
时间:2022-11-16 12:54:16 | 来源:语文通



清明节日记 篇1清明节日记 篇2清明日记700字作文大全 篇3二年级清明节日记 篇4

清明节日记 篇1


In this beautiful spring day, we ushered in the Tomb Sweeping Day, which is a traditional festival in China. Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty in China, wrote a poem entitled "Qingming Festival": during the Qingming Festival, it rained in succession, and passers-by wanted to die. Excuse me, where is the tavern? The shepherd boy points to the Apricot Blossom Village.


Early in the morning of the Tomb Sweeping Day, it began to drizzle. Many relatives and I went to a small mountain village in Huadu to pay homage to our ancestors with incense candles, roast pigs, fruits, tea, cakes and wine.


When we got to the cemetery, we began to clean up the weeds on and around the cemetery. After cleaning up, place the roast pigs, fruits, tea, wine and cakes in front of the cemetery, and then light incense candles, clothes and pants made of paper, and paper money to pray for our ancestors to bless our health, peace and happiness! Finally, we set off firecrackers.


Before going down the mountain, I specially reminded Uncle to put out the fire to prevent mountain fire.


Qingming Festival let us remember our ancestors and learn to be grateful!

清明节日记 篇2


It is said that during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Li Ji, the concubine of Duke Xian of Jin, set up a poisonous plan to kill Prince Shen Sheng in order to let her son Xi Qi succeed to the throne. Shen Sheng was forced to commit suicide. Chong Er, Shen Sheng's younger brother, fled from exile to avoid disaster. During the period of exile, most of the officials who ran away with him went out of their way one by one. Only a few loyal people were left to follow him. One of them is called Jie Zitui. Once Chong'er fainted from hunger. In order to save Chong'er, Jie Zitui cut a piece of meat from his leg and roasted it with fire. Nineteen years later, Chonger returned to China and became a monarch, Duke Wen of Jin, one of the five famous hegemons in the Spring and Autumn Period.

清明日记700字作文大全 篇3


"During the Tomb Sweeping Day, there was a lot of rain, and people on the road wanted to die. Excuse me, where is the restaurant? The shepherd boy pointed at the Apricot Blossom Village." It was also Tomb Sweeping Day. Looking at the grave of my great grandfather, I couldn't help thinking of the scene of laughing with him when he was alive.


At that time, I was still in kindergarten, very young, but my great grandfather was very old at that time. He was sitting in a wheelchair, his legs covered with a thin blanket, and his hair and beard were also white. That's why I often called my great grandfather "great grandfather with white beard". He saw that his descendants were happy together, and his face was filled with a happy smile. In the feudal era where Grandfather used to live, he always preferred sons over daughters. Our men were naturally favored, but I don't know why. Maybe because I was a great granddaughter at that time, Grandfather was very used to me at ordinary times, and even loved me more than many of his great grandsons. Loving me is like the so-called "holding it in your mouth is afraid of melting, holding it in your hand is afraid of falling". Every weekend, my grandmother and I would take a bus from the city to the town to see my grandfather. When I get home, I always let my great grandfather sit in a wheelchair. I pushed the wheelchair to accompany him to walk on the path by the river. At that time, my great grandfather was like an innocent child, grinning and laughing with me.


I still remember that I often played riddles with him at that time, but as the saying goes, "Jiang is still old and hot", I was always defeated by my great grandfather. Grandfather was very excited and said the riddle, while I was young at that time, frowning and racking my brains to find the answer. I only won twice in so many riddle games. I was very happy that time. Grandfather felt happy when he saw me so happy. He looked at me with a spoiled face and told me to keep up the good work. But usually when I answer wrong, I always blush and look at Grandfather very embarrassed. He encourages me to say, "Han Han, it doesn't matter. Let's not be discouraged. Practice makes perfect. Slowly you will master the skill of guessing riddles."


Time flies. In a twinkling of an eye, my great grandfather died when he was 99 years old. My impression of his appearance became more and more vague. At last, there was only the outline of a weather beaten face in my mind, but there was no ambiguity. It was my love for my great grandfather and his love for me.


Grandfather, the great granddaughter you have been worried about all your life has grown up and is also a pure and bright girl. Grandfather, how are you living in another wonderful country?

二年级清明节日记 篇4


Qingming Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. It is a festival to pay tribute to our ancestors and remember our ancestors. It is also a festival for hiking, outing and getting close to nature.


One day of the Tomb Sweeping Day, the weather was sunny and the spring was bright. My mother took my sister and me to the outside for an outing. It was white, as white as snow. It is everywhere. The more I look at it, the more I want to know what kind of flower it is? Mother said: "This is the elm leaf plum." I asked again: "Is this white and pink plum also?" Mother said: "Yes, the elm leaf plum has red, white and pink."


I carefully walked into the flowers to see this one is very beautiful, and that one is also very beautiful. If I look at this piece of plum blossom as a living painting, the artist's ability is really great.


We played for a long time again, and finally went home reluctantly.