
时间:2022-11-16 12:54:16 | 来源:语文通



重阳节日记 篇1重阳节日记 篇2重阳节日记 篇3重阳节日记 篇4重阳节日记 篇5

重阳节日记 篇1


Today, after school, we went to Grandma's for dinner. After dinner, Grandma asked us to go to the theatre. We went to the theatre where there were a lot of people. I saw many children buying snacks, and I saw some children playing with firecrackers. I also wanted to play. I asked Dad to buy firecrackers, but Dad only bought six for me and my brother, saying, "It's dangerous to play with this."


We had a good time. Finally, we went home together.

重阳节日记 篇2


The Double Ninth Festival is also called the Climbing Festival, the Old Man's Day. On this day, people will go up high and look into the distance. As the poem says, "I miss my relatives every festival." How did the Double Ninth Festival come about?


It turns out that in ancient China, nine is called "Yang number". On the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, two and nine are alike, both of them are Yang numbers, so they are called "Chongyang".

重阳节日记 篇3


Today is the Double Ninth Festival in early September, the first activity of our press corps.


Our activity place is Songtao Sanatorium. As soon as we got near the gate, we saw many old people. After a while, the uncle who led the team divided us into five groups. Our group went to an old woman's house. Some of us made quilts and some of us talked with her. She was very happy!


We went to another room. There is a group waiting for us. Our two groups cleaned up together and folded clothes and scarves for the old granny.


At last, we sang some songs to all the grannies and grandfathers, and they were very happy! This is really a meaningful Double Ninth Festival!

重阳节日记 篇4


I have climbed countless times with my family since I was young, but every time I climbed the mountain, my grandparents carried me on their backs. Now grandma and grandpa are no longer able to carry me up the mountain. Mom and Dad have wrinkles on their forehead. My growth is the result of their efforts. Growing up in the atmosphere of love, I am so happy. Growth is a process. I hope my growth is like climbing a mountain. Sometimes I can stop, accompany my family to have a rest, enjoy the endless roadside scenery, pick flowers to decorate their faces and dreams

重阳节日记 篇5


My mother told me that today is the ninth day of September, which is the Double Ninth Festival of our country and also the Old Man's Day. On this day, we should respect, love, respect and help the elderly, and help grandparents do things.


I want to play a piece of music "Snow Sweeping" for Grandma, which she likes to listen to. This is the zither music I am practicing recently. Grandma said she likes listening to it best. Grandma has brought me to the present since she was a child, and she has paid much for me. I love to eat the food cooked by Grandma, and I love to listen to Grandma's stories about her childhood. When we are with Grandma, we always have endless words. Of course, she is the warmest and safest haven for me when I make my parents angry. I take care of my food, clothing, housing and transportation in ordinary days, which can be described as meticulous. Today, I do my best to congratulate my dear grandma, wish her happiness and health, and I will be filial to her when I grow up.