
时间:2022-11-15 12:54:38 | 来源:语文通



尊师重教的演讲稿 篇1尊师重教演讲稿 篇2尊师重教演讲稿 篇3尊师重教的演讲稿 篇4

尊师重教的演讲稿 篇1


Dear leaders and teachers


Good afternoon, everyone. I am arranged by the school leaders to make a speech here to talk about my understanding and express my position.


The topic of my speech today is: There is a phenomenon of respecting teachers and valuing education.


Today's topic originates from a report I saw the other day. The title of this report is "There is a specialty called college students". 50 people were admitted to Tsinghua Peking University! This is the "myth" created by two middle schools in this year's college entrance examination in Shangdundu Town, a remote town in Linchuan, Jiangxi Province. One town accounts for one third of the total number of people admitted to Tsinghua University in Jiangxi Province! Among them, the number of students from one school of Linchuan No. 1 Middle School reached 38, and the number of students from Linchuan No. 2 Middle School who went to Tsinghua University reached 12. What is the secret of the "hometown of talents" where Wang Anshi and Tang Xianzu were born?


Recently, the reporter went deep into Shangdundu Town to unveil its mystery——


Miracles do not happen for no reason. It is the ordinary people who create miracles. Rao Xiangming, the principal of Linchuan No. 1 Middle School, awarded the teachers the greatest contribution to the school's success. Linchuan No. 1 Middle School is very ordinary. The school buildings built in the 1970s and 1980s are very simple. Many visiting and investigation teams from inside and outside the province are surprised. Is it such a dilapidated campus that has created so many talents in famous schools?


More than 40 teachers crowded in a classroom. The office desk was the old desks left by students. There was only one board and one partition. The desk was somewhat pitted, but the materials on it were piled up as high as a hill. At a glance, the teacher completely drowned in it. There is no computer, but the school requires multimedia classes, so if you want to prepare for lessons, you have to go to the computer room; There is even less air conditioning. There are few external air conditioners in the whole Linchuan No. 1 Middle School. More than 40 people and more than 40 "hills" in hot weather make it a sauna.


However, even in such a working environment, teachers' enthusiasm for education cannot be stopped - Wu Zemin, a national outstanding teacher, suffers from severe gastric ulcer and often takes painkillers before going to the podium. Luo Xiqi, the vice principal of the school, appeared in the classroom on crutches before his foot wound healed. Fan Ailin, a student admitted to Peking University this year, always remembers this scene: "I will never forget this dedication in my life..."


Liu Qinfu, a resident of Shangdundu Town, immediately exclaimed, "Our teacher is the best and most responsible!" This is almost the image of teachers in the eyes of all local people.


"All people advocate education and respect teachers. Therefore, people who become teachers here have a sense of honor." Gu Shenghe, secretary of the Party Committee of Fuzhou Education Bureau, gave an example. If local people had disputes, they would ask teachers to come out to judge them at the first time. Because, in the eyes of the local people, the teacher is the leader! They are the ones who give their thumbs up!


The reporter found in Shangdundu Town that there was no star hotel here. The tricycle driver on the street said proudly to the reporter, "Our specialty here is college students.".


There are also "college students' homes" like Wu Jinxing, a farmer in Hedong Township, Linchuan District, where six sons and five students are admitted to universities,


One was admitted to technical secondary school. There is even a saying of "college student village". In Zhujia Village, Luozhen Township, Linchuan District, there are 240 people in the village, and 40 college students have been admitted.


In the local area, everyone said that the myth of Linchuan's college entrance examination was actually the product of the spirit of "four hardships". As the "essence" of Linchuan education, students study hard, teachers teach hard, parents educate hard, and leaders pay close attention to it. It is regarded as a treasure by the local people and passed on from generation to generation.


Bringing our thoughts back to today's lively meeting place from a remote town in Jiangxi, I understand why teachers can be respected; I understand how teachers can be respected; I also know that ordinary people are miracle creators


In the school work plan for the new semester, the principal proposed that "we should seek quality from management, benefit from management, and survive and develop with quality". In particular, we put forward ardent expectations for the new junior third grade, asking us to find the right position, shorten the gap and catch up. This is not only a pressure, but also a motivation for all teachers and students in Grade Three. I am a Party member teacher, and I have the responsibility and obligation to contribute everything to the revitalization and development of the school. I also promise the leaders and teachers here that I will do my best to make persistent efforts in the future work and strive to live up to the expectations of leaders at all levels.


The future is bright and the road tortuous. Although there are many difficulties and challenges in front of us, and there will be obstacles and difficulties in our way forward, we are confident, determined, and able to achieve our goal - to jointly create a new prosperity for Pengcheng Middle School!


Finally, I wish all leaders and teachers good health, happy family and good luck! thank you.

尊师重教演讲稿 篇2


Dear teachers and students


Good afternoon, everyone!


I'm Zhao Shuqiang from Class 7 and Class 9. The topic of my speech today is respecting teachers and valuing education.


It is the boat that follows the wind, and the eagle that fights with the wind and rain. The reason why a ship does not hesitate to choose the wind direction is that a sail is erected at a dangerous time. Only when the ship and the sail work together can they withstand the sea waves. The reason why the eagle flies to the high and sad sky without fear of difficulties and dangers is that it has the power to push it to fly in the time of loss. The reason why people are not afraid of difficulties and risks and take the rough and thorny road to learn is because of the guidance of teachers. She is like a lighthouse in the dark, illuminating our hearts. Just as ships love sails, we also love our teachers.


We love our teachers. First of all, we like every lesson of our teacher. In the classroom, we will not act rashly or deliberately disturb the classroom, because we cherish the wonderful moments of each class, and every word the teacher said in the classroom is an inexhaustible treasure.


If the teacher and the class disagree, the students in our class will always raise their hands boldly. After obtaining the teacher's consent, they will always discuss with the teacher on the premise of respecting the teacher and put forward their ideas to the teacher in an orderly manner. We will regard our teachers as our friends.


Whether in class or after class, we always cordially greet teachers. Greeting teachers has become an indispensable part of every student's life in our class. Respect for teachers goes beyond that. Of course, teachers do more than we do. No matter how hard and tired they are, they always attach importance to each lesson to ensure that every student can gain in each lesson. Every student in our class has a correct learning attitude and a clear learning purpose, which is the result of active cooperation between students and teachers.


There will always be one or two profound questions in the class, which will make some students ponder over but fail to understand. At this time, students who are flexible in thinking will spare no effort in time and labor achievements, actively help students who cannot, patiently and carefully explain, until students can not understand all the problems thoroughly, which shows how deep the friendship between students is! The students in our class never fight. Even after the head teacher said he couldn't speak, the phenomenon of joking was completely eliminated. I want to believe that our increasingly mature stratum will become stronger and stronger.


The most important thing is that our class has students with different characteristics who share the same goal, try their best to give play to their advantages and make contributions to the collective. Let our unbreakable class fail, surpass it, and make it stronger!


Unity, cooperation, mutual assistance and respect for teachers are accompanied by the rhythm of our life and never stop. I believe that we will be recognized by every teacher. Our actions have proved that our shortcomings today will certainly become the unique advantages of tomorrow! Growing up in the sun and learning in happiness is the future that everyone of us yearns for. Teachers love students and students respect teachers, which is the highlight of our class. Let's join hands to create a spirit of respecting teachers and valuing education, and witness ourselves with actions. Today I am proud of my letter, and tomorrow I will be proud of my letter. This is our excellent Class 79.

尊师重教演讲稿 篇3


Good morning, dear teachers and students:


The topic of my speech this day is: respecting teachers and valuing education


You may have seen such a scene in class: a classmate was sleeping on the table, and the teacher went to wake him up. He was very unhappy. When the teacher criticized him, he abused the teacher with foul language. What do you think of the performance of this classmate? Mr. Xu Teli is the teacher of ---. He has become a teacher, but he does not forget his teacher's kindness. On his 60th birthday, Mr. Xu Teli wrote a letter to Mr. Xu Teli, saying that you were my husband 20 years ago. You are still my husband now, and you will certainly be my husband in the future. Students, even great people respect their teachers so much. Do we have any reason not to respect our teachers?


Please recall carefully: Who patiently tutored and explained to us when we encountered difficulties in our studies; Who patiently educates and guides us when conflicts occur with our classmates? Confused and confused, who helps us guide us? It's a teacher. Everyone has his own career and unique life path. Some people quietly realize the value of life in the ordinary; Some people have made great achievements. However, when we look back on the road of life and pursue the source of our career development, many people will think of one person, our teacher.


A teacher with a sense of responsibility will never allow his students to make mistakes again and again, or be indifferent to seeing their students step by step into the abyss. However, some of our students' attitudes towards teachers are incomprehensible: for example, some students have no respect for teachers' labor when they are dealing with teachers' education. What's more, they say rude things to teachers and don't respect their personality. I wonder if these students have ever thought that your action is hurting the heart of a teacher who cares about you and loves you?


Boys and girls, maybe you can't get good grades even though you have worked hard. You can't master a formula or a theorem well, but we can't use this as an excuse to abandon ourselves, deliberately violate discipline, and be an uncultured person with foul language. The barbaric era has passed away from us. Politeness has become the mainstream of society. Let's be a modern polite person, and establish modern civic awareness of equality, respect, tolerance, etc. in our hearts. We should start from respecting teachers, respecting teachers' work, and earnestly learning every lesson.


Students, the teacher's kindness is unforgettable and unforgettable. Let's work hard to study, repay our teachers with our achievements, and let's dedicate our performance to teachers. My speech is over, thank you!

尊师重教的演讲稿 篇4


Dear teachers and lovely students


Good morning!


Today, the theme of my speech under the national flag is: "Remember the kindness of teachers, respect teachers and value education".


September, is it autumn? When the cool wind blows away the heat, farmers usually like to praise her with the golden season and harvest autumn, and they will experience this season with gratitude.


I think September is a season of education.


Because September is undoubtedly a fruitful time for educators: every September is the beginning of the new school year, and the campus is always filled with the air of joy - only when a group of students are sent to colleges and universities, a group of new students with dreams are welcomed;


September is not only a season of harvest for students - a period of achievement, but also a season of gratitude - without the cultivation of teachers.


There is also a festival for teachers in September. On Teacher's Day every year, when teachers give their teachers their best wishes, they will also receive their students' best wishes. At that time, teachers will be proud of being a teacher.


Tomorrow - September 10, teachers will welcome their own XX festival. Here, please allow me, on behalf of each scholar, to extend our most sincere greetings to every educator! Teacher, hard work! I wish you good health and family happiness!


The birth of Teachers' Day shows that the Party and the country attach great importance to education and educators. Teachers are sacred words. This title has been endowed with too many connotations... Personal growth and talent can not be separated from the training of teachers; Every bit of social progress and renewal is full of teachers' hard work and dedication. To teach and dispel doubts, teachers are books; Teachers are the bridge to convey civilization; To rejuvenate the country through science and education, teachers are sails. Teachers thrive in educating people, chalk cultivates the land of peach and plum, and ink irrigates the flowers of wisdom.


Respecting teachers is a fine tradition of the Chinese nation. The ancients said, "The teacher is strict, then the Tao is respected, and then the people respect and learn." "When a country is going to prosper, its teachers will be valued and its Fu will be valued. When a country is going to decline, its teachers will be despised and its Fu will be despised." While respecting teachers and valuing education are bound to be cause and effect and complement each other, which together constitute the basic connotation of the strategy of "rejuvenating the country through science and education": "respecting teachers and valuing education" can "lay the foundation for the future".


Boys and girls, on the approaching of Teachers' Day, please send your most sincere wishes to your teachers! Let's learn to show that we have a grateful heart by taking action, and put the respect for teachers and the importance of education into the action of diligent study.


Finally, let's give warm applause and express our highest respect and heartfelt thanks to our teachers for their hard work!