
时间:2022-11-14 13:06:15 | 来源:语文通



最美孝心少年观后感 篇1最美孝心观后感 篇2最美孝心少年观后感 篇3最美孝心少年观后感 篇4最美孝心观后感 篇5最美孝心少年观后感 篇6最美孝心少年观后感 篇7

最美孝心少年观后感 篇1


Recently, the 20XX "Looking for the Most Beautiful Filial Teenagers" Award Ceremony, sponsored by China Central Radio and Television (CCTV) and supported and guided by the Central Civilization Office, the Ministry of Education, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, the All China Women's Federation, the China Charity Federation and other organizations, was held in the No. 1 studio of CCTV. Under the guidance and excavation of the Bengbu Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau and Bengbu Social Work (Persons) Association of Anhui Province, and the recommendation of the Propaganda Department of the Bengbu Municipal Party Committee and the Bengbu Municipal Civilization Office, The deeds of Miyai Hao, a child in distress in Gaogeng Village, Qinji Town, High tech Zone, Bengbu City, moved countless people and stood out from 408 candidates nationwide. He was honored as one of the top ten "most beautiful filial children" in 20XX and the only one of the top ten young people in Anhui Province.


Miyai Hao lives in Gaogeng Village, Qinji Town, Bengbu City, and now studies in Renhe Middle School. Three years ago, my mother was found to be suffering from uremia, and the high cost of treatment made this originally poor family in trouble. It never rains but it pours. At the beginning of 20XX, my father died of acute leukemia. The only pillar in the family fell, and his mother lost her labor force. Since then, Miyai has become the "little giant" of the family. Cooking, washing, cleaning, taking care of the younger brother with my sister, and taking care of the mother in the hospital when she has time. Miyai Hao shouldered the burden of life with his tender shoulders, and interpreted the true meaning of "filial piety" in a simple and warm way.


It is understood that the large-scale public welfare activity of "Looking for the Most Beautiful Filial Adolescents" is committed to the ideological and moral construction of minors and the cultivation of children's core values. It is one of the activities of CCTV's "Looking for the Most Beautiful" series, which has a long duration, good social benefits and high ratings. There were 408 candidates for the "Most Beautiful Filial Adolescents" in China, and the activity was divided into four stages. Since the launch of this year's activity in April, it has gone through many stages, such as nationwide solicitation, people's deeds exhibition, official website publicity, and election by the election committee. In the end, the event committee selected 10 "the most beautiful filial piety teenagers" from hundreds of candidates by secret ballot.


For the protection of children in need, the volunteers of the Sunshine Charity Association in Yidian, Bengbu City, after field inspection, studied and determined the assistance plan and decided to carry out the "warm winter sun" assistance project. Bengbu Civil Affairs Bureau and Bengbu Social Work Association paid close attention and actively planned and supported. The intervention of professional social workers, the protection of children in distress, the "overlapping guardianship" and special living allowance implemented by the Aiyou Foundation together... Since March this year, it has been decided to gather social forces to take the lead in building a new home for Miyai Hao, and completely change the living environment of the three sisters and brothers. In the past three months, with the help of many caring people from Yidian Sunshine Charity Association, a three bedroom house with an area of nearly 100 square meters has been built, named "Sunshine House". The attention of national, provincial and municipal media has enhanced the image of children in need of self-improvement, and demonstrated the achievements of Bengbu social organizations in poverty alleviation and the protection of children in need.

最美孝心观后感 篇2


With sincere heart and deep love, I found 10 good teenagers in the new era, who are filial to their parents and elders; They solve problems for their parents, help their parents take care of younger siblings, and take on family responsibilities on behalf of their parents; They constantly strive for self-improvement, make progress in the sun and make great efforts. By setting an example of filial piety and good youth in the new era, we will carry forward the excellent culture and traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, promote the social ethos of respecting the elderly, love the elderly, promote socialist ethics and values, and promote an inspiring, optimistic and positive attitude towards life.


Huang Lulu, a Hubei girl, lost her father when she was young. She took care of her paralyzed mother for more than ten years alone, and was the only dependency of the family. After high school, she rented a room near the school with the help of her relatives and friends, and began to take her mother to school. In order to make her mother happy, she drew a smiling face on the apple. When she went to school, she let the smiling face accompany her lonely mother. I hope this most beautiful young man with filial piety can go to college as he wishes.


In the deep mountains of Wuxi, Chongqing, Chen Liyan Congxing, 11, and her father lived together. At the age of 1, her mother ran away from home. Three years ago, her father lost his ability to work because of tuberculosis. At the age of 8, she began to run the house. She worked in the fields and cooked everything. She carried the whole family. She hopes to be a little swallow to protect her father and take good care of him every day.

最美孝心少年观后感 篇3


Only with filial piety can we have a harmonious and perfect family. When I finished watching this program, I had a great feeling. These children moved everyone with filial piety. Filial piety is related to a lot of love, but not all children understand this love! Huang Feng is only a teenager, and her father's leg is disabled. In order to cure her father's leg, Huang Feng pushed the iron plate car for 500 kilometers. Huang Feng has taken care of her father for ten years, but she has no complaints. How can this filial daughter not move everyone?


Zhao Wenlong's mother suffered from cervical spondylosis and diabetes. The court awarded Long Long to his father. But because of his mother's illness, Long Long was afraid that his mother would not be taken care of, so he returned to his mother. Every day, Long Long had to push his mother to walk six kilometers for dialysis. At night, he went to pick up his mother. Long Long had to massage his mother four times a day and would not sleep until 3 o'clock in the morning. When there are good people to help them, Long Long will also write down their names in his notebook, hoping to repay them when he grows up. One day, Long Long bought 2 jin of meat and hoped his mother would have some meat. Long Long is only 13 years old. He can do everything and is sensible. A person who helped him asked him, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Long Long said he wanted to take the military academy exam! Because you can subsidize money, so your mother may have a chance to be cured! He also told his mother loudly: "Mom, I will give everything just to see your smile!"


These two touching stories have inspired me to do something unexpected to my parents and do my best to show filial piety to my children. Looking back, parents always leave the best for us to eat and use... but sometimes we don't listen


Or sometimes unintentionally say something that hurts your parents. But here I want to say: Mom and Dad, if I have something bad to do, please forgive me! I will be a daughter that makes you proud! It's easy to be filial. When parents are tired from a day's work, they can cook a delicious meal for them or wash their feet and say, "Mom and Dad, you've worked hard! I love you!" During the holidays, think more about your parents, and think carefully that everyone's parents are good parents and great! They are using their lives to love us, let us live our own color!


Through this program, I learned what filial piety is and what ordinary greatness is! Huang Feng and Zhao Wenlong deeply touched me. I will try my best to repay my parents and show them filial piety. Thank you for bringing me to this wonderful world. Please rest assured that no matter what career I will pursue in the future, you will always be my favorite father and mother!

最美孝心少年观后感 篇4


What is filial piety? Filial piety is the sun in the cold, warm people's hearts; Filial piety is a clear spring in the hot summer, bringing people cool and comfortable; Filial piety is the mountain that brings people to rely on when encountering difficulties and setbacks... Let's play the concerto of filial piety and enter the chapter of "The Most Beautiful Young Man with a Filial Heart".




Chapter I


With the singing of "looking for you in the crowd", the curtain of "The Most Beautiful Filial Adolescent" slowly opened. The filial youngsters this time are Wang Dan, Zhang Jun, Liang Rong, Xu Zhuojing, You Zhenan, Yuan Deqi, Xiang Na and Wu Jinqi. They all proved themselves with their own actions, understood the true meaning of filial piety, and played the concerto of filial piety!


Among them, the girl who moved me most was Xu Zhuojing, a violin girl. At the age of 6, her mother was suffering from cancer, which made this already poor family more difficult. For this reason, her father had to go out to work. Zhuo Jing resolutely supported the family. However, while supporting the family, Xiaozhuo Jing also tried to find time to learn the violin


Chapter II


When I saw this, I couldn't help crying. I looked at Xu Zhuojing and me again. My mother was washing and cooking for me every day. I rarely offered to help with housework. Not only that, when I met something unpleasant, I would lose my temper with my parents. Now think about it, I found that I did so badly, even worse than the ancient children. For example, Huang Xiang, her mother died when she was 9 years old, so she poured all her love and yearning for her mother into her father. It was very cold in winter, so Huang Xiang would lie in her father's quilt when she went to bed at night. After warming her father's quilt, she would go back to sleep in her own cold quilt.


From the first day of our enrollment, the teacher told us: "To become a talent, first grow up!" If a person does not learn to be a man, how can he learn knowledge? Filial piety is the first of all virtues. Let's start from "filial piety". Our parents have raised us with nearly half of their life's efforts, and we only need to repay them with simple actions. Can't we do such a small return?


I believe that from now on, we will do our best to write a satisfactory chapter for our filial piety, just like the role models around us.


Chapter III


In Shuowen Jiezi, the explanation of the word "filial piety" is as follows: "Those who do good to their parents. From the old province, follow their children, and children inherit the old." Isn't this explanation enough to show the relationship between children and parents? Filial piety, what a beautiful word! With it, the family will be harmonious, the society will be beautiful, and the country will be rich and strong! Filial piety is a note. If such a note can spread all over the world and merge into a song, the world will become very beautiful. As long as everyone gives a little filial piety, the world will become a beautiful world! Filial piety is like the sun in the cold winter and the spring in the hot summer. As long as each of us composes a note of filial piety, it will surely become the most beautiful concerto of filial piety!

最美孝心观后感 篇5


I saw the notice when watching TV last night. The search for "the most beautiful filial young man" lasted more than half a year, and will find you in the audience when the closing work is broadcast at 8 p.m. Feeling that this was a good opportunity for children to receive education, I immediately took out my mobile phone and sent a text message to the parents to let them watch the party together. The three of us watched the party together. At the party, China told the touching stories of 10 "the most beautiful filial teenagers" who showed filial piety to their elders, constantly strive for self-improvement, sunshine, self-reliance and self-improvement. I was deeply moved by the touching stories and sincere efforts of filial piety.


When I think about my children growing up in the honeypot, especially since I was in the sixth primary school for more than a year, I can say that my children have seen school from home. As a mother, I have arranged too much for them in all aspects. What they feel is almost "ready-made", so there is no need to worry about it. Children are growing up. We must learn to let go. One day, children will start their own lives. So we can't forbid children to participate in and try all kinds of lives now. We can't help children forever, so our best help for children is to help them learn to help themselves. We must be clear that, as a parent, no matter how much effort you make, you cannot provide all the happiness for your children. Everyone must strive for happiness on their own. Learn to let go, cultivate children's strong character, self-reliance is the most important thing we should do.


When we think about ourselves, our parents are getting old day by day. They always think that there is a long way to go. They always think that opportunities are always available, but they don't want to. Life is like a fleeting moment, and the family relationship can never be fully repaid. In addition, life itself is vulnerable. The word "filial piety" refers to the old and the children. It refers to the previous generation and the next generation, which means that parents can only accompany their children for a short time. If you are always busy with fame and fortune, power and position, but ignore your parents and forget your relatives, you will really "want to support your son but not your relatives". God has only given us one fate. If we can get along well with our parents in the limited time and precious days, we will not have too much regret and pain. Even if you help your mother brush chopsticks and wash dishes, or even beat your back and rub your shoulders for your father, you will feel great satisfaction. A greeting, a chat, a dinner, a trip... As long as we are willing, we can pass on our love whenever and wherever we are with our parents.

最美孝心少年观后感 篇6


Li Zaiyuan, a girl about 13 years old, trotted all the way home, thinking only of her father who suffered from cerebral hemorrhage.


When he got home, Li Zaiyuan couldn't wait to open the door of his home. He jumped like a sparrow to his father, who was lying on the iron bed. The man whose eyes were originally wandering, gathered his eyes and listened to the angel singing in front of him. Suddenly, he grinned like a child with a new toy.


Li Zaiyuan liked this smile very much and carefully kept it in his heart. She also treats such a father as a child. Every morning, she carefully carried warm water, twisted the towel, gently wiped her father bit by bit, and carefully sang.


Li Jianyuan worked hard to cure his father, and he was the first in grade. "I will find the best hospital for him".


Li Jianyuan didn't complain. She just irrigated a big tree that gave her happiness with pure and selfless love.


If it were me, I might be ashamed of it. I don't have the courage to irrigate After reading her deeds, I, I, I should also like her, use a drop of water to return the tree that has protected us all our lives, and do it without hesitation.


Because of a family dispute, both parents died. Yang Jinlong lives with his grandmother. Grandma suffers from heart disease. He goes to the town ten miles away from home every week to buy medicine for her. On the way to buy medicine, he mostly uses walking—— To save money on medicine. How much determination it took!


Yang Jinlong's grandmother likes noodles. In order to make noodles for Grandma, he learned to make noodles! You know, it's hard to meet people!


Filial piety may be, I know that you want me to become better, and I try my best to run in which direction; You give me care and love, I want to do my best to love you; I work harder to make you better, no matter what the result is; With a smile and a figure that never bends, wave to tell you that I'm doing well. Li Jianyuan and Yang Jinlong, I admire them. Filial piety is just doing little things every day. It is not a matter of washing our parents' feet in a day. It is for us to know love, be grateful for love, repay love and create love.


This is also a kind of firmness. In fact, sometimes, I'm sorry to tell you that I'm not strong. But after reading Yang Jinlong's story, I understand what Yang Jiang said: "I pretended to be strong at first, but then I became really strong." Isn't filial piety just that I don't want to see you sad and lost for me, so I will greet life with the biggest smile? Although it's a little sad, you should learn to stand up and go on to create a more beautiful tomorrow for those who love you! How happy and joyful it is! Yes, straighten your back, face difficulties, think about your family, smile, smile, smile!


Return to the sea with a drop of water! Hold on! Hold on! Let your warm current flow through the sea and feel warm! Anyone can be the most beautiful filial young man!

最美孝心少年观后感 篇7


"When a family has good children, peace is in their parents' hearts." The song "Kindness and Filial Piety Like a Sunny Day" sings the voice of many parents. Filial piety lasts forever and is always touched. The most beautiful filial piety youth activity held by CCTV in 2015 has ended perfectly, but many of its contents are touching and touching.


In the autumn of 2009, Wang Shuaikang's father suffered from a serious heart disease. He was unable to recover after two operations and finally died. Under the heavy mental blow, Grandma suffered from severe cardiopulmonary syndrome, and the doctor issued several critical notices. Unable to see the hope of life, my mother tearfully remarried to another country. When he was in the first grade of primary school, his doctor diagnosed him with Marfan's syndrome. This is a hereditary connective tissue disease. The patient's height will be significantly higher than that of ordinary people. The eyes mainly have crystalline dislocation or subluxation, high myopia and other symptoms, and are often accompanied by cardiovascular system abnormalities, which may endanger life in serious cases. When Grandpa proposed to cure him, Wang Shuaikang, a sensible man, advised Grandpa to cure Grandma first. In the vague world and suffering from illness, Wang Shuaikang did not flinch, but chose to be strong. He helped his grandpa keep the house in order. After school, he went to the village to pick up bottles and bottle caps. When he had saved a certain amount, he took the bottles to the waste purchase station and sold them. The money he got was used to buy food for his grandparents. At the same time, he studied hard and achieved excellent results. His grandmother also left him in July this year, when he was only 11 years old.


There is no tenderness and childishness in his peers, but only determination and courage to face difficulties. Perhaps his body is not strong and his ability is still very weak, but his responsibility is far beyond that of his peers. In contrast, the children in our city have good conditions and are not poor families, but many people do not study hard, go to the dogs and live up to their parents' expectations.


Filial piety means that there are old people and children. The ancients not only created characters, but set a rule for human beings. This is the connotation of filial piety. "The crow feeds back, and the lamb kneels." What makes us cry are those strong teenagers of our age who express their filial piety incisively and vividly, tempered by hard life.


Indeed, filial piety is a duty that every one of us should scrupulously abide by. We can't wait until we grow up and have the ability to learn to be filial. Instead, we should start from the little things we have now, cherish the present, cherish the life we have now, cherish the little things we can be with our parents now, cook a meal for them, wash clothes for them, be filial to them, thank them for their upbringing, and do our duties well!