
时间:2022-11-23 13:06:46 | 来源:语文通



妈妈别哭观后感 篇1妈妈别哭观后感 篇2电影《妈妈别哭》的观后感400字 篇3《妈妈别哭》观后感 篇4《妈妈别哭》观后感 篇5《妈妈别哭》观后感 篇6妈妈别哭观后感200字范文 篇7《妈妈别哭》观后感 篇8妈妈别哭观后感 篇9

妈妈别哭观后感 篇1


Recently, I have seen several Korean films, including Don't Cry My Mother, Busan Trip and Melting Furnace. I feel these Korean films are worth watching. I checked on the Internet that "Don't Cry Mom" and "Melting Pot" were all films shot based on real events. The popularity of the film "Melting Pot" set off a "melting pot fever" in South Korea, and then fermented into a "melting pot effect". At the loud voice of the people, the case was retried and the persons involved were prosecuted again. In fact, the South Korean Congress has even passed the Melting Pot Law to strengthen the punishment of sexual assault cases against disabled people and minors. When my friend recommended the Melting Furnace to me, he said, "I feel powerless after reading the furnace." Indeed, I am powerless to evaluate it. Today, let's write a review of Mom Don't Cry!


Liu Yinya, who has just been promoted to high school, lives a simple, peaceful and happy life with her newly divorced mother. Her mother is so intellectually, selflessly loves her daughter. Her daughter is so beautiful and sensible. Her hobby is playing the cello, but fate has to play a big joke with her mother and daughter. Yinya likes a handsome boy in their class. Who knows, this simple love was used. When she took the chocolate made by her mother to give it to the boy she liked, she was raped by the boy and several classmates in turn and filmed a video. Later, she used video to threaten Yinya. Yinya tried her best to get back to the video with a fruit knife, but she was brutally raped again. Yinya chose to kill herself on her birthday. When her mother saw the DON 'TCRYMUM written on the cake, her spiritual pillar collapsed. She found the bad guys to avenge her daughter according to the text messages on her daughter's mobile phone. She was almost killed by these things several times, Later, he was killed by the police when he killed the villain his daughter liked.


Liu Lin, a single mother in the film, cries out at the top of her lungs when she sees that her daughter can't bear the psychological pressure and finally commits suicide. No one will beat her chest and beat her feet to cry with her. After seeing the incompetence of the law like Liu Lin, the mother would take a knife to avenge her daughter! "I spent 20 years teaching my daughter to protect herself. Why can't you spend even a few minutes teaching your son not to commit crimes?" This sentence really speaks to many mothers in the world!


It can be said that the parents who adopted their daughters have not lived an easy life. They feel that they may regret their mistakes for life. Therefore, their daughters kept close to their daughters when they were young. Later, they tried their best to fight with their teenage daughters. When their daughters were ready to talk to each other, they were also all sorts of seemingly unreasonable pickings... And all of this was for their daughter's happiness? Many years ago, Yu Guangzhong read an article entitled "My Four Imaginary Enemies". Yu Guangzhong, a great poet, wrote that he knew that it was inevitable for a woman to marry, but he could not give up for no reason. He not only regarded his daughter's boyfriends as imaginary enemies, but also seriously put forward various conditions. When I first read it, I was still a daughter. I only felt funny and funny when reading it. Now I read it again as a mother, but I feel helpless and sad.


What impressed me most when I watched Don't Cry is the details of my mother, Liu Lin. The first time she saw the boy talking to her daughter at the school gate, she also thought that the boy looked very good, but she drove the car slowly and carefully observed the boys who were associated with the boy. At that time, she had been alert that the boys around the boy did not look like good children, so she reminded her daughter; Later, when I saw that my daughter liked the boy very much at home, I acquiesced that my daughter had brought the chocolate she had made herself to the boy. It was a very sad but true story. I felt that I would regret to break my heart. It would have been better if I had stopped it at that time, but all mothers would let their daughters go because they liked it. Mothers also want their daughters to have a happy life, Who would have thought that the boy with a beautiful appearance was so ugly and dangerous inside? There is also a heartbreaking story. When she goes to avenge her daughter, she first finds the boy her daughter likes. But when she picks up the knife and stabs him, she finds that the boy's cell phone screensaver is actually a photo of her daughter and herself. She relents to the knife and starts to cry helplessly. She thinks that the boy must also like her daughter very much, So she believed the boy's lie that she had nothing to do with it, but the fact was that the boy who looked beautiful and handsome was the planner of this cruel event


When I saw this, I couldn't stop crying. This film is also a film based on real things. How cruel but how alarming!


Daughters, you must understand the hearts of mothers. You must also open your eyes to see the boys around you. Those who look handsome may not be good people, those who wear suits and shoes may not be decent people, and those who can speak sweet words may not really love you more than your parents


The poor Yinya was afraid that her mother would feel sad when she saw that she was beaten on the video and played the cello naked for those bad guys. She took a fruit knife to ask the bad boys for the video, but the result was even worse. She committed suicide and left her heartbroken mother. Daughters, no matter what happens to you, don't forget that your parents are your strong backing and dependence. Don't try to deal with troubles alone. You must remember to face them with your parents.


Daughters, your parents have spent 20 years teaching you to protect yourself, but many parents haven't even spent a few minutes teaching their sons not to harm others! You should not think that we are alarmist, nor should you simply treat all people as good people, thinking that all people are as kind as you. This film is not a deceitful idol like "To Youth" or "Left Ear", which you like to watch. It is a shocking documentary work, not only in South Korea, but we may have countless examples around us, but you just look at idols and have no time to pay attention to the facts.


After watching Mommy Don't Cry, I just want to remind girls to take every step of their lives steadily.


Bless all children in the world to grow up healthily and all mothers to be happy.

妈妈别哭观后感 篇2


Each of us has a happy family and a happy childhood, which needs us to cherish and care. However, Liu Linlin, the heroine in the movie Don't Cry, doesn't cherish the good time with her parents and often quarrels with her mother. When bad luck comes, it's too late to repent.


On May 12, 2008, they were having a music lesson. A sudden earthquake took the lives of many of her relatives and friends. When Lin Lin was about to run out, she saw her good friend Yuan Yuan lying on the ground, motionless. She ran into the classroom again to save Yuanyuan, but she couldn't run out and was trapped in the ruins. Lin Lin's spirit of sacrificing herself to save others makes me spontaneously respect her.


Her mother looked for her everywhere. She used her hands to dig away the bricks and stones. Her father leans on a stick to find his way everywhere, and goes to the city to report the disaster and seek help. Lin Lin's classmates who were buried underneath were almost all dead. She was afraid that aftershocks came one after another and killed many people. Linlin grits her teeth and musters up courage to defeat the devil. Yuanyuan's father finds her. Her mother immediately kowtowed to the rescuers. Linlin has always regretted her attitude towards her mother. Her mother also cried and talked to Linlin, telling her not to sleep, because she would never wake up after sleeping. Lin Lin wrote "Don't cry, Mom" on the piano with her blood. When Lin Lin was rescued, her mother was at her last gasp.


After watching the movie, I thought a lot. I often quarrel with my mother at home, which makes her angry. Sometimes I go to my classmates' home without saying hello to my mother, which makes adults look for me everywhere and feel frightened for me.


In the future, as I grow older, I will be a clever and sensible girl, so that my parents can work in peace and don't worry about me anymore.

电影《妈妈别哭》的观后感400字 篇3


This is a sad film, which tells a series of things about friendship, teacher-student relationship and family relationship during the Wenchuan earthquake. What I admire most is the protagonist Liu Linlin. At the beginning, she saw her friend Yuan Yuan was injured. She did not escape because she wanted to save her life. Instead, she ran into the classroom to help and accompany her. As a result, she was in danger. This is really a friendship with deep feelings! I think Yuanyuan's soul in heaven will also feel a little comforted by having such a close friend!


In addition, Lin Lin has been cheering for herself in the ruins when she was in danger. She gritted her teeth until the end and skillfully knocked the keys beside her, making a sound to attract the attention of rescue workers. It was brave, resourceful and courageous!


Especially in the last scene when the mother and daughter met, the mother was crying (maybe she cried with joy), while Lin Lin wrote the words "Mom, don't cry" on the snow-white keys with her blood; When the aftershock came, her mother, regardless of the danger, resolutely stayed with Linlin - no matter how much Linlin begged her to escape from here! What a touching mother and daughter this is! They each think of each other, and the mother and daughter between them are revealed, which is difficult for us to understand!


This reminds me of many earthquake resistant heroes, who were so brave that they did not get scared by the earthquake, but saved themselves with sober heads and gained the hope of life. So we should face the danger like them, after all, "it's better to be alive"!

《妈妈别哭》观后感 篇4


Today, I watched a movie called "Mom, don't cry".


The film tells the life of a girl named Ruiyu: when she was young, she worked as a librarian in the school. A few years later, she met her former classmates on the stage, and they fell in love. After they tried to persuade their parents again and again, they finally agreed. But just came to her husband Cui Keqiang's house and lived in hell... Later, the relatives left her one by one, and my father was plotted by the traitor and caught in the cell wrongly. At home, the mother-in-law tortured Cui Keqiang when Cui Keqiang was not at home. When her husband was at home, she flattered Ruiyu. I was deeply impressed once: because Ruiyu's mother was in poor health and was stimulated by her father's affairs, her illness became worse and she died, so Ruiyu came home late. It happened to be a rainy day again. Her mother-in-law shut Ruiyu out of the door while Keqiang was not at home. Wu Ma, the nurse, wanted to open the door. Her mother-in-law said that it might be a bad person and let Ruiyu get caught in the rain all night. Because of this, Ruiyu and Keqiang divorced


Watching this film gave me a deep feeling. In fact, the tragic experience of the heroine Weng Ruiyu in the story made me feel sympathetic. At the same time, I admired her strong character of courage and perseverance in facing many difficulties. In fact, there are also many difficulties in our life, but how do we face them, whether we flinch or


How happy my life is! I decided to cherish life from now on, cherish the life that is only once in a lifetime! Never give in to difficulties and setbacks.


I think we must be a strong and brave person. Don't hesitate because of difficulties, and don't be discouraged because of small setbacks. Victory belongs to the strong!

《妈妈别哭》观后感 篇5


On Sunday afternoon, I watched a movie about the Wenchuan earthquake, Mom Don't Cry, in the college auditorium. This is an emotional movie that reflects the true feelings of the world, family, and even pure love. The film gave me a deep feeling. From the beginning to the end of the film, my tears accompanied by moving scenes, sad scenes flow down again and again. The terrible ruins; Heartbreaking cries; Bloody hands; Tears from my heart always haunt my heart. In the face of disaster, human power seems so small, but love is great, classmate love and friend love are great, which is great enough to shock the whole Chinese nation. The 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake brought great disaster to the motherland. But the heroic Chinese nation did not fall down, and the brave post-90s teenagers did not fall down. They fought with the god of death with their own flesh and blood, and finally won back one life after another, writing the praises of heroes.


Also worthy of respect in the film are the officers and soldiers who are struggling to carry out rescue work at the front line. They also fight with the god of death with their own drive of flesh and blood, and do their best to save the lives that may survive. They are worthy of being the people's soldiers, and we, as soldiers, not only get inspiration from the dauntless spirit embodied in those post-90s children, What's more, we should learn from the noble character of the front-line soldiers who are not afraid to sacrifice their bravery and fearlessness. Premier Wen said that "in the small power multiplied by 1.3 billion, no difficulty can be overcome; no difficulty divided by 1.3 billion is small." Although the Wenchuan earthquake has passed, we should remember this history, encourage ourselves to live better, and firmly believe that our future will be better, because there is true love in the world, because the Chinese nation is a nation with great love - great love is eternal.

《妈妈别哭》观后感 篇6


At five o'clock on Saturday afternoon, I went to see the film "Don't Cry Mom". I only know that there was a 8.0 magnitude earthquake in Wenchuan in 2008. I can't imagine the scene at that time. But I was deeply moved after watching this film yesterday.


May 12, 2008 -- It was a black afternoon when the Wenchuan earthquake occurred. I don't think many people are present at the scene and can't imagine the scene at that time. Let me talk about it for you!


On that day, the heroine Lin Lin was playing the piano in their class, and she had a quarrel with her mother in the morning. The only sound she heard was that the wall of their classroom had collapsed. Lin Lin could have escaped. But because Yuan Yuan was still under the table, Lin Lin wanted Yuan Yuan to escape with her. But somehow, Lin Lin fainted. At this time, my heart was filled with pain. I thought what would happen if Lin Lin woke up, When Linlin was in danger, her mother was still anxiously looking for her. However, the outcome was unpredictable. Yuan Yuan died. All the students in the classroom with Linlin died. When her mother gave away the shoes, her mother also died in the 19th or 20th aftershock


The ending is sad. But Linlin's strength is beyond our imagination. When encountering disasters, she did not abandon herself, but always comforted others, comforted herself and thought of various ways. We should also learn more about various methods of escape after the earthquake and not abandon ourselves.

妈妈别哭观后感200字范文 篇7


I think this is a very educational film that is worth thinking about and full of abuse. Objectively speaking, it is very suitable for parents to watch with their children. I always think that whether it is a good book or a good film, it must be suitable for the masses and full of profound ideas, otherwise it can not magnify and expand some excellent ideas and wisdom.


Looking at the plot as a whole, the first paragraph describes the quiet and warm life of mother and daughter, which is filled with a relaxed and happy atmosphere; In the latter section, the painting style turned, and the atmosphere became more and more oppressive and serious. This kind of turning point, which is like suppressing first and then raising, is exciting, and makes the audience's emotions fluctuate with the plot.


Whose sorrow is juvenile delinquency? It pointedly and firmly points out a tragic social problem that everyone avoids talking about, and satirizes the unfairness of the law. It accuses the hypocrisy of human nature and exposes the imperfection of laws and regulations. It's really meaningful.

《妈妈别哭》观后感 篇8


At 14:28 p.m. on May 12, 2008, the time stopped at that moment. When we were sitting in the classroom, there was a violent earthquake in Wenchuan far away, and one fresh life after another disappeared.


Don't Cry, Mum is a film about love that happened in the Wenchuan earthquake. "The sky is as old as the sky, and the right way is the vicissitudes of life." There are so many people who have a kind heart, but why does something unfair happen to them?


Liu Linlin, the heroine, is a senior high school student. Before her sixteenth birthday, her mother prepared a gift for her. Everything seemed so warm and beautiful. But on the day of Lin Lin's birthday, the terrible Wenchuan earthquake happened. The earthquake changed everything. Lin Lin had parents and close friends who loved her, but at the same age as Hua, she was buried under the ruins. She went through life and death. The disaster made her learn to be strong and brave, but it also brought sorrow to Lin Lin.


Lin Lin saw her friend go to heaven, but she couldn't help it. The people around her were still there just now, and I don't know where she is next. The earthquake taught her a lot, but took away more from her.


Linlin was saved and reunited with her mother. The scenes of her mother trying to save Linlin were really touching and touched the string in our hearts. Family, friendship and teacher-student relationship are all in one word - love!


Love is the most beautiful and greatest emotion in the world. Love is the source of strength. Many people wrote moving songs of love with their greatest strength in the earthquake. When disaster comes, people are so small, you can dominate the world, but they are so vulnerable in the face of disaster.


A smile and a hug in the morning are eternal. What a terrible phenomenon the earthquake is. At this time, we have nothing but life.


It is love that supports us through the rugged despair, laughing at life and the front.

妈妈别哭观后感 篇9


I watched the movie "Don't Cry Mom" on my computer, which tells about people helping the buried people during the earthquake. Up to now, the pictures in the film have been reproduced in my mind.


The earthquake is really a great devil, which has swallowed up so many innocent lives. Like the teacher Zhang in the movie, he escaped luckily, but died in the rescue. Great love is boundless. How much the teacher loves his students.


Lin Lin, who is located in Beichuan Middle School, ran back to the collapsed classroom to take care of her friend Yuan Yuan during the earthquake. This is the most sincere friendship between friends. Lin Lin has been working for herself and others in the ruins when she was in danger. She clenched her teeth until the end and skillfully knocked the keys beside her. She made a sound to attract the attention of rescue workers. How brave and resourceful!


Many other students were buried under the ruins. They encouraged themselves, but they also died. Lin Lin survived with his tenacious perseverance. If so, do we have perseverance?


In the scene of mother daughter meeting, her mother was in tears, while Lin Lin wrote "Don't cry, Mom" on the keys with her blood. When the aftershock came, Mother Liu resolutely stayed with Lin Lin regardless of the danger. What a touching mother and daughter! They paid so much love for each other that Liu's mother was finally killed by aftershocks. This is the greatest maternal love.


Finally, the PLA uncle saved Lin Lin and other students. They are the most lovely people! Is the most amiable person! Is the most honorable person!