
时间:2022-11-17 12:49:08 | 来源:语文通



《青鸟》读后感 篇1《青鸟》读后感400字 篇2《青鸟》读后感400字 篇3《青鸟》读后感400字 篇4青鸟读后感 篇5《青鸟》读后感400字 篇6

《青鸟》读后感 篇1


Today, I got a book I've been dreaming of - Green Bird!


This book mainly talks about: Didi's family is very difficult. At Christmas, parents failed to prepare Christmas gifts for them. The two children slept in bed wisely. They dreamed of the rich family's Christmas tree and many gifts. I'm so envious! At this time, the fairy Belleluna came to their house and asked them to find a blue bird for her daughter - to cure her daughter's illness. They both agreed to the fairy's request.


The first time they went to the "hometown of memories", they saw their dead grandparents and his four brothers and sisters. They happily had a big dinner and found a blue bird to bring back. On the way, they found that the bird had turned black, not the blue bird they were looking for.


The second time they went to the Palace of Night, where all the decorations were black. In the process of searching for Qingniao, they were obstructed and threatened by cats, night ladies, ghosts and monsters, but these did not shake their determination to search for Qingniao. At last they caught many green birds. But these bluebirds died when they met the light. They set out on the journey to find blue birds.


The third time they came to the "forest", where they let many trees and cats obstruct them, but they did not give up. They had a fierce struggle with the trees. In an emergency, he was helped by light and left the forest.


After reading this part, I think that as long as I encounter difficulties in learning, I want to retreat and escape. Today, I read the book Qingniao, which made me feel that if I encounter setbacks and difficulties in life or study in the future, I should definitely overcome the difficulties and never give up or waver. I believe I will succeed.

《青鸟》读后感400字 篇2


In recent days, I have read [Belgium] Maurice Methrink's book, which is called Blue Bird. This is a masterpiece handed down from generation to generation by Methrink, the Nobel Prize winner in literature. It is regarded as the most poetic and symbolic fairy tale. The book is full of fairy tale like beautiful poetry, with high artistic charm!


The whole book mainly talks about: On a Christmas Eve, a fairy fell from the sky and asked Titier and Mitier brother and sister to help her find the blue bird that symbolizes happiness. So the two children began a magical journey. They walked through the misty forest and saw their grandparents who had passed away in the country of memory; They bravely rushed into the Night Palace and opened the doors of terror in order to find Qingniao; And in the strange future country, they had a crazy race with "Time"... In the characters in this book, I particularly like the dog Tiru, because it is brave, kind, and loyal to human beings, unlike the kitten DiGento, Mr. Sugar, Mr. Fire, Mr. Bread, Water Girl, and Miss Milk... They try to hurt the brother and sister of Titier and Mitier, delaying time, so that they won't die. Alas, what is said in the book is right. Except for the dog Tiru, other animals and still life only have human life, but no human mind and thought. They can only make troubles and talk nonsense, and never learn to cherish the good times ahead. Because Tilu is brave, Titil and Mittil will not be hurt. Because Tilu is kind and loyal to human beings, I like him.

《青鸟》读后感400字 篇3


On the eve of Christmas, a fairy came to the house of brother and sister. He asked brother and sister to look for Qingniao for her sick daughter. (The blue bird is a symbol of happiness and also a dream of many people.) And give them the hat of the soul who can see everything. Two children enter another world with all souls. They searched for blue birds in the country of remembrance (where the souls of the dead are), the palace of the night god (where death, war and disaster are managed), the happy garden (where there are all kinds of happiness), the cemetery (which looks terrible but full of spring), the future world (residents born later), and the forest. But there were no blue birds except the country of remembrance and the palace of the night god. The blue birds in the country of remembrance changed, and the blue birds outside the palace of the night god died, So I never found it. A year passed quickly. Bread, water, fire, cat, dog, sugar... said goodbye to the children in turn, and the God of Light was gone.


After returning home, the daughter of the neighbor's wife fell ill. She wanted the birds in her brother's and sister's house very much. She was reluctant to part with them before, but this time she promised. But then he found that the bird had become a bluebird! It turns out that Qingniao has been at his home all the time, and the girl in the neighborhood has recovered from her illness.


After reading this book, I understand several truths: everyone is looking for their own happiness, but happiness is not difficult to find. If we always have good intentions and selfless dedication, then happiness is around us.

《青鸟》读后感400字 篇4


Before, I always thought, what is happiness? What is happiness? He said, "Happiness is when you can play games every day." She said, "Happiness is when you can hold a bear doll every day." He said, what you have to eat every day is happiness. Everyone has his own happiness, but how can you get happiness? Today, in order to answer this question, I specially read a book called Qingniao, which said that a brother and sister came to a fairy who could reverse their fate of not eating enough and not wearing warm clothes on Christmas Eve. They helped her find the happy Qingniao fairy who symbolized happiness. In order to help them find Qingniao, they released the souls of many animals and scenery. Each animal or letter has its own characteristics, which is very interesting.


He said that happiness is what we eat every day. Everyone has his own happiness, but how can we get happiness? Today, in order to answer this question, I specially read a book called Qingniao, which said that a brother and sister came to a fairy who could reverse their fate of not eating enough and not wearing warm clothes on Christmas Eve. They helped her find the happy Qingniao fairy who symbolized happiness. In order to help them find Qingniao, they released the souls of many animals and scenery. It is very interesting that each animal or stepmother has its own characteristics.


In fact, happiness is around you.

青鸟读后感 篇5


After reading the book "Blue Bird" at one go, I found that love and happiness are all around us. As long as we pay attention to life and live hard, we can find it. The experience of the two protagonists in the book in searching for and discovering Qingniao is the process of their growth and transformation, which makes them different.


The book "Blue Birds" tells an unusual story: a brother and sister, Titier and Mitier, are entrusted by the fairy to find a blue bird representing happiness for her sick child. With the company and help of others, they found many magical places and did not find Qingniao. However, they grew up from timidity to bravery. When she got home, Titier found that her little bird had turned into a green bird. The female neighbor was the same as the fairy, and her granddaughter was seriously ill. The kind-hearted Titier gave the green bird to the neighbor's granddaughter. When the girl got well, the green bird also flew away.


In the process of searching for Qingniao, when everyone was afraid and persuaded Titier not to open the door, Titier chose to face it bravely: "He didn't pay attention to everyone's opposition, he felt that he should open the door, because Qingniao might be inside, and he didn't want to give up halfway..." What kind of strength supported him! When Titier was attacked by bulls and horses, in order to protect his sister, he did not shrink back. In the face of an enemy stronger than him, he "suddenly raised his knife to the approaching horse". Seeing that he was so brave and decisive, the horse ran away in fear. What a narrow road encounter! The brave win! The thin and weak Titier is very tall in my heart at the moment, like a giant, a brave, courageous and courageous giant! Only those who dare to overcome all difficulties and obstacles and pursue happiness bravely can finally find their own bluebird.


Everyone has his own bluebird to look for. And my bluebird?


I used to be a timid and introverted girl, but that story telling experience set me on the road to finding bluebirds. That time, with my mother's encouragement, I signed up for a story telling contest, but I regretted it after signing up. I wanted to retreat, but my mother insisted: "Try it!" I can't beat my mother, so I practice my stories at home after school every day and discuss how to imitate sounds with my mother. Gradually, I gained some confidence. On the day of the competition, I bravely stood on the stage and told my story vividly. After telling the story, I walked off the stage and my mother gave me a thumbs up. At that moment, I knew that I had been the best myself and I grew up!


The story of Qingniao will move every reader; The transformation of growth will affect every reader. May bluebirds accompany you and me, and may happiness stay in my heart forever!

《青鸟》读后感400字 篇6


During the summer vacation, I read a very beautiful book called "Green Bird". Let me introduce the story to you first: before Christmas, a fairy came to Di Di and Mi Di's house. She asked Di Di and Mi Di to find "Green Bird" for their sick daughter, and gave Di Di a hat to see things and souls. After putting on his hat, Di Di, accompanied by cats, dogs and various still life souls, entered another world and continued to search for green birds under the guidance of God of Light.


They tried hard to find the bluebird in the country of memories, the Happy Garden of the Deep Night Palace, the future world, the cemetery and the forest. After many hardships, the bluebird was still not found. Finally, bread, water, fire, cats, dogs and so on bid farewell to the children in turn, and the God of Light was gone. They had to go home. When they woke up in the morning, the little girl in the neighborhood especially wanted the bird of Di Di's family. He had been reluctant to give it to her. Today, he promised to give it to her at one fell swoop. Suddenly, the bird turned into a green bird. It turned out that the green bird had been at his home all the time, and the little girl in the neighborhood had recovered from her illness.


Through reading this book, I learned that no matter what you do, you should be strong, stick to the end, and never shrink back. I met a little difficulty before, and I will give up. From now on, I will learn to be strong, brave as the little hero in the article, and the future will be bright!