
时间:2022-11-19 12:59:04 | 来源:语文通



戴尔.卡耐基《超越自我》读后感800字 篇1超越自我读后感 篇2《超越自我》读后感 篇3超越自我读后感 篇4《超越自我》读后感 篇5《超越自我》读后感 篇6《超越自我》读后感 篇7超越自我读后感 篇8《超越自我》读后感 篇9

戴尔.卡耐基《超越自我》读后感800字 篇1


Accustomed to swimming in the sea of books, I feel its broad and profound


To the four masterpieces, from Thousand and One Nights to Ordinary World, Yu Qiuyu's masterpiece of prose, Jin Yong's martial arts novels It is a fascinating world where the spirit can be comforted and the soul can be purified.


I have always liked Mr. Liu Yong's articles, and when I read his articles, I will always be moved inexplicably. "Beyond Yourself" is a series of letters written by the author to the timid young man in the first year of the author's only son's admission to the famous American high school Stevenson School. Teach him how to face the tough environment and challenges in the future, and how to develop his potential and surpass himself!


In the book, the author emphasizes that the strongest opponent in life is not necessarily others, but may be ourselves. Before surpassing others, we must first surpass ourselves! Before you affirm yourself, you must first surpass yourself. If you surpass yourself, you can affirm yourself. After reading Dell Carnegie's "Beyond Yourself", you will feel 800 words.


Everyone should value themselves from an early age. Before others affirm you, you must first affirm yourself. I often think that I am useless and look down on myself. I often feel that I am useless at home, or feel that I can't do anything well, so I feel sad and sad. I often fall down miserably. Maybe this is the way of life. Where can I succeed without failure? The more setbacks, the more courage, the more experience and memories you will have. On the road of life, the competitor who competes with you all the time is not others, but yourself! If you want to better defeat yourself and surpass yourself, you should value yourself since childhood. In this way, you can become a person who really breaks through the ice of life - a strong person in life.


Mr. Liu Yong vividly said, "If a horse's leg is broken, of course it can still live! But as a horse, it can't run. Even if it is alive, what's the point?" Therefore, as an educator, we must be successful, so that students can develop good study habits and master the basic principles of life. In this regard, we must not fail, because it is not just me who failed, but me and my students!


In life, the greatest enemy is not necessarily foreign, but may be our own! It is difficult for us to seize the opportunity. Because of hesitation and procrastination, we are easy to meet the status quo, so we don't want to make progress. All these are the reasons for our failure. The ancients also said: "Worry can rejuvenate the country, relaxation can perish." Have a sense of hardship, master the correct method, and life will lead to success!

超越自我读后感 篇2


Life is like a surging river. We are paddling along the river of life, with passionate vows flowing. The process of our struggle is a process of self breakthrough and self transcendence.


We are constantly challenging for the realm of life we are pursuing. Challenge your opponents and yourself. Every step, we will imagine our wonderful future. Only because of dreams and aspirations, life has hope and the strength to persevere. We break through ourselves, surpass ourselves, and constantly move towards a new self. The steep and bumpy mountain road in life, only because we have the belief of transcending ourselves, can let everyone with dreams persevere.


To transcend oneself, stand on the top of a mountain and be proud of the world; It is as sharp as a sword. You will never regret when facing the abyss. The color of life is particularly dazzling in the process of transcending oneself. We are walking on the road of life with sharp swords in our hands. In a trance, how many people can see through the true meaning of life? With the eternal sky, life is a beautiful string, and who can touch the string that transcends oneself?


A perfect life journey is to complete the value of life on the basis of life. We find the shortcomings and weaknesses of human nature, so that we can make progress in the process of constantly challenging ourselves and surpassing ourselves. Raise the whip and ride the horse, climb high and face the distance, and be happy... Success or failure in honor or disgrace shows the true character of heroes.


Because we always have a young heart, there is no wind or rain on the way to the future. We all believe that what will never change is the rainbow in our hearts. Go beyond yourself to explore the value of life.


The flowers in bloom in the thorns are still fragrant in the drizzle. Believe that our efforts will plant fragrance somewhere.

《超越自我》读后感 篇3


An old fisherman named Santiago decided to go fishing alone after 84 days of catching nothing. He did his best to catch a big marlin two feet longer than the boat. The fish was so powerful that it dragged the boat for two days and nights. After an unprecedented test, the old man finally killed the fish bone and tied it to the bow of the boat. However, on the way home, he met a shark. The old man fought with the shark to death, but the big marlin was still eaten by the shark, leaving only a bare skeleton. The old man had to return empty handed. The Old Man and the Sea is not long and the plot is simple, but it has inspired generations of readers with its unique simplicity of returning to nature, its immensity, and its great power. I also remembered the old man's words in the article: "A man is not born to be defeated. You can destroy him, but you can't defeat him." Although the fish that the old man had painstakingly caught was eaten to the bone by sharks, he defeated the marlin and many sharks, reflecting the noble quality that human beings are fearless in the face of difficulties and dangers. He has "elegant demeanor" in the face of failure. He has won the value of life and the dignity of personality, and is a great winner. No one knows the limits of human beings. When a person tries to overcome his own shortcomings instead of succumbing to them, it doesn't matter whether he finally catches a complete fish or a skeleton, because the value of a person's life has been fully reflected in the fight with the marlin. He once pursued and struggled for his ideal. Isn't he a winner? As a strong man, he should not be depressed and pessimistic because of failure, and should not stop pursuing because of depression!


The idiom is great: excellent or admirable, extraordinary, outstanding. For example, in the seventh chapter of the Biography of Good Wife, a famous educator in the Qing Dynasty, "This county is a great hero, and will never lose her life in a leisurely way." Another example: Mao Zedong is a great person in Chinese history.


Idiom fearless: fear: fear. Not afraid of anything. Described as very brave. For example, "Wei Shu · Dong Shao's Biography": "This is a strong speech of Shao. The Yunba people are brave and brave. They are not afraid to see the enemy. They are not really blind." Another example: In order to achieve the goal of building a new China, we Communists are not afraid of any difficulties—— Mao Zedong's Speech at the National Propaganda Conference of the CPC

超越自我读后感 篇4


After reading the excellent reading "Beyond Yourself - Strategies for Win win for Individuals and Organizations", I have a lot of feelings. The strong spirit of transcending oneself in the book inspired me and set me up a career goal of win-win with the organization.


In the preface, the author pointed out frankly that "work is the most indispensable part of a person's life. Through work, you can not only earn what you need in life, but also realize your sense of achievement and satisfaction. In addition, your self-confidence, values and potential can be fully affirmed and played only through work." This made me have a new understanding of the importance of work. Self transcendence is not only an important attitude towards life, but also a positive attitude towards work, which is an important guarantee for our high performance in work and high quality of life.


It is easy for the enthusiasm of people to gradually cool down day after day, and feel dull, and even show impetuous attitude towards work, lose passion for work, and cope with it perfunctorily. Such a working state is terrible. After reading the book "Beyond Yourself", I deeply realized that at any time, in the face of any pressure, I should not lose enthusiasm and passion for work, and should work hard to do my job well. How can we keep working enthusiasm? I think the following should be done:


The first is to adjust your mind. We can't always think about problems in terms of departmentalism. "How much I pay for the unit, how much I should get back". If the return is not as expected, we will lose hope, lose enthusiasm for work and want to change jobs. You should know that changing a job does not necessarily mean that you will not be bored with your work. If you can't do well in this unit, you may not be able to do well in other units. Therefore, we should have a correct attitude towards work.


Second, play a good role and clarify the understanding of the future development goals of individuals and the company. Only with a deep understanding of the company's development goals can we constantly enrich ourselves and adjust our role in time to meet the company's development needs; Only by finding the best combination of personal and corporate vision can we obtain a true sense of psychological belonging.


Third, we should constantly set new goals for ourselves, combine long and short goals, and work hard towards this goal, so that we can work with motivation and momentum. With direction and motivation, we can naturally maintain high enthusiasm for work.


The book "Beyond Yourself" inspires people to work hard. In the future work, I will maintain full work enthusiasm, positive work attitude, seriously practice the win-win strategy between individuals and organizations, start from every bit, do everything carefully, step by step, and work steadily. Not only that, I will also integrate enthusiasm and diligence into my daily work, constantly improve my abilities in all aspects, build myself in an all-round way, and truly surpass myself!

《超越自我》读后感 篇5


After reading Professor Dale Carnegie's "Beyond Self", I gained a lot. My heart was baptized, which aroused layers of waves in my originally flat mind, and made my increasingly numb heart have the desire to cheer up again.


First of all, it let me know the attitude of many successful people towards work and their performance in work, how they do everything well and how to surpass themselves in work. It also made me realize that the strongest opponent in life is not others, but ourselves. Before surpassing others, we must first surpass ourselves.


Self transcendence is not only an important attitude towards life, but also a positive attitude towards work. It is an important guarantee for our high efficiency in work and high quality of life.


Life needs to be enriched and improved through continuous learning. The western philosopher Herbert said, "If a person is not beautiful at the age of 20, unhealthy at the age of 30, not rich at the age of 40, and not smart at the age of 50, he will lose these things forever." In other words, the world does not wait for people, and time does not wait for people. If you don't work hard when you are young, you will have nothing when you should harvest. If we do not learn new theories, accept new ideas and learn new teaching methods, we will not be able to meet the requirements of the new situation. That is a kind of backwardness and failure.


Attitude is everything. Work is an indispensable part of a person's life. Through work, you can not only earn what you need, but also get a sense of achievement and satisfaction. Only through work can one's self-confidence, values and potential be fully affirmed and brought into play. No matter who pursues work as a career and takes it as a pleasure, no matter what work he does, he will get the most wonderful enjoyment in his work. For example, our teachers feel very tired when preparing lessons every day, and they will also feel full and meaningful; Writing reflection after class, if you want to take the initiative to record your feelings in teaching, rather than to complete the task, you will not feel that it is a burden; In order to do a better job, I may not care about working overtime after work to change papers, tutoring students, communicating with parents, etc.


Secondly, transcending oneself does not emphasize only the growth and progress of individuals, while ignoring the survival and development of organizations.


Because the organization is the stage for our growth, individual achievements are inseparable from the success of the organization. Only when the organization develops can individuals develop. Our unit is a big ship, and each of our crew members must share the wind and rain, and work together in the same boat, so that we can ride the wind and waves and sail. For example, only when our school has a good reputation and is recognized by the people around us, can our teachers be proud of being a member of the No. 80 Middle School. On the other hand, some schools also have some famous teachers and backbone teachers, but they are still not recognized by parents.


Everyone should set the highest career goal of win-win with the organization. How can we achieve this goal? "Beyond Self" provides us with the answers: First, we should regard dedication as a mission, and do what we do, love what we do, and specialize in what we do; Second, we should maintain our loyalty to the organization at all times and establish the concept of win-win with the organization. Third, we should have a strong sense of responsibility, do our job well and take the initiative to do more; Fourth, we should always maintain enthusiasm for work, maintain the best state of mind, and regard work as a pleasure; Fifth, we should be diligent. Diligence is the guarantee of success. Diligence can provide opportunities for promotion; Sixth, we should constantly improve our ability in all aspects and enhance our competitiveness; Seventh, we should improve our own execution ability, concentrate on our work wholeheartedly, take the initiative to work, be brave to take responsibility, and complete the task 100%; Eighth, from inside to outside, we should cultivate ourselves comprehensively, shape perfect character, pursue excellence and surpass ourselves.


Everyone's work is important. Even if we are doing a very inconspicuous job, the overall work of the unit can only be done well if everyone's work is done well. For example, as a math teacher, we should teach math well, and as a senior, we should do our best to do all the work of the grade.


In a word, this book has greatly inspired me. In my daily life and work in the future, I will seriously practice the win-win strategy between individuals and organizations, start from every bit, do everything carefully, improve myself in an all-round way, and truly achieve self transcendence.

《超越自我》读后感 篇6


In the summer vacation, I read Beyond Yourself, a collection of Taiwanese writer Liu Yongwen. This book is the first year that the author's only son entered the famous American high school Stuyvesen School. The author wrote a series of letters to the timid young man. Teach him how to face the difficult environment and challenges in the future, and how to develop his potential and surpass himself! This book has brought me a lot of thinking, and here I draw on the author's philosophy of life.


In the book, the author emphasizes that the strongest opponent in life is not necessarily others, but may be ourselves. Before surpassing others, we must first surpass ourselves!


After reading this book, I carefully thought about the content of the next book. A long time ago, his parents created him. In this way, he should create another himself. Create his own style, create his own future, create his own. Then he has the right to take the first step towards life. Later, he also learned to find that there were innumerable powerful enemies on this road. When he was trying to figure out how to compete with these opponents, who did he seem to ignore? In fact, the strong enemy that competes with you all the time on this road is not others, but yourself. If you want to better defeat yourself and surpass yourself, you must learn to value yourself from childhood. In this way, you can become a person who really breaks through the ice of life - a brave person in life!


"You can't fail" is one of the letters in this book that the author teaches his only son. The author quotes the Western philosopher Herbert: "If a person is not beautiful at the age of 20, unhealthy at the age of 30, rich at the age of 40, and not smart at the age of 50, he will lose these things forever." That is to say, the world does not wait for people, and it is so cruel that it cannot even give a little compassion to the losers.


The content of this letter has given me a sense of hardship. The waves that have aroused my thoughts in my watery life have refreshed my increasingly numb mind. It reminds me that this society is constantly changing and developing rapidly. If I cannot adapt to this social environment, new technical requirements, etc., it is a failure. Will be abandoned by the pace of the times. Like the author's analogy: "A horse can still live if its leg is broken! But as a horse, it can't run, and even if it is alive, what's the meaning?" So, as a teacher, I must devote my whole body to my work. I deeply realized the true meaning of life, and told us to treat life with unremitting efforts and a strong sense of responsibility.

《超越自我》读后感 篇7


In the book, the author emphasizes that the strongest opponent in life is not necessarily others, but may be ourselves. Before surpassing others, we must first surpass ourselves!


After reading this book, I carefully thought about the content of the next book. A long time ago, his parents created him. In this way, he should create another himself. Create his own style, create his own future, create his own. Then he has the right to take the first step towards life. Later, he also learned to find that there were innumerable powerful enemies on this road. When he was trying to figure out how to compete with these opponents, who did he seem to ignore? In fact, the strong enemy that competes with you all the time on this road is not others, but yourself. If you want to better defeat yourself and surpass yourself, you must learn to value yourself from childhood. In this way, you can become a person who really breaks through the ice of life - a brave person in life!


"You can't fail" is one of the letters in this book that the author teaches his only son. The author quotes the Western philosopher Herbert: "If a person is not beautiful at the age of 20, unhealthy at the age of 30, not rich at the age of 40, and not smart at the age of 50, he will lose these things forever." In other words, the world does not wait for people. It is so cruel that it can not even give a little sympathy to the losers.


The content of this letter gives me a sense of hardship. For me, if I cannot adapt to the social environment, it is a failure. Will be abandoned by the pace of the times. Like the author's analogy: "A horse can still live if its leg is broken! But as a horse, it can't run, even if it is alive, what's the point?" Therefore, I must succeed and devote myself to my work. Attitude decides everything. I realized the true meaning of life even more, and told us to treat life with unremitting efforts and a strong sense of responsibility.


In life, the greatest enemy is not necessarily foreign, but may be our own! It is difficult for us to seize the opportunity. Because of hesitation and procrastination, we are easy to meet the status quo, so we don't want to make progress. All these are the reasons for our failure. Therefore, having a sense of hardship and mastering the correct methods will lead to success in life! In the long river of human social development, each generation of us has its own mission and responsibility, which is by no means dispensable. This is the embodiment of the meaning and value of life.

超越自我读后感 篇8


At each stage of life, the strongest opponent is not others but ourselves. Only by constantly improving and surpassing, can we achieve further breakthroughs. Exceeding Yourself is a book written by Liu Yong, an integration writer, to his son. It gives play to and guides the time encountered by children in their daily life. It is full of father's love, church and expectation for children. It also affects my attitude towards life.


In middle age, sometimes we set up many reasons for ourselves, not wanting to surpass anyone and anything, and being content with the status quo. My daughter learned calligraphy when she was five years old. At the beginning, the teacher asked her to practice drawing many thin and even circles on paper. The children learning soft pens can't master the strength well, and the circles are often different in thickness and depth. The child was a little frustrated and had a little temper and didn't want to practice any more. Seeing this situation, I said to my daughter, "Many things are not natural. As long as you try bravely and use the right method, you will do them slowly and well." I picked up the brush and patiently taught her how to hold it step by step. I practiced it again and again according to the skills the teacher told me. Over the past two weeks, the calligraphy teacher praised her for her obvious progress. With such constant encouragement, my daughter often said "brave try".


In front of children, as parents, we often speak a lot of truth. However, when we come here, we refuse to try for various reasons, set limits for ourselves, and give up before we act. Therefore, our strongest opponent is not others, but ourselves. When you lack confidence, remind and reflect on yourself. If you take a small step to overcome yourself, you may take a big step forward. In these days as a father, I learned to reflect on my children and saw the possibility of reshaping myself.


It is easy for the enthusiasm of people to gradually cool down day after day, and feel dull, and even show impetuous attitude towards work. It is terrible to lose enthusiasm for work and cope with it perfunctorily. After reading the book "Beyond Yourself", I deeply realized that at any time, under any pressure, I should not lose enthusiasm and passion for work. I should do my job conscientiously. How can I keep enthusiasm for work?


The first is to adjust your mind. We can't always think about problems in terms of departmentalism. "How much I pay for my work, how much I should get back". If the return is not as expected, we will lose heart and despair, lose enthusiasm for work, and muddle along. You should know that work is mainly done by yourself. Whether to do it or not is not a question of ability, but of attitude. Therefore, we should have a correct attitude towards work.


Secondly, play a good role and clarify the understanding of the future development goals of the individual and the terminal. Only by having a deep understanding of the overall development goals of the highway industry can we constantly enrich ourselves and adjust our role in time to meet the development needs of the work; Only by finding the best combination of individual and overall blueprint can we obtain a true sense of psychological belonging.


Finally, we should constantly set new goals for ourselves, combine the short with the long, and work hard towards this goal, so that we can work with motivation and momentum. With direction and motivation, we can naturally maintain high enthusiasm for work.


When I choose a job, I actually choose a responsibility. I must treat it strictly with a spirit of perseverance, a belief of perseverance, and an automatic and spontaneous sense of responsibility. With the support of this rigorous attitude, I can maintain my enthusiasm for work, so that I can really do a good job.

《超越自我》读后感 篇9


He picked up the book again and vaguely saw the boy in high school, the third year of senior high school. He did not understand the exact meaning of the college entrance examination, but he was convinced that it was important, so he joined the team of immersing himself in books. During the day, he was busy and empty. After self-study in the evening, he took a fully automatic blocking donkey home in the stars of Shulang, washed his feet and was ready to go to bed. At this time, he still had about 20 minutes to read the pillow book. The reasons for choosing them were very simple and the space was very small in Liu Yong's Beyond Self, Creating Self, Affirming Self and Zhou Guoping's Watching Distance. He relaxed and enjoyed the happiness brought by reading to her. This can ensure that he can have a good sleep. Occasionally, because he has too much homework in arrears, he writes late at night and has no time to read. He turns off the light and lies in bed. The night is as cool as water. These books have become the best consolation for him who is exhausted all day.

想起了那些年少无知,十五六岁,无疑是父亲高大形象在自己心中土崩瓦解的时期,被那些无知狂妄的理想蒙蔽了双眼,自命不凡,目空一切。脱离生活,在自己的世界幻想。幻想自己是圣埃克苏佩里笔 https://www.chayi5.com/ 下的小王子,像卫道士一般捍卫着自己所谓的真实。却实际上变成塞林格《麦田里的守望者》里的霍尔顿,看不惯每一个成年人,用“假模假式”替代一切形容词,塞一个耳机,目光恍惚地停留在半空,对周遭发生的一切不以为意,你来自异域,你终将回到悬崖边的那片麦田,在悬崖边密切的注视着玩耍的孩子,提放他们靠近悬崖,然后把这样犹如希腊神话般的天职定性为伟大。其余,事无巨细,统统不符合你圣洁美好的愿景,你鄙视一切,当然,父母首当其冲,他们的缺点显然成为众矢之的,一切有益的规劝都让你窝火,甚至还没开口,你就会想,他又要开始重复他那句说了N次方的话了。

Remembering those young and ignorant, 15 or 16 years old, there is no doubt that the tall image of my father collapsed in my mind. I was blinded by those ignorant and arrogant ideals, arrogant and arrogant. Break away from life and dream in your own world. Imagine that he is the little prince under HTTPS://WWW.CHAYI5.COM/written by Saint Exupery, who is defending his so-called truth like a guard. In fact, it turns into Holden in Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye, who can't stand every adult. He replaces all adjectives with "fake". He puts a headset in the air, and his eyes stay in a trance. He doesn't care about everything that happens around him. You come from a foreign land, and you will eventually return to the wheat field near the cliff, watching the children playing closely at the edge of the cliff, and lifting them close to the cliff, Then define such a divine duty as great as Greek mythology. The rest are not trivial. They do not conform to your holy and beautiful vision. You despise everything. Of course, parents bear the brunt. Their shortcomings have obviously become the target of public criticism. All beneficial exhortations make you angry. Even before you speak, you will think that he will start to repeat his N power words again.


Then, one day, you look at all kinds of things at home, from a quilt to a toothbrush, and the best and most exquisite one will always be yours. As time goes by, you can not stick to your father's preaching words but observe the caring behind the words, and even recall a simple but full of life wisdom maxim. You begin to understand that when you ask about art, you can talk about the superficial ideas in art books, but you can't replace the ink fragrance that your father smelled and smooth the texture of rice paper. When you talk about love, you can tell from your personal preference how many girls have inexplicable feelings for you, or recite some poems by Neruda, but you can't copy the little things that your parents used to live frugally. You begin to read something, just like reading others' stories, but also reading yourself.


As time goes on for a few years, it seems that the soul chicken soup style essays like entering the university can't bring up your interest like Kafka's and Milan Kundera's novels. Moreover, you will feel that such a cultural person has a taste of "learning everything clearly, and practicing human feelings is the article". The worldly wisdom is too heavy, and the gap between them and the literati in their imagination is too big, Sometimes even let you connect him with the common people. However, when you enter the university, when you are reading such articles, such small articles convey the meticulous care for your children, even to the point of overcorrection sometimes. Then you will find what is the difference between such a father and our own parents. These endless care, if you feel it carefully, is full of anxiety and expectation. Whether such simple and carefully written articles will also remind you that her mother is washing a piece of clothes stained with oil because of your negligence on the balcony. She lowers her head and rubs it bit by bit, occasionally raises her right hand to wipe the sweat on her forehead. She looks peaceful and satisfied, as if she is doing the most meaningful thing in the world. Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet: Weak, your name is woman. However, I think they also have the land under their feet. How can weakness erase the tenacity of a strong woman. Whether, when you lie in the bedroom and read such a piece without modification, the letter that reveals the truth will breed a little bit of homesickness that big boys should not have, miss the ugly dumplings made by their father, and even the deep or shallow fingerprints on the dumplings are so clearly portrayed in a corner of your brain that you do not know for yourself.


Not long ago, my grandmother died, and my mother stood in mourning. It was self-evident that she lost her loved one. Rereading this book only reminds me that life is full of seriousness and sadness from the general background of life. We come to this beautiful world, meet and greet each other. Some people grow up, some people grow old, we travel together for a period of time, after that, we will lose each other, it suddenly, no color, unimaginable. Such reminders have taught me to cherish.