the heavy physical work of fighting guns, hammer, and carrying pillows.With a kind of unyielding spirit and strong and unyielding will, they have cultivated the mate of transportation after another, and many people have paid the price of life.


In the old -fashioned railway construction, we must continue to carry forward their dedication of their unwillingness and fear of tiredness; firmly establish the idea of being proud of hardships and labor, and being a glorious idea of rail construction employees, inner drums, moraleIn the fierce market competition, we have to review the situation, firmly grasp the country's development opportunities, improve awareness, scientific organization, fine management, and in the construction of heavy difficult projects, we will bravely assume heavy responsibilities and strive for first -class.


The glorious railway soldier spirit also inspires us to move forward at all times.Wenchuan earthquake relief, support Saudi Macata light rails, the successful construction of the Qinghai -Tibet Railway, and the upcoming 2245 kilometers of Shanghai -Kunming Passengers, the "railway soldiers" flashed everywhere, in the construction of Shanghai -Kunming passenger specialty in more than four years.Many young railway construction employees, adhering to the spirit of railway soldiers, the hard work of the railway soldiers, in the most needed moment in the enterprise, they can bear loneliness, hold stress, afford risks, and complete the high standards, strict requirements, fast speed, fast speed, fast speed, fast speed, fast speed, fast speed, fast speed, fast speed, fast speed, fast speed, fast speed, fast speed, fast speed, fast speed, fast speed, fast speed, fast speed, fast speed, fast speedThe railway passenger line has set up another beautiful monument for the enterprise.


The fourth is to love the company

  翻开历史,我们可以看到铁道兵一页页辉煌的篇章。从1948年成立铁道纵队,到1984年兵改工,在解放战争、抗美援朝、援越抗美战争中,为保障钢铁运输线畅通无阻,立下了丰功伟绩。在国家铁路建设中,铁道兵在一条条艰难险阻的铁路修建中,立下了汗马功劳。 2000年,中国铁道建筑总公司成立与铁道部脱钩。2007年11月,整体重组改制设立股份有限公司,“中国铁建股份有限公司”正式挂牌成立。

Opening history, we can see the brilliant chapter of the railway soldier.From the establishment of the railway column in 1948, to the reform of the soldiers in 1984, in the war of liberation, the anti -US aid, and the Aids against the United States, it made great achievements to ensure the smooth flow of steel transportation lines.In the national railway construction, the railway soldiers made great contributions to the construction of a difficult and dangerous railway.In 2000, the China Railway Construction Corporation was established to be decoupled with the Ministry of Railways.In November 2007, the overall reorganization and restructuring settled Co., Ltd., "China Railway Construction Co., Ltd." was officially established.


The journey of storms all the way, hard all the way.It is not easy to create a large enterprise, and it is even more difficult to keep this tradition and glory.Our enterprise construction is full of opportunities and challenges in a vast market environment. 300,000 iron builders must also have a spiritual spirit of forgetting to be selfless, dare to fight, and not afraid of suffering, not afraid of tiredness.The belief of iron, the discipline of the iron, the unity of the iron, the will of iron, and the style of iron to keep our "huge family business", love our work, love our business, love our culture, and love usThis "Railway Spirit", which is proud of the entire nation.In the future development path, we must unite, be brave to take responsibility, dare to break through, and make China Railway Construction into industry aircraft carriers.


"Forever Railway Soldier" collected stories and clues of the railway soldiers during each period, battles, and representative characters.Promote the spirit of the railway soldiers, inherit the railway soldiers who are not afraid of high mountain dangers, are not afraid of bleeding and sacrifice, and have the courage to overcome all difficulties and glorious traditions, pass on the spirit of the railway soldiers from generation to generation, and fight for the great rejuvenation of the motherland and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.At present, we must apply the spirit of the railway soldiers to construction production, technical research, and breakthroughs in difficult points, to share concerns for the country, solve difficulties for enterprises, and dedicate their own strength to the smooth realization of the "Chinese dream".