
时间:2022-11-15 12:54:37 | 来源:语文通



教育故事演讲稿 篇1教育故事演讲稿 篇2教育故事演讲稿 篇3感人的教育故事演讲稿 篇4

教育故事演讲稿 篇1


Time flies, youth is fleeting. My youth and the flying chalk dust gradually go away. Like all teachers, I am engaged in this ordinary work and pay my ordinary love.


Compared with the love of Hu Zhong and Xie Xiaojun, volunteers who have stuck to the snow covered plateau for 12 years, my love is ordinary.


Compared with Li Ling, who just graduated from college and bravely took the burden of establishing a school for the left behind children, my love is ordinary.


But it is this ordinary love that makes my students know how to love others with sincerity; Know how to spend every day positively and optimistically, and also know how to be a responsible person.


The story between me and the children continues every day. In my mind, some stories have been blurred and some stories have disappeared, but one thing will remain in my memory forever.


It was a cold winter. Just after the New Year, the father of a little girl in our class lost his young life in the factory by ruthless minerals. When her mother told me this news, I seemed to see the child's grief after losing his father. I seemed to hear the girl's heart splitting cry, so I had trouble sleeping and eating in the days after that, I wanted to call to say hello, but I was afraid of disturbing my mother and daughter's just calm heart, so I survived until the beginning of school. On the first day of school, on the commuter bus to the school, I could not help wondering whether the girl looked at me with tears in her eyes, was pale and emaciated, or... I really dared not think about it anymore, and I tried to control my thoughts. Finally arrived at the school, I can't wait to find her in the class. The moment I stepped into the class door, my head hung down, but my heart hung up. She didn't come to school. After a few rounds in the office, I dialed her home phone. I was relieved to learn that her family would send her here soon. I stood in the lobby of the building early and waited for their mother and daughter. When I saw her mother holding her hand and coming in, I strode to meet her. I took the girl in my arms and patted her head gently. The girl sobbed in my arms. Her mother also cried and took my hand and said, "Old Master Wang, the child will be handed over to you, our family..." Then I was choked with tears. I firmly shook her hand and told her, "I can understand your feelings. Please rest assured that the child is in my hands!"


I tried my best to control my emotions, but the tears still flowed down disobediently. I quickly wiped away the tears, afraid that the mother and daughter would be more sad when they saw me. Looking at the emaciated mother who could hardly stand a breeze, I felt like being caught by something and couldn't help holding the girl tightly. I didn't rush to take her back to the class, but took her hand and came to the office. I took her bag, asked her to sit on my chair, poured a glass of water for her to drink, and took a package of paper towels in her hand. Then I stood beside her and gently stroked her shoulder. I thought that at this moment all the words were superfluous, and there was nothing more painful for a child than losing her father. After seeing that the girl was calm, I left her in the office and held a class meeting for other students in the class. In just ten minutes, I seemed to see an illusion. The children in the class sat there quietly without saying anything. Some of them had tears in their eyes, and some had their heads down. Their faces were momentarily touched with a sense of heaviness that only adults have. After class, I saw the students walking around the yard with the girl. The whole class surrounded the girl. The girl held her hand and kept talking to her. The boys walked around her in front and behind. From time to time, they also held snacks to her mouth. Some students acted so stiffly, and some students seemed to be at a loss. But all these things were beautiful in my eyes.


In the days that followed, I found that the students especially liked playing games and talking and laughing with her, and slowly the smile returned to her face again. It was this that made me see that my students were sincere, optimistic and responsible. It turns out that my ordinary love can also call out the truth, goodness and beauty of human nature.


Life goes on, love goes on. I always believe that "people can't stand without integrity", and I also believe that "teachers should practice" to set an example for students, so in my education work, I always "call the truth with sincerity, call the true love with true love". I am convinced that this will cultivate a pillar of talent full of human charm!


Bathed in the afterglow of the sunset, I will not lament the rush of time, nor regret the departure of youth, because I feel that every moment of life is valuable.

教育故事演讲稿 篇2


Life is like a big stage, everyone is playing different roles, no matter success or failure, as long as there are cheers at the curtain call! The title of my speech is "The choice of ordinary life without regret".


Everyone will accumulate more or less wealth in his life. Businessmen will go through ups and downs of business and accumulate wealth; Politicians leave power, money and reputation in their official career; Scholars in high-end fields are famous for their books and biographies; What teachers left behind in their life is a huge spiritual wealth.


There is a photo wall in my study, which records the group photos of a group of children I have taught. When I see these familiar faces, I can remember the touching stories.


"I once wanted to be a great man, but I didn't succeed. Later, I tried to be his wife, but I failed. Now I've figured it out. I want to be his teacher." This is what one of my female teachers said when I was in junior high school. This sentence made my heart "the seed of being a teacher" begin to sprout. However, fate always played a joke on me until I got a chance after marriage. Only then did I realize my dream of teaching in this life. The village head asked me if I would like to be the "king of children" when there is no suitable candidate for the kindergarten to be built in the village? I did not hesitate to quit my excellent job at that time and returned to the village to prepare for the kindergarten.


At the time of preparation, there were only four children. I ran from house to house in the dark for several nights to publicize the importance and necessity of preschool education; I remember that when I went to Wang Jing's children's house, I was bitten by a big dog coming at me, and carried my injured foot home. My lover said sadly, "Forget it, we won't suffer this crime." My parents in law also persuaded me that 60 yuan was not worth it. "No! As long as I believe, I must do it to the end." I replied stubbornly; In retrospect, I really broke my leg and worn my mouth. So far, I still have a dog bite scar on my leg. Finally, my enthusiasm moved the parents, and all 18 children of mixed age in the village entered the kindergarten.


At that time, without textbooks, I compiled textbooks and bound them into volumes, so that each child could have one copy. Without playing with teaching aids, I led the children to make books and stationery for the children at their own expense, moved their dowry cabinets to make toy chefs, and brought their newly bought tape recorders. In the dilapidated village committee courtyard, I opened the village's first kindergarten in history.


Over the past few months, I have become one with the children. I have gained the recognition of parents and village committees with patience, care and love. I am serious about my work and treat my children as if they were my own. She washes a child whose clothes are dirty, combs her hair in disorder, cuts her nails and ties her shoelaces. My principle is: let every child come clean and go back safely. Parents said that I was most relieved to leave the child to me. In order to improve my business level, I attended various trainings at my own expense. After the examination in the same year, he obtained the teacher qualification certificate and became a real preschool teacher. Through my efforts, the enrollment rate of school-age children in the village was 100%, and children from the township government agencies were also attracted to attend the kindergarten in my village. Li Ning, Xia Bin, Liu Lu, Sun Zhen and Hou Guang are college students now.


At the beginning of spring, the kindergarten classroom was listed as a dangerous house. I asked the village committee leader to repair it many times, but I couldn't get it in place in time. One day, the heavy rain suddenly washed a big hole in the roof, which made the children cry. I watched the wind and rain and climbed up the roof to fill the gap with plastic cloth. I was soaked all over and fell down carelessly. Fortunately, my lover was not at ease √ Composition fans ★ WWW.. CN √ came in the rain to evacuate the children and sent me to the hospital. Because of the funds, the village had to let me take the children to the nearest Tianyang Primary School. Every time before school, I gathered the children in advance and walked for more than a mile in line to go to school, as well as after school; None of the children dropped out of school because of borrowing. In order to renovate the classroom as soon as possible, I spent several nights at the home of the secretary and village head to persuade them to rebuild the school buildings, and I was the first to take the lead in raising funds. Finally, after more than four months of borrowing, we moved into a spacious and bright new classroom at the beginning of the new semester.

高尔基说过:“谁不爱孩子,孩子就不爱他,只有爱孩子的人,才能教育孩子”。在同龄人中,我没有靓丽的外表和时尚的服饰,但我是学生眼里最美最美的老师;我不想苍白空洞的说我为教育事业做了些什么,但我敢说我20 年来是一步一个脚印,以我的满腔热情无微不至地关爱我的学生。正是这份真诚的真挚的无私的深沉的爱,我教的孩子能快乐成长,我的教师生涯也充满阳光和快乐。

Gorky once said, "Whoever doesn't love children will not love them. Only those who love children can educate them.". Among my peers, I don't have beautiful appearance and fashionable clothes, but I am the most beautiful teacher in the eyes of students; I don't want to say that I have done something for the education cause, but I dare to say that I have been caring for my students step by step over the past 20 years with my enthusiasm. It is this sincere, sincere, selfless and deep love that makes my children grow up happily and my teaching career full of sunshine and happiness.

再多的辛苦劳累在孩子们纯真的笑容之下烟消云散,无影无踪! “用爱撒播希望,用真诚对待学生”便成了我无言的承诺。  每一个孩子都是祖国的希望,民族的未来。对每一个孩子我们都应该耐心、细心。对于每一个孩子我们都应对他们充满希望,真诚地爱着他们,把他们当作是自己的女儿或者儿子,把浓浓的师爱化作每一个孩子心中最美的云彩,一定会有更多的奇迹和惊喜。

No matter how hard they worked, they disappeared under the innocent smiles of the children! "Spread hope with love and treat students with sincerity" has become my wordless commitment. Every child is the hope of the motherland and the future of the nation. We should be patient and careful with every child. For each child, we should be full of hope, love them sincerely, treat them as their own daughters or sons, and turn the deep love of teachers into the most beautiful cloud in each child's heart, which will surely bring more miracles and surprises.


To quote Ostrovsky as my conclusion, a good teacher should live his life in this way: when he looks back on his past, he does not regret for doing nothing, nor is he ashamed of wronging others. In this way, when he was dying, he could proudly say: I gave my whole life and all my energy to the child. This is my ordinary life, a choice without regret!


Thank you!

教育故事演讲稿 篇3


Dear leaders and teachers


hello everyone!


Caring for all students, caring for all students, is not only an educational concept, but also an educational art. To love one's own children is an ordinary person, to love others' children is a good person, and to love others' children is the lofty realm of a teacher. For special education teachers like us, we are exposed to children who are either overindulged by their parents, or who are dumped by their parents to the school and teachers like a burden. As long as the children are put in the school, they will turn a deaf ear to them, and even don't want to pick them up during holidays.


In 20XX, when I was the head teacher for the deaf students in grade one, Xiao Tao in my class was thrown out like a pack by his parents. I remember that it was very cold in the autumn that year. Other students came back early from the holiday and put on sweaters and sweaters. Only Xiao Tao was still wearing thin autumn clothes and trousers. His feet were still bare feet. When he left for the holiday, his small shoes with holes had been torn. His small hands were red with cold and had many small holes, Sitting in the classroom shivering. It was pathetic to see. I used hot water to scald the child's frozen hands while calling the parents to send clothes. After several calls, I finally saw the neighbor who claimed to be Xiao Tao sent clothes for him. But when I opened the bag, I felt very helpless. The clothes I sent were cotton padded clothes and trousers. It was obviously because the sleeves and legs of the clothes I had worn were a lot shorter. I can't wear it. It's impossible to rely on parents. I can't let him freeze. I go home and bring my children's clothes to him. Other students' parents leave a certain amount of pocket money for their children, or buy some snacks and put them in the teacher's place for them to satisfy their children's hunger during school. However, I have never seen the parents of Xiaotao's classmate, let alone left any pocket money to buy snacks for children. I know that children like to eat, so I bought some snacks such as ham sausage, lollipop, apples and put them in the kitchen. Once I find that he is homesick or has made progress, I will give them as a reward. Because his parents ignored him, it fell to me to take care of his life. When he was sick, I took him to the hospital. When I saw his hair grow, I took him to the nearby barber shop to have a haircut. I also washed his clothes and cut his nails regularly... Every month at the end of the holiday, he went home clean and alert. Half a year later, the teacher's care probably played a role. Maybe the children are becoming more and more sensible. I found that Xiao Tao has made progress in his studies, and he likes to raise his hand to answer questions in class. In particular, the silly expression on his face is much less. Instead, he often wears a smile. Parents probably saw hope from their children and began to pick up and see off students on a regular basis. More importantly, they took the initiative to contact teachers and care about their children.


Another special student in my class is Rong Rong. Her mother said that when she was young, she had a cataract in one eye. The doctor suggested that she should have surgery. In addition, it was suggested that she should have both eyes done, so as to avoid the same disease in the future. Results The operation ended in failure. Not only the sick eye was not cured, but also the good eye was damaged. The child became a amblyopic child. Her mother felt that she owed her children, so she doted on them and could not bear any hardship or injustice. At school age, I studied in our school and Chengde School for the Deaf for several years, but I didn't learn much. She hoped that I could take her children alone. I told her that her children had vision problems. I only had to tell her what I had learned in class alone. There was no need to take them alone. In addition, let the children live a collective life and learn some self-care ability can also help her in her future life. So my math teacher and I talked to Rong Rong separately after we finished our lesson every day. Although we were a little tired, we got great results. Rong Rong got the second place in the class in the year-end exam. In addition, I found that Rongrong took her dirty clothes home for her mother to wash every holiday. I also learned that she never did housework at home when chatting with her. I told her that you are too old to rely on your mother for everything. She also has her own work. She is very tired every day. You should learn to understand her and help her do what she can. From now on, do your own thing. In addition to these, I also carried out housework activities for my mother in the class. After returning to school at the end of each month's holiday, I asked them to write down what they had done during the holiday in the form of a diary, evaluate them, contact parents in time, and receive feedback. In the feedback, Rongrong's mother happily told me that when her daughter came home from vacation, she was much more relaxed. She not only cleaned the house, but also cooked delicious meals for them. What's more, she came home every night after finishing her work. Rongrong brought her warm foot washing water to wash her feet. The satisfaction of parents is the teacher's greatest wish.


Teachers are a profession with love! Let each of us teachers pour love, like mother to child, like waterfall to brook. It is often said that no pains, no gains. But I always think that even if there is no harvest, I will not regret the thousands of times of sowing, because I have a firm belief that there is no longer a road than feet, no higher mountains than people. I believe that as long as there is love, it will change; As long as there is love, it can support this blue sky!

感人的教育故事演讲稿 篇4


"Happiness is a kind of feeling. Open your heart to feel it. Happiness is everywhere..." I enjoy the happiness of thanksgiving every day when I spend time with students


In the presence of the world's smallest director, watching the children grow day by day, I feel unspeakable in my heart. Even joy, anger, sadness and joy are very pleasant.


One rainy day, we had a big class break indoors. When we finished the sign language exercise, I asked the children to loudly express their gratitude to their deskmates or teachers. The atmosphere was very harmonious, so I struck while the iron was hot and asked, "Maybe Mom and Dad will tell you that we don't need your gratitude, as long as you study hard and grow up well, then you can know what Mom and Dad really think?"


"I know that their mind is to let us get good grades and get into a good university in the future."


"I know that my parents' greatest expectation for me is that I can study hard and find a good job."


I looked at these innocent and lively children with a smile, and my heart was gradually moved by their innocence, their sense, and their delicate feelings. At this time, Su Wei, who was criticized by me for being naughty, muttered: "I know what my parents are thinking, and I know what my teachers are thinking...". The students around began to murmur: "You know, you can't guess the teacher's mind...". "No, I know, we should all know that the teacher's mind is to hope that we can perform well and study hard


A few days later, He wrote in his composition: "I know the mind of the teacher, so I want to create a universal platform for hard working teachers. Don't underestimate it, it's powerful...... In class, the teacher always breaks his pen. At this time, the teacher just puts the broken pen in the cabinet of the platform, and then press the red one. The button can start to strengthen the regeneration function, so that the teacher can be relieved to write......" Looking at this slightly childish text, how happy I am! That happiness comes from the understanding of the people you care about.


Last year, on the eve of June 1, I assigned a special assignment to the students. "Three Ones", that is, calculate a thanksgiving account, write a thanksgiving letter, and sing a thanksgiving song. I was deeply moved by his homework collected after the holiday.


Dear Mr. Lv


Hello! I'd like to thank you very much here. You, our most intimate head teacher. Flowers for spring and rainbows for the sky. I often ask myself what I can offer to you, my dear teacher Lv. Whenever I see your kind smiling face, it's like seeing your mother. It's not strange at all. Your heart is close to our heart, and I will never forget your kind teaching.


All along, I have been working hard to learn how to be a class teacher and how to make students grow up healthily and happily under my "leadership". I never thought that a student would be so grateful to me. I never thought that they would write their gratitude to me in tender words. What a sensible child, he made me regain the courage to face work and even life bravely when I was depressed, because I know that there are such a group of sensible children watching me silently, and such a group of lovely elves smiling and blessing me with grateful hearts. What is more demanding in such a life?


Happiness is a green life, happiness is a pure land away from the crowd, and happiness is a peace to stay away from the crowd... Now, when I stand on this sacred platform, in the presence of the smallest director, facing those innocent and lively children, my happiness is to correct the piles of homework every day, my happiness is to correct their mistakes in growth every day, my happiness is to have their company, to accompany me to cry, laugh, and feel sad, All the feelings that have been touched. These feelings come from the children who accompany me every day.


Finally, I want to end my speech with a poem, and also give this poem to the teachers present: there is an attitude called enjoyment, and there is a feeling called happiness. Enjoy the happiness of education, you will have a pair of eyes for discovery; Enjoy the happiness of education, you will have a happy mood; Enjoying the happiness of education; You have more passion for creation and enjoy the happiness of education; You have a kind of poetic flavor of life. You can taste greatness from the ordinary, and chew the achievements of failure from the failures. You will be surprised to find that happiness has been bustling ever since.