
时间:2022-11-18 12:56:59 | 来源:语文通



用忠诚担当书写勇毅前行的山西答卷观后感 篇1《用忠诚担当书写勇毅前行的山西答卷》观后感 篇2《用忠诚担当书写勇毅前行的山西答卷》观后感 篇3《用忠诚担当书写勇毅前行的山西答卷》观后感 篇4用忠诚担当书写勇毅前行的山西答卷观后感 篇5用忠诚担当书写勇毅前行的山西答卷观后感 篇6用忠诚担当书写勇毅前行的山西答卷观后感 篇7用忠诚担当书写勇毅前行的山西答卷观后感 篇8用忠诚担当书写勇毅前行的山西答卷观后感400字 篇9用忠诚担当书写勇毅前行的山西答卷观后感 篇10

用忠诚担当书写勇毅前行的山西答卷观后感 篇1


"True! Kind! Moved! Salute!" This is the exclamation of some community cadres and residents in our city after watching the feature film. They said: "We are all experienced in the fight against the epidemic. We should not only pay tribute to the heroes, but also praise ourselves."


As a community worker, Cao Ping, secretary of the party branch of Fuli Huating Community, Julun Street, Xinghualing District, said: "I was very shocked and moved to see this feature film. 'If the country lives and dies, it is not because of bad luck that we avoid it.' It is precisely because of the medical workers and anti epidemic volunteers coming forward and the active cooperation of the community residents that we can do a good job in epidemic prevention and control."


In the face of disaster, no one is a bystander. In the Fuli Huating community, the majority of Party members held high the banner in the fight against the epidemic, rushed to the front, fought side by side with community cadres, property management personnel, sinking commandos, residents volunteers, and so on, and jointly built an "iron wall" for group prevention and control. Cao Ping firmly said, "As long as we all work together in the same boat, we will be able to rally strong forces and finally overcome the epidemic."


On the evening of June 8, Kong Fangui, a resident of Shengli East Street Community, turned on the TV early and waited to watch the feature film. He said, "Compared with others, my neighbors and I feel more deeply." Due to the confirmed case of COVID-19, Building 14 of Jin'an No. 3 Hospital where Kong Fangui lives was closed for management from February 7, and the isolation was not lifted until 12:00 p.m. on February 27.


During the period of home isolation, 100 households and 387 residents of Building 14 of Jin'an No. 3 Yard actively cooperated. During this period, in order to ensure the normal life of everyone, the staff of Dunhuafang Street, Shengli East Street Community and Dunhuafang Police Station were busy, making the residents feel the constant love. On February 27, residents lifted the household segregation, but the two community directors collapsed.


Kong Fangui said, "In the prevention and control of the COVID-19, medical workers and community volunteers are heroes, and every resident is also a hero. With the joint efforts of everyone, I believe that the battle against the epidemic will eventually win. As a literary and art lover, I want to use poetry to praise all heroes and play the symphony of the times when people are united."

《用忠诚担当书写勇毅前行的山西答卷》观后感 篇2


Yang Shuangbao, secretary of the Party branch of Wangcunpu Village, Lingqiu County, Tian Jiqiang, assistant police officer of Longgang Central Police Station of Qinshui County Public Security Bureau, Wang Yufa, deputy district chief of Yungang District, Datong City, and Wang Guoqing, secretary of the Party branch of Pofeng Village, Dongfeng Township, Yangcheng County, have fixed life on the front line of prevention and control forever.


Life is weightier than Mount Tai. Lou Yangsheng, secretary of the provincial party committee, made clear instructions when visiting patients and medical staff in Taiyuan No.4 People's Hospital, that in the encounter, resistance and attack of epidemic prevention and control, we should do our best to achieve the goal of "zero death" for diagnosed patients and "zero infection" for medical staff, never abandon a case of critical illness, and make every effort as long as there is a glimmer of hope!


Early intervention and strong guarantee. Our province immediately carried out the prospective work of psychological assistance, convalescent plasma antiviral treatment, and the use of Xuebijing injection to inhibit systemic inflammatory reaction. Multidisciplinary cooperation and thorough diagnosis and treatment were carried out, and a provincial medical treatment tour guidance group, a team of TCM prevention and treatment experts and a medical staff echelon were quickly established. Emergency medical supplies such as ventilators, artificial membrane lungs (ECMO) and antiviral drugs shall be given priority to designated hospitals.


Collect all receivables and make accurate policies. 134 confirmed patients were all concentrated in provincial and municipal designated hospitals. 130 experts were stationed in Taiyuan No.4 People's Hospital at the first time to treat the main position, "one person, one plan, one person, one group, one consultation per day".


The combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine gives full play to the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine. Thirteen national and provincial TCM doctors joined the provincial rescue expert group and developed seven "Shanxi featured prescriptions"; Adhere to the "righting treatment" throughout, and the use rate of traditional Chinese medicine in confirmed cases reached 99%.


On January 28, Ms. Chang, the first critically ill patient in our province, was transferred from Jinzhong to Taiyuan No.4 People's Hospital. For eight days, the angels in white kept guarding her, customized the treatment plan, and seized Ms. Chang from the god of death with collective wisdom, tenacious struggle and endless love.

《用忠诚担当书写勇毅前行的山西答卷》观后感 篇3


Winning the fight against epidemic prevention and control is a major political task at present. The majority of Party members and cadres should not forget their original intentions and keep their mission in mind. They should constantly enhance their political, ideological and action consciousness to defeat the epidemic. They should take the first line of epidemic prevention and control as the touchstone and sharpening stone to fulfill their original mission and reflect their responsibilities. They should come forward, work bravely and do a solid job.


We should enhance the political consciousness of "life is more important than Mount Tai". We should fight side by side with the masses with the feelings of "some of our Caozhou county officials, one branch and one leaf of the general customs", take the responsibility of "making the country live and die, but not because of misfortunes and blessings" and bravely charge on the "epidemic" line, resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, comprehensively implement the requirements of firm confidence, helping each other in the same boat, scientific prevention and control, and precise policy implementation, and constantly cultivate the "four consciousness", firm the "four self-confidence" Firmly implement "two maintenance".


We should strengthen the ideological consciousness that "epidemic is an order". "Epidemics are orders". The majority of Party members and cadres want to hear about "epidemics". They should fully realize that severe epidemics are a test of the Party spirit and an examination of their original intentions. They should take the prevention and control of epidemics as the top priority. They should take the initiative to participate in this severe struggle with the enthusiasm of "I am a Party member and take the lead", and work hard with the determination of "if there is a war, we will return, and we will win the war", To overcome difficulties with the courage of "knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, and preferring to travel in the tiger mountains". We should not only dare to fight, but also be good at fighting. In the fight against "epidemic", we should practice courage, sharpen our will, and grow our ability. We should really be clear about major issues, avoid conflicts, fear crises and difficulties, and shrink from unhealthy practices.


We should strengthen the awareness of action that "prevention and control are responsibilities". "Prevention and control is the responsibility". The majority of Party members and cadres should take the initiative to shoulder the responsibility, take the responsibility of "I don't have to be successful, I will be successful" and do a good job in the prevention and control of epidemic diseases, carefully think about the people's thoughts, worry about the people's anxieties, and solve the people's worries with "the enemy besieged thousands of times, and I stand firm" to calmly face various difficult problems To deal with all kinds of emergencies, we should be firm with the principle of "thousands of blows are still strong, and we should be determined to dispel the concerns of the masses and strengthen their confidence. We should be the vanguard and set an example on the" epidemic "line, unite all forces that can be united, mobilize all positive factors, give play to the wisdom of the people, and gather the strength of the masses. The" people's struggle "of the new era must be able to cut through the waves, forge ahead bravely, and defeat" Loushanguan "and" Lazikou "one by one, Achieve victory in the fight against epidemic prevention and control.

《用忠诚担当书写勇毅前行的山西答卷》观后感 篇4


"We are all racing against time to fight against the epidemic like fighting fire and water.".


Selfless dedication, black and white as "ink". Doctors are benevolent. There has never been a lack of stories of doctors doing good deeds in China. As far as Hua Tuo saved the world with needles, and as near as Ye Tianshi felt the pulse and broke the "warmth", every time when the epidemic came, the doctors always showed their selfless dedication with their actual actions, just like ink painting, which gave birth to a slowly white light under the "dark shadow" of the epidemic. In the face of this epidemic, the majority of Party members should learn from the spirit of doctors, keep in mind that the interests of the people are above everything, do a good job in epidemic monitoring, screening, early warning, and do a good job in early detection, early report, early isolation, and early treatment. We should be able to give up our families and care for everyone, stick to our posts, stand the test in the fight against epidemic, make selfless contributions, and implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee.


Rush ahead and be meticulous and meticulous. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, Party committees and governments at all levels, under the leadership of the Party Central Committee, have set up leading groups to command from the front, analyze, study and judge the situation of epidemic prevention and control in a timely manner, and implement precise policies, so that the people feel warm and stabilize their minds, just like a "meticulous painting", which is stable in detail and has a clear context. The majority of Party members should adhere to the "one game of chess" in the face of epidemic prevention and control, follow the command, achieve coordination and unity, unified scheduling, and orders and prohibitions. We should take epidemic prevention and control as an important task, adhere to scientific governance, do a good job in self-protection, and live up to the great trust and mission of the Party and the country.


The grand atmosphere is like "landscape". If one side is in trouble, all sides should help. Wuhan is not alone, and the people of the whole country are the backing. The flat ground of Wuhan Huoshen Mountain Hospital was pulled up, the medical staff were multiplied, and the material security was provided in a timely manner... Seeing the picture of epidemic prevention work in daily rolling reports was like watching an atmospheric landscape painting, filled with "pride". The majority of Party members should learn from the front-line workers in Wuhan, devote themselves to the epidemic prevention and control work with a high sense of responsibility and mission, eliminate formalism and bureaucracy, do not follow the example of the "copier", do not transfer the pressure to the grassroots, and do not work separately, so as to achieve unity of purpose and share weal and woe.


The beauty of each beauty, the beauty of a beauty, and beauty in common. Let's unite as one, cross mountains, connect hands and hearts, and cross rivers and seas. You are always on the way of "pestilence".

用忠诚担当书写勇毅前行的山西答卷观后感 篇5


From the cold winter to May of youth, from the spring back to the campus to the sound of books, after a long holiday, the vibrant campus has welcomed back the energetic young people and restarted the classroom.


In the TV feature film, the careful preparation and closed-loop management of various schools at all levels in our province when resuming classes were broadcast. Many departments made vigorous efforts and cooperated with each other to ensure the health of teachers and students and lay a solid foundation for the smooth and orderly resumption of school. It can be seen from the TV screen that the 37th Middle School strictly closed the entrance to the school and strictly implemented the ten measures for school preparation. Li Wen, the headmaster, sighed with emotion: "The people of the whole province are united in their will and stick to the 'Shanxi Front'. On the education front, there are also many people who are devoting themselves regardless of the cost. This period of time allows us to more deeply understand the greatness of our motherland and the pride of being a Chinese!"


After watching the feature film, Lin Wei, the principal of the 15th Middle School, said: The faith of Guoaijia is rooted in the students' hearts. We are grateful for the silent efforts of the workers from all walks of life who rushed to the forefront during the epidemic. We should let students know how to cherish the hard won learning environment and feel the value of life. "

用忠诚担当书写勇毅前行的山西答卷观后感 篇6

2020年3月9日下午,教育部社会科学司、人民网联合举办了“全国大学生同上一堂疫情防控思政大课”活动。河北北方学院党委高度重视“全国大学生同上一堂疫情防控思政大课”的组织工作,明确提出要提高政治站位,充分认识本次“思政大课”的重要性,组织好、落实好网课活动。党委宣传部第一时间通过官网、官微发布《关于组织收看“ www.chayi5.com 全国大学生同上一堂疫情防控思政大课”的通知》,马克思主义理论教学部要求各教研室将“全国大学生同上一堂疫情防控思政大课”纳入到思政课教学之中,结合相关内容,合理设计教学环节。全校师生通过人民网人民智云客户端、咪咕视频客户端等收看了直播。

On the afternoon of March 9, 2020, the Department of Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education and People's Daily Online jointly held the activity of "National College Students Have the Same Ideological and Political Course on Epidemic Prevention and Control". The Party Committee of Hebei North University attaches great importance to the organization of "the national college students have the same ideological and political lesson on epidemic prevention and control", clearly proposes to improve the political position, fully understand the importance of this "ideological and political lesson", and organize and implement the online course activities. The Propaganda Department of the Party Committee immediately released the Notice on Organizing to Watch "WWW.CHAYI5.COM National College Students Go to the Same Epidemic Prevention and Control Ideological and Political Course" through the official website and official WeChat. The Marxist Theory Teaching Department required all teaching and research offices to include "National College Students Go to the Same Epidemic Prevention and Control Ideological and Political Course" in the ideological and political course teaching, and reasonably design the teaching link in combination with the relevant content. All teachers and students of the school watched the live broadcast through the People's Intelligent Cloud client and Migu video client of People's Daily Online.


In this "Ideological and Political Course on Epidemic Prevention and Control", Professor Ai Silin, School of Marxism, Tsinghua University, Qin Xuan, School of Marxism, Renmin University of China, Wang Binglin, School of Marxism, Beijing Normal University, and Feng Xiujun, School of Marxism, Central University of Finance and Economics were invited as keynote experts. Under the title of "Deepening theoretical understanding in the fight against epidemic", Ai Silin, based on the specific practice of fighting against epidemic in China, interpreted the decision and deployment of the CPC Central Committee on epidemic prevention and control, and guided students to deepen their understanding of the basic theory of Marxism and the latest achievements of the localization of Marxism in China. Qin Xuan analyzed the leadership of the CPC and the socialist system with Chinese characteristics highlighted by China's epidemic resistance, with the topic of "What does the pandemic exam tell us", in combination with the teaching content of epidemic prevention and control and introduction courses


The significant advantages of. With the theme of "summing up historical experience and enhancing confidence in victory", Wang Binglin described the historical experience and wisdom of the Chinese nation to rise from suffering and turn crisis into a turning point, starting from the course of epidemic prevention struggle in the Chinese calendar. Feng Xiujun, with the theme of "The most beautiful youth in the war against the epidemic - talking about the responsibility and responsibility of Chinese youth", affectionately described the brave and retrograde young scenery emerging from the epidemic, guided the college students to shoulder the historical mission, and rooted the youth dream in the vast land of the motherland. After the lecture, the four teaching experts gave online interactive answers to the questions raised by netizens.


After watching the live broadcast, the whole school's teachers and students responded warmly and talked about their understanding, experience and achievements in the working group and class group. Each college organized students to have online discussions, guided students to inherit and carry forward the spirit of patriotism, deeply understood the significant advantages of the leadership of the CPC and the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, strengthened the "four self-confidence", and strengthened the strong will to win the war on epidemic prevention and control.

用忠诚担当书写勇毅前行的山西答卷观后感 篇7


The documentary "Writing Shanxi Answers with Loyalty and Responsibility -- Revelation of the COVID-19 Prevention and Control Campaign" shows the struggle process of the COVID-19 Provincial Party Committee, under the strong leadership of the Party, to practice loyalty with outstanding achievements, to show responsibility with selfless dedication, and to win a decisive victory in the fight against the epidemic. This reminds me of my mother who went to Wuhan in this epidemic. During her two months in Wuhan, she set an example for me. Long time work, scarred skin, let me love and admire. It also made me understand that, as a medical student, the responsibility of a party member to "save the dying and heal the wounded and serve the motherland" reminds me of the oath of "health and life" made when I entered the medical school; It made me more clear that my current goal is to improve myself and make myself useful to the country.

用忠诚担当书写勇毅前行的山西答卷观后感 篇8



Only with no hesitation can the epidemic war be carried out to the end. At an extraordinary time, Academician Zhong Nanshan, 84 years old, was appointed as the leader of the high-level expert group of the National Health Commission. He went to the front line of epidemic prevention and control without hesitation. In Wuhan, Beijing, Guangzhou... his busy pace never stopped; In extraordinary times, many "retrograde" medical teams went to Hubei, where some people tried their best to "escape". Behind the "retrograde" is the understanding and support of their families; During the emergency period, the community volunteers gave up the Spring Festival holiday. They had no other medical protection measures, but they still went into the community without hesitation and wore a mask to carry out household screening. They knocked, inquired, and called each household one by one. The returnees from other places were strictly separated from their homes, becoming a new force in the community's anti epidemic front line.


Only with one mind can we fight invincibly. This "unity of mind" needs the conscience of businesses. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the most heard voices are "no masks", "where can I buy masks. There is nothing wrong with businessmen seeking profits, but a gentleman who loves money should take it in a proper way and apply it in a proper way. What is the right way to take it? Henan Changheng is one of the three David material bases in China. At present, all 42 medical protective equipment manufacturers in the city have returned to work. Although raw materials are scarce, prices have risen, and logistics and labor costs have increased, mask manufacturers in the city still insist on not raising prices in the face of the epidemic. What is the right way to use it? In the afternoon of January 24, 2020. Evergrande Group donated 200 million yuan to Wuhan New Coronary Pneumonia Prevention and Control Headquarters to cheer Wuhan and fight against the epidemic with tens of millions of Jiangcheng people, overcoming the difficulties.


This "unity of mind" requires a national awareness and unified understanding. Grass roots community workers are on duty day and night at the epidemic prevention front line, strictly supervise people returning home from Hubei and other provinces, force them to live in isolation, post warm tips in the community, etc. This requires the understanding, cooperation and support of the majority of residents, but we often encounter the problem that the residents do not understand, do not cooperate, have feelings and complaints about community workers, and then the higher level is under the supervision of the community, and also need to prepare materials and provide work certificates, It makes grass-roots community workers who have been on duty for a long time "physically and mentally exhausted". At the time of the Great Test, some Party members and cadres who have been isolated at home should have a clear understanding, take the lead and play an exemplary role, and actively cooperate with them to do a good job of isolation at home; Ordinary community residents should also "love themselves" and "love others" without visiting or gathering. They should cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control work and support the epidemic prevention and control work.


At the moment of the epidemic, our work may not be as vigorous as saving the dying and healing the wounded, nor as powerful as the "angels in white" rushing to Hubei, but we can be a "city guard" and make the city more "down-to-earth" with perseverance.

用忠诚担当书写勇毅前行的山西答卷观后感400字 篇9


Once again, we planted the seeds of responsibility and responsibility in the hearts of every Sanjin people.


Since the outbreak of COVID-19, as college counselors, we have quickly entered into a wartime state. We have the courage to take responsibility and take the initiative to actively participate in the prevention and control of COVID-19. In this battlefield without gunpowder smoke, we can't remember how many calls we made, how many video calls we made, how many pieces of information we sorted out, how many pieces of data we submitted, how many questions we answered from students... Although our eyes are dry, our fingers are numb, and even tired, we still don't hesitate, flinch, and complain; As long as we can protect the physical and mental health of students and contribute light and heat to win the war, we feel that everything is worth it. With the haze gone and the spring flowers blooming, we, together with all the sons and daughters of Shanxi, protect our homeland and become the backbone of the Republic with the responsibility and responsibility of a long doctor, submitted a simple "Shanxi Answer Sheet" to the Party and the people.

用忠诚担当书写勇毅前行的山西答卷观后感 篇10


The documentary "Writing Shanxi Answers with Loyalty and Responsibility -- Revelation of the COVID-19 Prevention and Control Campaign" shows the struggle process of the COVID-19 Provincial Party Committee, under the strong leadership of the Party, to practice loyalty with outstanding achievements, to show responsibility with selfless dedication, and to win a decisive victory in the fight against the epidemic. This reminds me of my mother who went to Wuhan in this epidemic. During her two months in Wuhan, she set an example for me. Long time work, scarred skin, let me love and admire. It also made me understand that, as a medical student, the responsibility of a party member to "save the dying and heal the wounded and serve the motherland" reminds me of the oath of "health and life" made when I entered the medical school; It made me more clear that my current goal is to improve myself and make myself useful to the country.