
时间:2022-11-14 13:06:17 | 来源:语文通



元旦发言稿 篇1元旦发言稿 篇2庆元旦发言稿 篇3元旦发言稿 篇4元旦节发言稿 篇5元旦发言稿 篇6元旦发言稿 篇7

元旦发言稿 篇1


Good afternoon, everyone!


With the warm sunshine in winter and a happy mood, the New Year's Day of 20XX came as promised. Today, we can gather here to enjoy this wonderful time. First of all, we are grateful to have a warm family with us, thanks to the strong support and love of our parents! In order to prepare for this party, some parents came to the school many times to discuss the preparation, offer suggestions and work overtime; Some parents contribute generously; Some parents run around to prepare for the party. From choosing a place to decorating the venue, videos, and buying gifts, I was touched and grateful by the care and support of parents and friends one by one! More than 60 parents and friends were present today. On behalf of all the students and teachers of Class 62, I once again say to them that you have worked hard! Thank you for your participation and contribution!


Time flies like a shuttle. At the flick of a finger, the happy, colorful and full six-year primary school life will soon end. Dear students, five years ago, we met in Class 2, Grade 1 of a small bungalow garden. More than five years passed in a flash, and the students changed from a baby to a sunny boy. In a short period of five years, you said goodbye to innocence and moved towards stability; Get rid of childishness in childhood and gain self-confidence; Know self-respect, self-reliance and self-improvement. As your head teacher, I am happy and delighted to watch you grow and witness your progress. The teacher will never forget the honor you won for the class: the examination ranked the best in all subjects of my class; Your brave demeanor at the sports meeting; We will never lag behind in various activities. In six years, we had too much laughter and emotion. Too many examples are the steps of our growth and the memories we should treasure. Six years, more than 2000 days, who can say that this is not more than 2000 wonderful stories?


Today, we gather here to feel the truth with our hearts, melt the ice and snow with love, open your heart and release your passion. Today, we gather together, sing and dance. In the festival of flowing poetry and painting, I would like to invite you to celebrate the happy festival together. Finally, I wish our parents and friends a smooth work and happy family in the new year! Bless our classmates to have a good time, study and make progress, and make great achievements again! I wish this get-together a complete success!

元旦发言稿 篇2


Dear teachers and students


Students, in a few days, it will be our New Year's Day. January 1 of each year is New Year's Day, the beginning of the New Year. In order to welcome the arrival of the New Year, people celebrate in various ways. In order to express the desire to pursue a better and happy life, we look forward to a better life. Everyone will hold different celebrations.


Students, how are you going to celebrate? Some students said that we cleaned the classroom to welcome the New Year. Some students also planned to decorate the classroom more beautifully. More students were also prepared to show their talents to teachers and students at the New Year's Day party! In short,


Students, you can use your brains, think and do something, and let's have a happy and peaceful New Year together. I believe that every student has his own good wishes in the new year, and the teacher also has a wish: I hope all the children in Dongbaozi Primary School can become good children who are polite and civilized.


Because no matter how much knowledge and wealth a person has, if he does not know the truth of how to behave, he will not achieve real success and happiness in the end. As far as the real society we live in is concerned, we should, on the basis of inheriting and carrying forward the fine traditional virtues of the nation, establish lofty ideals from childhood and aspire to be the builders and successors of the socialist modernization cause with ideals, morality, culture and discipline. We should use the "Daily Code of Conduct for Primary School Students" to encourage and constrain ourselves since childhood. According to the requirements of comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physical, beauty and labor, we should cultivate good morality, learn scientific and cultural knowledge, exercise a strong physique, and cultivate noble aesthetic taste from childhood. We should be good students at school, good children at home, and good teenagers in society. It is never too old to learn. Chairman Mao once said, "It is not difficult to do a good deed, but it is difficult to do a good deed all one's life." "The school is my home, and the beauty depends on everyone". Here, I sincerely appeal to you: take action, all students! Strive to be a good student who stresses civilization and understands etiquette. When meeting teachers and guests, take the initiative to salute and say hello; When going up and down stairs, people are crowded. Pay attention to modesty and walk on the right to ensure smooth traffic; Pay attention to hygiene, do not litter fruit peel, and pick up paper scraps whenever you see them; Take care of public property, do not scribble, strictly abide by the rules and regulations of the school, supervise each other, and make progress together!


Students, as the saying goes, "If people are united, Mount Tai will move.". As long as everyone participates in the school management, everyone starts from me and abides by the "code of conduct", your quality will be improved, your behavior habits will be optimized, and you will enjoy more new fun in our school's learning life. Finally, I wish every student progress and good health in the new year, and I wish all teachers a happy family and a happy life forever. Students, let's give warm applause to yourself and your teachers!

庆元旦发言稿 篇3


Dear leaders, masses, fathers and fellow villagers


hello everyone!


Today we are gathered here to celebrate the New Year's Day in 2021. On behalf of the Zhaijia Village Two Committees and the Zhaijia Village Women's Federation, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you, extend holiday greetings to all the parents and fellow villagers in Zhaijia Village, and wish you a happy New Year!


The past year has been an extraordinary one. Under the correct leadership of the village party branch and the village committee, the Zhaijia Village Women's Federation, together with the party branch and the village committee, has worked hard to play a unique role in epidemic prevention and control, poverty alleviation, relocation of the village committee, rural environment improvement, and the creation of beautiful courtyards. The Zhaijia Village Women's Federation has made new breakthroughs in its work, and its organization has taken on a new look, At the same time, Xi'an Municipal Women's and Children's Home and Women's and Children's Home have been established, providing better services for the public welfare of women and children in our village. It was highly praised by the Women's Federation of Xi'an City and Lantian County. These achievements benefited from the correct leadership of the higher level women's federation, as well as the strong support of the Zhaijia Village Party branch and village committee. On behalf of Zhaijia Village Women's Federation, I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to the leadership of the two committees of Zhaijia Village and all the villagers!


Do a good job as a bridge and link between the Party and the masses, enhance women's self-confidence, strive to be a new woman in the new era, give full play to the role of "half the sky", lead our village women to contribute to women in promoting new trends, and show the self-confidence of women in the new era.


Let us women compatriots go with the times, strive for new goals, make contributions in the new journey, strive to write a new chapter of high-quality women's and children's undertakings in Zhaijia Village, and contribute women's strength to building a beautiful Zhaijia Village!


Finally, I wish you a happy New Year's Day! Happy family! Everything you want is successful! I wish this gathering a complete success.

元旦发言稿 篇4




Good evening,everyone!


In two days, it will be New Year's Day in 20XX. On behalf of the school, I would like to extend New Year's greetings and festive greetings to all the teachers and staff who have worked hard in the past year, your family members and comrades who have silently supported the work of the school, and to the lovely students through all the head teachers at this wonderful moment of saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new, and carrying forward the past and opening up the future! I wish you a happy New Year's Day in 20XX! Happy New Year to you!


In 20XX, we walked together. In 20XX, we have gained a lot. We focus on quality and development with full enthusiasm and high morale. The school sports work has yielded fruitful results, winning gold and silver, and the city remains famous; The construction of the school has taken a solid step, with tall buildings standing on the campus, and the school buildings, facilities and equipment of the teaching site are brand-new; The teachers' spirit is full of positive energy; The cultivation of students' habits has been effective, and quality education has become a common practice; The team members' sense of service has improved significantly, and they dare to take responsibility; The cohesion and centripetal force of teachers were further strengthened. The work of the school tends to be healthy, smooth and good.


20XX is a very critical year in the development of our school. In the new year, the construction of the school will usher in a new chapter, the development of the school will enter the fast lane, and the work of the school will be more arduous. We are fully aware of the great responsibility, we feel more honored in our mission, and we especially feel that our future is bright. We will pay close attention to the regular management of the school, the quality of education and teaching, the cultivation of students, the construction of teachers' ethics, the improvement of teachers and technicians, and the innovation of work services.


Strive to build a team of famous and excellent teachers, pay attention to the cultivation of teachers and students' habits, cater to the demands of teachers and students' development, enrich amateur cultural life, build a safe and harmonious campus, build a warm and harmonious home, pay attention to the accumulation of spiritual culture, plant the advantages of school development, coordinate relations at all levels, overcome various adverse factors, devote to the healthy development of education, and lead the development of school characteristics and connotation.


There is a long way to go in the future, but more exciting stories lie ahead. In the new year, let's focus on our work goals, innovate our work methods, accumulate our work passion, release our work vitality, work with confidence, sunshine, happiness, initiative, harmony and happiness, learn and live; Let's go hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart, together, to a better tomorrow of XXX Central Primary School!


I wish the teachers a happy, free and easy, happy and full time in this sleepless night today.


I wish teachers good health, smooth work and happy family! Happy New Year!

元旦节发言稿 篇5


Dear school leaders, teachers and students


Good morning, everyone! (Bowing) In September of the golden autumn, we welcome the beginning of the new semester. I am very excited to speak as a student representative.


First of all, on behalf of all the students in the school, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the hard working teachers. I wish you all the best in your work, good health and everything.


During the holidays, I am eager to return to school as soon as possible, because there are colorful flower beds, green grass playground, amiable school leaders, docile teachers, and eager students. It is the pride of every student to be able to integrate into the learning environment of Sheyang County Primary School.


In the past four years, I have won the honor of "Four Good Teenagers" and "Excellent Student" every semester. Review your achievements and share some experiences with you. 1、 Develop good study habits. Listen to the teacher carefully in class, prepare well before class, listen attentively in class, and review well after class. 2、 Read more, read good books, read well, and really regard books as good teachers and helpful friends. 3、 Cultivate yourself into a versatile person. Hobbies can enrich our after-school life and help us with our academic achievements. 4、 We should have the determination to fight bravely for the first place, have the confidence to compete with excellent students, learn from others' strengths, and be happy to be friends with students.


The new semester has begun. We should devote ourselves to learning with a new spirit, and use the Daily Code of Conduct for Primary School Students to demand our words and deeds; We should respect teachers, unite classmates, and be a person of noble character; We should have lofty ideals, set up new learning goals, strive to master more knowledge, and lay a solid foundation for building our country in the future.


Today I am proud of the school, tomorrow the school is proud of me. Students, the new semester has begun, and the horn of progress has been sounded. Let's get ready to move forward to achieve our ideals and goals! Thank you!

元旦发言稿 篇6


Dear leaders, parents, teachers, dear students and children


It is a new year and everything is renewed. With the joy of harvest and the pride of striving, we will usher in 2014 full of hope and expectation. On behalf of all the teachers and staff of Qiji Primary School and Kindergarten, I would like to extend the most sincere New Year greetings and happy holiday wishes to all the leaders, parents, dear students and lovely children present at this wonderful moment to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new! Happy New Year! At the same time, I would like to express my warm welcome and heartfelt thanks for your coming!


The year 20XX is a harvest year for Qiji Tongxing Kindergarten. Looking back on our work in the past year, we always adhere to the advanced educational concepts and scientific educational methods, unite sincerely, dare to make progress, dare to work hard, improve the quality and social reputation of school running, and expand the scale of school running. What we see every day is that all teachers and staff work hard for children; It is the happy and happy smiling faces of children, and the joy of all parents' active participation in preschool education. All of these make us feel gratified and proud, and will certainly become our determination and motivation to build Qiji Children's Star Kindergarten into a first-class kindergarten with "more beautiful environment, more complete facilities, and more advanced education and teaching philosophy".


Although our kindergarten has not been established for a long time, with the great attention and care of leaders at all levels, the strong support of all sectors of society and parents, and the joint efforts of all teachers, the elegant and comfortable educational environment created by our kindergarten has withstood repeated inspections by city and county leaders, and has been unanimously praised by the leaders.


The new year is bound to have a new starting point. All staff of Qiji Kindergarten will pay attention to the healthy and happy growth of each child with their own sincerity, love and care. We will strive to update the concept of running the kindergarten, improve the level of running the kindergarten, create a good educational environment for the healthy growth of children, and thus promote the all-round development of children. It is the greatest wish of all our teachers and staff to reassure parents, make children happy and strive to weave a happy childhood for children.


Although we are working hard, after all, early childhood education for us still needs experience accumulation. It is inevitable that there will be deficiencies in management and other aspects in our work. I hope parents can understand, support and put forward more valuable opinions and suggestions. I sincerely hope that parents will continue to support our work, support our teachers and trust our children in the future, Let's work together to create a better future for our children! Finally, I sincerely wish the children healthy, happy and thriving in the new year. I wish parents good health and everything goes well. I wish teachers every success and make further progress. Once again, I wish everyone a happy New Year! thank you!

元旦发言稿 篇7


The year of XX is not only an extraordinary year for us, but also a year of strategic significance. Passion and sweat make the past, and reason and strength make the future. We have enough reason to believe that 20XX will be a more exciting year. The leadership of our enterprise will also use their wisdom and performance to create broader development space and more development opportunities for everyone. Each of our employees will achieve the maximum value in the rapid development of the enterprise.


Here, on behalf of the leaders of our supermarket and hotel, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all of you for your hard work and professionalism in your work over the past year! Thank you for your efforts and dedication, and thank all the employees for their support and trust. Let's take action and contribute our greatest enthusiasm and strength to the development of our cause, youth and dreams! In the new year, we are full of confidence and passion. Let's join hands to make unremitting efforts and create miracles for the rise of the hotel and Wanjiale!


Thank you!