
时间:2022-11-19 12:59:03 | 来源:语文通



有关珍惜粮食的演讲稿 篇1有关珍惜粮食的演讲稿 篇2有关珍惜粮食的演讲稿 篇3有关珍惜粮食的演讲稿 篇4有关珍惜粮食的演讲稿 篇5

有关珍惜粮食的演讲稿 篇1


Dear students


Throughout the five thousand year history of China, there were civilians who died of cruel starvation without enough food in all dynasties, so the cause of this phenomenon was food shortage. In modern times, with the founding of New China, reform and opening up, and social and economic development, people's lives have basically solved hunger. In the face of abundant resources today, people forget the value of food and waste it at will.


In today's society, there are many wasteful behaviors that are performed every day. Take the canteen of our school for example! Every day, he carries a bowl and rushes into the canteen. When he sits down to eat, there will always be people around who throw the white flour steamed buns made of grains of wheat on the table because they can't eat them all. There will always be people who pour the mellow rice made of grains of rice to the leftovers because they can't eat them all. To tell the truth, I will think of my parents working at home when I see this scene; Think of them drip irrigation crops with drops of sweat under the baking sun; I thought of my parents' rough hands, which were ground into thick cocoons by hoes. I feel that people nowadays don't know how to cherish food.


I heard grandpa once said such a story:


People were assigned to production teams. In addition to the food handed in, each person received only a few bags of food, which was not enough for a family to eat. In addition, family planning was not implemented in that era, so the family burden was obvious. Grandpa said that he had grown up hungry. When he was hungry, he peeled off the elm bark and ate the juice. No matter how unpleasant and astringent the sap was, he forced it into his mouth to swallow. At that time, it was a kind of honor to eat a black steamed bun. A grain of rice and a grain of wheat are treasures for them, and they will not waste them. Grandpa said that it was not allowed to steal a potato or a peanut bean in the field at that time. If it was found, the production team would not give food to that family. Alas, at that time, it was really valuable!


In today's society, how wasteful people are! It was Li Shen who said, "It's hard to eat every meal on the plate." Yes, the food on our plate is bought by our parents with sweat. Why do we waste it? Cherish food from now on while it is still too late! To cherish food is to cherish the future.


Thank you.

有关珍惜粮食的演讲稿 篇2


Dear teachers and students


"At the noon of the weeding day, the sweat drips down the soil, but it is hard to eat every meal on the plate." This poem is familiar to everyone. When we were young, teachers and parents often used it to teach us to cherish food, and the fruits of farmers' hard work cannot be wasted. Now that I have grown up, I still can often see such poems. Most of them can be seen in restaurants. Don't adults know how to cherish food?


I was born and live in the countryside, and I know the hardships of farmers. Neither the cold in winter nor the hot in summer can stop people from working hard. Because we have grown up in this environment since childhood, we often help our parents do some work within our power. Now when I grow up, I work in other places and have my own life. I still can't forget those precious childhood. Whenever I go to buy agricultural products and look at their rough hands, I can think of my parents who are far away. It may be that I formed this habit when I was young and never wasted a grain of food. It is not a matter of money, but a condensation of sweat. Now the living conditions are getting better and better. People don't care about that little worthless food, so there are such slogans in all restaurants. What is the problem? The problem is that people are full now. Look at the older people. They cherish them very much, because they have seen many people who died of hunger. Also, some people don't know the hardships of farmers at all, they only know they have money, and they can't understand the meaning of that treasure. When we eat, we can reflect. If the earth or the world is facing a disaster, will you starve to death if you can't buy food? So we should learn to cherish, in order to prevent the tragedy of the 1950s from happening again, put the surplus food in the grain depot, and let the government have more resources to prevent unknown disasters. Wouldn't that be better?


To cherish food is to cherish life.

有关珍惜粮食的演讲稿 篇3


Dear teachers and students


I thought, "At the noon of the weeding day, sweat drips down the soil. Who knows, every grain of Chinese food is hard." This poem should be familiar to us all.


Although our country is very prosperous now, there are some remote places in the great rivers and mountains of our country, which are poor mountain areas. In poor mountainous areas, people are not enough to eat and wear, and children have no place to go to school. People eat wild vegetables, sweet potatoes and mushrooms in the mountains every day. They don't even have much rice, let alone meat. If I can eat meat once every two or three weeks, I would be grateful.


Alas, how pathetic! Look at us. We have plenty of meat and fish, vegetables and fruits every day, but we don't know how to live happily and waste everywhere. In school, although it is stipulated that waste is not allowed in the school, there are still some students who have lost the food they cannot eat. Maybe his family has a lot of money, or maybe his family has plenty of food; However, cherishing food and saving food are the traditional virtues of our Chinese nation, and we cannot lose our roots. If children in poor mountainous areas see their classmates doing this, they will feel sad and will blame them. In a restaurant, some people order a table of food in order to show off how generous and rich they are. If they can't finish eating, they leave the table. In fact, leftovers can be packed and eaten, which is also a kind of saving. As long as there is a sense of saving, it is very simple to do: eat as much as you can, and don't throw away leftovers.


Students, let's take action and cherish food. We should start from ourselves and never dump leftovers. We should be proud of saving and ashamed of wasting. We should consciously develop the good habit of cherishing food and saving food. Because every grain is soaked in the sweat of the farmer's uncle.

有关珍惜粮食的演讲稿 篇4


Dear teachers and students


How do you do!


The topic of my speech today is "Cherish Food, Cherish Life".


Confucius, the ancient educator of our country, left a famous saying for later generations; Food is paramount to the people. It can be seen how important "food" is in the minds of ordinary people. But in recent years, with the improvement of living standards, there have been many phenomena of not cherishing food. In the school, when students eat, steamed buns fly everywhere, and white rice is sprinkled on the ground... I wonder whether we should regard this place as a battlefield without gunsmoke or a snowfield without cold.


We might as well calculate that if one person saved one grain of rice every day, how much could one billion people save? More than 5000 kilograms! It can save nearly 20 million jin a year, equivalent to 20 million yuan. If this money is calculated at 500000 yuan per "Hope Primary School", 40 "Hope Primary Schools" can be built. At a cost of 300 yuan per person, more than 70000 out of school children can return to school! Are you shocked by this amount? Don't your heart tremble at it?


Also, many of our classmates have the habit of eating snacks. After the after-school meal, the snack bar is always crowded with people, and the scene is spectacular. The students with good family conditions are generous, holding a large number of colorful snacks to make the partners greedy. Those who don't have much money don't want to lag behind. They are not afraid of making themselves fat. They would rather spend their living expenses to enjoy themselves. In this way, learning is affected, and we always miss snacks in class. How can we do well in learning? Second, it is easy to form the habit of eating and being lazy.


Students, we are the builders of the future. We have heavy hopes. People compare us to young eagles, hoping that we can stretch our ideal wings; People compare us to milk tigers, hoping that we can dominate the world. Don't let "greed" overwhelm our young wings, and don't let "extravagance" lose the direction of our struggle.


Friends, what are you waiting for? Let's start from the small things, start from now on, cherish every grain of food, every inch of time, embrace life with enthusiasm, and write our brilliant life with unrepentant youth!

有关珍惜粮食的演讲稿 篇5


Dear teachers and students


hello everyone!


Today, the topic of my speech under the national flag is: cherish food and inherit Chinese virtues.


Cherishing food is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. China is an ancient civilization with a history of 5000 years, and food is the guarantee of people's life and the foundation of national development. Although China is a large agricultural country, the per capita share of grain has been at a low level for a long time, while China's population is still growing, land resources are limited, and arable land is declining year by year. Food production is strictly limited by time and space, plus natural and man-made disasters. Therefore, China's grain is also very limited, we need to cherish and save.


The ancient working people attached great importance to food. The ancient people had a poem "At the noon of the weeding day, sweat drips down the grain" to remind us to cherish food. Now we should also cherish food.


Cherishing food can satisfy more people. The canteen of our school provides students with a variety of delicious dishes every day. It consumes hundreds of jin of food and vegetables every day to provide sufficient nutrition for students. However, some students still pour some food into swill buckets. It really hurts to watch the whole bowl of rice pour out every day. It even happened that the waste food blocked the sewer.


It is not about money but about moral cultivation. Saving more food can bring more hope to children in poverty. Therefore, we should establish the concept of "cherishing food is glorious, wasting food is shameful" and develop the good habit of thrift. Waste is around us, and it's easy to cherish food:


When eating, you should eat as much as you can, keep as much as you can, leave no food left, and do not dump food at will. When eating, we should also pay attention, eat carefully and not be picky. Both the meals prepared by parents and the meals provided by the school should be eaten completely. In this way, we can not only get comprehensive nutrition for our bodies, but also cherish food and kill two birds with one stone.


Economy is a virtue, a cultivation, a quality and even a wisdom. Save resources and live a healthy life. Let's start from cherishing food!


Thank you!