
时间:2022-11-14 13:06:16 | 来源:语文通



精彩语录 篇1毕业典礼励志演讲稿 篇2毕业典礼励志演讲稿 篇3毕业典礼励志演讲稿 篇4毕业典礼励志演讲稿 篇5毕业典礼励志演讲稿 篇6

精彩语录 篇1


● Prosperity of youth means prosperity of the country, and strength of youth means strength of the country.


● Ideal is a stone, which can strike out the spark; Ideal is fire, which lights the lamp of knowledge; Ideal is a lamp, illuminating the road at night; Ideal is the way, leading you to the bright. Ideals always belong to those who look up to the stars, plan for the future and achieve their careers.


Like all the 20XX graduates, I became a member of the big family of Dalian University of Technology as a "freshman" four years ago.


The university is responsible for inspiring and shaping students, and expanding their minds, increasing their confidence, and building their skills for students to take on great tasks. Looking back on your study life, I saw your responsibility in the smile of volunteer service; In the dedication of earthquake relief, I saw your responsibility; In the exhibition of outstanding learning achievements of graduates, I saw your responsibility, confidence and ability. As graduation is coming, I hope that you can take this responsibility to your work and to all fields of the construction of the motherland, so that China's modern industry and economic development can be more firmly in the hands of the Chinese people's own creation and construction.


The country thrives when young people thrive, and the country is strong when young people are strong. Every student graduated from Dalian University of Technology should be concerned about the development of the country and the well-being of the people, and take it as their lofty responsibility to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Youth can be more colorful only when it is sincerely dedicated to the motherland and the people, and life can shine only when it is integrated into the great cause of the country and the nation. I am convinced that you will be the builders, pioneers and leaders of such an era. Among the thousands of troops in the cause of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, I believe that you will become the most recognizable and most eye-catching backbone and leader because of the deep imprint of great work.


Ideals are stones that strike out the spark; Ideal is fire, which lights the lamp of knowledge; Ideal is a lamp, illuminating the road at night; Ideal is the way, leading you to the bright. Ideals always belong to those who look up to the stars, plan for the future and achieve their careers. The country, society and people place high hopes on big projects and you. The future of the motherland and the rejuvenation of the nation depend on you. You are the pride of the times. You should aspire to become the backbone of the times and the elites who promote and lead social progress.


You will leave Dalian University of Technology, the beautiful campus where you grew up, and your teachers and students who live with you day and night, to start a new journey to realize your dreams. But no matter whether you start to work or continue to study, no matter whether you stay at home or go abroad, no matter what difficulties and challenges you encounter, I hope that you must not give up the dreams and responsibilities that drive you forward, and learn all your life Lifelong improvement, lifelong progress and lifelong achievement.

毕业典礼励志演讲稿 篇2









毕业典礼励志演讲稿 篇3





















毕业典礼励志演讲稿 篇4


Dear leaders, teachers and students


hello everyone!


I am Yang XX, a graduate from XX Institute of Engineering. At this unusual moment when I am about to leave school and enter the society, I am honored to express our aspirations here as the representative of graduates. First of all, let me represent__ College of Engineering__ Campus 20__ I would like to express my gratitude to the school for its education and teachers for their careful training. At the same time, I would like to extend my warm congratulations and sincere wishes to all the students present here!


Expectations are planted in spring, and sprouts in summer. For four years, every inch of the sky in the school has traces of our dreams; Forty eight months, every tree in the school has our look of thinking about the future; In 1460 days, every corner of the school has the voice of our dream flowers.


When I think about the past and the present, I can't help feeling excited and full of thoughts. At this moment, like all the graduates present, my mood is full of joy and vision for the future, and it is more difficult to hide my nostalgia for the school, teachers and classmates. Maybe we all imagined the lofty aspirations and high spirits when we embarked on a new journey after graduation, just as Zhuge Kongming's feather fan gently held a thousand troops at a distance and looked forward to graduation more than once. However, today, this moment has really come, and I feel extremely reluctant and sentimental. We will not give up our passion for teachers and students, our brotherhood and brotherhood, or our youth in college__ The College of Engineering has witnessed the harsh years when we were young and did not know the taste of sorrow, the vitality and dreams of our youth, and the maturity of our life, the richness of our knowledge, and the sublimation and transcendence of our spiritual character. It seems that just yesterday, we all did experiments in the classroom, ate in the canteen, occupied seats in the library, and took a walk in the South Lake, enjoying the cool wind and flying snow. However, when the stars turn and the hare moves away, we suddenly find that we have graduated. Every year, the seasons flow; The words from the bottom of my heart are reserved for others; Now we are about to break up with mixed feelings. In the four years of college life, there are too many perfect memories that we will never forget.


We will never forget our alma mater's endless gratitude. Our alma mater is like our hometown. Tagore once said, "No matter how long the shadow of the tree is drawn by the dusk, it is always connected with the root". No matter where we are in the future, no matter whether we are successful or frustrated, it will always be there, never give up and never forget.


We will never forget the education and training of the college. The college, like our family, cares about our study and life meticulously. Whether it is the footsteps of dancing chickens or the eyes of reading at night, they are all witnessing our sweat, sharing our laughter and carrying too many memories.


We will never forget our teachers' earnest instructions. Teachers, just like our parents, not only teach us knowledge and skills, but also teach us how to behave, so that we can become talents and talents.


We will never forget the strong friendship of our classmates. Classmates are like our brothers and sisters. We share joys and sorrows and share weal and woe. Even if we go to the ends of the world in the future, we will always be connected by our hearts and feelings, just as an old saying goes: One lifetime of classmates, three generations of relatives; It is hoped that our relations will remain comprehensive and sustainable in the future.


It's hard to get together! At this moment, we are full of love for the school, teachers and classmates. However, students must go out of school after all. Only in the fertile soil can the seeds bear rich fruits; Water drops can only stir up beautiful waves in the vast ocean; The eagle can show its ordinary greatness only under the broad sky. When everything we had together became perfect memories, we began to write new stories about ourselves. The sweet fruit needs the watering of sweat, and the beautiful youth needs to strive for its beauty. The sea is wide and the sky is high. We will never abandon the school motto of "being virtuous and farsighted, and being pragmatic". We will continue to work hard and strive; Only in this way can our dreams come true and our life will be wonderful!


I am so happy with it that I have already lost sight of it. Goodbye, my lovely classmate; Goodbye, my respected teacher; Goodbye, my great alma mater.


Finally, I wish the students a smooth sailing and bright future, and realize their own values and dreams as soon as possible; I wish teachers good health, smooth work, and all over the world; I wish the school a large number of talents, fruitful and more perfect tomorrow.


thank you very much!

毕业典礼励志演讲稿 篇5


Dear students


Today is a sunny day in your life. The four years of college life have become countless unforgettable images, from eight days and seven nights of preparation for the National Day parade to the volunteer service for the centennial school anniversary; From the steps and sweat of the long run in the sun to the tears and laughter of "Malan Flowers"; From the reprint and roast of Renren, to the queue and aftertaste of Qingfenyuan Spicy Pot, you have put a section of youth that is going to die here forever! The faculty and staff of the school and I are lucky to play supporting role in your stories, feel your passion, witness your growth and share your gains.


Today is also a day of thanksgiving and celebration. I would like to thank all parents and teachers and staff for your silent efforts, which helped students successfully complete their youth drama and start a more wonderful sequel on a larger stage. I sincerely congratulate all the students who have been commended. You have become an example of everyone with your hard work. You are the pride of Tsinghua today! I also think of those students who have been defeated and hesitated in their studies, love and growth. You have overcome difficulties, experienced training, overcome yourself, and made progress that can not be recorded with scores. Your graduation deserves more congratulations. I am proud of you!


Students, you are growing up in an era of deepening globalization. The destiny of mankind shares weal and woe, and the development of all countries is closely linked; You are growing up in the era of information technology is in the ascendant, science and technology progress is changing with each passing day, and the knowledge economy is booming; You grew up in an era of increasingly deepened cultural integration, where various thoughts and cultures agitated with each other, and different civilizations added radiance to each other; You have grown up in the era of China's rapid rise. Our comprehensive national strength and international status have significantly improved, and the Chinese nation is more confident in moving towards a great rejuvenation.


Compared with our generation, your vision is wider, your knowledge is wider, your rhythm is faster, your personality development is more conscious, and you have more awareness of independence, equality and openness. Today, you graduated from college. Whether you are going to the society or going on to graduate school after graduation, you will be in a new environment and face new changes. Your learning and growth will have greater autonomy, life communication will face more complex social relations, and career development will face more opportunities and more choices. I want to tell you that opportunities not only breed success, but also accompany challenges. To meet challenges, we need not only to pursue excellence, but also to know how to persist, and more importantly, to learn to give up.


In January this year, we held a high-level round table in Davos, inviting many world-renowned people to make suggestions on the future development of Tsinghua. When talking about the training of young people, Mr. Rudd, the former Prime Minister of Australia and now the Prime Minister again, said to me that young people need to answer three important questions during their growth: What do you believe? Why do you believe it? What can you do for what you believe?


Because everyone's life and career will not be smooth, always ups and downs, and even setbacks and failures. When life is at a low ebb, only by returning to the most basic values and believing in what you believe can you seize opportunities in challenges and see hope in despair. Today, I would like to combine the three stories around me to talk about the future development of students.


As you know, Tsinghua has recently launched the Su Shimin Global Scholars Program. In the communication with the project donor Su Shimin, we became good friends who talked about everything. He said that when he was a student, there was an track and field coach who always asked them to practice sprinting and long-distance running in the parking lot in cold weather. When they were exhausted and their legs were numb, the coach shouted at them: Run again, run again!


Because more training is more effort, more confrontation is more gain. During the circle after circle of running, he gradually learned that "running again" is not only a training for the body, but also a training for the will quality, which has become his value pursuit and life creed. "Another lap" is to choose effort and persistence. Efforts are opportunities, and persistence is promising.


The second story is about choice. Two years ago, our School of Journalism organized an international internship for graduate students. Many students were eager to go to the United States, Europe and other developed countries, but a girl offered to go to Egypt. At that time, Egypt was in a period of serious turbulence, political instability, social chaos and various dangers at any time.


However, she believes that as a future journalist, she should have her own value judgment and grow up in risk. After listening to her story, I was very moved and appreciated her dedication and love for journalism. I believe that her choice not only means greater effort, but also reflects her independent personality and professional faith.


Another is the story of Singapore Jiatong Group, a long-term partner of Tsinghua University. Ms. Lin Meimei, the executive director of the Group, told me that the company first made tires in Indonesia. Mr. Lin Dexiang, the president, was enthusiastic about public welfare undertakings and made many contributions to the local economic and social development. Because of Mr. Lin's conduct and management, a subsidiary of the Group successfully obtained the business license of the tobacco industry. Generally speaking, everyone will think this is a good opportunity to make money.


However, Mr. Lin said to his children that everyone wants to do a business with huge profits, but this kind of business is easy to make people forget their interests, which is bad for the development of the enterprise and the future of their children; Moreover, tobacco is not conducive to public health, and it is against his moral conscience to do so. In the face of such a huge temptation, they resolutely decided to give up. Over the years, Jiatong Group has always focused on rubber tires. Through the efforts of three generations, it has finally become a famous multinational enterprise in Singapore.


Boys and girls, these three stories reveal the same truth, that is, no matter whether you are at the peak or at the bottom of your life, your destiny needs to be in your own hands. When you are exhausted after a long journey, only by insisting on "running again", can you break out of the difficulties, overcome the limits, usher in unexpected new opportunities, and move towards a new starting point of your life journey; When you are faced with difficulties, challenges and risk crises, only by adhering to independent thinking and not following the crowd can you make the right choice, dare to face difficulties, surpass yourself and win respect; When you face great pressure or temptation, only by sticking to the most basic values can you ignore gains and losses, know how to give up, gain inner peace, and feel the weight of life.


Students, in 20XX, you graduated from the university. One hundred years ago, Tsinghua University, which was not long after its establishment, participated in the first Far East Games, opening the first time for Chinese schools to participate in international competitions. 90 years ago, Senior Wang Luanxiang created the Tsinghua school song, which becomes our eternal spiritual song. As time goes by, some people have experienced the waves of fate and won the inner calm and calm; Some things have become the most beautiful and unique scenery in the long history after the years.


Today is July 17, the node from the past to the future; Today also happens to be the 102nd birthday of Mr. Yang Jiang, an old senior of Tsinghua University. Mr. Yang, the same age as Tsinghua, has gone through a hundred years of vicissitudes and hardships of life, but has always maintained the noble, vivid and elegant quality, passing on her warmth, warmth and peace to us.


A few days ago, I went to see her, and my husband specifically told me that the school was busy, so we should not come on our birthday. Just eat a bowl of longevity noodles for her. I suggest that we all eat a bowl of longevity noodles today to celebrate the birthday of our seniors and also to bless your future. I hope you will grow up through persistence and mature through choice. Like Mr. Yang Jiang, the river of life will flow forever and the tree of career will be evergreen!


Thank you.

毕业典礼励志演讲稿 篇6


Teachers and students:


hello everyone!


Today, I am very happy to attend the graduation ceremony of my classmates and share the joy of success with them. Southwest Jiaotong University has gone through 113 years of ups and downs, and generations of outstanding Jiaotong University people have set out from here to go to all parts of the country. Tomorrow, you will embark on a new journey. On behalf of the University, I would like to extend my warm congratulations to all the 20XX graduates who have successfully completed their studies! I would also like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to all the teachers who have worked hard for our school's education and teaching!


The past four years have been the most precious time in students' lives. You have entered this century old university with great expectations, and you have met, met and parted from Southwest Jiaotong University. Here, you pursue knowledge, increase talents, sweat and harvest friendship; Here, you welcomed the Beijing Olympic Games, which attracted worldwide attention, witnessed the centennial event of the motherland, and also experienced the May 12 Wenchuan earthquake. You experienced great love in the disaster and sharpened your will in the misfortune; Here, among you, Guo Chenyang, an outstanding national defense student who lost loved ones in the earthquake but still stuck to the front line of earthquake relief, and Lu Lingxiao, Cui Yingjie and a large number of outstanding graduates at provincial and school levels have emerged. My alma mater is proud of your growth!


The alma mater left behind the track of students' growth, and the students also witnessed the rapid development and changes of the alma mater. After three centuries of migration, today's Southwest Jiaotong University is working hard to build a high-level research university with transportation characteristics and multi-disciplinary coordinated development. It has not only formed a school running pattern of "one school, two places and three campuses", but also successfully entered the construction ranks of "Characteristic 985 Project" universities. The university is about to start the construction of "National Research Center for Rail Transit Electrification and Automation Engineering Technology" and "Innovation Platform for Rail Transit Transportation Engineering Advantage Disciplines". The application for the construction of "National Laboratory for Rail Transit" has made significant progress. These achievements not only build a high-level scientific and technological innovation platform for the school, but also greatly improve the school level. Every achievement made by my alma mater is inseparable from the participation and support of the students. On behalf of the school, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you!


Students! College life is a new milestone on the road of life. After today's ceremony, most of the students will leave their alma mater and go to a new world. We will have a lot of feelings when we summarize our past study experience and look forward to the future of our life. At this moment, as your headmaster, teachers and seniors, I offer the following three hopes to the students:


First, be ambitious and down-to-earth. The students are about to leave the school, go to work, start their own business, and participate in the construction of the country. I hope that while setting long-term career goals, students should adjust their mentality in time according to the actual working environment and be prepared for down-to-earth and long-term struggle. People should be ambitious and career should be constant. To make a difference, you must be able to stand loneliness and endure hardships. "The platform of a thousand feet starts from the earth". As long as we do every work well, make unremitting efforts and persevere, I believe that students will be able to improve their lives and achieve their careers in the process of building the motherland.


Second, the still water flows deep, and the capacity is great. The students will soon step into a colorful social environment. In today's world of rapid development and full of temptations, we hope that everyone should maintain a confident, rational and peaceful attitude, prevent the impatience for quick results and quick profits, and uphold the spirit of Southwest Jiaotong University of "being practical, promoting China, and constantly striving for self-improvement", so as to truly settle down and build the country and benefit the society. At the same time, I also hope that you should have the spirit of "embracing all rivers", learn from others' advantages with an open and modest attitude, learn from others' strengths, tolerate others' shortcomings, integrate into the team, and create a good environment for your own development.


Third, study hard and keep pace with the times. In today's society, with the rapid development of knowledge and technology, we have entered an era of lifelong learning. The completion of college education is just the beginning of new learning. In the future work and life, we must constantly learn new knowledge and skills, always maintain a strong thirst for knowledge and innovation ability, and keep pace with the times, so as to maintain our advantages in the increasingly fierce social competition and achieve success.


Students, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step". At present, China is undergoing great economic transformation and profound social change. The times have given you new opportunities and challenges. I hope you can give full play to your talents, adhere to the characteristics of "resolute and committed, loyal and tolerant" of Jiaotong University, and contribute to the rejuvenation of the nation and the progress of the country! Your alma mater will always be your spiritual home and strong backing. I sincerely wish you all a bright future and a brilliant life!