
时间:2022-11-24 13:09:25 | 来源:语文通






I am a fourth grade student. Every Monday morning, the five-star red flag slowly rises in the solemn voice of the national anthem. All teachers and students and I stand in the playground and salute the flag. At that moment, I am very excited. As a Young Pioneer, I feel very honored and proud, and also determined to be an excellent young man.


Wang Lingfei, a sixth grader in the central primary school of Zhangluji Town, is a good example for us to learn from among many young people. On his way to his classmate's home to do homework after school, he found someone fell into the big pond in the south of the village. He asked another classmate to go back to the village and call for someone. He bravely jumped into the cold water and saved an 81 year old lady who accidentally fell into the water, He wrote a touching chapter of heroic young people saving the old, and the district government held a commendation meeting for him in the district. His heroic deeds, known to many people, have also become an example in my life and on campus.


Although I don't have such touching deeds as Wang Lingfei, I will start from me and start from small things. The Chinese teacher often tells us in class to love public property, pay attention to environmental protection, and protect our nature. I also deeply remember what the teacher said.


On the campus in summer, there are beautiful flowers and dense trees, which add a lot of color and vitality to our life and campus. However, there are some male students who often tear off the branches on the trees, catch up with each other, and fight. Every time I see them like this, I will tell them: "You should not destroy these branches any more. The small trees also know the pain. We should love the trees, pay attention to environmental protection, and be good students." Hearing what I said, some male students left with embarrassment. Although my words were not always effective, I will stick to them because I know I did the right thing.


I still remember one time when my mother took me to the shopping mall. When I was going up the stairs, an aunt threw the paper on the ground. I thought to myself: This aunt is really not sanitary, and she throws garbage everywhere. Although I thought so, I didn't dare to talk to my aunt, so I told my mother quietly. My mother asked me, "What do you think we should do?" I thought about it for a while. I picked up the paper and threw it into the dustbin. My mother smiled and said, "You did a very good job."


These little things I do may be too ordinary, but at home and on campus, my teachers and mother have always guided me to be a good boy. I have determination and confidence to do even a little bit of small things from the start. Because I love my motherland, I love my campus, I love our earth more, and I want to protect our nature with my actions.



On Friday, the teacher showed us "Good Teenagers in the New Era". After reading it, I was deeply touched. In "Good Teenagers in the New Era", 12 teenagers were introduced. Among them, the most impressive one was little sister Xie Jiayi from the school affiliated to Yangjiang Vocational College.


Xie Jiayi's mother is a volunteer of the Red Cross. She has been around since she was a child. She has followed her mother to participate in various volunteer activities. She has traveled all over Yangjiang. She also likes to participate in various public welfare activities. She has become a "senior" volunteer.


During the epidemic this year, she also donated all her pocket money to medical staff and wrote songs to help fight the disease. Xie Jiayi is not only full of love but also has many talents. She has won the first prize in the poetry creation competition, and her academic performance is also excellent. She has been awarded the "Three Good Students", "Excellent Team Cadres", "Excellent Young Pioneers" and other awards by the school for many times. This year, she was awarded the "Good Youth in the New Era" by Guangdong Province.


Xie Jiayi is so caring and versatile at such a young age, but I feel guilty for not studying hard even at such an old age. There are other good teenagers who are also good. Everyone is talented and versatile. They are diligent, eager to learn and helpful. Students and teachers like them very much.


In fact, these good teenagers are not so excellent after their birth. They were just ordinary people when they were born. They have come to this day through their hard study and continuous progress. We are all a candle, but they glow first. As long as we are willing to work hard, we can shine! Of course, if you want to glow, you must ignite yourself. Although the burning process is hard and painful, we must accept these trials to glow, become useful people and contribute to the country.



Today, I read the "Good Teenagers in the New Era" learning campaign. They have outstanding performance in learning, life, social activities and other fields.


They are diligent in learning and thinking, civilized and respectful, self reliant, friendly and mutually beneficial, which is a good example for each of us to learn from. Therefore, we should learn from their spiritual outlook, be willing to help others, think hard and study hard, love the party and patriotism, be filial to the elderly and love relatives, and protect the environment.


Among the ten good teenagers in the new era, they have many things in common, such as being willing to help others study hard and be good at thinking, etc. Their deeds are vivid and touching. I am also touched and have learned a lot.


However, what touched me most was that Xiaolao loved to be the "little leader". Zheng Xiaoqi, sister of Chengcun School in Yangxi County, was abandoned by her biological parents from birth. However, she was lucky because she met her adoptive father, Zheng Xingshang, and his family. However, when Zheng Xiaoqi was nine years old, her adoptive father was paralyzed, and her adoptive mother ran away. Unfortunately, her grandmother was unable to afford the illness, so she had to shoulder the responsibility of taking care of her family. Zheng Xiaoqi studies hard while taking care of his adoptive father's family. It is unimaginable for ordinary people to shoulder such a heavy responsibility at a young age. Later, when Grandma died of illness, Xiaoqi had to live with her adoptive father. At 202_ In, Zheng Xiaoqi's biological parents came to recognize their parents and hoped that Zheng Xiaoqi would return to their parents, but she refused because her adoptive father's family was so grateful to her. The pressure of life prompted Zheng Xiaoqi to study harder and take care of his adoptive father meticulously. In recent years, he has also won many honors. This year, he was awarded the title of "Good Youth in the New Era" by Guangdong Province.


Zheng Xiaoqi, a "good youth in the new era", not only has good academic performance, but also is sensible. Facing the happy life and hardships, she chose to be tough, knew how to show gratitude, and never gave up on her adoptive father who was paralyzed in bed. After receiving the help of the society, she decided to study hard to repay the society.


These touching deeds made me work hard. Therefore, I am determined to be a good boy like Zheng Xiaoqi in the future, to be willing to help others, diligent in learning and thinking, filial to the elderly and loving relatives, and to be rewarded by the water flowing from others.



China, a country with an ancient civilization, has a splendid civilization history of more than 5000 years. In order to explore and understand the excellent history and culture of China, I opened the book Five Thousand Years of China. After reading it, I benefited a lot. The excellent traditional culture and virtues of the Chinese nation shown in the book have been sown in my heart. She has a long history and is brilliant. It is the crystallization of 5000 years of civilization and wisdom, and has nourished generations of Chinese people!


Confucius was diligent in reading, and even Wei wrote three masterpieces. Zudi and Liu Kun were diligent when they heard the cock dance. Li Mi read and studied at any time and anywhere. Their spirit of diligent and hard reading is worthy of our study, which makes us respect.


At the age of four, Kong Rong can let Li and Huang Xiang know how to care for their parents. They respect their elders and show filial piety to their parents, which is an example for people to praise, but also a model for us to learn... These examples of traditional virtues are countless in the long history of the Chinese nation, just a few small waves in the long history.


Now, some students don't have a correct learning attitude, don't listen carefully in class, often make small moves, and don't take criticism and education from parents and teachers seriously. This will never be a big thing. We should read more books, read good books, and constantly absorb and learn from China's excellent culture, so as to become a good boy with excellent character and learning, a good boy with noble moral character, and a good boy pursuing progress


There are also some students who stretch out their hands in clothes, open their mouths to eat, and contradict their parents from time to time. Do you mean they respect and show filial piety to their parents? As a contemporary teenager, we should learn to take care of ourselves, pay attention to food and drink, let ourselves grow healthily, and let our parents not worry!


We should form good habits when we are young, be good teenagers with noble morality, and inherit and carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.



After I watched the "Good Teenagers in the New Era" learning campaign, there was a little girl who touched me. She was a "little boss". She was abandoned by her biological parents when she was young, but now she is adopted by others. But life has been testing her. She has experienced many misfortunes at a young age. For her, life is very difficult, but she never gives up. He took the responsibility of taking care of the family with his own actions, and took care of his adoptive father and grandmother all the time.


After Grandma died of illness, she and her adoptive father were left. Her biological parents had also come to recognize her. But she thought that her adoptive father was so grateful to her that he still needed someone to take care of her, so she refused. When COVID-19 pneumonia broke out, she took more care of her aging foster father and studied hard. Over the years, she has won many honors and titles. The girl is really diligent, caring, grateful and filial. No matter how hard life is, she never gives up, which impressed me deeply and made me admire her very much. This year, he was awarded the title of "Good Youth in the New Era" by Guangdong Province.


But in our lives, there are many similar things. There was a little boy with a disability who was born with polio because he missed the best time for treatment. Since then, his legs can no longer move. But he never gave up his dream. His dream is to be a writer. For him, no matter how hard his life is, he never gave up, which deeply moved me. He inspired other disabled people, lit himself and illuminated others. He was great.


There are also many good young people in the new era, who are also good examples, and everyone has a shining point of admiration. Although the burning process is hard and painful, we must accept the training to carry forward and become the backbone of the country and society.