
时间:2022-11-14 13:06:20 | 来源:语文通



语文周记 篇1语文周记 篇2语文周记 篇3语文周记 篇4语文周记 篇5语文周记 篇6语文周记 篇7

语文周记 篇1


There is something in everyone's heart that can never be forgotten. However, I am no exception. I can't forget that for a long time.


It was an exam. I was afraid of the exam. When I learned that the exam was coming, I was very nervous. I was afraid of my poor grades. The teacher talked to me and my family quarreled with me.


However, as the days passed, my mood became more tense. When the examination papers were handed out, I looked at the paper and thought it was not difficult, but my tension did not decrease.


It was in that time of fear and tension that I finished my examination papers. I thought: The exam finally passed, and I felt much more relaxed. However, when my hair curled down, I was even more nervous than before the exam. I felt very uncomfortable watching others' scores get higher one by one.


After class, the teacher asked me to go to the office to find her. I took the paper with me. I went to the office and handed it to the teacher. The teacher said, "You usually work hard, but you can't get on with your grades. You are careless or not." The teacher looked at me and I said, "I'm not a teacher, but..." The teacher looked at me and asked, "Just what?" I said, "I'm just afraid of the exam. Every time I hear about the exam, I'm afraid I can't do well in the exam and I'm still nervous." The teacher looked at me all the time and said, "You are afraid because you value your grades too much. In fact, you don't have to be afraid. No matter where you take the exam, you just think you are doing your usual homework, and you don't have to be nervous. The more nervous you are, the more wrong you are." I said, "Is this really OK?" The teacher said: "Your learning attitude is good, but you can't give up because the exam is not good. As long as you keep working hard, you will be better. There is nothing terrible about the exam. You should believe that you can overcome it."


After talking with the teacher, I understand that we should not lose or be disappointed. I can't forget this for a long time. It is the teacher who has been encouraging me, encouraging me and giving me strength. I will never forget it.

语文周记 篇2


In our school, there is a charming botanical garden full of vitality.


Stepping into the school gate and walking along the school road, you can see the botanical garden of the school. The area of the botanical garden is only one percent of the school area. The flowers on both sides of the botanical garden give off a faint fragrance. In the botanical garden, there is a huge pond. There is an exquisite rockery in the pond. There are several "birds" singing on the rockery. On the pond, there is a small bridge. Behind the bridge is a vegetable garden. There are many green vegetables, including lettuce, cauliflower, rape, etc. The forest protection workers water them every morning and afternoon, catch insects, and fertilize them regularly. There are often various butterflies and bees to collect honey. The forest protection workers work hard to get a good harvest of vegetables.


In the botanical garden, there is a big banyan tree. It is beautiful, tall and straight, very sturdy, just like a sentry, guarding the botanical garden day and night. In the hot summer, the big banyan tree unfolds its huge green umbrella. We can enjoy the cool under the big banyan tree. The leaves fall. We can pick up the leaves on the ground and make them into specimens. Some students make them into beautiful bookmarks.


Our school is so beautiful. I love my campus, but also the vibrant botanical garden, which gives us joy and hope and urges us to make progress.

语文周记 篇3


Yesterday, Wang Xin, a classmate of our class, gave out "Shuang Wa Wa", "Egg Tower" and two "Alpine" candies for her birthday. I ate "Shuang Wai Wai" and the egg tower, so I took two candies home to eat.


When I got home, I first ate a piece of sugar. I wanted to drink milk again, so I opened the milk again. I ate sugar while drinking milk. I thought it tasted good. I thought: Why can't I drink milk while eating sugar? Mmm! I have another idea! I looked at my mother with eyes full of mystery. After a while, I took out a mold, put another piece of sugar into the mold, and poured a little milk into it. I carefully put the mold filled with milk and sugar into the refrigerator. After 20-30 minutes, I ran to the refrigerator again, took out the mold I had just put in, and looked, wow! The milk was frozen, and the sugar was "blocked" in the frozen milk. I licked it with my tongue curiously. Hmm, not bad! I poured it into my mouth and bit it with my teeth, like ice cream! I ran to my mother excitedly and said loudly, "Mom, my experiment was successful!"


The next day, I went to school and told my classmates about my invention, but they laughed. I knew my classmates were laughing at my gluttony, but it was because of my gluttony that I invented this magical way to eat sugar!


It is also well said in the book that "any invention and creation can not be separated from the inspiration of creation. However, the innocent problems of children and the" whimsical "in the eyes of ordinary people are the source of creation in the eyes of the inventor."

语文周记 篇4


I want to invent an inflatable house, which can not only prevent thieves but also facilitate your family. How did I come up with this invention? That's because some people's homes have been stolen by thieves and lost some things; Some people can't find a place to live when they travel, so they come up with this little invention.


The inflatable house looks like it is made of plastic, but I think it is very weak, and it will break when I touch it with a steel wire. In fact, it is extremely tough, and it will not break when I hit it with a hammer. Its lock is made of special materials, and the thief can't open it by any means.


All the things in the inflatable house are inflatable. If you want to use anything, click the button on the cabinet. The button on the cabinet is connected to the computer. If you want to drink tea, click the "Drink Tea" button on the cabinet, so that the computer will prepare for tea with you, and you can easily enjoy happiness!


If you go out to travel, the inflatable house can be of great use. First, let all the things in the inflatable house out of the air, and they will become pieces of pieces, so that you can put them away without taking disposable dishes... Then let the air out of the inflatable house and put it in your backpack, and the inflatable house will be filled with air at night, even in the forest. (Because the inflatable house is extremely tough, it can prevent anything that harms us), You can sleep at ease. The next morning, you can put the inflatable house away and continue to travel.


Inflatable houses have many uses I haven't told you! This kind of inflatable house is convenient and practical, and is our good helper. I really want to make this wish come true as soon as possible!

语文周记 篇5


There are many heroes in my heart, but what I admire most is the traffic police. Their figures appear tirelessly on the wide road. Whenever I look at your figures, I can't help but admire them.


In summer, you stand on the hot road, work hard, command the traffic, maintain traffic order, and deliver to each family safely. You always smile to everyone. In fact, there are many ups and downs behind this. Great traffic policeman, I want to give you a look of admiration.


In winter, you stay on the cold road day and night. You work tirelessly and send joy to all parts of the country. When the New Year bell rang, when the family sat at the table and ate steaming dumplings, when the New Year's party began, you still stood on the wide and quiet road, quietly directing the traffic coming and going.


Great traffic police! Let me give you my admiration! We will remember your vigorous figure and your meticulous and selfless work spirit.


Traffic police - hero in my heart!

语文周记 篇6


A person's life is a long way, and there will be many unknowns on the way. Every tomorrow and future is unknown, which makes us full of longing and expectation for life. We don't know what we will encounter in the next second, which is unknown, and this unknown door is waiting for you to open.


The unknown makes life full of challenges. I prefer sudden challenges to the happiness of arriving on time. Challenging ourselves in the face of setbacks and unknowns can make our life more interesting, more frustrating, more courageous, and more perfect. Just as Yang Liwei once said, "You can't do what you like; you must do what you don't like and stick to it all the year round, which is really a test.". Indeed, the unknown will surprise or delight you, make you ecstatic, break your heart or make you cry with joy, which is unexpected. You can only accept it and challenge it. Even if it is extremely difficult, you should also face these positions with your head held high. Challenge yourself, change yourself, and improve yourself. Maybe there will be flowers and applause on the road ahead, or tigers or beasts will come and go, but don't be afraid. These are unexpected. What you need to do is to calm down, use your reason to judge, use your brain to think, come up with a good method and do it bravely. Maybe the unknown will make you feel caught off guard, maybe you will be filled with joy, maybe you will be disappointed with your expectations


But there is no need to be afraid or nervous. Feel the happiness and freshness brought by this storm. Think from a different angle and treat these unknowns. You will also enjoy them, face each unknown bravely and cherish each today.

语文周记 篇7


Cheer the Chinese teacher's business trip; Celebrate our liberation; The substitute teacher is boring; We are always wilting in class; Recall Mr. Chen's humorous words; Looking forward to his return; Cheer the Chinese class again for "starting again"

“陈老师要出差了,听说需要a long time”听到消息不禁为之振奋,终于可以有“出头露面”的机会了!“不过听说八班李老师代课,那可是个惹不起的人物!”一忧一喜成了今天谈论的主要话题。

"Mr. Chen is going on a business trip, and I heard that he needs A LONG TIME." Hearing the news, I can't help but be excited, and finally have the opportunity to "show up"! "But I heard that Mr. Li of Class Eight took the place of the class, and that was a very annoying person!" One worry and one joy has become the main topic of today's discussion.


"Ding Lingling..." Today's bell seems to have been given some magical magic, which is particularly attractive? Everyone in the class is full of spirit, waiting for the new teacher. come straight to the point without the slightest hesitation? There were no too many introductions, no one by one roll call, and the "Chinese class" began... After several days, the students did not comment on the substitute teacher, but complained about why Mr. Chen had left so far away, leaving us here and not asking! How cruel! Maybe I really should have said that: all I can remember are benefits!


When thinking about teacher Chen's class, no one dared to be lazy, because they were afraid of those sharp eyes. The humor revealed by his words added a few laughter to the original serious class. Compared with that, the substitute teacher's class made us feel less confident and looked inferior!


But to tell the truth, we are really "clever". I don't know whether it is because of meeting "strangers" or because we fall into memory