
时间:2022-11-12 12:56:23 | 来源:语文通



《态度决定一切》读后感 篇1态度决定一切读后感 篇2态度决定一切读后感 篇3态度决定一切读后感 篇4

《态度决定一切》读后感 篇1


1、 Agreed views


1. Attitude decides everything. We can't choose work, but we can choose the attitude of work. We should take every work seriously.


2. Attitude is an important indicator of a person's success, and it determines your success or failure.


2、 Connect with reality


1. In my daily work, I often like to find reasons and excuses for myself. I often complain about the school, the complexity of work and the pressure of work; I never asked if I had tried. I often complain about the low salary when I pay my salary, but I never think about it. Do I really deserve this salary? When enrolling students, I always complain that there are too many recruitment tasks, that recruitment is too boring, and that it is too difficult to enroll, and I never think about whether I really seriously enroll. In the face of work, we always complain first and shirk, rather than work hard with a positive attitude. This attitude is very undesirable and will eventually lead to failure or even unemployment. Therefore, we should try to correct our work attitude and treat every job with a positive and serious attitude.


2. I used to work for the sake of work, for the sake of salary. I thought I could do as much as I took. In fact, this is very childish. We only see the immediate interests, but not the long-term future. If we work with this attitude, we will be eliminated by the society sooner or later. Therefore, we must correct our work attitude. Only when our attitude changes, can we change things, get recognition from others, be respected by leaders, and move towards success.


3、 Refactoring


1. In the future work, we must correct our work attitude, take every step of our career with a positive and enterprising work attitude, and do every job well. Only in this way can we achieve success. When we treat our work with an attitude towards life, our work will give you the same precious rewards. Therefore, when dealing with each work, we should take the same attitude as life to complete it.


2. From now on, no matter what kind of things you treat, you should take a positive attitude towards them and always maintain a hard working attitude. Set a clear goal for yourself, that is to strive to become an excellent teacher in the next semester. You should always strive to move towards this goal, overcome all kinds of difficulties and hardships, maintain a positive attitude, and then surpass yourself to achieve the goal.

态度决定一切读后感 篇2


"A good book is a good friend of yours." I don't remember the famous saying of a philosopher, but it is true. In order to mobilize everyone's mind and consciousness in reading, we recently made a reading plan. Everyone must read a book within a month, and then write their feelings to share with you. I read two books myself, one of which is Attitude Determines Everything. Because I lent the other book to my colleagues, I wrote my feelings after reading this book. After reading this book, I really felt deeply, This is a valuable book, which can rapidly improve our perception of life and help us establish and improve our life positioning. Attitude decides everything. We must have an attitude of heart to do anything, and only by doing it with heart can we succeed.


What kind of attitude determines what kind of life. There is no general truth in the book Attitude Determines Everything. When we want to clarify a certain point of view of the author, we always cite an example that happened around the author. Although the example is simple, it has profound implications and is thought-provoking. In conclusion, I think the purpose of this book is to let people who have no direction in life find their own life goals again, and let friends who deal with adversity find courage and confidence to overcome difficulties again.


In the book Attitude Determines Everything, personality emphasizes thinking with heart and attitude with heart. "The strong man in life is a person who thinks with heart. He will never panic when he encounters difficulties, because he knows that there is a solution to the problem itself. The more difficult the problem is, the stronger his tenacity will be. He can still cope with it and deal with it rationally to get the best result". "If we are not afraid to deal with difficulties and attack resolutely, we will be able to truly capture problems and create perfect results". To become a strong person in life, we should have a heart thinking and heart attitude, that is to say, we should have confidence, a kind of confidence from the heart. You should believe in yourself. As long as you are not disappointed in yourself and full of confidence, your spirit will not collapse. Even if you are temporarily faced with many difficulties, you may overcome them and achieve success.


Among contemporary Chinese managers, Wu Shihong is undoubtedly a successful lady with legendary color and personality charm. She went from an ordinary young woman without formal higher education and any background to the regional leader of IBM and Microsoft, two giant multinational companies. In addition to her intelligence and eloquence, her courage, that is, confidence, is the determinant of her success. In the interview before entering IBM, Wu Shihong showed his spirit of fearing nothing. The manager asked her, "Do you understand what kind of company IBM is?" "I'm sorry, I don't know." Wu Shihong told the truth. "How do you understand that you are qualified to work at IBM?" "How can you understand that I am not qualified without me?" Wu Shihong blurted out this statement with confidence. Later, she said that her former colleagues and leaders believed that she had the potential to do more. She said that passing the self-taught examination was proof of her potential. If she was given a chance, she would prove her potential and qualifications. If IBM or other companies use her, they must not regret it. In this way, she was told to go to work next Monday! "I am born to be useful." Wu Shihong's confident words gave the examiner a sense of trust and identification. It is precisely because of Wu Shihong's confident words and her diligent attitude towards work in the future that her work performance stands out and she has been promoted continuously, from the staff to the general manager of South China Branch, the general manager of IBM's China sales channel, the general manager of Microsoft (China) and later the managing director and vice president of TCL Group.


Every successful person and example mentioned in the book Attitude Determines Everything may seem empty to us. But Wu Shihong's success story happened in our own country, and its credibility is quite high and practical. The example itself is a standard template that is always full of confidence and leads to ultimate success. However, in the real world, many people around us lack such confidence. Seeing people who join the company and work with themselves, even those who enter the company later than themselves, some quickly become business backbones, and some take leadership positions, while the ego still lingers in the old place, this situation will really affect self confidence. The reason is the lack of self-confidence and hard thinking, and can not go all out in studying hard and firm determination. "The world rewards those who do their best with a sunny road, and those who only give half of their strength with a winding path."


After reading the book Attitude Determines Everything, I got a lot of inspiration from it. People are always in the process of change. In real life, if something goes wrong, we should not lose confidence in ourselves, because once we can't control ourselves or never forget our failures, we can't make fundamental self transformation. "It is a very foolish thing to make oneself in a miserable state forever.". As long as we dare to deal with reality and difficulties, we will always find solutions. We affirm ourselves from the heart, develop the habit of thinking with heart, and overcome problems and difficulties with thorough thinking, so that we can exert creativity even under the most negative conditions. Only when we have the habit of thinking with heart in our hearts, can we be confident of any difficulty.


Know yourself correctly, look at others and yourself comprehensively, and don't care too much about others' views or ideas. The views or ideas of others are often one-sided, causing unnecessary inferiority. As long as we do the things we can't do well repeatedly, we will gradually become familiar with them, and they can be accomplished well. We should give more encouragement and believe that we have this potential. There is no humble work in the world, only humble working attitude. Work itself is not inferior, but there are different attitudes towards work. Success or failure depends on your attitude. In the company, employees compete for wisdom and potential as well as attitude. A person's attitude directly determines his behavior, determines whether he is dedicated to his work or perfunctory, content with the status quo or enterprising.


On the road of life, we will always encounter difficulties and dangers of this kind. We should also have the attitude and belief of "never give up easily", and we should also look at problems dialectically, solve problems and assess the situation with optimistic thinking. Therefore, enhancing self-confidence can eliminate the sense of inferiority, and you will feel how confident you are! You can make great achievements in your work while regaining confidence.


Don't try to change others. Only you can change yourself. Only those who change themselves can influence others in their words and deeds. Let's prove Li Kaifu's words with practice - "The world is different because of you".

态度决定一切读后感 篇3


Friend, have you ever been lack of confidence in yourself, unable to control yourself or unable to forget a failure; Have you ever been afraid to try new methods and goals when your motivation and energy to support the pursuit of life have been relaxed; Have you ever felt numb without feeling the joy and happiness of life and work? If so, I would like to introduce a good book to you: Roman. V。 Pierre's Attitude Determines Everything.


This is a book that inspires success. It can inspire the human mind and make people glow with strong inner strength. Tolstoy once said: "The ideal book is the key to open the door of wisdom." This sentence directly shows the function of a good book. After reading this book, I was deeply moved by its content. The most striking point of this book is that one should have the belief of "positive thinking". The story of ten chapters in the book describes this truth in simple terms.


As a member of the Communist Party, I am not critical of the idea of promoting Christianity in the book, but the positive and optimistic belief mentioned in the book is what each of us needs to have. In my daily work, I often hear a colleague complain: "The salary is not proportional to the payment." "Hard work does not attract the attention of leaders." I also often see that many young talents have been promoted and reused by leaders because of their excellent work performance. This makes me often think about why some people who are engaged in the same kind of work can be happy and energetic; Some people are depressed and depressed. Perhaps this is where two people have different attitudes: the more you work with a contradictory and unbalanced attitude, the more opportunities are not close to you. On the contrary, the more you enjoy your work and can find out the fun, the more opportunities will favor you. Opportunities are equal to everyone. It just depends on whether you have grasped them and how you treat them in the face of difficulties. There are many stories of success in the end without giving up dreams and efforts when in trouble: Stephen Hawking was paralyzed in his twenties and later could not even speak, but he founded the theory of the Big Bang; Shi Tiesheng suffered from severe kidney disease, but finally became a great writer. Yang Xiaokai suffered from ten years' imprisonment, but he also became a famous economist at home and abroad. Beveridge said: "People's best work is often done under adverse circumstances. Ideological pressure, even physical pain, can become a spiritual stimulant."


So, what is positive thinking? My understanding is as follows: people with positive thinking, "No matter how bad the conditions are, they can get good results because they have an unshakable belief in their thoughts." "When they find something in their hearts that must be overcome, they will not allow their negative thoughts to hurt their positive beliefs" (quoted from this book); However, negative thinking people, once encountering setbacks, will blindly attribute the responsibility to external factors, so that the distance from success will be more and more remote. Relatively speaking, no matter in the face of difficulties or adversity, people with positive attitudes cannot be suppressed forever, because they have the ability to stand up against adversity as a springboard. It is also like the positive and optimistic belief in the book: "No one can change the situation without changing himself. The situation around him reflects his mental state. If he can change his inner self and regenerate himself, he can face any situation and improve it, which is a very beautiful and correct fact."


There is a sentence in the book that impressed me deeply: Don't be like yourself a second ago. Yes, life is short. If we live in the past and repeat the same self, we will live more and more meaningless. Difficulties and setbacks are not terrible. It is terrible to lose the strength of struggle because of this. It is inevitable that there will be low ebbs and high tides in life. But we should take an objective attitude to view this process dialectically. How do we manage our work, our family and the interpersonal relationships around us? It depends on everyone's attitude and thought. After reading this book, I deeply feel the importance of positive thinking and optimistic belief to people. It is a famous saying in this book: glass is broken by hammer, while steel is forged by hammer. Whether we want to make a piece of glass that can withstand a single blow or a piece of steel that can be forged into good materials depends on us. These are my biggest gains after reading this book.

态度决定一切读后感 篇4


Today I would like to recommend a book by Norman. Vincent. Attitude is everything, by Pierre. The reason why this book is introduced to you is that it is a valuable life guide reading, which helps me determine my life orientation. The 265 wise and creative life maxims in the book can let us face our family, friends and work with a more positive attitude, and at the same time, we can understand ourselves more clearly.


By Norman. Vincent. Pierre is a famous American live speaker, who is often invited to many large enterprises to give motivational speeches to employees. Almost every audience who came to the scene was infected by his passionate speech, and many people were successful because of his inspiration. On the basis of countless successful speeches, Dr. Peel published Attitude Determines Everything in 1999. The book became the best seller in the global bestseller list at one fell swoop, occupying the top ten bestsellers for several years. It was a chance to come into contact with this inspirational book. I just participated in community work in 2010, and I often feel confused and frustrated because I have no experience in community work, so my wife gave me this book Attitude Determines Everything. In my heart, I am not a person who loves reading. I was attracted by it because it satisfies my desire to read many different stories in the same book, and each story is very interesting. It makes me gradually understand many truths of life from the simplest things. Some of the stories full of philosophy let me find the coordinates of life again.


The author is very good at telling big stories with small stories, and the story of an eraser is very interesting. The teacher asked me to stay one day after class. He said, "I know you are hardworking and can fully master all the contents, but you never take the initiative to speak. I know you have a sense of inferiority." He said, "Look, how wonderful this eraser is. It can erase the wrong places and make the paper clean." You, too, should erase your sense of inferiority and give full play to your potential resilience. As long as you pursue, you will be successful as long as you are willing to change yourself. "This little story in the book tells us that in the struggle against difficulties and problems, strong tenacity is the most important. Easily discouraged and acknowledging failure will become a major obstacle to solving problems. As long as there is a will to solve problems and a strong will to never give up, we will be able to open up a smooth path to the future.


Attitude decides everything: we should have the attitude of giving. We should do everything with heart, and also have the attitude of learning. We should make a little progress every day, but also have the attitude of gratitude. We should work with heart, and take work seriously as our own. Descartes said, "Read a good book, Is to talk to many noble people ". Time has given us experience, while reading has given us knowledge. The fragrance of tea is beautiful, which needs to be tasted with heart; the fragrance of flowers is overflowing, which needs to be appreciated with heart; the fragrance of books is intoxicating, which needs to be read with heart. In this world, there is nothing more powerful than books. A good book can change a person's life, enabling him to move from failure to success, from sadness to happiness, and from frustration to striving for strength.


And I just want to tell you, like reading, it will make you full of wisdom and change your destiny!!