
时间:2022-11-14 13:06:16 | 来源:语文通



满月酒致辞 篇1满月酒致辞 篇2满月酒致辞 篇3满月酒致辞 篇4满月酒致辞 篇5满月酒致辞 篇6满月酒致辞 篇7

满月酒致辞 篇1


Dear elders, friends and relatives


Good afternoon, everyone!


First of all, I would like to thank all of you for coming to my son Liu Jia's full moon banquet. On behalf of our family, I would like to express our warm welcome and heartfelt thanks for your presence!


On April 18, 20XX Gregorian calendar, with a loud baby cry, our son Liu Jia was born. Since then, Fan Lili and I have become a happy family of three. I was promoted from expectant father to father, and Fan Lili was also promoted from expectant mother to mother. Today we prepare a banquet for elders, relatives and friends, which mainly means two things:


First, we should share this beautiful moment with everyone;


Secondly, I would like to thank all the relatives and friends for their care and help to our family. I would like to take this opportunity to bow to you and express my deep gratitude. Thank you!


As the saying goes, family fun adds a new chapter, makes your son happy, brings family and friends together, and shares the fruits of love!


Dear elders, friends and relatives, please fill your glass with good wine and wish our baby Liu Jia a healthy growth and early success! I also wish everyone a happy family and good health. OK, now please raise your glasses together. Cheers!

满月酒致辞 篇2


Distinguished guests, friends, ladies and gentlemen


hello everyone! I am very grateful to all of you for attending my daughter XXX's full moon banquet tonight, and I hope that this happy atmosphere can affect everyone here. Being a parent is another happy and unforgettable moment in my life. At this moment, I want to thank my parents who gave me life and my wife. I hope my daughter will grow up quickly and paint beautiful scenes of her own.


At the same time, I hope that friends will continue to care about and support the development of XX Electromechanical and XX Company, and I hope that everyone will be healthy, happy and prosperous in the new year!


Finally, let's take the wine in our hands and wish Sun Shangyu a healthy, beautiful and happy life and a better tomorrow! Thank you very much!


I was blessed with a son last month. My son is beautiful and healthy. I congratulate my son on his full moon and invite all relatives and friends here. I'm very excited.


Thank you for joining us today ××× The full moon wedding banquet of, drag everyone's care children solid health. Take this opportunity to invite all relatives and friends to gather here to prepare some thin wine. On the one hand, I would like to thank you, and on the other hand, I hope you can make friends during the dinner. Friends get together this time. All the big guys are friends. Please enjoy yourselves and get drunk! Thank you very much!

满月酒致辞 篇3


Distinguished guests, elders, relatives and friends


hello everyone!


On the occasion of the full moon of our twin sons, I would like to express my warm welcome and heartfelt thanks on behalf of the whole family to all of you for coming to congratulate us on your busy schedule!


Two sons at 20__ Both fell to the ground in the morning of X, X. Their arrival has brought infinite joy to our lives, and also occupied most of our rest and leisure time. Although parents have only had a short time of more than months, they understand the old saying that "only by raising children can we know that our parents are kind" so thoroughly at this moment, and let us have a grateful heart to thank the parents who gave birth to us.


In addition, we also want to thank our friends, relatives, leaders and colleagues. It is with your support, care and help that we feel our life is more sweet and our work is more smooth; We will remember your care and love one by one. I also sincerely wish everyone a well-off life, good health and a healthy family!


We are here today to prepare a small banquet to show our sincerity. Please forgive us for any mistakes! After dinner, please move to the tea room on the second floor to have a rest, play cards and have dinner in this hall.


Please enjoy yourselves. Thank you!

满月酒致辞 篇4


Ladies and gentlemen, children:


good afternoon.


Today is November 1, the ninth day of the lunar leap month. This is a very lucky day to celebrate Dali and the great celebration. I held a full moon celebration and thank-you banquet for my son's full moon at XX Hotel!


All the people present at today's celebration are invited, invited and insisted on elite leaders from all walks of life, representatives of Zhang and Huang families, and representatives of relatives and friends. The sages and sages are at their best. The elites gather together and feel more cordial.


This is exactly what we said: in the golden autumn of October, osmanthus and the fragrance of osmanthus, the emotional interpretation spectrum of Huazhang, the star, a member of the Zhang family, are gorgeous and the fragrance is prosperous. Relatives and six family members came to congratulate. Three aunts and six women congratulated the grand ceremony. The audience roared with laughter and pushed their cups to prepare lanterns.


Your arrival at this time undoubtedly adds color, friendship and auspiciousness to this full moon banquet!


Therefore, on behalf of the Zhang family and the Huang family, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and warm welcome to all those who participated in the festival!


Your arrival makes our wine more delicious; A sweeter kiss; Intimacy and feeling; Deeper.


Your arrival will add color to every day, add luster to happiness and add joy to life.


Your arrival brings auspicious clouds, family, friendship, joy and celebration!


Therefore, the host expressed great gratitude and respect on behalf of grandpa, grandma, grandpa, grandma, father, mother and son!


On today's festival, let's invite Zhang Zhongyi and Huang Shiqin, who have made outstanding contributions, to bow to thank you.

满月酒致辞 篇5


Elders, brothers and sisters, and some children:


hello everyone! First of all, thank you very much for coming! The arrival of everyone adds joy, auspiciousness and affection to today's gathering!


A month ago, a new life in our family, XX children, was born! Since then, our Han and Liu families have gained another revolutionary kindling, as well as a successor and inheritor of incense!


Today, everyone from all directions, from Shenqiu, from Zhoukou, from Zhengzhou, from Shijiazhuang, from all districts and counties in Beijing, come here to get together and celebrate the birth of XX children and the full moon of XX children. On behalf of Xiaozheng's family and his mother, I would like to extend a warm welcome to everyone!


I would like to take this opportunity to express three meanings:


One is to express gratitude. First of all, I would like to thank my mother and my father-in-law. It was you who brought us up and brought us up one by one. There, I would like to express my deep gratitude and respect for your upbringing! At this moment, I miss my father very much. He has devoted a lot of effort to my growth. He has been looking forward to my grandson for a whole decade. He died suddenly just after he was pregnant with the little guy. On this happy day, if he knows anything underground, I think he must be very relieved and happy. Secondly, I would like to express my gratitude to all of you here and other relatives in my hometown. During our growth and the process of giving birth to our baby, you have given us a lot of care, care and greetings. Here, I would like to express my deep gratitude and respect to you! Once again, I would like to thank his mother. From knowing to talking about friends to living together, we have spent 20 years in ups and downs, and 20 years in ups and downs. She has paid too much hard work and made too many sacrifices for this family.


The abnormality is that after I was pregnant with Xiaozheng's family, I had a great reaction during pregnancy. In addition, I have been in bed for more than 3 months, suffered a lot and suffered a lot. Even today's full moon wine, she can't come here to take care of her children at home. There, I would like to express my most unusual gratitude and respect to her!


The second is to express joy. The arrival of Zhengjia children has brought countless joys to our family. Let's start with his name: since we were pregnant with him, his mother and I have always been immersed in great joy and expectation.


We both thought it was a boy. I said that the name must come from the Book of Changes, the oldest classic book in China. So his mother searched this difficult book twice in the past two months when she was lying in bed to protect her baby. Finally, she chose the name of "Zhengjia" from the divination of "Family" (this book is also the earliest divination book). "Zhengjia" means "rectifying family".


There is a saying in the book, "It is the right family, but the world is determined", which means that if every family is well built, the world will be stable and peaceful. What we mean by that is, first of all, family harmony, because family and everything is prosperous; Secondly, the country is prosperous and the people are safe. I hope everyone is happy and healthy. This is the name. Small


After the guy was born, these days, I find that he has new changes and new growth almost every day. For example, he will turn over the next day; On the fifth day, he will turn left and right; He never looked at me when he held him and talked to him before. He actually looked at me the other day. At this moment, I want to see him more every day and hold him more for a while. Sometimes he wants to kiss, touch and scratch him when he is asleep. The joy of being a father is endless. So, today we share our joy with you.


The third is to express feelings. Although I was a new father only a month ago, I have a deeper understanding of the sentence "Only by raising a child can I know the kindness of my parents". It's not hard to raise children. It's a matter of course. It's our responsibility. The key is our parents' heart.


Parents do not expect their children to return anything to themselves. As long as their children are safe, healthy, tired, and have no complaints, they will not hesitate. After having children, I realized more deeply that the most selfless people in the world are their parents. Therefore, as children, we must respect our parents. As the saying goes, filial piety is the first. There, I also hope that we, the younger generation, can work together to encourage us to respect our parents and love them!


Finally, I propose that we raise a toast to the health and longevity of the elders and the healthy growth of the next generation. Cheers!

满月酒致辞 篇6


Dear friends and relatives, my in laws Mr. X, in laws Mrs. X and all in laws:


How do you do!


My wife, Ms. X, my brother, sister-in-law, sister, brother-in-law, younger brother, sister-in-law, my son, daughter-in-law and all the men's relatives, and I would like to express our warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to all the friends and relatives who came to our grandson, Mr. X's full moon banquet!


At 20:36 on October 16, 20XX, the daughter-in-law gave birth to a baby boy, weighing seven jin and three liang, at the 252 Hospital of the PLA after a hard October pregnancy. The mother and son were safe, and the whole family and friends were happy. This day was August 28 of the lunar calendar. According to Chinese traditions and customs, it foreshadowed good luck and happiness. Our whole family expressed heartfelt thanks to God for his favor and gifts to our family.


My brother X said happily: There is a boy in the Liu family. At first, I didn't realize that after my brother said this, I just woke up. It is indeed gratifying. In the future, our family should continue to do more good deeds to carry forward this happy event.


Over the years, friends and relatives present here have given our family a lot of selfless care, and here we express our heartfelt thanks. In the future, I hope that friends and relatives will gradually turn their attention to my grandson, Liu Kaiyan. Our next generation grandson will become the new hope of our generation. They are cross century talents, and they will carry forward the friendship of our older generation and become the backbone of the Chinese nation!


Sun Tzu was named after Chairman Mao, the great leader, who said, "After the three armies, we should open our faces." He has no other wish but to be happy all his life! Smile! Is the best and greatest quality of life! The day before yesterday, I composed a children's song by myself and sang it in the ears of my grandson:


Fat boy


Call Yan Yan


My name is XX, and I am happy,


The Liu family has a treasure capital!


Finally, I just use this nursery rhyme to wish all the relatives and friends to smile, talk and laugh happily at today's full moon banquet, sing with wine and get drunk

满月酒致辞 篇7


Dear elders, leaders, colleagues, dear relatives and friends


Hello everyone! Welcome to the Children's Hundred Day Banquet. I feel very honored to have you here. On behalf of my family, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude and warm welcome to all of you.

对于我的人生呀,回头看看,我总结了四大喜事。第一喜是我的出生。 感激我的爸爸妈妈,十几年含辛茹苦不辞辛劳,即使在我成家以后也无时无刻不挂念我的工作、生活和健康。在那里,我给您二老鞠一躬,感激你们,你们辛苦了!

As for my life, looking back, I summarized four happy things. The first happiness is my birth. Thanks to my parents, who have worked hard for more than ten years. Even after I got married, I always thought about my work, life and health. There, I will bow to your elders. Thank you for your hard work!


The second happiness is my marriage. I am grateful to my wife for the many frustrations along the way, including quarrels and joys. I have not been able to give you a beautiful wedding or a precious car. However, from marriage to this moment, you have never left. Thank you, dear wife!


The third happiness is my child. His birth made me feel the sweetness of being a father and the responsibility of being a man. I really felt the responsibility in life and the courage to move forward. I am grateful to you, little guy, and I blame you for your naivety and growing up to be a man who stands up to the sky!


The fourth happiness is knowing you here. Because of you, I, a rural wanderer, was no longer lonely, and I realized the transformation from nothing in my career. In my most difficult time, you selflessly extended a helping hand. I thank you!


Nothing can express my mood at this moment, and nothing can express my infinite gratitude to all of you here. There, I can only offer you a toast. I wish you all a happy family, a prosperous career, good health and good luck in everything!


Please eat well, drink well, play well and be in a good mood!