
时间:2022-11-24 13:09:25 | 来源:语文通






Our youth should be promising


"Since ancient times, heroes have emerged as teenagers." Why are you young? Young people are fearless. In any age, young people will always be the main force in the struggle of a country. Five thousand years of ups and downs, 202_ Today in, we are in the midst of two great changes that have never happened in a hundred years. The young generation should shoulder the banner of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, stand at the forefront of the times, make new voices, and work hard to achieve the two great centenary goals of our country.


What is a promising young man—— If you study hard, you will achieve something.


Learning is the best way to promote young people in the new era. Only with knowledge in mind can we contribute to the country, the Party and the people. In order to study, teenagers get up early and read in the morning, and then rest at night. In the dead of night, you may have thought about giving up. However, as a young man in this promising era, you can only stand firm in the trend of the times by continuing to learn. So, do you still want to give up?


What is a promising young man—— Desperate is promising.


In the Year of the Boxer Rat, the plague devil was rampant. Our young people stepped forward, wearing white clothes as armour, and marched against the enemy. A white wall stood between the people and the plague devil, ensuring the safety of the people. This is promising. The flood was widespread. The PLA rushed to the scene overnight, gathering sand to form a tower, blocking the flood from continuing to invade and saving the people from fire and water. This is also promising. Our young people should inherit their great spirit and continue to stand up for the country, the Party and the people.


But at present, the trend of "lying flat" is prevailing, and some young people have followed suit, and become idle.


Some young people, holding high the banner that lying flat is justice, maintain a state of "freedom" through extremely low living expenses and part-time jobs. However, the place where you lie down will not always be flat. As a young man of this promising era, your future is unlimited. Clenched his fists, straightened his back, prepared to wait until an opportunity came, and then waved to life fiercely. Lying flat can be regarded as a temporary rest, but please do not lie flat all the time. There are poems and distant places waiting for you in life. Running into the distance is also promising.


Why are you young? Young people are the king of life. When you are young, you should be sure to stand out and have lifelong ambition. With great ambition as the goal, you should go forward bravely and perseveringly, and cherish this time. The world is big, the flow of people is wide, and we strive to be ambitious. If you can hold the sharp weapon of youth and break into the world, there must be a seat for youth in the Jianghu.


New era, new action. For young people, as long as they have a pure heart, a passion for serving the country, and a down-to-earth struggle to forge their ideals and ambitions, they can strive to create their own world. The young people who shoulder the sacred mission should not shoulder the great trust of the people and be worthy of the historical choice. In the great practice of realizing the Chinese Dream, they should release their youth dreams and write the magnificent chapter of life.



"We are committed to the world, to the people, to the saints, to the peerless learning, and to peace for all generations." We should think about our ambitions and ideals as the new youth of China in the new era.


The rise of China and the growing strength of China also represent the self-improvement of the people. Our strength to face difficulties, our strength to lift a thousand kilograms of stones hand in hand, and everything is showing that today's China is accumulating fresh blood, and the Oriental Dragon is preparing to take off.


In the new era, we should dare to struggle. While Fu Mingxia, a famous diver, was preparing for the Atlanta Olympic Games, great and small pains kept happening. However, her tenacious fighting spirit drove her, and her strong fighting spirit encouraged her. Therefore, she put all the pain behind her and went on stage with it. It was this spirit of struggle that led her to the other side of success. Striving spirit is the prerequisite for success. Striving spirit is an indispensable spirit for us as new youth to walk on the road to prosperity and strength in China.


In the new era, we should be brave to innovate. Innovation is pursuit, faith, and fearlessness. It is the joy of seeing an oasis after crossing the cold wasteland. Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice", spent six years making more than 3000 hybrid combinations. After thousands of failures, he finally found the most satisfactory result in his mind. With this dedication and pursuit, he challenged miracles again and again, and raised another miracle of the world - desert rice in the desert where even weeds cannot grow normally. He started a green revolution that shocked the world again and again. Innovation is the soul of a country. Without innovation, society cannot advance; Without innovation, the country cannot develop. Throughout the ages, all successful people have the spirit of innovation, and innovation is the driving force for national rejuvenation and national prosperity.


In the new era, we should be good at discovery. There are three things in the world that can't be recovered: first, the words you say, but the water you spill, and third, the opportunities you miss. Opportunities are often seized by people who are good at discovery. 20__ In, Tu Youyou won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The Nobel Committee spoke highly of Tu Youyou's contribution: Tu Youyou discovered artemisinin, which can greatly reduce the mortality of malaria patients, and provides a powerful new weapon for human beings to fight against diseases that afflict hundreds of millions of people every year. This is invaluable in improving human health and alleviating the pain of patients. Tu Youyou is the first Chinese native scientist to win the Nobel Prize for Science and the first Chinese scientist to win the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. To be good at discovery is to discover the waves in peace and the great in the ordinary. Being good at discovery is the material for building the tower of the motherland.


The society is moving forward and the times are also progressing. People from all walks of life are showing the new era with action images. In the new era, middle school students should have a new image: brave to fight, brave to innovate, and good at discovery. To add a brick and a tile to the new China. Be a new youth developing with the motherland in the new era.



"The river of time flows endlessly. Every generation of young people has their own opportunities and opportunities. They should plan their lives and create history under the conditions of their times." In the new era of prosperity and strength of our motherland, we should all shoulder our responsibilities bravely and be qualified young people in the new era.


Just like Wang Shuocheng, he gave up his highly paid job, pursued his lofty ideal of serving the country, and finally grew up to be the deputy chief designer of the domestic aircraft carrier chief engineer system. He is the best interpretation of the youth in the new era, proving the appearance and spirit that Chinese youth should have with his actions. To be a qualified youth in the new era, we should be brave and hardworking.


Back in history, Zhu Guangya and Qian Xuesen, the generation of intellectuals, faced a country full of holes and waste to be developed. Under such difficult conditions, they remained anonymous, starved and engaged in scientific research, conducted experiments under extremely simple environmental conditions, overcame all difficulties and obstacles, and ignored their personal interests. Today, we are facing a thriving and prosperous motherland, which has given us a once-in-a-lifetime development opportunity and a better working environment. We should work hard, rather than being picky about working conditions, and always stay in a comfortable environment. Young people should dare to bear hardships.


To be a qualified youth in the new era, be ambitious and care about the country. The Chinese aerospace scientific research team, with an average age of more than 30 years, is confident in exploring a more distant and brilliant sky. They have made great efforts to master the core technology, achieved the successful test flight of domestic large aircraft, and made contributions to the improvement of the national scientific research strength. With the insistence of generations of Saihanba people for ten years, the desert has become an oasis and protected the green mountains of the motherland, just as our young people should be firm in their ambitions after making choices, and aspire to make a great country by themselves, But now many college students live a muddled college life without ideals and goals. What is the significance of such a life? Young people should be enterprising.


"I hope that we Chinese youth can get rid of the air conditioner and just move forward. We don't need to listen to the words of those who abandon themselves. What we can do is to make a voice that is hot and light like a firefly. We can also make light in the dark without waiting for the torch."


Lu Xun said that young people can rejuvenate the country and make the country prosperous. If the young generation has ideals, skills and responsibilities, the country will have a future and the nation will have hope. May we all be qualified youth in the new era. If there is no torch, I will be the only light.


Be the youth of the new era and forge ahead bravely.



Jade grows on the mountain, while the grass and trees are moist. Beads grow in the abyss, but the cliff is not dry. "Under the fertile environment, decayed trees can grow flowers, and withered trees can become prosperous. Now, taking advantage of the grand environment of the new era, we should make a bold note on the rejuvenation picture with the momentum of hawks and falcons testing their wings and tigers roaring in the valley.


When we meet the prosperous times and the times, we are prosperous. We are born to be young.


"A harmonious sound makes a clear sound, and a regular shape makes a straight shadow." That's true. The impact of the environment on people is not waves or tides, but spring rains, trickling down into the sea, and enriching the heart. When we were born in two hundred years of communication, the environment we were in was unprecedented in a hundred years. Opportunities and challenges coexist, which taught us to face the storm and fear the future; Born in the atmosphere of five thousand years of cultural tradition, we often remember the teaching of "sacrifice our own and your own welfare, and seek eternal happiness for the world", which teaches us to devote ourselves to serving the country and patriotism; Born in the age when the world pattern is always huge and global crises have repeatedly impacted, our generation is more aware of the need to build a community with a shared future for mankind, which teaches us to have a long-term vision and not be confined to a cage. It is glorious to meet the prosperous times. The environment of the times is paved by young people. As Bing Xin said, "The times are turning pages. Young people, please write!"


The youth is just in time. We are a young man with wisdom and resourcefulness. We should inherit the green light of our ancestors and continue to write the brilliant chapter of the times.


Shi Gong is in prison, Qu Zi is in exile, and Juemin is writing a book with his wife; The heirs protested together, Lu Xun was shouting, and Gou Jian was tasting hardships. Countless ancestors have diligently sought to create a harmonious and beautiful era environment. Now the leisurely red boat has passed by, and the towering ship is coming. In retrospect of the past and the past, we will show our strength today. Whether it is the oath of "I am not a child if I wear protective clothing" in the front line of the epidemic, or the anti drug soldier Cai Xiaodong who fought against the drug dealers and died young, or the young athletes who are in their prime of life in the Olympic Games and do not wait to be whipped up, they are declaring to the world stage that we young people have the ability to change the environment to make it better!


Individuals and the environment influence each other. Youth share weal and woe with the times. Youth and the environment grow together, making youth soar, the country revive and the times soar.


Young friends, let's hold each other's hands and (together) gather the great strength of ten thousand people to build the building of Chinese rejuvenation. When the mountain flowers are flourishing, we would like to send a letter across time and space, saying to our ancestors: "This prosperous age is as you wish."


"Youth is like morning fog, like early sun, like the sprouting of spring flowers". In the environment of the times, we should embrace the lofty sentiment of "I have my own tassel in hand, and I will bind the dragon today". We should work hard and be unswerving, so as to bring peace to the world and make Chixian a dream.



Each generation has its own Long March, and each generation has its own responsibility. To achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is a relay race and a baton from generation to generation. The spirit of the older generation to roll up their sleeves and work hard has set off the tide of the times, and the young people of the new era are also striving to become a vigorous force driving the Chinese nation towards great rejuvenation in the future.


There is a saying in the People's Daily: "Some people say, 'If you have light, China will not be dark!', while others say, 'Please don't disappoint this era.' We were born with nationality, just like our surnames, which are our most fundamental attributes and part of our birth. We talk about the world in Chinese. We are proud of history, and we are particularly excited about national rejuvenation.


Our young people take their ideals as their sails and are not afraid of sailing. You can see that Wu Yishu, a national talented woman, takes ideal as the reason and practice as the result. After winning the title of "China Poetry Conference", he studied hard for two years and finally got admitted to Tsinghua University; You can hear that Zhong Fangrong, an archeological girl, takes her ideal as the light, pursues the light, and chooses archeology without fear of criticism from the world, and finally gets the fruit of love; You can see that Liu Rang, a posthumous college student, took his ideal as the peak and kept climbing. It took him three years to successfully launch his self-made rocket and finally realize his dream of space flight. The times give us the right to choose our ideal. We should aim to repay the times, take serving the motherland to create prosperous times as the ultimate ideal, weave the dream of prosperity of the motherland with our personal dreams, and set sail.


Our young people take struggle as oar and are not afraid of wind and waves. 202_ In, newly graduated __, He dedicated his youth to the aerospace industry. He became a logistics equipment support member of the post-90s generation. He actively thought, explored, and used his professional ability to troubleshoot and solve problems. It is the tireless spiritual pursuit of our generations of logistics equipment support personnel to take root in mountains and valleys, keep company with mountains, and compose a magnificent chapter of space flight with youth and blood. Adhering to the rigorous style of striving for perfection and being foolproof, they worked hard to meet the difficulties and fulfilled their clank vows to the aerospace industry with sweat and loyalty. They have always regarded struggle as the vane of progress, riding the wind and waves in overcoming difficulties again and again, and writing the glory of new youth.


Our youth, with innovation as the blade, cut through the cocoon shell. With their dexterous hands, the embroiderers fly with their needles and threads, and each piece of exquisite embroidery works leaps onto the cloth, dazzling. After 1990, Liang Xiaoman continued to explore and try, innovated the design concept, took innovation as the breakthrough of cultural continuity, combined classical embroidery with modern elements, and made Chinese fashion products that many young people like today, setting off a new wave of traditional culture. With the gradual decline of traditional Chinese culture, we have the responsibility and ability to carry forward these quintessence of Chinese culture. Innovation is our best edge as a new youth, breaking through the shackles and going to the world, and we will create a better prosperous time when we are born.


The youth's beauty is fleeting. If we young people enjoy it leisurely all day long and don't want to make progress, we will waste our lives in vain. The beauty of youth does not lie in idleness and cheerfulness, but in enthusiasm and energy. We young people should learn how to act quickly, learn like bows and arrows, burn the years of youth, build a great country, and make great achievements. The young generation of our country is bound to make great achievements. This is the historical law of "the Yangtze River pushes the waves behind", and it is also the youth responsibility of "one generation is stronger than another".


Our generation, in a prosperous age, has a heavy responsibility. When we are oriented in life, we should set lofty ideals, let the flowers of youth bloom in the places where the motherland needs most, and show our brilliance in the relay race to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!