
时间:2022-11-14 13:06:17 | 来源:语文通



2021国际志愿者日活动方案 篇1国际志愿者日活动优秀方案 篇2国际志愿者日活动优秀方案 篇3世界志愿者日活动策划书 篇4国际志愿者日活动优秀方案 篇5

2021国际志愿者日活动方案 篇1























国际志愿者日活动优秀方案 篇2


1、 Activity time


From late November to early December 20XX, the climax will be formed on December 5


2、 Main contents


Each college organizes youth volunteers to carry out volunteer service activities from late November to early December. Relying on the existing volunteer service base, it actively opens up new volunteer service bases and uses various forms of volunteer service inside and outside the school.


1. Carry out voluntary service based on the voluntary service base. According to the actual situation of the college and the volunteer service base, each college integrates the existing volunteer service projects, and carries out volunteer service activities both inside and outside the school in the form of community service, artistic performance, psychological counseling, environmental protection publicity, science popularization, science and technology maintenance, etc. We will achieve standardized management and regular service of voluntary services, and at the same time, integrate the promotion of volunteerism into our practical work.


2. The "Sunshine Action" for XX youth volunteers to help the disabled and the activity of caring for the children of migrant workers were carried out in depth. Each college carries out various forms of youth volunteers' "Sunshine Action" to help the disabled and care for the children of migrant workers according to the actual situation. Organize volunteers to go deep into communities, rehabilitation centers for the disabled, special education schools and other disabled people to carry out psychological counseling, knowledge popularization and other activities; We will organize young volunteers to go into communities, schools and other service positions, and carry out activities such as tutoring in school work and companionship for migrant workers' children and left behind children.


3. With the theme of "12.5 International Volunteer Day", the delegation day activities were carried out


With the theme of "12.5 International Volunteer Day", the Youth League Committee of each college shall carry out at least one Youth League Day activity to create a good situation in which everyone pays attention to and participates in volunteer service, and a climax of volunteer service activities will be formed around "12.5".


4. Give play to the volunteer force of network civilization and promote positive energy


The Youth League Committee of each college should mobilize and organize the network culture volunteer service action, make full use of microblog, WeChat and other new media, promote positive energy through the Internet, consciously resist negative energy, and enhance the network civilization.


3、 Job requirements


1. Highly valued and well organized. From the starting point of learning, publicizing and implementing the spirit of the XX Plenary Session of the Communist Party of China, consolidating volunteer service and establishing a new volunteer service base, the Youth League Committee and the majority of league cadres of the college should fully understand the importance of carrying out "volunteer service activities", carefully organize, coordinate and improve the relevant systems of each college for carrying out volunteer service activities.


2. Expand publicity and create an atmosphere. The Youth League Committee of each college should give full play to the role of public opinion guidance in publicity work, strengthen the guidance of public opinion publicity, popularize the concept of "serving others and contributing to society", promote the volunteerism of "dedication, fraternity, mutual assistance and progress", pay special attention to the use of microblog, WeChat and other new media for centralized publicity and reporting, and strive to expand the social influence of the activities.


The Youth League Committee of each college shall timely report the information draft, photos and other relevant work materials of this activity to the Youth League Committee of the university. The activity implementation plans of the Youth League Committee of each college and the "12.5 International Volunteer Day Volunteer Service Activity Information Submission Form" shall be summarized and reported to the Youth League Committee of the university before December 11.

国际志愿者日活动优秀方案 篇3


1、 Theme: Dedicating love and beautifying the campus


2、 Objective: To provide more people with an opportunity to exercise themselves and serve others by participating in volunteer organizations. Guide students to integrate into the school, get to know their classmates, and promote the volunteer spirit of dedication, friendship, mutual assistance and progress. Build a harmonious society, create a new style of campus civilization, and promote the development of volunteer service.


3、 Background: December 5 is the International Volunteer Day. Volunteers around the world will carry out colorful volunteer service activities on this day to further promote volunteerism. Cultivate the concept of volunteer service and welcome your own festival with practical actions. This year's Volunteer Day is held to expand the influence and recognition of the Youth Volunteer Association in society and among students.


4、 Activity flow


(1) Activity preparation process:


1. The Administrative Department and the Organization Department of the Association will carry out the planning work, and the Secretariat will assist in collecting the development history related to international young volunteers and domestic young volunteers, as well as the recent activities of the Association, achievements and relevant graphic materials.


2. The Publicity Department will make posters for this activity in the form of banners, leaflets, questionnaires, etc.


3. The materials needed include: invitation cards (for inviting relevant important participants), blackboard newspapers (for publicity by the Publicity Department), signature banners, signature pens (for those interested to sign as souvenirs), color tapes (no volunteer wears a piece of his left arm as a volunteer's blog), and publicity pictures (to display and publicize the Youth Volunteer Association of the school)


(2) Activity process:


1. All members of the association will gather at the school track and field at 8:00 on time, and the president of the association will give a speech before the activity and the head of the organization department will assign tasks.


2. The Secretariat is responsible for the registration and recording of activities.


3. The activities will be started, and the Secretariat will distribute questionnaires, brochures and other necessary supplies to the heads.


4. Each responsible person assigns specific tasks


5. Gather together to summarize the activities.


5、 Location: Community X.


6、 Time: December 5, 20XX

世界志愿者日活动策划书 篇4


December 5 this year is the________ International Volunteer Day. In order to further create a strong atmosphere of volunteer service of "learning from Lei Feng, contributing to others and improving ourselves" in the city, and promote the institutionalized, standardized and normalized development of volunteer service, the Municipal Civilization Office and the Municipal Volunteer Association will focus on a series of volunteer service activities before and after December 5. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:


1、 General requirements


Seriously study and implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Third and Fourth Plenary Sessions of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, take cultivating and practicing the socialist core values as the basis, and fully demonstrate the new development of the city's volunteer service through various thematic publicity and practice activities, constantly form and consolidate a good atmosphere for the whole society to care about, support and participate in volunteer service, so that the volunteerism of "dedication, fraternity, mutual assistance and progress" can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, We will promote the formation of a vivid situation in which everyone is willing to, always can, and everywhere can do voluntary service.


2、 Event arrangement


(1) Carry out a series of volunteer service activities on December 5


1. Press conference. The Municipal Civilization Office and the Municipal Volunteer Association plan to hold a press conference one week before December 5, and jointly with the Municipal Academy of Social Sciences to release the Report on the Development of Shanghai Volunteer Service in 20________; Inform the arrangement of key activities of the 30th International Volunteer Day in Shanghai; Report the project support of the Foundation in 2014 and 20________ Key supporting projects in; The responsible persons of the municipal commission and some districts and counties in charge of volunteer services exchanged and interacted with media reporters on key volunteer services during the 12.5 period.


2. Volunteerism Forum. The Municipal Civilization Office, the Municipal Education and Health Work Party Committee, the Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, the Municipal Youth League Committee, the Municipal Social Federation, and the Municipal Volunteer Association plan to hold a 20________ Volunteerism Forum. Experts and scholars from all walks of life, volunteer representatives and managers of volunteer service organizations are invited to brainstorm and discuss how volunteer service can better help social innovation.

3、“为好人点赞”― 20________上海志愿者晚会。市文明办、市文联、广播电台、市志愿者协会、市志愿服务公益基金会等拟于12月5日举办“为好人点赞”― 20x____上海志愿者晚会。在晚会上公布“220x____度上海市群众最喜爱的志愿服务项目”,并为向志愿服务公益基金会捐款的爱心人士和单位颁发证书。

3. "Praise good people" ― 20________ Shanghai Volunteer Party. The Municipal Civilization Office, the Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Radio Station, the Municipal Volunteer Association, the Municipal Volunteer Service Public Welfare Foundation, etc. are planning to hold a "Praise for Good People" - 20X on December 5____ Shanghai Volunteer Party. At the party, the "220X____ Degree Shanghai People's Favorite Volunteer Service Project" was announced, and certificates were issued to caring people and organizations who donated money to the Volunteer Service Foundation.


(2) We will continue to carry out special activities such as "neighborhood watch" and volunteer service for Party members.


All units should continue to carry out various special volunteer service activities such as "neighborhood watch" and volunteer service of party members before and after December 5, to promote residents' acquaintance, mutual understanding and integration, build harmonious and warm neighborhood relations, and build a safe and civilized community environment.


(3) We will continue to carry out voluntary services for the convenience and benefit of the people.


All units should organize industry and unit volunteers with professional skills to go deep into communities, communities, villages and towns to carry out diversified, professional and convenient voluntary services for the masses, such as quality and safety, legal aid, employment guidance, cultural assistance, medical care, family planning, electrical maintenance, green cleaning, cleaning, hair cutting and darning, to constantly improve the service level and facilitate the life of the masses.


3、 Job requirements


1. Attach great importance to and strengthen leadership. All units should earnestly strengthen leadership, start early, plan early, and formulate specific and detailed plans based on actual conditions. We should carefully organize and implement the activities to ensure that they are effective.


2. The pieces are combined to form a resultant force. December 5 is a good time to comprehensively display the volunteer service work of all walks of life, regions and departments in the city. All districts (counties), committees (offices) and volunteer service teams and bases should cooperate and support each other, strengthen exchanges and communication, learn from each other's strengths, exchange resources and needs, and comprehensively demonstrate the level of volunteer service work and the style of volunteers in Shanghai.


3. Be realistic and pragmatic, and form long-term effect. All units should plan and carry out various activities focusing on "12.5" volunteer service in accordance with their own actual conditions and the actual needs of the citizens, so as to achieve a planned, implemented and effective way. We should organize and mobilize Party and League members to actively participate in all kinds of volunteer services, and form a good demonstration effect among the general public through the practice of Party and League members' volunteers, so as to promote the in-depth development of volunteer services.


4. Publicize typical examples and summarize them well. We should take the opportunity of the International Volunteer Day on December 5 to further publicize and popularize the concept and spirit of volunteering. All relevant units shall carry out various forms of publicity, recruitment and other activities according to local conditions. All units should do a good job in refining and summarizing, mining advanced models and accumulating good materials. It is necessary to combine the neighborhood watch volunteer service "grassroots" activities, use the power of the news media, publicize the typical, and form a good social custom.


In order to organize a series of volunteer service activities on the International Volunteer Day on December 5, the Municipal Civilization Office and the Municipal Volunteer Association will select innovative, large-scale and influential projects and activities from various volunteer service projects reported by volunteer organizations at all levels to provide publicity opportunities. For particularly excellent and influential volunteer service activities, relevant leaders will be invited to attend. All units should attach great importance to the information reporting work. Please confirm the 20________ The "12.5" volunteer service activity plan and project list (see the annex) shall be submitted to the Secretariat of Shanghai Volunteer Association. We will submit the selected edition to online and offline media such as Xinmin Evening News for release. Please also timely report the detailed information, press releases, deeds of prominent people and other information during the implementation of the scheme to Shanghai Volunteer Association.

国际志愿者日活动优秀方案 篇5

一、活动背景: 12月5日世界志愿者日

1、 Background: World Volunteer Day on December 5

二、活动目的: 通过此次志愿服务活动,使志愿者们树立强烈的责任感 及无私的奉献精神,在未来的日子里以实际行动诠释志愿者精神,履行志愿者义务,将“奉献、友爱、互助、进步”的志愿者精神发扬光大。从而 扩大志愿者的号召力,让更多的人认识志愿者,了解我们的爱心活动,共同携 手让我们的世界变得更加温馨,更加和谐而美好!

2、 Purpose: Through this volunteer service activity, the volunteers will establish a strong sense of responsibility and selfless dedication, interpret the spirit of volunteers with practical actions in the future, fulfill their obligations, and carry forward the spirit of "dedication, friendship, mutual assistance, and progress". So as to expand the appeal of volunteers, let more people know volunteers, understand our love activities, and work together to make our world a warmer, more harmonious and better place!

三、活动主题 “传递爱心 助飞希望 创造未来”

3、 The theme of the activity is "Passing Love, Helping Fly, Hoping to Create the Future"


4、 The slogan of the activity: "I am willing, I am dedicated, and I am happy!"

五、活动时间: 20XX年12月4日

5、 Time: December 4, 20XX

六 https://www.huzhidao.com/ ,活动地点: XXXX广场(西湖口)

VI. HTTPS://WWW.HUZHIDAO COM/, venue: XXXX Square (West Lake Entrance)


7、 Sponsor: XX Volunteer Association


Organized by: XX Volunteer Association


8、 Activities: charity sale, donation, free clinic, and free scissors. Through the publicity of the Xupu Volunteer Team, we called on the public to donate personal love items, collect and screen them for on-site public charity sale; Organize large-scale fund-raising, accept donations from enterprises, units and individuals, and hand over the income and charity sale income to Xupu Volunteer Charity Association for forwarding to the poor. (Note: The charity goods donated by caring people must be brand new books, stationery, toys, drinks, food, etc.)


9、 Specific arrangements:

XX志愿者协会成立"20XX传递爱心 助飞希望”爱心义卖项目组,负责活动的整体策划和协调;志愿队及社会爱心人士成立各行动小组,配合项目组具体展开活动。

XX Volunteer Association has established the "20XX Passing Love and Helping Fly Hope" charity sale project team, which is responsible for the overall planning and coordination of the activity; the volunteer team and social caring people have set up various action teams to cooperate with the project team to carry out specific activities.


10、 Activity organization:


1. Charity sale outreach


Be responsible for the connection of the charity sale site and the love merchants.


2. On site coordination:


Mainly responsible for the coordination of the work of each group and the allocation of personnel and materials between the two charity stores.


3. Publicity of charity sale:


Mainly responsible for banners of the charity sale, publicity materials for volunteers, sound preparation and activity photos.


4. Purchase of materials for charity sale:


Be responsible for the preparation, purchase and pricing of articles for charity sale.


5. Charity sale finance:


The on-site charge of the charity sale and the release of account settlement.


6. On site charity sale (unlimited personnel):


Mainly responsible for the storage and sale of goods during the charity sale. During the charity sale, it is necessary to register the distribution of goods and record the situation of the charity sale.

7、后勤安保组 :

7. Logistics Security Team:


It is mainly responsible for the transportation of tables and chairs, awnings, banners, acoustics, etc. on the site of the charity sale, the layout of the charity sale site and the cleaning up of articles after the charity sale, the maintenance of order during the charity sale, and assisting the publicity team in the on-site publicity layout. In particular, personnel safety protection, anti-theft, anti looting, anti extrusion, assist the charity sale team in keeping the goods, audio equipment and other logistics services.