
时间:2022-11-24 13:09:26 | 来源:语文通



电影观后感范文字大全<六> 篇1电影观后感范文字大全<五> 篇2观看电影1942观后感600字大全<一> 篇3电影观后感范文字大全<四> 篇4电影观后感范文字大全<一> 篇5

电影观后感范文字大全<六> 篇1


It has been several years since I watched Brother Run. Today, when I turn on the TV again and see the new runner, I can no longer control my tears. It brings me infinite thoughts and insights.


At the beginning, I was in a playful mood. Slowly, you will find that this team is like a family. Not to mention that they work together, their spirit of consoling each other after failure is worth affirming. Many people will ask: Why is this? This is the strength of unity! They all have a collective sense of honor, so they will give a helping hand when other players fall down and get hurt. They are not selfish, not vague, and always think of others. They are a really warm family. I see many good qualities in them: unity, friendship, mutual help, and an inborn effort not afraid of difficulties.


This phenomenon can also be seen everywhere in our lives. In class, students speak boldly, but when some students answer incorrectly, they do not laugh, but carefully give guidance to those students, so that they can not fall down on this problem in the future! In the canteen, you and I are holding hands, and everyone has no prejudice. For example, your hands are dirty, and you have a bad relationship with me. I don't want to hold you, neither. I once saw two "enemies" shake hands in the canteen and become "good friends" again! Everyone has to queue up to take a bath in the dormitory every night, but the students are considerate of each other, making this long boring thing lively and interesting. We never mind which students wash first. When we wash first, we consciously let other students wash first next time. Therefore, there is no obstacle to unity. Occasionally, some students take the first bath for two consecutive times, Everyone has no feelings of complaining and hating. I think we are a truly united and loving group. Brother Run may have been forgotten by the world after many years, but its spirit is immortal. It is the era and the common aspiration of history and the people!

电影观后感范文字大全<五> 篇2


Yesterday, my elder brother and sister took me to see a movie called Kung Fu Panda 3. We are looking at the 3D version.


The story mainly tells that Po, the panda, came to the Panda Village to learn Qigong to defeat Tiansha. After thinking, he finally realized what the master said and defeated Tiansha. It also tells us not to change ourselves into others, but to constantly break through ourselves and be ourselves.


Kung Fu Panda 3 reflects not only the motto of life, but also a strong father's love. Po's biological father, Li Shan, came to the Jade Palace from Panda Village and asked to take Po back to Panda Village, but Po's adoptive father, Mr. Ping, disagreed. It turned out that Mr. Ping had kept Po for more than 20 years, but he didn't want to leave. Finally, Li Shan took Po back to the Panda Village for the reason of teaching Qigong to prevent Po from leaving him. Seeing here, I seem to see the deep love between father and son.


Po lived at ease in Panda Village. One day, when the injured tiger came to Panda Village, Po asked Li Shan to teach him Qigong, because only Qigong can defeat Tiansha. Li Cheng was worried when he was asked. He said that he didn't know Qigong at all. Po was very angry and decided to defeat Tiansha alone.


Just when Po didn't know how to do it, Jiao Hu's words made him understand the true meaning of his master's words and successfully trained a "panda army". Why can Po train a group of lazy pandas so quickly? Because Po just let them do what they like, not force them to do it. Only by being true to yourself can we constantly surpass ourselves. In the contest with Tiansha, Po came to the spiritual world with Tiansha in order to send Tiansha back to the spiritual world. However, the Tiansha did not give up, but also took away Po's Qi. At the critical moment, all villagers in the Panda Village miraculously sent out Qigong with their sincere hearts, so that Po not only regained a life, but also became the real Dragon Warrior and finally defeated the Tiansha. In my opinion, we should all be ourselves, constantly break through ourselves and become the "Dragon Warrior".

观看电影1942观后感600字大全<一> 篇3


"1942" is the most touching and touching film in my history. It tells about the great famine in Henan in 1942, when people left their homes and fled Henan. On the way, there were some moving films that gave off the brilliance of human nature, and also denounced the ruthlessness of the disaster.


Under this natural and man-made disaster, more than 3 million innocent people starved to death one after another. In the face of this disaster, the strength of the original people is so weak and insignificant. Even if you have a wealth, you must also join the ranks of the distressed victims.


After watching this movie, I held a bowl full of white rice in my hand. It seemed to be a lot heavier unconsciously. I could not help sighing with emotion and admiration. This ordinary bowl of white rice was a hundred times more precious than diamonds and gold at that time, because it could save the lives of four people, which made me ashamed. My mother told me that my great grandmother told her that people were hungry and could eat the bark, but it was difficult to find it. Because the bark is either completely eaten by locusts who do all kinds of evil and eat all kinds of things, or it has long been divided by hungry victims.


In the future, we will economize on food. This is my first observation.


What surprised me was not the brutality of the Japanese aggressors in 1942, nor the scene of bombing the victims, but my life experience. I used to have the blood of half of the landlords in Henan. My ancestral home is in Henan. What shocked me most was that 1942 focused on a landlord, and my grandmother's generation was also a landlord, which made me laugh and cry. The reason why I live in Anhui is that my great grandmother fled to Anhui with her grandfather and other relatives in order to escape from famine. Just 70 years ago today, they were wandering around.


In Anhui (composition fan ☆ WWW.. CN), great grandmother, grandfather and other relatives finally ended their escape. Fortunately, no one died of hunger. Then I had my mother and met my father. Imagine. If my great grandmother and her family are in trouble on the way, will there be anything I can write here? So, I'm lucky.

电影观后感范文字大全<四> 篇4


On September 3, 2015, I witnessed the 70th Anniversary of the War of Resistance against Japan parade in front of the TV. It was a spectacular occasion. I really don't know what adjectives should be used to describe my surging emotions and shock! I cried in my heart: "Motherland, I love you"!


Turning to the history of yesterday, our country is so poor and backward. The Japanese invaders trampled on the land of China with iron hooves. We can almost only face it with millet and rifles. Because we are backward, the devils will plunder our national treasures, kill our compatriots, and rape our women with impunity. During the invasion of China, the devils owe a lot of blood debts in the mainland of China. In Nanjing, they learned about the inhuman massacre, 300000 innocent and unarmed citizens died under the Japanese butcher's knife, and a city like a gem became a hell on earth overnight


In the past 70 years, the glorious years have come and gone, and the vicissitudes of China have changed dramatically in the past 70 years. Our motherland has become stronger. This parade not only demonstrated our national strength but also our military prestige. There were 27 equipment against the parade, of which I had never seen anything except some armored vehicles, tanks and planes. But it can be seen at a glance that it is the crystallization of world high-tech. After the introduction of the host, I knew what nuclear missiles, drones, bombers, fighters are... It covers the advanced combat instrument level logistics support aircraft of our army. The weapons and equipment on display are all domestic main battle equipment, 84% of which are debut for the first time, fully reflecting the new development, new achievements and new look of our military construction. Our motherland has become stronger and stronger, and a giant oriental lion has awakened! We won't suffer that humiliation again! The motherland is our common home, and we are the place where we grow up together. Liang Qichao once said, "If you are young, your country will be strong, and if you are young, your country will be rich!" The history books are still turning, and the task of rejuvenating China falls on us. Dream of China, students, use our wisdom and courage to study hard! Contribute to building a strong motherland!

电影观后感范文字大全<一> 篇5


The autumn wind blows gently and leaves fall in succession. A year later, on the first day of school, we sat in front of the TV and watched the First Lesson, which always filled our hearts with love and emotion.


This year is the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army's Long March. The program invited three old Red Army soldiers and their families to share with us about the Long March.


Among them, what impressed me most was the matter about Mr. Hu Zhengxian. He told us about the Long March when he was a young messenger: when they were crossing the snow mountain, many comrades wore straw sandals. Some comrades had no straw sandals, so they cut a piece of cow hide to wrap their feet. Others had nothing to do and had to walk barefoot on the snow. When Mr. Hu was attacked by the enemy in the valley, two dry batteries were missing from his neck. He felt that batteries were more important than his own life, so he just wanted to find them. In the absence of any charging conditions at that time, he and his comrades in arms tried every way to charge the battery, and there was no difficulty to stop them from advancing.


After seeing these, I couldn't help admiring them from the bottom of my heart. When the enemy's gunfire knocked the door of the Chinese nation, countless heroes and daughters resisted the gunfire with their own flesh and blood. On the way to the Long March, countless heroes and daughters were everywhere. They supported and encouraged each other, and they threw themselves into the Long March without hesitation. From the initial 300000 to the remaining 30000, that is, every 300 meters, one soldier falls down. How arduous and heroic the Long March is! However, no matter how difficult or dangerous it is, it cannot resist the unwavering enthusiasm of the Red Army soldiers. It is an unparalleled Long March, which makes people marvel! The Long March was very difficult and dangerous. What made them stick to it? It is faith and persistence! Let's learn from their Long March spirit, have a belief, not afraid of difficulties, and forge ahead! The First Lesson always benefits people. This year is the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Long March of the Red Army. Let's remember this day, inherit the spirit of the Long March of our predecessors, and never give up!