
时间:2022-11-25 13:10:57 | 来源:语文通






In order to further enhance the awareness of the majority of Party members and cadres to work incorruptedly, abide by rules and laws, improve their ability to resist corruption and prevent degeneration, and promote the in-depth development of the construction of a clean government and anti-corruption work. Recently, the storage and transportation company organized all party members and cadres to watch the warning education feature film "Red Packet, Explosive Packet". Through real cases, the film reveals the serious harm of corruption to the party, the country, individuals and families, so as to learn from the case, promote integrity by warning, and keep the alarm bells ringing.


The "red envelope" was originally a kind of gift money and blessing from elders to younger generations during the Spring Festival. However, several leading cadres in the film accept "red envelopes". The amount is from small to large, and they accept them again and again. The original meaning of "red envelopes" has gradually changed, becoming "sugar coated bombs" with "explosives". Their constant greed makes them unable to resist the temptation, gradually lose their party spirit, and fall into the abyss of crime. However, with its special coat and constantly updated patterns, the problem of "red envelope" is still incurable. Nowadays, accepting "red envelope" has become one of the most hated corruption phenomena of the people, which has seriously damaged the image of the Party and the government. Small "red envelope" has become a red "explosive package" that destroys the future of cadres and threatens social harmony.


Our Party's strong determination and clear attitude to seriously investigate and deal with the serious violations of discipline by some Party members and cadres, including senior cadres, have shown the whole Party and society that what we said about anyone, no matter how high his position is, as long as he violates the Party discipline and national laws, he will be seriously investigated and severely punished, which is not empty talk. We must strictly govern the Party, and we must not relax in punishing it. We should stick to the principle that "tigers" and "flies" fight together. We should not only resolutely investigate and deal with cases of violations of discipline and laws by leading cadres, but also effectively solve the problems of unhealthy practices and corruption that occur around the masses. We should adhere to the principle that there is no exception in front of the Party discipline and national law. No matter who is involved, we should investigate it to the end. We should continue to comprehensively strengthen the construction of the system for punishing and preventing corruption, strengthen anti-corruption education and the construction of a clean government culture, improve the system for restricting and supervising the operation of power, strengthen national legislation against corruption, strengthen the construction of laws and regulations within the Party to combat corruption, deepen the reform of areas and links prone to corruption, and ensure that state organs exercise their power in accordance with their statutory authority and procedures. We should strengthen the restriction and supervision of the operation of power, put power in the cage of the system, and form a punishment mechanism that dare not corrupt, a prevention mechanism that cannot corrupt, and a guarantee mechanism that is not perishable. Leading cadres at all levels should bear in mind that no one has absolute power beyond the law, and anyone who exercises power must serve the people, be responsible to the people, and consciously accept their supervision. We should strengthen supervision over top leaders, conscientiously implement democratic centralism, improve the system of openness in governance behavior, and ensure that leading cadres do not abuse their power and power when they are in high positions. It is emphasized that the whole Party must work hard to improve the Party conduct, build a clean government and fight against corruption. Party committees at all levels have the overall leadership responsibility for building a clean and honest government within their scope of responsibility. We should uphold and improve the anti-corruption leadership system and working mechanism, give full play to the role of discipline inspection, supervision, judicial, audit and other organs and departments, and jointly promote the building of a clean and honest government and the fight against corruption. We should support the discipline inspection and supervision institutions in their work, and care about and protect the discipline inspection and supervision cadres. In particular, we should protect those comrades who have strong Party spirit and dare to adhere to principles, and create conditions for them to carry out their work. Discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels should strengthen the construction of the cadre team, improve the ability and level to perform their duties, and better play the role of supervision and inspection.


The viewing of this educational film of anti-corrosion and change rejection is a thought-provoking spiritual journey, urging our party members and cadres to take this as a mirror in their work and firmly build a moral, disciplinary and legal defense line. Constantly strengthen learning and learning lessons, strictly implement the responsibility system for building a clean and honest government, strengthen ideological and moral construction, firmly establish a correct outlook on the world, rights, and career, model and practice the socialist core value system, constantly enhance their ability to resist corruption and change in the new era, resist temptation, withstand unhealthy trends, withstand tests, and create a clean and honest working atmosphere.


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After watching this documentary, I went to consult relevant news materials and saw a sentence with statistics: "Hainan Province has carried out the special work of" clearing red envelopes ", and 1256 people have voluntarily turned in 28.6813 million yuan of cash gifts, which not only shows the deterrent effect of punishing corruption, but also shows that the awareness of integrity and self-discipline of party members and cadres is growing." I made a simple calculation. On average, each person received more than 20,000 yuan of red envelope. This is insignificant compared with those corrupt behaviors ranging from hundreds of thousands to millions. Why is it that the sense of self-discipline is growing? When accepting red envelopes has become a habit and handing in red envelopes has become a form of anti-corruption work, the anti-corruption situation is difficult to make people relaxed.


"Red envelope" cadres all have a characteristic that bribery has developed from small to large, from normal courtesy to blatant extortion of bribes and dereliction of duty. The dike of thousands of miles was destroyed in the ant nest. These cadres were confused by the money bomb. There was a gap in the regulatory mechanism, and people around were silent until the Commission for Discipline Inspection launched an investigation. Unless the amount is huge, the attitude of dealing with ordinary cash red packets is still ambiguous, not to mention the more hidden electronic red packets. The film highlights the importance of education first, self-discipline first, improving laws and regulations, and establishing a punishment mechanism. However, I believe that under the influence of the bad atmosphere of "human feelings above", it is urgent to define the red envelope behavior and strengthen supervision.


The prevention of corruption has always been the main line of the construction of a clean and honest government. On the one hand, we are constantly improving the corruption prevention system that combines punishment and prevention. On the other hand, some leading cadres still take risks and abandon the interests of the country and the people behind them, so that our party's proud purity is tarnished. Red envelopes are stuffed, stolen, and even can not be refused, but one thing is undeniable, it should not be taken. There is a saying that if you give too much, you can't refuse it, even if you give a favor. For example, the patient sends the red envelope to the doctor in order to reassure the patient. In order to reassure the patient, the doctor first accepts the red envelope and then returns it. At least two prerequisites are required for the return of red envelopes to patients. First, doctors are honest and self-discipline. Second, the diagnosis and treatment process is smooth and safe. Otherwise, doctors may feel at ease when receiving red envelopes or the doctor-patient relationship will continue to be strained. Since we have repeatedly warned against accepting red packets, how can we accept them first and then return them or pay them again? Laws and regulations or systems have one characteristic, that is, they are mandatory. If we allow it to be collected first and then withdrawn, it will give criminals an opportunity to take advantage of it, greatly reduce their criminal costs, and also give a strong blow to the fragile moral self-control in a materialistic society.


We need to take a clear-cut stand against corruption. We need to fight against corruption without hesitation. Corruption can never be undone. Living examples show us that corruption is a dead end. Red packets are not only explosives, but also poison bait that can lead cadres to the abyss.