
时间:2022-11-16 12:54:17 | 来源:语文通



汉字听写大会观后感 篇1汉字听写大会观后感 篇2汉字听写大会观后感 篇3《中国汉字听写大会》观后感 篇4《中国汉字听写大会》观后感 篇5《中国汉字听写大会》观后感 篇6汉字听写大会观后感 篇7《中国汉字听写大会》观后感 篇8

汉字听写大会观后感 篇1


The CCTV Chinese Character Dictation Conference is about to be broadcast. A program focusing on "Chinese character culture" became popular overnight this summer, precisely because it touched the most sensitive nerves of Chinese people. The Chinese Character Dictation Conference is not only a Chinese character dictation, but also involves the knowledge of history, chemistry, physics, biology and other disciplines in the process of word interpretation, example sentence demonstration and expert interpretation. With the tense atmosphere of the program, I sat in front of the TV and always answered questions synchronously, not only applauding the success and erudition of the students, but also lamenting the failure of some students.


"In the computer age, I forget to pick up my pen and forget to write, and I forget to use my pen when I just hit the keyboard." This is the title of a news item. As the saying goes, words are like people. Handwritten Chinese characters directly reflect personal talent and personality, convey personal thoughts and feelings, and make people feel warm after reading. However, with the popularization of computers and network coverage, the daily pen writing has been replaced. We would pick up the pen and forget the characters. Suddenly, we found that the handwritten Chinese characters were so unattractive.


In the past, we mainly communicated by writing letters, and we also need to write often in our work; Now, we can communicate by phone, text message and online chat. We also rely on computers to work. Now we can use computers to sort out complicated documents, which greatly improves our work efficiency. As soon as the keyboard is "knocked" and the mouse is "clicked", the Chinese characters in the font will pop out, which saves both worry and effort. When we are intoxicated with science and technology, we suddenly look back and find that our writing ability is deteriorating. "Can you still write today?" This problem that was not a problem has become a problem today.


I also found that many middle school students have a bad habit of chatting, that is, they don't correct their typos


The explanation is that online chatting is about speed. If it is corrected, the response will be slow, and people will say it harshly. As a result, driven by the pursuit of efficiency, the quality of language has been ignored.


In the process of writing competition, some students still have the phenomenon of inverted strokes. For calligraphers, every stroke has its beginning and ending, both light and heavy. The stroke order is very important for the structure. Therefore, we should pay attention to the order of writing strokes when we are young.


Of course, there are many middle school students who are excellent and knowledgeable and deserve to be praised for learning together with us. To be honest, I have never heard of many words selected by the host, but they wrote them accurately. This is because they usually read many books and have a wide range of knowledge, which fully demonstrates the importance and necessity of reading. Both adults and children should read more and read good books.


The CCTV Chinese Character Dictation Conference, through the reminder of the decline of writing ability in the keyboard era, quickly aroused the national culture self inspection boom, and while enjoying the achievements of modern science and technology, did not leave behind the handwritten Chinese characters.

汉字听写大会观后感 篇2


The level of dictation is not satisfactory, but how about the level of reading? I used the Xinhua Dictionary to self test my Chinese character reading level. The result was worse, much lower than my own estimate. I opened a page of Xinhua Dictionary at random and read the first word on the page. Those who repeat are not counted as repeat, 200 times in total. As a result, only 1/4 of the words were mastered by me. The standard is to be able to read all the correct pronunciation, say all the word meanings, and match them into two words. The other 3/4 characters are either inaccurately read or have no idea of multiple pronunciations; Or the meaning of a word is unknown. I found that most of the lost words are "know", know its meaning, even usually used, but mispronounced. There are three main reasons for losing points: first, four voices are not allowed; Second, the front nasal sound is confused with the back nasal sound; Third, it is not clear whether the voice is retroflex. His strong point is that he can recognize and write traditional characters; The variant characters are also basically mastered. The reason for its strengths and weaknesses can be attributed to the fact that when I was a child, I learned traditional Chinese characters, and at that time, I did not promote Putonghua, so I did not learn Chinese Pinyin. It can be seen that the Chinese learning in childhood is related to the Chinese level of a lifetime. It's hard to change after adulthood!


In the self-test, I was also amazed by the complexity of Chinese characters. For example, there are 14 characters corresponding to the flat tone pronunciation of "YING" with one tone and many characters; There are 43 words corresponding to "YING" in all four tones! On the contrary, one word has multiple sounds, and one word "He" has six pronunciations. You can not only read all four parts of "HE" in different sentences, but also read "HU" (playing mahjong) and "HUO" (mixing flour with water to form dough). Alas! I can't really learn Chinese characters without hard work, let alone fully master Chinese through listening, reading, speaking and writing. No wonder even veteran TV hosts like Cao Kefan have to take the Xinhua Dictionary with them to check it at any time.


As for "picking up the pen and forgetting words", it is generally blamed on the current computer typing, especially the intelligent Pinyin typing. This may be the right reasoning. But I rarely forget to write. I investigate the reasons. One is that most of my compositions are practical and argumentative. The number of words used is small and the scope is narrow, so it is not easy to forget. If you write a narrative article, especially a lyric prose that describes a lot, it is likely to be "impossible to write". Second, I have a good habit of reading and turning dictionaries. Whenever you forget to write, check it. It is not easy to forget the words if you check and write too much.

汉字听写大会观后感 篇3


I had dinner the night before yesterday. It was too late to go out and play. Therefore, we amused the newly caught crickets at home and played "Forever Handsome". Suddenly, my mother rushed in and said to me and my younger brothers and sisters, "Come out, the Chinese character dictation conference has started!" After calling us to the living room, I turned on the TV that had been separated for a long time.


Then my mother brought me three pens and three pieces of paper and sent them to the three of us. She said, "The dictation meeting has started. You can also write to see how many are right!" I saw a brother appear on the TV, sitting on the desk, but heard the owner say: "Twist!" As a result, my brother soon wrote the word "wriggle" on a special tablet. Although he wrote it wrong, he taught us how to do it. Therefore, I exchanged hands with my brother and sister to compare who wrote more correctly.


The second is a little girl. When the host said the word "Gankun", my brothers and sisters and I faded. The word "Kun" is easy to write, but the word "Gan" is not easy to write, but surprisingly, this girl writes very fast!


Later, the host came to a super difficult "food transportation". Alas, this time it's up to him! I only saw the students write very fast, and I couldn't help being surprised. It can be seen that strong hands are like clouds! In this way, I only heard my brother say loudly, "Cut, it's delicious. It's too weak!" Look at me! "When we read what he wrote, we all laughed. Why? Because of my brother's nonsense, it was written as" Bathing Luck ". Ha ha, this is so interesting!


This time, I noticed some simple words, such as grenades, complaints, etc. There are more difficult words, such as iris, Hui Bangui, corduroy, etc., There are also some uncommon words, such as siphon, prominence, ditch, etc.


In this dictation, I only answered 16 correctly, my brother answered 9 correctly, and my sister answered 8 correctly. However, through this project, we not only improved our sense of Chinese characters, but also gave us a new understanding of Chinese characters. We also saw our own shortcomings - in fact, after the correct answers to these words came out, we knew some of them, but they could not be written.


In the future, I must follow each word. Writing style Read and write carefully. I can't browse some words in a paradoxical way. I believe that in the near future, I will have a deeper understanding of the text! I hope everyone can watch this program when they are free. Remember: the science and education channel will not leave at 8:00 every Friday evening!

《中国汉字听写大会》观后感 篇4


The final of CCTV's "Chinese Character Dictation Conference" aroused a warm response among the audience. At the beginning, this program was only broadcast on the science and education channel. As the audience's attention continued to rise, it was changed to a set of prime time broadcast at 8:00 p.m. on Friday, thus setting off a craze for dictating Chinese characters in the country and even among Chinese around the world.


Although the curtain of the competition has fallen, in the era of keyboard, the Chinese character complex deep in the hearts of Chinese people is awakening. The author thinks of the other side: where is the real meaning of Chinese characters? Although writing is important, the basic purpose of writing is to "write with words", to express ideas, that is, we usually talk about "writing" articles. So, from words and articles, I think about "how many articles are 'written' now".


Computer "composition" and keyboard "writing" have become a social phenomenon that can not be ignored in the information age. There is no writing without keys. More articles are "typed" rather than "written". Of course, people who are used to writing articles on computers may not agree with this statement. They think that pen and key are just different writing tools, and that replacing pen with key is a kind of progress. How can pen be used to "write" while using key is "hit"?


The author understands that the two are different. Before, I used to write with a pen. Without a pen, I just couldn't write "my own things". Now, I occasionally write with a keyboard, but what is displayed on the keyboard is not exactly the same as what flows under the pen tip: when I write with a pen, there is an invisible sutra between the pen tip and the brain, forming interaction, and even sparks and inspiration in an instant. The articles produced in this way are not rigid word combinations, It is the thought and art of flesh and blood. Of course, this is just a personal feeling.


At present, while the "handwriting behavior" is deteriorating, the "computer sickness" of articles in reality is spreading. While computers provide us with vast amounts of information and convenient methods for writing, they also have some negative effects. If some people have computer dependence, after the topic selection is determined, they will not enter the "self creation" state, but "open the computer", enter keywords, search around, and then cut and paste an article. Under such circumstances, computers often "dominate the human brain" or even "replace the human brain", making you unconsciously "transfer the right to think". Those written things, which seem to be yours, are not really yours. This may be the important reason why some people in the information age "can write a book in a few days, but often cannot write a good article". Some people have changed their writing habits as well as their thinking habits, or even eliminated the "ability of self thinking" in the evolution of keyboard and the degradation of paper and pen.


The ancient famous articles are written by hand. If "the world's articles are copied by computer", it will affect the inheritance of Chinese traditional writing culture, and we just lack sufficient awareness and vigilance. Just like some people found that they had to "raise the white flag" at the Chinese character dictation scene, if CCTV held a "Chinese Writing Competition", how many people could "write" good articles on the spot?

《中国汉字听写大会》观后感 篇5

记得是在1996 年,一位研究生对我讲,求职应聘最看重的三种能力是:英语、计算机、开车。他说,不掌握英语就相当于不会说话,不掌握计算机文字处理技术相当于不会写字,不会开车相当于不会走路。当时感觉这种认识比较超前。现在想想,这三条标准中的第二条有待商榷。

I remember that in 1996, a graduate student told me that the three most important abilities for job application are English, computer and driving. He said that not mastering English is equivalent to not speaking, not mastering computer word processing technology is equivalent to not writing, and not driving is equivalent to not walking. At that time, I felt that this kind of understanding was relatively advanced. Now think about it, the second of the three standards needs to be discussed.


During this period of time, every Sunday, I sat in front of the TV and watched the "Chinese Character Dictation Conference", which was very rewarding. Therefore, I had a new understanding of the saying that "not mastering computer word processing is equivalent to not being able to write".

听写大会中主持人念的那些词汇,大约有20% 我不能正确书写。具体可以分为三种情况:

About 20% of the words read by the host in the dictation meeting can't be written correctly. It can be divided into three situations:


The first is correct understanding, correct reading and incorrect writing; For example: covet, pixiu, treacherous and charming.


The second is correct understanding, incorrect reading and writing; For example, Jifen, Jithief, Mixie, Weng Tonghe.


The third kind: understanding, reading and writing are not correct (that is, do not know); For example, Luoluo Daduan, Kaiche, Feast, swine Shoudou Wine.

我大约是从1995 年开始使用计算机,到现在已经有二十年了。自我感觉用计算机进行文字处理还算比较熟练。但是在收看听写大会的过程中却发现,自己并不是真的会写字,起码不会写所有的汉字。看起来,“不掌握计算机文字处理技术相当于不会写字”的说法有失片面。这是因为,掌握了计算机文字处理技术并不必然相当于会写字。

It has been twenty years since I started using computers in 1995. I feel that I am quite skilled in word processing with computers. But in the process of watching the dictation conference, I found that I didn't really know how to write, at least not all Chinese characters. It seems that the statement that "not mastering computer word processing technology is equivalent to not being able to write" is one-sided. This is because mastering computer word processing technology is not necessarily equivalent to being able to write.


Over the past few years, in the papers I have read and reviewed, there have been more and more typos and mistakes. In my opinion, there are two reasons for this: one is that the author is careless, the other is that the author cannot use Chinese characters correctly. In this environment, the holding of the Chinese character dictation conference is particularly meaningful. Because this program can promote and help the audience to understand and write Chinese characters, and can promote the inheritance and development of Chinese character culture.


The third chapter of reflections on the Chinese Character Dictation Conference:


In the past six months, I have seen the Conference on Dictation of Chinese Characters and the Conference on Chinese Idioms, which shocked me very much. I admire that these teenagers of our age write so many words that I have never seen before.


Nowadays, the society is in the age of network, and few people pay attention to these Chinese classical literature that have been handed down for a long time. No one has the good habit of paying attention everywhere. Even adults are helpless when facing these characters.


And every time I read some extracurricular books, I always encounter some words that I don't know. Maybe some people will look up the dictionary and try to understand it. Maybe some people will be as dismissive of these words as I am. Not knowing a few words will not affect the main content of the article. Anyway, the main understanding is OK. Looking up the dictionary not only wastes my reading time, but also is very troublesome. Although we all know that this kind of thinking is wrong, my laziness will always defeat my reason.


Many celebrities at all times and in all countries have accumulated good habits to succeed. For example, Li Shizhen, who travels all over the world every day to collect medical knowledge, records it in his own book Compendium of Materia Medica. It is precisely because of his accumulation that he has been recorded in the annals of Chinese history and lives forever in the hearts of modern people.


Celebrities also need to be accumulated, let alone our pupils. We should not be lazy any more. We should be good at accumulation. If we accumulate more, we will naturally be able to do everything with ease. The champion of the Chinese Character Dictation Conference must have accumulated the most knowledge in ordinary times. Some people find objective reasons for losing. In fact, it's all the fault of accumulation.

《中国汉字听写大会》观后感 篇6


Because I am engaged in calligraphy research, I am very interested in the CCTV Chinese Character Dictation Conference.


The current era is the network era. Informatization has brought us great convenience. People use it to surf the Internet, send microblogs, send WeChat, and so on. For a long time, we rely too much on the keyboard, which leads to forgetting words. This is not sensational! I remember when I was in primary school, the teacher taught us to learn Chinese characters one stroke at a time, and later learned to look up dictionaries. Our classmates often got a good score of "Little Red Flower+5" in their exercise books. When we saw this score, we were all happy. Later, when we assigned compositions, we seldom looked up dictionaries, because all the Chinese characters we had learned were in our "word bank".


The most important carrier of Chinese traditional culture, Chinese characters, has been handed down for thousands of years. Chinese characters have complete forms, sounds and meanings, and their amount of information far exceeds that of alphabetic characters. Chinese characters have a neat, flexible and beautiful structure, and are abstract pictures. We began to accept the influence of traditional culture when we were young.


When my son was in the first grade of primary school, he didn't know how to use a computer at that time. When we checked his Chinese homework every day, the homework book was always clean and the handwriting was neat. But after learning how to use computers, he became infatuated with the Internet, and the writing of Chinese characters became worse and worse. By the third grade, the handwriting was almost messy. As a parent, he tried all kinds of ways, but it was useless. Look at the current college and middle school students, the writing ability is generally poor: scrawl, sentence impassability, and many typos. Sometimes it's ironic to see college students' beautifully bound graduation theses.


The Chinese character dictation conference held by CCTV made a good start, which made us realize that the crisis of Chinese character writing has developed to a very serious level, and it is urgent to change this situation. The education department and all kinds of schools, such as primary schools, middle schools and universities (science and engineering, liberal arts, art, etc.) must formulate corresponding systems and measures to improve the writing ability of Chinese characters according to their respective cultural characteristics, because Chinese characters are the carrier of culture and the basis for the transmission of science and art. It is extremely wrong to attribute the writing of Chinese characters to the task of calligraphers. The writing of Chinese characters is the task and responsibility of the whole people. Everyone must take action to transform the Chinese characters inherited from our ancestors from the most "familiar strangers" to the most "close friends". Guan Wenwen, the director of the program, said when he stressed that the high difficulty of the topic was due to the cultural needs of the program: "We do not want to make a program that appeals to people to re attach importance to the writing of Chinese characters, but we hope to arouse the connection between modern people and Chinese characters." In today's era of rapid development of information technology and science and technology, Chinese characters need us to safeguard her dignity more sincerely.


The promotion of Chinese character writing is an extremely significant project. As calligraphy educators, we have an unshirkable responsibility

汉字听写大会观后感 篇7


As early as in the summer vacation, the school sent a text message to let us watch the National Chinese Character Dictation Conference at 8 o'clock every Thursday evening.


At first, I was reluctant. After all, it's still summer vacation. Isn't it a waste of time to see a group of people writing? The first time I went to see it, I didn't care much, so I didn't bring a pen and paper.


I lay on the sofa and watched TV. I felt very funny about their dictation content. Although they were only in the second day of the junior high, they were also trained by turning the dictionary every day. Is that the level? Very simple words go on. The more I saw it, the less interested I was. It was only when the last person with the nickname of "Master" came onto the stage that I was really shocked.


Generally speaking, I have heard a little about the basic words, and it is normal to be unable to write, but the title of the "master" stunned me. The examiner reported the word "Luoluodayuan". I couldn't help laughing when I heard it. I thought to myself: "Luoluodayuan" seems to be reported. Isn't there a word that is "generous"? It should be about the same. How could such a simple word appear!


The "master" smiled and looked confident. Then he took up his pen and wrote down the "big end" on the electronic board. I sneered at him. How could he write "big end" or "master"? After he submitted, all the judges turned on the red light to indicate approval. I was shocked and could not help wondering: Are they wrong, and the "big end of meat and meat" is also right? Can't "meat" have more tones? To satisfy my curiosity, I ran upstairs, turned on the computer and searched for the word "C", but there was only one sound; I remembered that what the examiner reported was "the great end", so I typed those words with the input method.


After that, I was more confused. Isn't it the same word? I carefully observed the two words, and finally found that the words below the two words were different, which made me suddenly enlightened. To be honest, it's the first time for me to see such words.


I ran downstairs and continued to look. The next topic surprised me. I didn't know anything about it since then. The words like "kick" and "old age" were written by them, which were never seen before. I was so impressed that I really looked at them, frowned and moved my fingers, trying to remember those words.


With this experience, I will go to watch this competition almost every week, and I will gain a lot of experience each time. It makes me understand that my knowledge is only a drop in the bucket, and I have no power to parry them.


"The gentleman said," You can't learn without learning. "Yes, there is no end to learning, and knowledge can never be learned!

《中国汉字听写大会》观后感 篇8


Recently, a program called "Chinese Character Dictation Conference" has attracted a lot of attention. According to CCTV statistics, the audience rating of the same period after the broadcast of "Chinese Character Dictation Conference" soared four times, microblog topics topped the hot list, with more than 180000 clicks and 420000 Baidu searches.


Nowadays, with the development of science and technology, people can choose to watch all kinds of movies and TV programs through various ways. Most of the people who choose to watch TV in their leisure time choose such talent shows as "The Good Voice", "Fast Boy" and "Fast Girl", or TV dramas with different quality. A program with the theme of cold Chinese character dictation soon became the focus of public attention, which is unprecedented in China. Of course, Henan TV Station has launched the Chinese Character Hero in a similar form before, but due to the difficulty and promotion, the light of this program is weak.


It has been suggested to turn Chinese characters into the fourth great invention of China, because Chinese characters, as the most precious cultural heritage of the People's Republic of China, have been used by Chinese people since the day of their invention until now. They are the main characters that have been used for the longest time in the world. The widespread promotion of computers and smart phones has made more and more people get used to typing with keyboards, thus neglecting the ability and importance of handwritten Chinese characters. More and more people have "forgotten words". Toad, the animal name that almost no one mispronounces, who would have thought that only 30% of adults wrote correctly at the dictation meeting.


Like "going our separate ways", "evil spirits", "evil intentions", "mallets" and so on, many words that sound familiar and difficult to write have become the test questions of the Chinese character dictation conference. After watching the Chinese character dictation contest, many adults lament that they are not as good as a middle school student. Although the keyboard is convenient, as the keyboard sounds more and more, we become less and less familiar with the wonderful Chinese characters.


I think the Conference on Dictation of Chinese Characters not only gives people a test of their own language level, but also reminds people to pay attention to the education of their mother tongue. A few weeks ago, I heard from my parents that the famous experimental high school in Henan Province did not enroll students in the Chinese test. As one of the best teachers and teaching conditions in Henan Province, the high school did not pay attention to students' Chinese learning. It was really speechless to judge students' learning quality on science and English.


As a large country with a history of five thousand years, it is far more important for people to learn their mother tongue well than to know how to solve word problems and memorize thousands of English words. (It does not mean that we and teachers do not learn mathematics and English.) To learn a foreign language, we must first learn our mother tongue well, practice math problems must also have some Chinese skills, read well, and understand the problem is the first step. It is never too old to learn Chinese. Chinese is a process of continuous accumulation. It is impossible to understand the charm of Chinese characters only by rote.


The Chinese teacher said that the destruction of a country must first destroy its civilization, and the prosperity of a country must first develop its traditional culture.


Pick up more pens to practice and understand the charm of square characters, and read more paper books to feel the fragrance of ink. Today's plan is for our future generations to continue to carry forward the Chinese culture.