
时间:2022-11-15 12:54:35 | 来源:语文通



走进秋天日记 篇1描写秋天的日记 篇2走进秋天日记 篇3走进秋天日记 篇4描写秋天的日记 篇5描写秋天的日记 篇6描写秋天的日记 篇7走进秋天日记 篇8走进秋天日记 篇9

走进秋天日记 篇1


The beautiful autumn is coming, and the fruit trees are full of bright red "little lanterns". The children in the countryside jumped and shouted happily, and the fields echoed with their silver bell like laughter.


Everyone in the village is busy. My sister and brother go to the mountain to pick fruit. Arriving at the orchard, God! The fruits on the fruit trees are ripe, and my sister and brother happily picked three baskets full of them.


There are as many fruits in the orchard as there are sand by the sea. In autumn, there are many sweet smells floating in the air, such as pear, apple, pineapple and acid.


There are many small animals ready for winter! There are little frogs, bears, magpies


The little frog said, "I will dig the hole quickly.".


Magpie said: "I will step up to build a nest".


"I want to find a hole," said the bear.


The snake said, "I want to have a good sleep.".


In autumn, it gave yellow to the ginkgo tree, red to the maple leaf, golden yellow to the field, orange red to the fruit tree, and purple, light yellow and white to the chrysanthemum fairy.


How beautiful autumn is! I love autumn!

描写秋天的日记 篇2


Autumn comes, and the wind blows away the summer heat.


The rice in the field is ripe, and each grain shines like gold. When the wind comes, the whole field becomes a golden ocean. Sorghum stands on the earth, like mighty soldiers guarding the harvest fruits.


The apples and fragrant pears in the orchard are crowded by each other, and people are competing to pick them! The yellow leaves left the big tree's mother's arms, slowly fell down in a whirl, and floated into the water. The little fish took it as a sun umbrella and floated under the tree. The little ants took it as a sport routine


Look at that day, white clouds are like a flock of white sheep. The wild geese are in a neat line, ready to fly to the south for winter.


At this time, the happiest are the children, who are busy flying kites on the grass. The farmer uncle looked at the harvest scene and thought that his hard work was not in vain. He must be the happiest!


Wow! The scenery in autumn is so beautiful!

走进秋天日记 篇3


"Since ancient times, spring has been sad and lonely. I said that autumn is better than spring. A crane on a clear sky will attract poetry to the sky." Liu Yuxi's "Autumn Ci" depicts a magnificent golden autumn.


Yes, autumn is beautiful and charming, but autumn in my hometown is more beautiful.


Autumn has come, and the leaves have gradually changed from green to yellow, while the mighty pine trees stand straight on the side of the road. After an autumn rain, the dew on the pine tree glistened in the sunlight, like a crystal clear gem. I heard from my mother that pine trees can live for thousands of years. At that time, I was surprised that pine trees had such a long life.


Autumn is coming. The orchard is full of fresh fruits. One by one, fresh fruits are hanging all over the tree tops. How about the apple doll listening to the round body sleeping lazily in the sun? In the distance, pink peaches send out attractive fragrance, which makes people want to drool when they look at them. They can't help swallowing all of them.


Look at the fields, golden ears of wheat covered the earth, like a golden sea. The once unripe tomatoes also turned red quietly. Eating sour and sweet. Looking at the bumper harvest, the farmer uncle was very happy. This year is another bumper harvest year!


Then look at the clusters of grapes that are transparent, like purple pearls. Walking forward for a while, those bananas are like graceful girls showing us their beautiful posture.


It's really "three spring is not as busy as one autumn"!


Autumn is a busy and full season, which brings us endless fun, brings joy to people, and makes nature colorful.


I love this beautiful and charming autumn.

走进秋天日记 篇4


If you want to ask me what color autumn is? I will tell you that autumn is colorful. Red, _ Blue, purple.

树林里,枫树上挂满了红红的枫叶,秋风吹过,枫叶便摆动起来,像节日里_广场上飘动着的五星红旗。_的银杏叶像一把把小扇子,轻轻地扇动着,好像在为秋姑娘扇风。苍翠的松柏,高大挺 拔,像一个个英勇的战士,守卫着树林的安全。

In the woods, the maple trees are covered with red maple leaves. When the autumn wind blows, the maple leaves swing, like in a festival_ Five star red flag fluttering in the square_ The gingko leaves are like small fans, gently fanning, as if they were fanning for the autumn girl. The green pines and cypresses, tall and straight, like brave soldiers, guard the safety of the forest.

校园里,矮矮的桂花树到处都是。金_的桂花在蓝天的映衬下显得格外娇艳。“金_的小米粒”散发着淡淡的清香,使我们的校园香气宜人。教学楼前的花坛里,到处是菊花的身影。有黄的,有白 的,有紫的,真像一位位美少女那五颜六色的卷发。

On campus, short osmanthus trees are everywhere. Gold_ Osmanthus fragrans in the blue sky against the backdrop is particularly beautiful. The "golden millet" emits a light fragrance, making our campus pleasant. The flower beds in front of the teaching building are full of chrysanthemums. There are yellow, white and purple hair, just like the colorful curls of a beautiful girl.

果园里的色彩就更多了。红红的柿子挂在枝头,像一盏盏小灯笼。黄澄澄的大鸭梨在秋风中向我们点头致意。粉红色的石榴咧开了笑脸,露出一粒粒石榴籽,籽儿好红啊!一粒连着一粒,粒粒都像红红 的水晶石。

There is more color in the orchard. The red persimmons hang on the branches like little lanterns. The yellow Daya pear nodded to us in the autumn wind. The pink pomegranate grinned, revealing pomegranate seeds, which were so red! One after another, each one looks like a red crystal stone.


There are so many colors in autumn, where do you know? Then you need to explore it yourself!

描写秋天的日记 篇5


Autumn is coming. In the golden autumn season, the scenery is pleasant, the sky is high and the clouds are light, the autumn is high and the air is cool, the mountains and rivers are magnificent, and the grain is abundant. In this colorful and fragrant day, my father and mother took me to pick apples in the orchard.


When we got to the orchard, I saw many people picking apples, and rows of tall and neat apple trees. The smell made our whole family drool. We couldn't wait to pick up the bamboo basket to pick apples. I walked under the fruit tree and stood on tiptoe to pick apples, but I couldn't reach them. I stretched my arms to pick apples, but I still couldn't reach them. My eyes turned and I thought of a way I asked my father, who was picking apples nearby, to come over and ride on his back to pick apples, but he still couldn't pick them. I was so worried that I cried. My father said to me, "I will work with your mother to pick apples." I thought: Dad said it was reasonable, let's let Mom come! I shouted, "Mom." My mother flew in front of me. I shouted to my mother and father: "I want to eat apples, you pick them for me!" Mom and Dad said with one voice: "Yes!" Mom and Dad soon picked all the apples. I ate a mouthful of that big and red apple and felt very sweet.


The fields are filled with our laughter. Picking apples is fun. If you don't believe it, try it.

描写秋天的日记 篇6


Autumn is coming! Autumn is coming! Autumn is like a little girl blowing a golden trumpet.


In the orchard, melons and fruits are fragrant. The apples are red, like fat dolls. Orange golden yellow, like a small lantern hanging all over the branches. Pear also showed no sign of weakness, wearing yellow clothes, and opened a smiling face to people. They are pushed and touched by each other, and people are eager to pick them!


In the garden, chrysanthemums are of course the best in the garden. They are all kinds of flowers. They wear colorful clothes. They are really charming. The beautiful chrysanthemums are purple, light yellow, and white. Sweet scented osmanthus also came to join in the fun. The sweet scented osmanthus, as big as rice, emits a faint fragrance, just like little angels.


In the endless sky, the crops are ripe. Sorghum blushed like a shy girl; The rice is golden, as if nodding to people; The soybeans are also mature and heavily covered with branches. Miss Qiu covered the field with a golden quilt.


On the hillside, the grass all over the mountain has changed into yellow skirts. The leaves of ginkgo trees are like small fans. Maples are covered in red robes. Only pines and cypresses are covered with green quilts.


Autumn is so beautiful. I love golden autumn!

描写秋天的日记 篇7


This year, my parents took me to my grandpa's house again. The sky is so high and blue. There are white clouds floating in the blue sky, and flocks of geese fly south. Unconsciously, we arrived at my grandpa's house, and the charming autumn scenery of my hometown unfolded before my eyes.


In front of grandpa's house was an orchard, with thick branches and leaves of grapes spreading around, just like a green arbor. The grape trellis is hung with a bunch of grapes, which are red and green, clear and bright, like pearls. The flustered orange, five groups, three groups, head to head, face to face, as if to say: "Young master, welcome you back." What makes people covet most are the big pear, which are all sweet juice after one bite. How delicious! The heavy red apples bent the branches and nodded to me in the breeze.


Next to the orchard is a rice field, and fragrance wafts out from a yellow field. The heavy ears of rice are so heavy that the rice stems can't stand up straight, as if they are thanking the earth for its cultivation.


A clear river gently flows in front of Grandpa's house. The maple trees by the river are so red that they look like fire. But the pines and cypresses by the river are still so tall and straight, so green. How beautiful the clear river reflects red leaves and green trees! The distant green mountains on the other side of the river took my thoughts to a far, far place.


Ah! I love the autumn scenery, because it symbolizes maturity and magnificence.

走进秋天日记 篇8


The autumn girl came to the world with light steps. The autumn wind brought by her made people feel cold, and the earth was covered with a golden coat.


As soon as I went out, the fresh air in autumn was refreshing and refreshing. I looked up at the sky. The sky was high and the clouds were light. The geese were marching in line, sometimes in a "man" shape, sometimes in a "one" shape, flying toward the south.


On weekends, Mom and Dad took us to Grandma's house to see Grandma. Go to Grandma's to pick vegetables. There are purple eggplants, red tomatoes, red peppers, and golden corn in the garden Everything is available. Think about the fresh and delicious food these days.


Come to the orchard, you can smell the thick fruit fragrance from a long distance. From a distance, apples hang on the branches like red lanterns, as if they are tempting us to pick them. The clusters of purple grapes are like children's big eyes. The yellow pear is like a gourd of Huluwa. It is thin in skin and tender in flesh. There is also our specialty in northern Shaanxi - big red dates. Red dates are a good treasure. They taste sour and sweet, nourish qi and nourish blood. They are all our favorite fruits. But you can't eat more raw dates, which will cause indigestion.


In the mountains, mature wheat sways gently in the wind, like golden waves. The red sorghum looks like a red face. Potatoes are arranged in pairs in rows The mountains are full of harvest scenery.


Ah! How beautiful autumn is!

走进秋天日记 篇9


Autumn is coming. The rice in the fields is golden and beautiful.


Autumn is coming, that is, the harvest season for farmers.


When autumn comes, the cotton is also mature, white and clean, like white clouds in the sky.


Autumn is coming. The fish in the pond are swimming in the water. There is a water chestnut on the bank of the lotus pond. There are reeds outside the lotus pond. A gust of wind blows, and they are flying like feathers all over the sky. This is the autumn scenery of Jiangnan Watertown.


Autumn is a season of labor. The fisherman uncle sang and supported the fishing boat to catch fish. They threw their fishing nets into the river, and the next day they would have a beautiful harvest!


Autumn is also the season for outings. The teacher led the students to the countryside. Some of the students rolled on the grass, some opened their voices to the blue sky, and some were jumping rope. They had a great time!


The scenery in autumn is so beautiful!