
时间:2022-11-15 12:54:38 | 来源:语文通



找春天日记 篇1找春天日记 篇2找春天的日记 篇3找春天日记 篇4找春天的日记 篇5找春天日记 篇6找春天日记 篇7找春天日记 篇8

找春天日记 篇1


Spring has come, adding a new life to our world.


Spring girl came to us with the change of climate. I remember when spring came, small flowers, grass and trees were sleeping. The tree was bare, like an old man with some hair. The flowers and grass are still sleeping in the field. I don't know when they will wake up.

一眨眼过了不知多少月,大树发出点点嫩芽,像极了一个顽皮可爱的'小孩子。小草刚刚探出了头,可能是要看一看,是否已经来到春天。小花也开了一点点,刚长出一点小芽,可能是很害羞,害 怕被别人笑话。

After a blink of an eye, many months later, the big tree sent out little shoots, like a naughty and lovely 'child. The grass has just poked its head out. It may be to see if spring has come. The little flower also opened a little bit, just grew a little bud, maybe very shy, afraid of being laughed at by others.


A few months later, the tree grew green leaves and became a tall and strong adult. The grass grows green and dense. Small flowers bloom one after another, like a beautiful girl, fragrant and colorful.


There are many flowers in spring, such as winter jasmine, azalea, peony


Spring is so beautiful! What a vigorous season!

找春天日记 篇2


Spring girl came quietly with light steps. She saw off the cold spring and ushered in the sunny spring. This day, my parents and I are going to look for spring. Where is spring? I'm looking and looking. Spring is in the fields. Look, the farmer uncle is sowing crops diligently. The seed opens its mouth and tastes the sweetness of the milk. Many small animals are playing and laughing in the mountains and forests, and from time to time there are pleasant sounds of birds. Swallow, the messenger of spring, hovered on the roof and kept shouting as if saying, "Spring is coming! Spring is coming!"


Where is spring? I look and look. Spring is in the park. The flowers, plants and trees are full of vitality and verdant. The people coming and going are bathed in the warm sunshine. The young trees have grown green leaves, which are happily swaying in the spring breeze. The green grass on the grassland is bent with laughter with the spring breeze.


Where is spring? I'm looking and looking. Spring is on campus. The old leaves of the loquat tree at the school gate are almost gone, and only a few are still struggling to agree to fall. The students have already changed into short shirts, chasing and laughing heartily in the campus


Spring rain is indispensable in spring. It sprinkles on the peach tree, and the peach blossom turns red. It fell in the rape field, and the rape flowers turned yellow. It drenched the willow trees, and the willow branches became green. Ah! I found spring! It has always been around us. I love this vibrant spring!

找春天的日记 篇3


I find spring in the river. When the colorful spring comes, the frozen river begins to thaw under the gentle spring wind, and the ice layer gradually melts. Several ducklings have already jumped into the water. Look, they are swimming here, and in a blink of an eye, they are out of the water somewhere else, as if they were swimming in a competition! The water waves that the ducklings threw up are like the notes in the song of the river, which are really "three or two peach blossoms outside the bamboo, and the prophecy of ducks warming the spring river."


Suddenly, a beautiful butterfly flew to me. It was like an elf beside Spring Girl, gathering honey from the flowers in full bloom. All the colorful flowers around me rushed to say, "Come here, come here." Suddenly, I woke up: all kinds of flowers, green grass, pink peach flowers, green willows, make the earth greener, green and vibrant, green and bright. Isn't this just the scene of spring? Ah! I found spring, which is everywhere.

找春天日记 篇4


Spring is coming! Spring is coming!


We children, taking off their cotton padded jackets, rushed out of the house and ran to the wild to look for spring.


Spring is like a shy girl, hiding. Let's look carefully.


The grass sticks out from the ground. Is that spring hair?


The early wild flowers are one or two. Is that the flower coat of spring?


Willow trees are spitting out tender buds. Is that the note of spring?


The swallow also flew back from the south. Our children were rowing in the thawing river.


Spring is beautiful, we love spring!

找春天的日记 篇5


This noon, I went to Phoenix Mountain with my father and Huang Chenxing to look for spring. We got out of the car at the Phoenix Villa, and walked at a light pace to find and search on the tree lined path. The grass stuck out from the ground, and the wild flowers were in full bloom in the dense grass. Suddenly, I found the Jasminum nudiflorum, and butterflies and bees came to me with the Jasminum nudiflorum tricks. They were dancing on the petals. At this time, I was very happy. I think I finally found a part of spring. The spring rain just came in the morning. It was thin and soft, like the thread spun by a girl. The spring rain itself was colorless. I think: spring rain can bring colorful spring. When the spring rain falls on the grass, it becomes green; Spring rain sprinkles on peach blossoms, and spring turns red; Spring rain drops on the winter jasmine, and spring turns golden.


The plan of the year is spring. A few buds and flowers show us the hope of spring.

找春天日记 篇6


The cold winter slipped away quietly, and Spring Girl came quietly. The children take off their thick cotton padded jackets, and can enjoy themselves in the beautiful nature.

大地绿了,花儿穿上美丽鲜艳的衣裳,喷着馥郁的清香,使她们个个争妍斗艳。路边的小草偷偷地从泥土里钻出来,好奇的打量着这个世界。笋芽探出尖尖的脑袋,偷偷的寻找着自己的伙伴。麦苗也使 劲伸了伸懒腰,准备努力长高。

The earth is green, and the flowers wear beautiful and bright clothes and spray the fragrance, making them all compete for beauty. The grass on the roadside crept out of the soil and looked at the world curiously. Shoot buds stick out their sharp heads and secretly look for their partners. The wheat seedling stretched hard, ready to grow.

春姑娘来到小河边,河里的冰化了,河水哗啦哗啦的向前奔去。一群鸭子在小河里拍打着浪花,时而追逐嬉戏,时而张开翅膀浮上水面飞跑。为了表达心中的快乐,小鸭子还不时的放开喉咙大喊几声! 河边的柳树醒了,柔轻轻的枝条随着微风轻轻摆动,好像在向春姑娘招手。

Spring girl came to the river. The ice in the river melted and the river ran forward in a clatter. A group of ducks are splashing the waves in the river, sometimes chasing and playing, sometimes spreading their wings to surface and flying. In order to express the happiness in his heart, the duckling also opens his throat and yells from time to time! The willow by the river woke up, and its soft branches swayed gently with the breeze, as if waving to Spring Girl.


Spring girl came to the orchard, where flowers are in full bloom and green, peach blossoms have pink smiling faces, plum blossoms are dressed in snow-white clothes, and hard-working bees are dancing with spring melody.


The air in spring is so fresh, the sky is so charming, the sun is so bright, so brilliant, a beautiful spring.

找春天日记 篇7

3月10日 星期五 晴

Friday, March 10th Sunny


On Sunday, I go to the park to find spring. Where is spring? I searched and searched


In spring, new buds sprouted on the grass and the withered and yellow grass.


In spring, on the small flowers that died last year, green leaves grew again, which set off buds and colorful flowers.


In spring, on the willow branches of the willow trees, the bare willow branches grow tender green buds.


Where is spring still? oh Spring is on us. The children take off their thick cotton padded clothes and play happily in the park. Look, some of them are skating, some are skating, some are flying kites, and some are playing with fitness equipment.


Where is spring? oh Spring is around us.

找春天日记 篇8


I like cold winter, fruitful autumn and hot summer. But what I like most is the spring when flowers bloom.


Where is spring? Spring is in the green grass. The grass seeds in Mother Earth's arms sprouted, green and tender.


Where is spring? Spring is in the children's eyes. The green grass, the green willow buds and the spring garden are full of vitality everywhere.


Where is spring? Spring is in the garden full of spring. Jasminum nudiflorum was the first to report. She was wearing golden clothes and green silk stockings.


Where is spring? Spring is in the green mountains. Green grass, green bushes, green rivers... Everywhere is a green scene.


Spring is everywhere, as long as you have an eye for observation and discovery. You will find more beauty in spring.