
时间:2022-11-14 13:06:18 | 来源:语文通



观看《我和我的父辈》观后感 篇1电影《我和我的父辈》观后感 篇2观看《我和我的父辈》观后感 篇3我和我的父辈观后感 篇4电影《我和我的父辈》观后感 篇5我和我的父辈观后感 篇6《我和我的父辈》观后感 篇7

观看《我和我的父辈》观后感 篇1


I and my father's generation, inheritance and hope, facing the past, the spirit of my father's generation inherits me; Facing the future, I bring hope to the seniors.


Four fragments, four different times, with tears and laughter, we can feel the past and look forward to the future!


Riding the Wind For the country and the people, it is the biggest country.


There is a country, there is a family, and there is peace in the country. During the Anti Japanese War, the leader's father resolutely gave the hope of life to the people when facing the old and weak women and children and his own son. There was no father who did not love his son. He chose the great love of the country between the righteousness of his family and the deep affection of his blood. When the horse that accompanied him for many years ran towards him with his son's blood, the pain of his father's generation was hard to restrain. The newborn baby in that war is also called Chengfeng. It is the newborn and the inheritance of the spirit of serving the country and the people of our parents. As the first segment, Riding the Wind symbolizes that only when there is a country can there be a home, and only when the aggressors are driven away, can a safe country have subsequent development.


"Poetry" generations of space workers use their lives to write poems to the sky.


In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, we had the atomic bomb, the hydrogen bomb, and the Dongfanghong-1 satellite. Numerous spacefaring people have their homes in the desert. They are not afraid of hardship, fatigue, and setbacks of scientific research failure. They use their lives and love to write poems to the sky. In the story, the child's biological father died because of the space test and gave the young child to his colleagues. The adoptive father also lost his life in the experiment, and their children grew up to be brave astronauts, who inherited the hope of their parents to explore the sky and write poems. The aerospace spirit is both unyielding and loving, with perseverance after thousands of failures and successive sacrifices. But the hot air balloon, which symbolizes the light and future, is a poem they wrote in the sky with their lives. This poem is about technology, fearlessness, inheritance and hope.


The Duck Prophet brings us to the period of reform and opening up. The duck prophet of the spring river water heating, who activated the spring water of China's reform, who opened up the market economy, is just like the "duck prophet", countless people who have failed repeatedly and created the first. The eighteen heroes in Xiaogang Village pressed the red hand print, fearing life and death, and opened the curtain of China's reform and opening up from the rural reform. Every day in the reform and opening up, we are creating the first place. For the first time, we are contracted to every household. For the first time, we are doing business overseas. The first advertisement, the first car, the first commercial housing, the first stock, and countless firsts. Each time is a shock, which shocked people's ideas, promoted the rapid development of the economy, and brought about the prosperity of the country and the strength of the people. How to be a duck prophet? We should dare to go into the water, practice and join the masses. It is difficult for the duck prophet to innovate. In fact, the most difficult thing is to change people's ideas. It is the innovation spirit of countless duck prophets' reform and innovation that has brought about China's economic take-off and rapid development in various fields. Expect more duck prophets, more breakthroughs and innovations.


Teenagers' Journey is future oriented. Artificial intelligence robots from 2050 come to the present through time and space.


Dream. The little boy's father died because of the failure of the experiment. The little boy inherited his father's spirit and liked to explore and invent. He wanted to know what kind of love made his father addicted to it, which was the power of technology and innovation. Although the plane failed many times, he still insisted. To realize your dream, you need to experience many failures, 5000 failures, and never give up your dream because of one failure.


education The AI robot said to her mother, "Our dream is to let machines learn independently, and you want your children to become learning machines.". The stories on campus let us think about what education is, and protect children's creative thinking and practical ability, rather than cultivating answering machines. Give the next generation the space for innovation and free growth, and allow the seeds of creativity to take root. Children are called Xiaoxiao. They have small dreams and great abilities. In fact, the time-space robot that traverses is just a small creation in the future. Believe in children, give them space to create, and protect their innovative spirit.


With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, will it defeat mankind in the future? Some people say that AI may lead to the bright or the abyss when it thinks of heaven and hell. The AI robot in the story is superior to human in many aspects, such as movement ability and intelligence, but it has its own defects, can not laugh, and lacks human feelings. Xiaoxiao taught the robot to laugh. When Xiaoxiao faced life and death difficulties for his dream, the robot knew that he could not meet water and resolutely went to the sea to save the human being. The defect of artificial intelligence is just the unique emotion of human beings. Maybe human beings can make up for the defect of artificial intelligence. Human beings and artificial intelligence can work together to create a better future instead of competing against each other.


You can be what you want your child to be. My parents and I are inheriting the past and innovating for the future!


Four fragments, Riding the Wind, Poems, Duck Prophet, and Young Men's Journey; Four periods: the Anti Japanese War, the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, reform and opening up, and the intersection of the future and the present in 2050; Four different fields, military, aerospace, economy and science and technology, show that New China has grown from prosperity to prosperity and then to the future. There are tears and laughter, pain and hope, suffering and rebirth, inheritance of the past and bright future.

电影《我和我的父辈》观后感 篇2


This winter vacation, my family has a new member, so I choose to watch the movie My Father and Me at home.


The film My Father and I is divided into four stories. The time spans from 1942 to 2021. The first part is Chengfeng, telling the story of the cavalry heroes' father and son's resistance in 1942; The second part is "poetry", which tells the spirit of the first generation of Chinese scientists working hard and selflessly for the satellite cause; The third part is the "duck prophet", which tells about Shanghai in the early days of reform and opening up, a small man who dares to be the first; The fourth part is the "Youth Trip", which tells the story that the robots of the future have crossed to the modern times, prompting a young man to struggle for his scientific dream.


Among the four stories, the first one impressed me deeply. In the story, the son of the head of the cavalry regiment is called "Chengfeng". During a mission, he found that the enemy was coming. Facing the Japanese army had artillery, tanks, etc., while our army had only a few soldiers and simple equipment, the head of the regiment saw that he could not run away with the people, so in order to escort the people to cross the river safely, he ordered Chengfeng and the four soldiers to lure the enemy to other places to resist the enemy's attack, The leader's choice is to take his own children to bear the crisis, and the end of Chengfeng is to use his life as a price for the peace of the people. At the end of the story, many years later, the head of the regiment ran into the rescued mother. She took her son born on the day of crossing the river to the head of the regiment. When the head of the regiment asked, "What's the name of the child?" She said, "Catch the wind!" After hearing this, the head of the regiment held the child tightly with tears in his eyes. Seeing this moment, the tears in my eyes could not stop falling down.


Father and son are separated by yin and yang. What kind of love is it? I want to sacrifice myself and forget myself. This is the love for the motherland! He sacrificed his life for his country and died bravely. If there is a time and space shuttle, I would like to go through the Anti Japanese War period and fight with Chengfeng.

观看《我和我的父辈》观后感 篇3


This National Day, my parents and I watched My Father's Generation. This film consists of four stories that took place in different times and places of the motherland. As a highly anticipated film before its release, it is one of the best in many films, both in terms of film quality and content presentation, and has lived up to everyone's expectations. Of the four short films, I like the second and third best.


The second short film, "Poetry", tells a story about dedication, which is adapted from real events. The story takes place in Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, where the biological father, adoptive father and adoptive mother of the boy in the film are all engaged in dangerous satellite development work, and may be killed at any time. But for the development of China's satellite industry, they worked without any regrets. Finally, they created miracles with life after life, in exchange for the successful launch of the "Dongfanghong" satellite. It is precisely because of the dedication of these people that we have today's happy life. In our life, there are many people who are willing to contribute. Once, I saw a grandpa who was over 80 years old as a volunteer at the vaccination site. I went up to talk with him. He smiled and said to me, "I'm old. I have nothing to do. It's good to help you with my free time." After listening to his words, I was touched and shocked by his selfless dedication. Nowadays, with the fierce social competition, we often ignore the feelings and needs of others for our own interests; However, no matter how busy and competitive we are, we cannot live in an indifferent society, which is alienated and disgusting. In order to let people regain their lost warmth and care, we should learn from those elders who are willing to contribute.


The third short film is called The Prophet of the Duck. The theme of the story is innovation. This is a film full of comedy. It tells an interesting story about a middle-aged man nicknamed "Duck Prophet" who, in order to sell wine, contributed to the birth of China's first advertising film. Behind this simple plot, there is a thought-provoking truth. This film told me that I should not be constrained by reality, but should be brave to innovate and practice. Like the "duck prophet" in the film, he first tried to sell medicinal liquor in various conventional ways, but it was difficult to succeed. In this case, most people may choose to retreat, but the "duck prophet" does not. He blazed a new trail, adopted the advanced model of commercial advertising, and created China's advertising market while achieving great success in sales. In addition, he also taught me not to follow others in the face of difficulties, but to be brave to stick to myself. Many of the innovations of the "Duck Prophet" have not been recognized by others, but he does not care about others' eyes and goes his own way without hesitation. This reminds me of Dante's famous saying, "Go your own way and let others tell you". Yes, even if there is no support, we should stick to it.


Although this 150 minute film is only composed of four short films, it contains innumerable truths and has benefited me a lot.

我和我的父辈观后感 篇4


Several of us went into the cinema and sat down and waited for the film to begin. We were very excited, but one advertisement after another made us more worried. Why didn't we open it? When the screen goes black, ah! Yes. All of a sudden, the whole hall became quiet.


We saw a group of people cutting crops. At first, we thought they were ordinary farmers. When enemy planes flew over them, they rode on their horses without fear and took out their guns. We suddenly realized that they were soldiers fighting for the people. They crossed mountains and mountains and came to a village. It was written on the wall that "Resistance to Japan in the end". When they saw the villagers who were slaughtered by the enemy lying on the ground, they had mixed feelings. It was very unpleasant to turn the river into the sea. They both felt sorry for their dead relatives and hated the enemy. When we opened the tunnel, we saw over half a hundred old people and babies crying in their swaddling clothes. The pure, innocent and eager eyes passed through the screen, and we were all silent. My tears swirled in my eyes, blurring my vision.


"You can't die earlier than me, or I'll be sorry for your mother." The words his father said to Chengfeng foreshadowed Chengfeng's sacrifice. The Japanese army used the telegram sent from our side with advanced technology to find our position. We were surrounded. The head of the regiment saw the army in front of him and the people behind him. He took off his military cap and made a difficult decision. When he put on his cap, he bit his teeth and cried in his eyes. He said loudly in a firm voice, "Shoot the signal bomb.".


At that time, we were very confused about why we did this. After the army of that day surrounded Chengfeng, we found that the regiment leader used the strategy of "diverting the tiger from the mountain" to give up his children to take advantage of the wind and keep the people. At this moment, he was not his father, but the head of the regiment. Chengfeng, who is as old as us, fought bravely before he died. We don't know whether he went to complain about his father at that moment, but his brave and fearless figure and tragic and generous fighting made us not to admit defeat.


When the regiment leader saw the horses coming back with Chengfeng's blood, he walked into the fields and cried. At that moment, he was not the head of the regiment, but his father. As soon as the camera turns, the head of the regiment leads the cavalry regiment with great dignity. They mounted their horses, drew their swords, and attacked the enemy to catch him off guard. Only a few thousand horses ran in front of us. The distance was loud and dusty, highlighting the power of the Chinese cavalry. The most touching thing for me is that the flag of the "Jizhong Cavalry Regiment" will never stand down, like a baton in your hand. I think there were countless Chengfeng who sacrificed to protect their family and country. Their selfless dedication to protect our family deserves our inheritance and development.


In my opinion, "riding the wind" is not just a name, but the spirit of the revolutionary ancestors to ride the wind and waves, persevere and face difficulties. Bear in mind the national humiliation, and we will strive for self-improvement!

电影《我和我的父辈》观后感 篇5


Every year on the National Day, we are chasing the "Me and Me" series movies. This year's theme is "Me and My Parents". The film is divided into four parts, from the war to the past to the present to the future, from crying to laughing, deeply felt the changes of the times.


In the film, my parents and I were divided into four units, and four chapters told four successive stories.


Riding the Wind is a story during the Anti Japanese War. In order to protect the masses and the army, the father led the enemy in the direction of his son. When the child died, the father went to the field to cry, which made people sad. At last, the cavalry team rushed forward to destroy the enemy, which made people watch the blood gushing, and stabbed the Japanese commander to death, finally fulfilling the father's desire to revenge for his son. After liberation, when we saw the pregnant women who had been rescued and the children born were also called Chengfeng, we felt the continuation of life. Although the war destroyed a lot, it could not destroy people's hope. The courage and indomitable spirit it shows are the best way to open up. There is no peace without fighting.


Poetry is a scientist's interpretation of art. The sacrifice made by the older generation for the first rocket launch. Yu Kaiying and Shi Ruhong, a family of four, were involved in the development of China's aerospace industry in 1969. The couple exchanged their lives for the successful launch of the rocket. Because of the particularity of their work, they asked questions for the children. "What does Dad do?" The mother guided the children to answer skillfully and inspired the children to light Kong Mingdeng to pursue their dreams. The little daughter grew up to be the first female astronaut in China. With the hopes of her family, she completed the space flight, fulfilling the family's "space dream", indicating the progress and development of China's space industry, as well as that her parents were the children's first teachers, Only through the joint construction of family, school and country can the motherland become more powerful and prosperous in the future.


The Duck Prophet is a warm, funny way to tell the story of a small family as well as the story of an era. The parents used their "Duck Prophet Warming the Spring River" to convey one thought after another.


Young people's journey The country is strong when young people are strong. From the perspective of a little boy, it tells about the process of realizing a dream. In the process of realizing a dream, it continues to fail, but in the process of failure, it "imparts" knowledge and improves the process of progress. The word "father generation" may not be a process, but a catalyst. When the 10-year-old son learned to grow up and let Kong Mingdeng fly to pray that his mother would live, it was clear that the spirit of his parents affected his children.

《我和我的父辈》里的四个故事里虽然只演了四个家庭,但实际上呈现的是四个时代里广大父母亲的缩影,值得我们所有人借鉴和反思。牺-作文迷§www..cn 牲、奉献、开拓、畅想是灵魂所在。奉献是感人的,开拓是振奋的,畅想是无限的。

Although there are only four families in the four stories in Me and My Father's Generation, they actually represent the epitome of parents in the four times, which is worthy of reference and reflection for all of us. Sacrifice - The soul of WWW.. CN lies in sacrifice, dedication, exploration and imagination. The dedication is moving, the development is exciting, and the imagination is infinite.

我和我的父辈观后感 篇6


The film "Me and My Father's Generation" is a history of blood and tears about the growth of the motherland. Following "Me and My Motherland" and "Me and My Hometown", the trilogy of National Day is still a collection of big stars, which represents the memories of the times when generations worked hard.


The whole film is in chronological order, from the Anti Japanese War period to the founding of New China, to the economic recovery of reform and opening up, to the present society, and then to the future.


The emotional color of the story also changes from sad to sad, to funny and then to happy. In the story of the weak being bullied, the whole segment cries. At the end of the AI story, Happy fried dough twist plays and laughs constantly, which also indicates the rise of the motherland and the prosperity of the country!


The first story is fixed during the War of Resistance Against Japan. After watching the whole episode, people in the cinema cried and watched their parents sacrifice for the masses and fight against the Japanese artillery attack with flesh and blood. They knew they would lose, but they still fought bravely. It was not easy to live a happy life after the war. We are grateful to our ancestors for their blood. Don't forget the national humiliation, we should strive for self-improvement!


The second story confirms that after the founding of New China, the new countries that were frightened by bandits should catch up with the western developed countries, repeatedly experiment with satellites, solve the problem of fuel boosting, and generations after generations sacrifice themselves, burn their flesh and blood, and devote themselves to the cause of China's aerospace. Childhood stories are full of bitterness. When the grown daughter inherits her father's mantle and becomes an aerospace heroine, she is really proud of her! Proud of the Chinese people handed down from generation to generation, the sacrifice of our ancestors has been inherited and continued, and this prosperous age is as you wish!


The third story is fixed. In the early days of reform and opening up, the real economy needs to be revived. A large wave of "duck prophets" have emerged who dare to be the first. They dare to jump out of prejudice and backwardness, and dare to blaze new trails. Although they are flying high and low in their small days, they have a sunny heart and the dawn will come!


The fourth story belongs to the present and the future. Artificial intelligence comes into life, and robots in the future complete the task of time and space shuttle, talk with people in the past, and achieve mutual influence. Artificial intelligence simulates the human brain, abandons the established procedures in a crisis, optimizes rational design, and creates possibilities for future occurrence. With the advent of the era of artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence can realize self optimization, learn to think like human beings, and benefit human life!


The detailed story line unfolds layer by layer, pushing the audience from backward to advanced, and moving the emotional color from sadness to joy, which is a visual feast. Don't forget the national humiliation, the martyrs will live forever, the country will be peaceful and the people will be peaceful, and we will be strong!

《我和我的父辈》观后感 篇7


Whenever I think of the word "patriotism", it haunts my heart. It reverberates in my ears, as if an angel were talking in my ears. Therefore, let me firmly bear in mind the word "patriotism".


I am the people of China, the children of China, the descendants of Yan and Huang. I love my motherland deeply. If the motherland mother is the boundless sea, then I am a swallow in the sea breeze; If our mother is a vast prairie, then I am a grass in the prairie; If the mother of our country is a lofty mountain, then I am a young bird living and working in peace and contentment in the mountain. Although I am so small in the eyes of my mother, I still have a deep patriotic feeling. I am deeply proud of my motherland's prosperity, and I am proud of my motherland's strength!


I love my motherland! Love her vast land, love her land, love her beautiful rivers and mountains. I love her historical trend, but also her Great Wall, the Yellow River, the Yangtze River, and the Huangshan Mountains, all of which are like needles in my heart.


The majestic Great Wall, your momentum is so magnificent! When I step on your ancient bricks, my heart seems to weigh a thousand pounds, because it is the crystallization of ancient people's wisdom and sweat. Look at the dirt particles beside the city wall. You must have a long history, right? You were born about 900 years ago. How much weight did you bear in these hundreds of years? There are so many people trampling on your body, but your patriotism and dedication to the people have never wavered. You can see how sincere and loving you are to your motherland. I also want to be patriotic and affectionate to the motherland like you!


The rolling Yellow River, your surging is daunting, but who knows you were once a kind river, our mother river. Your character is very open and not restricted to one pattern. You express your hatred for the enemy one by one, which makes me excited. I also want to be patriotic like you, be reluctant to part with the motherland, stand up bravely, protect the motherland from humiliation, and vent all my hatred for the enemy!


The surging Yangtze River, your body length has made me get up the courage to stand up again. You have never been afraid. You always have a long body, like a long dragon, to the imperialists who despise China, showing the dignity of our Chinese people. I also want to be patriotic, indomitable and unyielding like you. I will always be in the arms of my motherland.


The lofty Huangshan Mountain, your tall and straight body is so charming, and your high forehead seems to be engraved with wisdom. You always straighten your body and look so tall! Everyone looked at you with admiration. I also want to be patriotic like you, straighten my body and bravely tell every Chinese: as long as you have patriotic determination, there is nothing terrible in the world!


How much I love my motherland! My Chinese heart will always thrive in your homeland, growing up gradually against the wind and sand