
时间:2022-11-22 12:51:24 | 来源:语文通



端午节习俗日记 篇1端午节习俗日记 篇2端午节日记 篇3

端午节习俗日记 篇1


Just passed the happy Children's Day, today is the Dragon Boat Festival again, these days are really very happy. In the morning, three of us went back to Grandma's for the holiday. I haven't been to Grandma's house for some time. I don't know if my grandpa is in good health. And grandma is still busy every day?


Grandpa was as happy as before when he saw me. My father said that my grandfather was getting fat. In fact, my father wanted to make my grandfather happy. My grandfather was in poor health and needed to take hormones for a long time. So my grandfather's face was puffy, just like he was fat. Listen to my mother, the side effects of taking hormones are very big, and it will be very uncomfortable. Alas, Grandpa must also be very uncomfortable.


It is the custom of Chinese people to eat zongzi and mung bean cake during the Dragon Boat Festival. Nanjing people celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival. The dishes on this day should have five colors: eel, crayfish, salted duck eggs, roast duck and amaranth. But now it seems that people pay less attention to these things. Grandma only made my favorite eel and shrimp today.


After dinner, everyone sat at the table and talked. My grandparents asked my parents about their work and especially cared about my study. Watching everyone talking easily, it suddenly occurred to me that the holiday is like this. It doesn't need many gifts or rich meals. As long as the family is together, it is happiness.

端午节习俗日记 篇2


May 5 is the Dragon Boat Festival. There are many customs around. Let me introduce some customs of the Dragon Boat Festival!


Dragon boat racing is the main custom of the Dragon Boat Festival. It is said that the ancient Chu people died because they did not want to throw Qu Yuan into the river, so they rowed dragon boats to commemorate him on May 5 every year. They used dragon boats to disperse the fish in the river, so that the fish would not eat Qu Yuan's body. Eating zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival is another traditional custom of the Chinese people. Every early May, every family has to soak glutinous rice, wash zong leaves, and make zong zi. There are many kinds of zong zi fillings, including bean paste zong, fresh meat zong, ham zong, and egg yolk zong. Children wear sachets on the Dragon Boat Festival, which is said to ward off evil spirits and drive away plague. There are cinnabar, realgar and incense in the sachet. The sachet is wrapped with silk cloth, which is fragrant all around. The sachet is made of five colored silk threads, all kinds of which are exquisite and lovely. On the Dragon Boat Festival, people regard the hanging of wormwood leaves and calamus as one of the important contents. The Dragon Boat Festival is also the "Health Festival" passed down from ancient times. On this day, people sweep the courtyard, hang wormwood branches, hang calamus, and sprinkle realgar wine to kill bacteria and prevent diseases.


Now we have paid more attention to the Dragon Boat Festival, and the festival atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger. We should keep these traditional customs.

端午节日记 篇3


The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is a day full of delicious food and hot atmosphere. Every family hangs green wormwood and calamus on the door, sprinkles yellow rice wine and repels mosquitoes to ensure the safety of the Dragon Boat Festival.


The sky was bright and the earth was hot and dry. Excited people gathered by the river, holding the fragrant rice dumplings wrapped in wormwood leaves. There are sesame stuffing and barbecue stuffing, both of which are eaten with relish. Some are just a little taste, and then taste slowly, and some are also gulping down... In short, everyone's face is not without satisfaction.


The wind blows and the wind blows, and thousands of sails have been sailing on the river. People are all concentrating on what they are afraid of missing. There are already dozens of strong men waiting to be seen on the dragon boat made of Nan wood. Only heard a loud noise of the starting gun, and the dragon boat came out. Even without appreciating the screens on both sides, people all focused on the dragon boat shaped like a giant dragon. The water splashes everywhere and the dragon soars. The scene is spectacular and amazing. At the time of crossing the line, the whole audience shouted. The magnificent scene and momentum were beyond your imagination and could not help admiring.


The Dragon Boat Festival also commemorates the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan. After the Chu State was attacked, he resolutely threw himself into the endless Miluo River with full of blood and strong hatred of national subjugation. "Since there is nothing to do with the beautiful government, I will live here from Peng Xianzhi!", How can we stop crying because of the meaning of Qu Yuan's Lisao, which is a masterpiece from ancient times?


The Dragon Boat Festival is no longer a festival, a custom, a time to worship Qu Yuan, or a day to let scholars and writers write their brush. In fact, the spirit of the Dragon Boat Festival has already penetrated into our hearts. Just like the hot rice dumplings that just came out, the pungent aroma has already seeped into my heart, lingering in my mouth and ears, and has been inherited from generation to generation.