种子发芽观察记录 篇1豆芽的生长过程的观察日记 篇2绿豆成长日记 篇3种子发芽观察记录 篇1
Today, the teacher gave us a task to plant a seed and write an observation diary. So I found a transparent mineral water bottle, took a knife to split it in two, and made a flowerpot with the bottom. I filled it with soil and watered it with water. When the water soaked the soil, I planted several soybean seeds.
The next day, I saw that the flowerpot had not changed, but it was a little dry, so I poured some water on it.
On the third day, I saw that my flowerpot had not changed. Then I looked at Xiaohu's flowerpot. Xiaohu's flowerpot had germinated. I wondered. My mother told me that the seed germination period of each plant was different, some early, some late, so I waited patiently.
On the the fourth day, my seed finally germinated. I was so excited that I shouted to my mother to see it. I found that the seed was white, with its shell on its head, like wearing a small hat.
On the fifth day, I found that my sprouts grew taller, but not as tall as the tiger's. My mother told me again that it was because my sprouts were thick and strong. I feel so magical when I listen to it. A small seed is so wonderful.
豆芽的生长过程的观察日记 篇2
10月3日 星期日 晴
October 3 Sunny Sunday
What surprises will today's little guy bring us? Come and see with me! These days, these little guys drink their stomachs out. Some have taken off all their green clothes, some have taken off more than half of them, and some have just taken off a small hat. The inside of green clothes is white, which is the same color as those long buds. And the white pointed buds that appeared earlier have been more than one centimeter long!
绿豆成长日记 篇3
10月5日 星期一 晴
Monday, October 5 Sunny
Because I want to observe the germination process of small mungbeans, and I want to know how a few small mungbeans that usually look inconspicuous grow strong roots and tender green leaves. So I put the soaked mung beans (to make the hard mung beans germinate faster) in the flower pot. Let's wait quietly!
10月7日 星期三晴
Wednesday, October 7 Sunny
Today, I found that little mung bean finally took off his green coat after his own insistence, and came out of the skin, revealing milky white sprouts from the soil. This little sprout is as lovely as a baby!
10月10日星期六 晴
Saturday, October 10th Sunny
As time goes by, the milky white buds grow long and thick. I think it should be its root. Two tender yellow bud petals grow on its top, which is as lovely as a "ya"! Little mung beans finally grow up. Finally, the yellow bud petal turned into a green leaf. It was thin, so I dared not touch it easily.
Through this observation of the growth process of Little Mung Bean, I think it has a indomitable spirit. Although it has experienced wind and rain on its way to growth, it finally shows the most beautiful side to people!
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