
时间:2022-11-24 13:09:22 | 来源:语文通


纪念抗美援朝72周年观后感 篇1纪念抗美援朝72周年观后感 篇2抗美援朝纪念日72周年演讲稿三分钟 篇3抗美援朝72周年作文 篇4纪念抗美援朝72周年观后感 篇5抗美援朝70周年大会观后感最新 篇6抗美援朝70周年大会观后感最新 篇7抗美援朝70周年大会观后感最新 篇8

纪念抗美援朝72周年观后感 篇1


"I love my relatives and motherland, and I love my honor even more!


I am a glorious volunteer soldier!


Ice and snow, I will never yield to you!


Even if I freeze to death, I will stand proudly in my position! "


This is the last letter written by a volunteer martyr named Song Amao. He was one of the 129 soldiers who died in the Changjin Lake battlefield. They held their positions in the snow for six days and six nights; They froze to death in the trenches in combat positions, with the muzzle still facing the enemy; They are the sublimation of the great fighting spirit of the Chinese People's Volunteers - "Ice Sculpture Company"!


This group of ice sculptures, which made the enemy respected, built the great steel wall of the motherland with flesh and blood; With perseverance and tenacity, we have gathered strong Chinese strength and forged the soul of the Chinese nation. It was they who proved their boundless loyalty to the motherland and people with their blood and lives; The Republic has been supported with a straight backbone, which also supports our peace and tranquility today. They are the "loveliest people" in our hearts.


In this world, there is no born hero. Everyone has only one life. But there are always a group of people who have never failed their vows. A little heat, a little light, the little fireflies gathered into a warm world of stars; We will pass on our sense of mission and responsibility to the motherland and the people. The three feet platform is my "battlefield", and the road to aid Xinjiang is my new journey. Adhering to the original intention of assisting Xinjiang, taking on the mission on the shoulder, strictly abiding by all disciplines, we strive to become a qualified member of Benxi's Xinjiang aid team, which is "ready to call, ready to fight, and able to win".


Aid to Xinjiang is not only a feeling of family and country, but also a loyalty to the Party and the country, and a responsibility and responsibility for our garrison in the border areas. It is precisely because we who help Xinjiang can put the motherland in mind and put the interests of the motherland first that we can achieve no regrets. We are determined to struggle and harden into steel; Even if we face the wind and rain, we can be brave and strong!


Pay tribute to the "Ice Sculpture Company"! Pay tribute to the Chinese soldiers!

纪念抗美援朝72周年观后感 篇2


Seventy two years ago, the War of Liberation had just ended. On the land of China, where the smoke of gunpowder had soon dissipated, a Chinese people's volunteer army crossed the Yalu River and headed for Korea.


In November 1950, the piercing cold wind was already raging in Changjin Lake, but the sudden advance military order was still completely implemented. The Sixth Company of the Ninth Corps of the Chinese People's Volunteers, who were still wearing thin summer clothes, arrived at the battlefield. They were assigned to stick to the Dead Eagle Ridge. At that time, the temperature in North Korea had dropped to minus 40 degrees Celsius. In order to complete this task perfectly, the soldiers of the company stayed in the freezing weather for a night, and they did not even dare to light a fire to keep warm, for fear of attracting the attention of the US military. At that time, the war situation was not good for our army. Ambush against American troops was the most effective way to strike at that time, and the mission of the company was very heavy. The soldiers were strong willed, but their thin summer clothes could not withstand the cold wind. Even so, no one withdrew from the battlefield.


The next day, when the front battlefield started, the nearby brother troops were surprised to find that the sixth company carrying out the defensive task did not open fire. They sent staff officers to inquire, and they were greeted by ice sculptures in the trenches that still kept their fighting posture. It turned out that all the soldiers froze to death during the night's insistence, but before they died, they still did not change their posture.


Up to now, 72 years have passed since the war. The great men made of steel have left, but the steel made by the great men has remained and continues to protect us. On the occasion of the upcoming 72nd anniversary of the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, I would like to use the deeds of those Chinese heroes to remember the tragic and great war and the most lovely people who died in it.


Now the artillery fire has long gone away from us. These deeds are recorded in light words, and no one can see the flesh and blood behind these figures. But today, we can eat and dress warmly, and walk on the road of high-speed development to enrich the country and strengthen the people, because what we step on is a ladder poured with blood by our ancestors, and overhead is a blue sky without fire of war.

抗美援朝纪念日72周年演讲稿三分钟 篇3


Dear teachers and young pioneers


Good morning, everyone! October 25 is the anniversary of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. Today's speech under the national flag, let's pay tribute to those heroes who defend justice and maintain peace.


On June 25, 1950, the Korean civil war broke out. The CPC and the government made a historic decision to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea with extraordinary boldness and courage. The Chinese People's Volunteers worked closely with the Korean army and people to smash the "strangulation war", resist the "bacterial war" and fight bloody battles in Shangganling, creating a magnificent war. After two years and nine months of bloody battles, the Chinese and Korean people resisted imperialist aggression and expansion and maintained world peace.


In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the heroic Chinese People's Volunteer Army, under the extremely backward weapons and equipment and extremely difficult battlefield environment, went on and on, sacrificing life and forgetting death. Huang Jiguang, a super combat hero, decided to block the enemy's gun hole with his own body when he was seriously injured and had no ammunition beside him in order to open the way for the big army to charge; In order to cut off the enemy's retreat, Yang Gensi, a super combat hero, grabbed the only bag of explosives and rushed to the enemy, killing them with him; Qiu Shaoyun, the first level combat hero, let the fire spread all over his body with indomitable perseverance to win the battle, and made a heroic sacrifice... More than 197000 heroic sons and daughters shed their precious lives on the Korean battlefield for the motherland, the people, and peace!


Grandpa Xi said, "The great spirit of fighting against the U.S. and aiding Korea transcends time and space, and is everlasting. It must be inherited and carried forward from generation to generation!" As good teenagers in the new era, we should remember the history, pay homage to heroes, and inherit and carry forward the spirit of patriotism and revolutionary heroism in fighting the United States and aiding Korea! Members of the team, if you are strong in youth, your country will be strong. We should always remember our responsibilities and missions. We should follow the example of revolutionary martyrs, stick to the red gene, stick to our dreams, study hard, and aspire to serve our country. We should take practical actions to console the martyrs who have fallen asleep under the pine trees. We should always be ready to realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

抗美援朝72周年作文 篇4


I watched the documentary today, and it was hard for me to calm down.


On the occasion of the upcoming 72nd anniversary of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, I put my feelings accumulated over the years into practice and began to publicize the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea and eulogize the great Chinese People's Volunteers.


I relearned and learned about the great War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea has created the national prestige of New China and the military prestige of the people's army, composed magnificent heroic war songs, and emerged more than 300000 heroes such as Yang Gensi, Huang Jiguang, Qiu Shaoyun, and nearly 8000 groups of heroes. They are worthy of the heroic sons and daughters of the Chinese nation, the strong guardians of national security and world peace, and the honorable title of "the most lovely people".


In new China, it has just been established, and a hundred wastes and industries need to be developed. At the critical juncture when North Korea is in a critical situation of survival and our security is facing a serious threat, the Party Central Committee, at the request of the Korean Party and government, resolutely made the strategic decision of "resisting the United States and assisting North Korea and defending our country". The Chinese People's Volunteers were ordered to go to Korea. Through countless hardships and dangers, he defeated the arrogant American aggressors. The performance of the commanders and fighters of the volunteer army in this war has greatly enhanced the cohesion of the Chinese nation, and thus formed the great spirit of the Chinese people to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea. Our great volunteer soldiers deserve to be the most lovely people. They have successfully completed the glorious and great mission entrusted by the Chinese people, established immortal meritorious deeds, maintained peace and tranquility with their precious lives, and composed a glorious chapter in history with their magnificent youth. It is precisely because of the sacrifice of those ancestors that we have today's life. The past does not forget the future. The trauma of the war seems to be gradually erased with the loss of years, but the imprint of that war on the Chinese people will never disappear. The reputation of more than 100000 Chinese good sons and daughters who died for their country will never be forgotten.


Don't forget the past, cherish today. Everything we have today is hard won, and we should always cherish it.


In retrospect of that war, we should pay tribute to the most lovely person - the heroic Chinese People's Volunteers with gratitude! To pay deep tribute to the glorious martyrs and their families who died on the Korean land! I deeply salute the whole generation of people who are still alive to participate in that war!


Some people say that forgetting history is betrayal! Although some extreme, it is not unreasonable. Those histories were written by our ancestors with blood and bones, and exchanged for their youth. Although it was a war to defend our country, no one can deny its impact on the world pattern, the role of Asia, and the role of the Korean Peninsula. Today, countless ancestors are sleeping at the foot of the long Changbai Mountain. The sound of the horn has dissipated in the sky over the Korean Peninsula. But the sound of the horn should not dissipate in our hearts. It is the voice of the People's Republic of China to the world. Although China is not very strong, it will never bow.

纪念抗美援朝72周年观后感 篇5


Over the past 72 years, the great spirit of resistance to U.S. aggression and aid to Korea has been radiating bright light through time and space, bringing light to the inner world of Chinese people. We should carefully understand the scientific and profound connotation of the spirit of fighting against US aggression and aiding Korea, and embrace the spiritual light penetrating from the depths of history.

弘扬和光大了祖国和人民利益高于一切、为了祖国和民族的尊严而奋不顾身的爱国主义精神 天下兴亡,匹夫有责。爱国主义精神是抗美援朝精神的根本,是派生出抗美援朝精神中其他几种精神的本源。爱国,既是对国家和人民利益的坚定维护,也是对生养自己的土地和人民的真挚热爱;既是对祖国和民族尊严的认同与自豪,也是对国家前途、民族命运和人民幸福的使命与责任。内心升腾着爱国主义精神,就会深深植根革命忠诚精神,昂扬起革命英雄主义精神和革命乐观主义精神。历时两年零九个月的抗美援朝战争,从决定出兵到胜利收兵,自始至终高扬着中国共产党、中国人民志愿军和中国人民的爱国主义精神,有力维护了祖国和人民利益,打出了国威军威,使刚成立不久的社会主义新中国能够顶天立地地立足于世界舞台。

Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world in the spirit of patriotism, which has carried forward and carried forward the interests of the motherland and the people above everything else and has worked hard for the dignity of the motherland and the nation. Patriotism is the root of the spirit of fighting against the United States and aiding Korea, and is the source of other spirits derived from the spirit of fighting against the United States and aiding Korea. Patriotism is not only a firm safeguard for the interests of the country and the people, but also a sincere love for the land and people who have raised themselves; It is not only the recognition and pride of the motherland and national dignity, but also the mission and responsibility of the country's future, national destiny and people's happiness. If the spirit of patriotism rises in the heart, it will be deeply rooted in the spirit of revolutionary loyalty and raise the spirit of revolutionary heroism and revolutionary optimism. The War of Resistance Against US Aggression and Aid Korea, which lasted two years and nine months, from the decision to send troops to the victory of the withdrawal, has always upheld the patriotism of the CPC, the Chinese People's Volunteer Army and the Chinese people, vigorously safeguarded the interests of the motherland and the people, played a national prestige, and enabled the newly founded socialist new China to stand firmly on the world stage.

72年前发生的那场战争,是帝国主义侵略者强加给中国人民的。朝鲜内战爆发后,美国政府自恃有足以压倒一切的实力,悍然派兵进行武装干涉,发动对朝鲜的全面战争,并不顾中国政府多次警告,越过三八线,直逼中朝边境的鸭绿江和图们江,出动飞机轰炸我国东北边境城市和乡村,把战火烧到了新生的中华人民共和国国土之上,对新中国的安全和发展利益构成了严重威胁。面对美国,面对新中国刚成立后百废待兴的局面,要下抗美援朝这样的大决心,极为不易。但为了捍卫祖国和人民的利益、为了维护祖国和民族的尊严,毛泽东同志果断决策:我们认为应当参战,必须参战,参战利益极大,不参战损害极大。1950 年 10 月 24 日,周恩来同志在全国政协常务委员会上,对为什么作出抗美援朝决定作了详细的说明:“朝鲜如果被美帝国主义压倒,我国东北就无法安定”。抗美援朝战争,是一场正义之战、爱国之战。全国各条战线和广大人民积极响应党和政府号召,开展了轰轰烈烈的抗美援朝运动,支援前线,支援战争。在全国燃起的爱国热情,形成了同仇敌忾、战胜一切困难和强大敌人的无穷力量。

The war that took place 72 years ago was imposed on the Chinese people by the imperialist aggressors. After the outbreak of the Korean Civil War, the United States government, relying on its overwhelming strength, brazenly sent troops to intervene and launch an all-out war against Korea. In spite of repeated warnings from the Chinese government, it crossed the 38th parallel and directly approached the Yalu River and Tumen River on the border between China and North Korea, and sent planes to bomb cities and villages on the northeast border of China, burning the flames of war on the land of the new People's Republic of China, It poses a serious threat to the security and development interests of New China. In the face of the United States and the situation that new China has just been founded, it is extremely difficult to make such a big determination to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea. However, in order to safeguard the interests of the motherland and the people, and to safeguard the dignity of the motherland and the nation, Comrade Mao Zedong made a decisive decision: we believe that we should and must participate in the war, and it is of great benefit to participate in the war, and it is of great harm not to participate in the war. On October 24, 1950, at the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Comrade Zhou Enlai explained in detail why he made the decision to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea: "If North Korea is overwhelmed by U.S. imperialism, Northeast China will not be stable". The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea is a just and patriotic war. In response to the call of the Party and the government, all fronts and the people across the country have launched a vigorous campaign to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea, supporting the front lines and the war. The patriotic enthusiasm that has been ignited throughout the country has formed an infinite force to unite against the enemy and overcome all difficulties and powerful enemies.

抗美援朝70周年大会观后感最新 篇6


"Warly and spirited, cross the Yalu River." A "Battle Hymn of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army" sang the theme of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army 70 years ago. Today, this song is still exciting and vigorous.


With a flick of the finger, 70 years have passed quickly. On October 19, 2020, when visiting the theme exhibition of "Remembering the Great Victory, Safeguarding Peace and Justice - Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Chinese People's Volunteers' War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea" in the Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution, it was emphasized that the great spirit of resistance to U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea forged during the war is a precious spiritual treasure, which will certainly inspire the Chinese people and the Chinese nation to overcome all difficulties and obstacles Defeat all powerful enemies. Young people in the new era need to have a correct understanding of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, resolutely carry forward the spirit of fighting US Aggression and Aid Korea, and make it a "rising sun" leading the great cause of socialism.


Belief, there is a dream to have a direction. Seventy years ago, in order to defend peace and resist aggression, China resolutely made the historic decision of resisting the United States and aiding the DPRK and defending the country. The heroic Chinese People's Volunteer Army held high the banner of justice, crossed the great rivers, Yang Gensi, Huang Jiguang, Qiu Shaoyun, etc., sacrificed their lives, fought with blood, and fought with faith to build national prestige and make great contributions to world peace and human progress. As young cadres, we should inherit and carry forward the spirit of revolutionary martyrs, seek life goals in the name of faith, and realize the Chinese dream.


Patriotism, there are ideals can have power. "History shows that patriotism has been flowing in the blood of the Chinese nation since ancient times. It cannot be removed, broken or destroyed. It is a powerful spiritual force for the Chinese people and the Chinese nation to safeguard national independence and dignity." In today's world, science and technology are developing rapidly and changing with each passing day. Building a strong country in science and technology, network and digital has provided an unprecedented broad stage for grassroots workers to make contributions. "Patriotic struggle is born at the right time". Young cadres need to keep fighting forward with patriotism in the new era.


Work hard, and only with thought can we achieve anything. "Don't be afraid of sacrifice, if you don't do it, you will do it all." It is the only way for volunteers to defeat the armed forces of American imperialism in the War of Resistance against America and Aid Korea. Business first, loyalty to duty, and steadfastness are the cornerstone of personal development and progress. In the new era, young cadres should take their own posts as fertile ground for growing and becoming talents, and work hard and down-to-earth. It is necessary to do one line, love one line, drill one line, and refine one line, so as to achieve the utmost in small things and gain extraordinary value in ordinary posts.

抗美援朝70周年大会观后感最新 篇7


"Brave and spirited, we crossed the Yalu River. To safeguard peace and defend our motherland is to protect our hometown. The good sons and daughters of China, unite as one, fight against the United States and aid Korea, and defeat the ambitious wolves of the United States!" This "Battle Song of the Chinese People's Volunteers", which was born during the War to Resist the United States and Aid Korea, spread all over the country in the difficult years of war and bloodbath, encouraging thousands of Chinese sons and daughters to fight bravely to kill the enemy.


70 years have passed since the wheel of history rolled forward. The old scenes of "the Yellow River is the shore of the Yellow River, where a group of outstanding descendants of the Chinese nation are gathered" and "a million heroes cross the river" no longer exist, but the great spirit of fighting the United States and aiding Korea has passed through time and space, and has been passed down from year to year, and has become an immortal spiritual monument that has always stood in people's minds. To embark on a new journey and take on a new mission, Party members and cadres in the new era should take the "spirit of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea" as the benchmark, internalize it in their hearts and externalize it in their deeds.


To learn the spirit of fighting against US aggression and aiding Korea, it is important to understand it accurately. Seventy years ago, when the nation was in danger, the commanders and fighters of the Volunteer Army insisted that the interests of the motherland and the people were above all else, and volunteered to join the Korean War. In the extremely cruel war, they were absolutely loyal, selfless, brave, tenacious, willing to sacrifice their lives, undaunted by difficulties, and determined to win. Yang Gensi, the "blasting king", with the heroic spirit of "people on the battlefield", picked up the only package of explosives at the critical moment, rushed to the enemy, and died together with the US troops who climbed on the battlefield; Huang Jiguang, a "super hero", used his chest to block the gun hole where the enemy was spraying flames when several wounded ammunition were exhausted, and died bravely; Qiu Shaoyun, the "revolutionary martyr", in order not to expose the target, ensure the safety of all potential personnel and the completion of the attack task, he gave up self-help, let the fire burn his hair and flesh, and remained silent and motionless until the heroic sacrifice... On the battlefield of the War of Resistance against American Aggression and Aid to Korea, more than 300000 heroic heroes and nearly 6000 heroic heroes collectively, with the lofty spirit of patriotism, heroic revolutionary heroism The indomitable spirit of revolutionary optimism, the great spirit of revolutionary loyalty and the spirit of internationalism have composed songs of glorious triumphs with life and enthusiasm, creating a glorious example of defeating the strong with the weak in the history of human war.


To learn the spirit of fighting against the US and aiding Korea, the key is to apply what we have learned. Today, with the deepening of reform and opening up, the rapid development of the market economy, the increasingly rich material life, and the pluralistic value orientation, the spirit of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea is advancing with the times and never outdated. To learn the spirit of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea, Party members and cadres should combine the connotation of the times, combine the great spirit with the new era, new ideas and new concepts, link with the actual work, integrate with the realization of their own values, and practice with concrete, vivid, fresh and practical actions based on reality and down-to-earth. When fighting against poverty, in the face of the "Loushanguan" and "Lazikou" in the work, we should establish the "Yugong Zhi" and "stupid kung fu", go out of the war to meet the difficulties, and resolutely move the poor mountains away; When serving the grassroots, we should adhere to the principle of people first, deeply investigate the people's feelings, understand their sufferings, eliminate their worries and solve their difficulties, and truly leave a "shadow" and "voice" in the hearts of the people, so that the people have more sense of gain, security and happiness. In the face of crisis and difficulties, we should take the responsibility bravely, stand up and be a "doer" who is brave to take the responsibility and good at doing things; In the face of contradictions, we should adhere to our position, dare to show our sword, and be a "true warrior" who dares to fight and is good at fighting.


"Difficulties and hardships make you successful." Looking back on the way we came, we experienced great hardships and strove forward; Looking forward to the new journey, the road is dangerous and difficult, and there is a long way to go. Party members and cadres should vigorously carry forward the great spirit of fighting against U.S. aggression and aiding Korea, work hard and forge ahead with perseverance, and work together to continue the glory of the era of the great spirit with the will of "I will live up to the people without me".

抗美援朝70周年大会观后感最新 篇8


On October 21, in a letter to all comrades of the Sichuan Revolutionary Disabled Soldiers' Retreat Hospital, it was emphasized that the Chinese People's Volunteers carried forward the spirit of great patriotism and revolutionary heroism in the War of Resistance against America and Aid Korea, marched forward bravely, fought in bloody battles, and made important contributions to protect the country. The whole party and society should advocate heroes, learn heroes, care for heroes, and vigorously promote the spirit of heroes, Gather the great power to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


In the text "Who is the cutest person", the author shows that the Chinese People's Volunteer Army is the cutest person with three scenes: Songgu Peak fighting, saving children in fire and talking in the air raid shelter. Together with the Korean people, they forged the Great Wall of Steel with their flesh and blood, and wrote an epic of peace and justice with their help. Only by advocating heroes can heroes emerge, and only by striving to be heroes can heroes emerge in large numbers. Party members and cadres in the new era should integrate their pursuit of personal ideals into the national and ethnic cause, stand up at the critical moment, and be bold in the critical moment, and continue to write a life answer worthy of the new era.


Stand up and be a "soldier" for the country. "Patriotism should not be confined to slogans, but should closely link our ideals with the future of our motherland and our life with the destiny of our nation, take root in the people and contribute to our country." In the face of the flames of war burning to the new China's border and imperialist aggression, the Chinese People's Volunteer Army will not hesitate to cross the Yalu River, actively face the wind and rain, and with the spirit of loyalty to the motherland, loyalty to the people, fearing difficulties and sacrifice, in the battle between blood and fire, drive the aggressors from the Yalu River and Tumen River back to the vicinity of the 38th Front. Party members and cadres in the new era should deeply study the heroic deeds and revolutionary spirit of the Chinese People's Volunteers, learn the history of the Party, the history of new China, the history of reform and opening up, and the history of socialist development, and cultivate patriotism in red education; We should learn from the revolutionary spirit of the revolutionary forefathers, who put themselves before others and forget themselves. When the country is in danger, we should stand up before the interests of the country. When the people's health is threatened, we should call out "I am a party member and I will go first", and strive to be a national hero with practical actions.


Be brave and fearless. Mr. Lu Xun said, "A true warrior, dare to face the bleak life, dare to face the dripping blood." On the Korean battlefield, Yang Gensi led the soldiers with the heroic spirit of "people on the battlefield". At the critical moment when ammunition was exhausted, he grabbed the explosive bag, rushed to the enemy and died with them; In the Shangganling Campaign, Huang Jiguang stepped forward and risked his life to block the enemy's gun hole, exchanging his life for victory. They are brave and indomitable, and are not afraid of sacrifice. With the spirit of "fighting bayonets in the air", they composed an earth moving hymn of heroes. Party members and cadres in the new era should continue to carry forward the brave and fearless spirit of optimism, dare to show their swords in the face of major issues, dare to face difficulties in the face of contradictions, dare to step forward in the face of crises, and strive to be fearless heroes with the courage of "opening roads on mountains and bridging rivers".


Keep watch and help each other to be a "guard". "One punch will save you from a hundred." In the face of the Korean issue, the Party Central Committee has made the strategic decision of "ending the war with war" after many times of careful consideration. In the days of fighting against the enemy, Ma Yuxiang braved the billowing smoke and fire to save the Korean children, and Luo Shengjiao did not hesitate to jump into the ice cave to save the three drowning children without fear of sacrifice; In the Changjin Lake battle, the soldiers of the "Ice Sculpture Company" endured the extreme cold of minus 40 degrees and fought for days and nights in thin clothes. They fought with blood and flesh between frost and knife, life and death, and forged their hard won dream of home and country. Party members and cadres in the new era should always take the hearts of the people as their hearts, breathe with the people and share their destiny, go deep into the front line to understand the actual difficulties and needs of the masses, respond to the concerns of the masses in a timely manner, really deal with people's worries, relieve people's grievances, warm people's hearts, and serve the "last mile" of the masses with heart and effort, and strive to be the heroes of the masses.