
时间:2022-11-23 13:06:47 | 来源:语文通


国家宪法日活动总结 篇1国家宪法日的演讲稿 篇2国家宪法日活动总结 篇3国家宪法日活动总结 篇4国家宪法日主题活动简报 篇512.4国家宪法日主题活动 篇612.4国家宪法日主题活动 篇7国家宪法日的演讲稿 篇8国家宪法日的演讲稿 篇9

国家宪法日活动总结 篇1

20__年是“六五”普法工作实施的第4年,区机关事务管理局在区委、区政府和区普法领导小组的领导下,根据普法工作安排,结合我局工作实际,以提高 干部群众的法律素质、提高 干部的依法行政、依法管理、依法决策的意识和能力,努力实现由提高机关事务工作者法律意识向提高法律素质转变为目标,对机关事务的管理实现由注重“人治”向注重“法治”转变,全面提高本局学法、用法、依法行政水平,将普法工作逐步引向深入。现我局逐步形成了依法管理、依法决策和依法办事的良好风气,为机关事务工作的健康发展创造了良好的法制环境。

20__ The year was the fourth year of the implementation of law popularization during the "Sixth Five Year Plan". Under the leadership of the District Party Committee, the District Government and the District Leading Group for Law Popularization, the District Office Affairs Management Bureau, according to the work arrangement for law popularization, combined with the actual work of the Bureau, strives to achieve the goal of changing from improving the legal awareness of government affairs workers to improving the legal quality by improving the legal quality of cadres and the awareness and ability of cadres to administer, manage and make decisions according to law, The management of government affairs has changed from "rule by man" to "rule by law", comprehensively improved the level of law learning, application and administration by law, and gradually deepened the work of law popularization. Now our bureau has gradually formed a good atmosphere of managing, making decisions and handling affairs according to law, creating a good legal environment for the healthy development of government affairs.


1、 Leaders attach importance to and provide effective guidance to ensure the normal and smooth development of law popularization


Rule of law is one of the important goals of socialist modernization. To strengthen the construction of socialist democracy and the legal system and implement the strategy of governing the country according to law, an important task is to carry out in-depth legal publicity and education among all cadres and workers, and constantly improve the legal quality of all cadres and workers. The leaders of the Bureau require to fully understand the importance and urgency of legal publicity and education, and take legal publicity and education as an important part of the overall work of the Bureau and as a regular work. The leading group of the Bureau is headed and vice headed by the leading group of the Bureau. The members include the heads of departments and sections. The office is responsible for the organization and arrangement of the study. Under the unified leadership of the leading group, the office carefully studied the relevant legal knowledge and regulations, especially after the promulgation of new laws and regulations and the amendment of important laws and regulations, and ordered learning materials in time to organize the study, To adapt the content of legal popularization to the new situation. In order to ensure the regular development of legal publicity and education, our bureau still arranges a certain amount of funds to order legal publicity materials, carry out legal education activities, and strengthen the hardware construction of legal work under the condition of tight funds.


2、 Strengthen the work and make great efforts to learn and use the methods of leading cadres

按照 https://www.paomian.net/ 区委、区政府和区普法办有关文件的要求,结合工作重心,我局进一步加大了对领导干部学法、用法的工作力度。

According to HTTPS://WWW.PAOMIAN NET/the requirements of the relevant documents of the District Party Committee, the District Government and the District Law Popularization Office, combined with the focus of work, our bureau has further increased the efforts of leading cadres to learn and use the law.


First, we will continue to adhere to and improve the law learning system and the law learning examination (test) system for leading cadres by taking the national law popularization textbooks as the basic content, combining departmental laws and regulations learning, adopting the method of combining centralized learning with self-study, and combining the study of legal theory with the study of legal provisions.


Second, actively organize and participate in the examination of cadres' knowledge of learning law held by the District Law Popularization Office, with a reference rate of 100%.


3、 Broaden ideas, take various forms, and constantly enhance the publicity effect of law popularization


Since this year, we have not only educated our cadres and workers to actively learn and apply the law, but also to administer according to the law. We have purchased books on popularizing the law for cadres and workers, and regularly assessed cadres and workers on their knowledge of popularizing the law in accordance with the provisions of the district law popularization office. Actively publicize national laws and regulations, and strive to achieve the ideological understanding, mobilization and deployment, and work implementation of law popularization from the very beginning. We will work in accordance with the law and strive to uphold the Constitution and laws. We should organically combine the publicity of law popularization with our daily work to promote better development of our work. We gave full play to the role of our perennial legal adviser, answered many legal problems encountered by cadres and workers in their work and personal life, and answered questions about some new laws and regulations, which improved the legal awareness of cadres and workers. Through the study, we have a further understanding of laws and regulations and improved our ability to grasp the policy standards. Extensive publicity activities were carried out by posting posters of the district wide popularization measures, which deepened the understanding and understanding of the laws and policies of cadres and workers, improved the level of handling affairs according to law and the ability to standardize services, made more people understand and understand the laws and regulations, and deepened the people's understanding, understanding and support of the law popularization work.

国家宪法日的演讲稿 篇2


Teachers and students:


Good morning, everyone. I'm XXX from Class 10, Senior One. Today, the topic of my speech under the national flag is "Learning the Constitution, Abiding by the Constitution". December 4 of each year is China's national legal publicity day and also the constitutional publicity day. Taking the Constitution Implementation Day as the "National Legal Publicity Day" is to further strengthen the awareness of the Constitution and establish the concept of the Constitution in the whole society.


The significance of the Constitution is that it is the fundamental law of the country, which determines that its legal status is higher than the common law and has the highest legal status and legal effect. The Constitution is the basis for formulating ordinary laws. The contents of ordinary laws must comply with the provisions of the Constitution. Laws that conflict with the contents of the Constitution are invalid.


After the founding of the People's Republic of China in October 1949, the first, fourth and fifth National People's Congresses were formulated in September 1954, January 1975, March 1978 and December 1982, respectively, and promulgated four Constitutions of the People's Republic of China. On March 14, 2004, the Second Session of the Tenth National People's Congress adopted a constitutional amendment, which amended the original Constitution.


Abiding by the Constitution can better safeguard our lives. As middle school students, we should: study hard, make progress actively, improve our quality and develop in an all-round way; Comply with the Daily Code of Conduct for Middle School Students and the rules and regulations of the school; Actively win honor for schools and classes; Respect teachers and unite students; Listen to parents' education, try to do housework, and be considerate of parents; Honesty and trustworthiness, love labor, love public property and protect the environment. We should truly make the Constitution in our words and deeds, and the Constitution in our hearts.


This is the end of my speech. Thank you.

国家宪法日活动总结 篇3


During the National Legal Publicity Day on December 4 this year, our village attached great importance to it, strengthened its leadership over the "12.4" Legal Publicity Day, and made early planning, organization, deployment and arrangement according to the arrangements and requirements of the superior's "Notice on Carrying out the" 12.4 "National Legal Publicity Activities". Each group and Dongmen Elementary School organized a series of colorful and effective legal publicity and education activities, It has achieved remarkable results.


1、 Strengthen leadership and organize meticulously


Before the "12.4" legal publicity day__ According to the Work Plan for Shashi Town to Carry out the "12.4" Legal Publicity Day Activities formulated by the CPC Committee and the government, Dongmen Village Sub committee and Village Sub committee held the "12.4" Legal Publicity Day activity meeting on a special topic, and made specific arrangements for the "12.4" Legal Publicity Day activities.


2、 Various publicity activities have been carried out


1. On December 4, the branch and village committees invited Luo Zongwu, the director of the town's judicial office, to the Dongmen Village Committee to carry out legal consultation and legal service activities, and answered more than 100 inquiries.


2. We organized law popularization volunteers to write and post more than 50 slogans and distributed more than 200 leaflets.


3. The remote education platform was used to organize villagers to watch legal education videos, and in combination with the current characteristics of rural work, the Constitution, the Law on Public Security Management Punishment, the Rural Land Contract Law and other laws and regulations were vigorously publicized, and more than 500 brochures were distributed.


4. The "Youth Legal Knowledge Competition" was held in four classes of Dongmen Elementary School.


3、 Centering on the theme, carry out the "six entry" activities of law


During this year's "12.4" Legal Publicity Day, our village closely focused on the theme of "promoting the spirit of the rule of law and serving scientific development", carried out law into farmers, law into schools and law into enterprises, creating an atmosphere of law popularization, and provided legal support for building a new socialist countryside, which has received good publicity results.


Through this publicity and education, the villagers' legal awareness and legal concept were generally enhanced. The number of civil disputes in the village has decreased significantly, showing a prosperous scene where everyone lives and works in peace and contentment and strives to develop production.

国家宪法日活动总结 篇4


At present, China is in a period of great historical opportunities. What we are doing and what we are going to do need the norms and guidance of the Constitution. The people's yearning for a better life can not be separated from the promotion and protection of the Constitution. The current Constitution of China was promulgated in 1982 and has undergone five revisions.


In order to strengthen the people's understanding and support of the national constitution__ December 4 of each year was designated as the National Constitution Day in. We have the responsibility to understand, learn, maintain and abide by the national constitution. For our citizens, we must fully believe in the Constitution, actively use it, become a firm defender of the Constitution, and make the Constitution the most powerful weapon to protect our rights. The emergence of civil rights has a starting point, but neither development nor realization has an end.


The people should, in accordance with the guidance of the constitutional spirit of the people as masters of the country, establish a constitutional awareness, cultivate the rule of law thinking, actively use the rule of law to safeguard and strive for the civil rights they enjoy, supervise the implementation of the Constitution, and ensure that the civil rights stipulated in the Constitution go beyond the text level and become a warm, real existence that every citizen perceives personally.

国家宪法日主题活动简报 篇5


In order to enhance the students' awareness of the rule of law and build a civilized campus, our school carried out a publicity campaign of "learning the Constitution and speaking the Constitution" on December 4, the Constitution Day. At the call of the school, students carried out a series of activities by collecting materials, watching videos, exchanging materials and other forms, setting off a wave of learning methods.


Each head teacher used the team meeting to explain the status and importance of the Constitution.


When raising the National Flag, we respect and abide by the National Flag Law; When studying, we should remember to follow the "Code of Conduct for Middle School Students" and the "Code of Daily Conduct for Middle School Students"; When crossing the street, we shall abide by the Road Traffic Law; We love the environment and save resources in compliance with the Environmental Law.


We should abide by laws and regulations of one kind or another everywhere in our life. These laws and regulations have a common name, the Constitution. What is the Constitution?


The Constitution is the fundamental law that stipulates the basic rights of citizens and the state. The Constitution is the mother law. All laws must be produced in accordance with the Constitution. They must not go against the Constitution. Laws that go against the Constitution are invalid. The Constitution stipulates the basic rights and obligations of citizens, so that our personal, personal and property rights and interests are protected.


Constitution is bright sunshine. Where the sun shines, the sky is bluer, the grass is greener, the water is clearer, and nature is more harmonious; The Constitution is a safe coat, which enables us to live a long life, to be strong and useful, to be strong and strong, to be strong and strong when we are young, and to support those who are widowed, widowed, lonely or disabled; The Constitution is the pointer of action, which makes our society run orderly, live in harmony and develop healthily.


Through this activity, students benefited a lot. They expressed their desire to be good and law-abiding teenagers. They also popularized the knowledge they learned to their parents and grandparents to help them understand and abide by the law and protect their legitimate rights and interests with the law!

12.4国家宪法日主题活动 篇6


1、 Publicity theme


Adhere to the rule of the country in accordance with the Constitution and establish the authority of the Constitution.


2、 Guiding ideology


Guided by the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), and taking various forms, we will focus on promoting and educating the rule of law with the Constitution at its core, establish constitutional authority in the whole society, raise constitutional awareness, carry forward the spirit of the Constitution, and form a good atmosphere for the whole society to consciously learn, abide by and use the law. In order to achieve the "Two Centenary Goals" and the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, To realize Hunan's "well-off dream, two type dream and rising dream" and create a good social environment.


3、 Timing


From late November to early December 2015.


4、 Key contents of publicity


(1) Deeply study and publicize the strategic deployment of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee on accelerating the rule of law, adhere to the rule of law, teach according to law, and jointly promote the integrated construction of the rule of law and society.


(2) We will focus on learning and publicizing the Constitution and its spirit. Deeply study the basic principles and contents of the Constitution, consciously uphold and abide by the Constitution, improve constitutional awareness, and safeguard the authority of the Constitution.


(3) Vigorously publicize the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics. Publicize the basic composition, basic characteristics and main contents of the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, publicize the basic laws of the country, vigorously promote the spirit of the rule of law, firmly establish the socialist concept of the rule of law, and vigorously promote the whole society to learn, respect, abide by and use the law.


5、 Main forms of activities


1. Lectures on constitutional and legal knowledge were held.


2. Set up constitutional columns and formulate constitutional propaganda slogans.


3. Publish a theme article on the official website of the unit.


4. Write your learning experience well.


6、 Job requirements


We should attach great importance to it and organize it carefully. We should take the "December 4" National Constitution Day and the provincial community legal publicity day as a specific measure and task to study and implement the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. Plan and organize various publicity activities, strive to broaden publicity channels, create publicity carriers, innovate ways and methods, and effectively enhance the effectiveness of publicity activities.

12.4国家宪法日主题活动 篇7


In order to conscientiously implement the decision and deployment of central provinces, cities and counties on in-depth study, publicity and implementation of the Constitution, further deepen the publicity and education of the socialist legal system with the Constitution as the core, and constantly improve the constitutional law awareness of all teachers and students. According to the requirements of the Notice on Carrying out the Theme Education Activities of the National Constitution Day of the City's Education System in 20__ issued by the Municipal Education Bureau, and in combination with the actual situation of our school, we have decided to carry out the theme education activities of the National Constitution Day in the whole school, and this activity plan is hereby formulated.


1、 Organizational leadership


The school has established a leading group for the theme education of the National Constitution Day. The list of members of the leading group is as follows:


group leader:


Deputy group leader:

group leader:




2、 Publicity theme


The theme of the theme education activity of this Constitution Day is to promote the spirit of the Constitution and cherish patriotism.


3、 Activity time: 20__ December 04-20__ December 10


4、 Target Tasks


By carrying out the theme education activities of the National Constitution Day, the legal publicity and education mechanism has been further improved, the forms have been constantly innovated, the timeliness and pertinence of legal education for young people have been further improved, the legal concept and legal awareness of all teachers and students have been improved, and an atmosphere of respecting, learning, observing and using the law has been formed, creating a better legal environment.


5、 Form of activity


1. Each class uses the evening meeting time to organize to watch the provincial____ The public online course for popularizing the law was launched.


2. Participated in the evaluation of students' knowledge of rule of law at the National Youth Law Popularization Network of the Ministry of Education.


3. This week, the political class of each class has added the curriculum content of "Learn Constitution, Speak Constitution".


4. This week, all classes learned the song Constitution Accompanies My Growth through music lessons.


5. We organized the "Morning Reading of the Constitution".


6. Class meetings on the theme of Constitution Publicity and Education were held.


6、 Activity requirements


1. All classes should fully understand the significance of the National Constitution Day education activities, actively organize and carry out in accordance with the requirements of the program, earnestly summarize the experience of the activities, and ensure that better results are achieved.


2. All classes shall submit photos, class meeting records and other activity materials to the Moral Education Department on time.

国家宪法日的演讲稿 篇8


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone!


I am XXX from Class 10 of Senior High School. The theme of my speech today is "Learning the Thought of Rule of Law and Promoting the Spirit of Constitution".


On November 1, 2014, the 11th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress adopted the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on the Establishment of the National Constitution Day, which established December 4 as the National Constitution Day. The National Constitution Day is set to enhance the constitutional awareness of the whole society, promote the spirit of the Constitution, strengthen the implementation of the Constitution, and comprehensively promote the rule of law. On December 4 of each year, the state will carry out constitutional publicity and education activities in various forms.


The Constitution, in the form of law, confirms the achievements of the struggle of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups. It is the fundamental law of the country and has the highest legal effect. It stipulates the basic system and tasks of the country and the basic rights and obligations of citizens. The people of all ethnic groups, all state organs and armed forces, all political parties and social organizations, and all enterprises and institutions must take the Constitution as the fundamental criterion for their activities, and bear the responsibility of safeguarding the dignity of the Constitution and ensuring its implementation.


Some students may think that the Constitution does not seem to intersect with our real life, and they rarely come into contact with the Constitution. In fact, the Constitution is closely related to each of us. For example, we can study in schools, because Article 46 of Chapter II of the Constitution says that citizens of the People's Republic of China have the right and obligation to receive education; We stand here to raise the national flag and sing the national anthem, because Article 141 of Chapter IV of the Constitution says that the national flag of the People's Republic of China is a five-star red flag, and the national anthem of the People's Republic of China is the March of the Volunteers.


So, as middle school students, how should we practice the culture of rule of law and carry forward the spirit of the Constitution. When we study the Constitution, we should fully grasp the basic content of the Constitution, understand its spiritual essence, accurately grasp the state system, political system and basic social system of our country, the fundamental tasks of the country, the basic rights and obligations enjoyed by citizens, etc. In our daily study and life, we should establish a firm concept that it is proud to abide by the law and shame to violate the law; Establish a correct outlook on life, values and the world. Put yourself in the right position, correct your attitude and concentrate on your study.


A country cannot be ruled and its people cannot stand still. If everyone abides by the law and discipline, the society will be stable and the country will be prosperous and the people will be safe.


Let's use the Constitution to regulate our own behavior, deeply study and publicize the Constitution, enhance our constitutional awareness, and vigorously promote the spirit of the rule of law. Not only do we abide by laws and disciplines, but also we should publicize the awareness of the rule of law to the people around us, so that the Constitution is truly in our words and deeds, as well as in our hearts.


This is the end of my speech. Thank you!

国家宪法日的演讲稿 篇9


Respected leaders, dear teachers and students:


Good morning, everyone! It is a great honor to speak under the national flag today. The topic of my speech today is "Youth and the law coexist - National Constitution Day".


National Constitution Day is a holiday set up to enhance the constitutional awareness of the whole society, promote the spirit of the Constitution, strengthen the implementation of the Constitution, and comprehensively promote the rule of law.


The Constitution is the fundamental law of a country, the general constitution of governing the country and the state, and the concentrated embodiment of the will of the Party and the people. On November 1, 2014, the 11th Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress voted to establish December 4 as the National Constitution Day.


As the saying goes, "no rules, no radius". Only by complying with social rules can a society be harmonious, stable and stable for a long time. The law is the most rigid social rule, the code of conduct that all members of society should abide by, and not breaking the law is the bottom line of people's behavior. The Constitution is the fundamental law of the country, has the highest legal effect, and is at the core of the socialist legal system. All laws are formulated by the Constitution, which is the mother law of most laws. All laws, administrative regulations and local regulations shall not contravene the Constitution. In the new era of comprehensively promoting the rule of law and accelerating the building of a socialist country under the rule of law, respecting and abiding by the law is our common pursuit and conscious action.


The Constitution is not far away from our classmates. From the moment of birth, the Constitution has protected you. Article 49 of Chapter II of the Constitution stipulates that parents have the obligation to bring up and educate the children of minors. When you enter school at an appropriate age, Article 46 of Chapter II of the Constitution stipulates that citizens have the right and obligation to receive education. The law is all around us. Therefore, only knowing the law and understanding the law can better comply with the law. Teenagers are in a critical period of forming their outlook on life and values in life development. This is a good time for us to know the law, understand the law and develop a correct outlook on law. We should recognize the harm of illegal activities as soon as possible, strengthen our concept of rule of law, strengthen our moral cultivation, put an end to our bad behavior, cherish our good life and stay away from illegal crimes. At the same time, understanding the law can also better protect ourselves. As a vulnerable group, we should not only bravely fight against violations, but also make good use of the law to safeguard our legitimate rights through legal means. We should not turn a blind eye to it or turn a deaf ear to it. We should also advance and retreat appropriately to protect ourselves.


Students, the establishment of "National Constitution Day" is an important ceremony, which conveys the concept of governing the country according to law and the Constitution. The establishment of the "National Constitution Day" is not only an additional commemoration day, but also a constitutional "education day, popularization day and deepening day" for the whole people, forming a social atmosphere in which the whole country respects the Constitution, the Constitution is supreme, and the people's rights and interests are protected by the Constitution. The establishment of the National Constitution Day is also guided by the Constitution, calling on citizens to strengthen the concept of the rule of law. Youth goes hand in hand with the law. Teenagers shoulder the future of the country and the hope of the nation. Only when we know the law, understand the law, respect the law and abide by the law can we be worthy of being teenagers in the new era.