
时间:2022-11-12 12:56:24 | 来源:语文通



今日说法观后感 篇1今日说法观后感 篇2今日说法观后感 篇3

今日说法观后感 篇1


Very relevant


An employer in Fuzhou often abused the baby sitter at home, and finally beat the baby sitter to death one day. In order to destroy the body, the employer's wife posed as the sister of a baby sitter and cremated the body. The court ruled that the employer intentionally injured him with a reprieve of death, and his wife was sentenced to three years' imprisonment for covering up.


According to expert analysis, employers and nannies are not masters and servants, and their status is equal. The state should amend the labor law to protect the legitimate interests of people who have personal employment relationships such as nannies. Now their interests cannot be guaranteed. In addition, in order to restrict the behavior of the nanny, the employer should sign a contract with the nanny, or with the help of the judicial authority.

今日说法观后感 篇2


I watched today's talk show of CCTV. This program is about crimes committed by children left behind in rural areas.


The protagonists in this case are Zheng Qing and Xue Jin, two middle school students. Their parents are working outside, and their grandparents take care of them in daily life. Zheng Qing's family is a little better off. His parents often send him some pocket money. Xue Jin's family is quite poor, but Xue Jin is addicted to computer games, so he often borrows money from Zheng Qing. This time, he asked Zheng Qing to borrow another 900 yuan, because Xue Jin stealthily sold his family rations to pay back the money he borrowed. But this time, because he borrowed more money to sell rations, his family will find out, So Xue Jin thought that he would not have to pay back the money if he killed his classmates. In this way, the lives of two young people were destroyed, one died and the other was sentenced to life imprisonment and deprived of their rights for life.

今日说法观后感 篇3


The consequences are really serious


Chen Bing found a small bag secretly in the railway station and went to catch up with it. It was about 200 meters after the chase. The result was sudden death. The thief had no physical contact with him. Sports medicine experts analyzed that he may have died suddenly due to heart problems.


Experts analyzed that the theft of the thief had a causal relationship with Chen Bing's death. But it only constitutes theft. Sentencing can be used as an aggravating circumstance as appropriate. The thief was at fault for Chen Bing's death, but Chen Bing's family did not claim civil compensation from the thief. Finally, the thief was sentenced to 4 years and fined 3000 for attempted theft.